Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 108 The Goddess is Graceful

Bai Lu showed off his evil intentions, the man in black robe sniped at Bai Changkong, a sinister wind blew up, crying and laughter continued, and thick fog enveloped several nearby streets. In Lu Qian's mind, the soul and aura were as calm as an ancient well, without any foreknowledge of danger.

But the voice of the woman behind him sounded, and the light in Lu Qian's mind suddenly vibrated. The hair on the back of his neck exploded, and a feeling of extreme danger came over him.

Lu Qian didn't even look back. He activated the pure Zen light, and a clear and peaceful golden light spurted out. The sword on his waist made a clang sound, and the sword jumped out of the scabbard on its own, drawing an arc of light towards the back. Sweep.

Bald donkeys and stuff are the most annoying.

The sweet voice like a silver bell suddenly turned cold, and a dark golden glow emerged continuously, blocking the pure Buddha's light.

The golden and dark golden light and shadow collided with each other, making a chichi sound, like the collision of red-hot iron and ice. The two melted each other, and Lu Qian only felt that the spiritual light of his soul was constantly being consumed.

The Yan Ling sword forged from hundreds of refined steel struck behind him with a harsh sound of breaking through the air. An exquisite hairpin brought up a large and gorgeous flower shadow. With a slight click, Lu Qian's sword was like a fragile soap bubble. 'It exploded into pieces.

The terrible cold air hit, and the hairpin shining with a blurred light turned into a wisp of cold light and stabbed Lu Qian's heart.

Lu Qian had already turned around. He used all his strength to activate the talisman in his mind, and a large area of ​​pure Zen light fell like a waterfall. He could also see clearly that behind him, the dark golden glow and the pure Zen light were emitted. It was a person. A jade flute.

And the hairpin was already in front of him, and the terrifying sharp energy rushed towards Lu Qian's face, which made Lu Qian's face sting painfully.

This is a rare treasure!

Extraordinary things can resist it!

Lu Qian stamped his foot hard, and the small building under his feet collapsed, and his body suddenly fell to the ground.

The hairpin brought up countless beautiful flower shadows that looked like a dream, swirled slightly, and fell straight from above.

In the shadow of the flower, countless cold rays flickered, and a terrifying aura hit him. Lu Qian's body whirled sharply, and several cold rays brushed against his body. With a few chichi sounds, several cuts were made on Lu Qian's arms and thighs. A wound half an inch deep.

The wound hurt slightly, and the sinister cold air invaded the body.

Lu Qianshan's Guixu Immortal Energy burst out from his central acupoint, and purple-black fairy light filled his body. The evil energy near the wound made a harsh chichi sound, and when struck by the immortal essence, it immediately turned into large bloody ice flakes and spurted out of the body.

After several times of tempering, Lu Qian Wuliang's body has become dozens of times more powerful than an ordinary person's body.

The evil force was forced out of the wound, and the flesh and blood in the wound immediately began to grow, and a thin layer of blood scab formed during the breath.

The hairpins flickered, and the shadows of flowers all over the sky whizzed down.

A shrill voice screamed: This is, this is... I remember, I remember!

Damn, you deserve to die!

Countless flower shadows surged, covering a space of more than ten feet above Lu Qian's head.

Wherever the flower shadow passed, beams and columns, bricks and tiles were cut into pieces. Bailu's small building collapsed and shattered with a crisp sound of chichi, and was completely razed to the ground.

Lu Qian landed on the ground, with the breeze flowing around him and the golden light swirling around him, spinning around like a top.

Countless strands of cold light were hidden in the shadows of flowers all over the sky, constantly piercing towards him.

Lu Qian's movements were too fast, and streaks of cold light kept passing by him.

The hairpin kept making shrill and vicious screams, the flower shadows bloomed faster and faster, and the cold light contained in the flower shadows became more and more dense.

Lu Qian passed by a group of Bai family guards.

The shadows of flowers passed by the group of Bai family guards.

Dozens of Bai family guards, including masters at the tenth and eleventh level of the Tuo Pulse Realm, countless gorgeous flower shadows flashed past, and dense wounds like honeycombs appeared on their bodies, and then there was a 'pop' of essence and blood. It spurted out and was sucked clean by the hairpin, and dozens of guards instantly became mummies.

In Lu Qian's hand, there were more than a dozen swords.

He kept swinging his sword, slashing at the hairpins. The Bai family was not short of money, and the swords issued by these guards were even more sophisticated than Lu Qian's original palace guard general-level sword.

Lu Qian's original sword was only a hundred-refined steel, but some of the weapons used by the Bai family's guards were even fine products that were refined three hundred times.

Regardless of whether it is a hundred times, two hundred times or three hundred times, these swords will instantly shatter into pieces when they hit the hairpin, and explode into iron powder no larger than the size of a sesame seed, scattering all over the floor.

The hairpin chuckled: You must die today, you must die!

Before he finished speaking, Lu Qian passed by the group of Zhu's guards. Likewise, he snatched away the weapons in the hands of these guards, and with the hairpin, he mercilessly killed all the Zhu's guards.

Only Zhu Song, who was under the protection of the guards, saw the flower shadows in the sky coming towards him. Zhu Song actually rolled on the spot and flew so fast that he almost flew more than ten feet away from the ground.

Zhu Song's movement skills at this moment were almost at their peak, even vaguely at the level of Lu Qian.

Three rays of cold light almost grazed his scalp, leaving three deep wounds on his back. Blood spattered, and Zhu Song cried out in pain. The terrible evil cold air invaded his body. Zhu Song hit his head against the wall of the small courtyard, his whole body twitching and unable to move anymore.

Where do these sneaky things come from? Zhu Song hissed and shouted: I can't count on Lord Tianyang, it's miserable!

Bai Lu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. She held on to Zhu Yu with both hands. Blood continued to flow out of Zhu Yu's scratched face. Zhu Yu, who was in unbearable pain, howled miserably and cried loudly. The whole courtyard felt like hell for a moment.

Ahu looked at Lu Qian dumbfounded.

Lu Qian's movement is too fast, and movement is A Hu's biggest weakness.

But this big guy was a little stupid, but not stupid at all. He saw Lu Qian constantly swinging his sword, but no weapon could resist the hairpin in the slightest. Just as Lu Qian was a few feet away from him. As Lu Qian passed by, he just raised his left hand and threw his Demon-Conquering Pestle.

Brother Qi, pick up the guy!

The Demonic Pestle brought up a violent blast and smashed it out.

The hairpin let out a shrill laugh, and with a sharp stroke, it blocked the demon-conquering pestle.

The pure Zen light emitted by Lu Qian lightly touched the Demon-Conquering Pestle. On the translucent Demon-Conquering Pestle, patches of red lotus patterns suddenly lit up, and flames that were an inch thick were sprayed out.

The flames burned the hairpin, and the hairpin let out a shrill cry of pain. The flower shadows all over the sky suddenly collapsed, and the hairpin's pursuit suddenly stopped. It was like a fly that hit the flypaper, and was stuck to the demon pestle, unable to move.

Hey, he is indeed a good guy!

Lu Qian took advantage of the Demon-Conquering Pestle, and with the continuous blessing of the divine soul's spiritual light, he activated the Demon-Conquering Pestle to emit an even stronger flame.

In just a few clicks, the size of the hairpin shrank by a circle, and the wailing sound it made was also much weaker.

Bai Lu was still laughing wildly, and the jade flute suspended on the top of the show building whistled loudly, and the large dark golden glow turned into thick ripples and enveloped her head. In the glow, countless slender and beautiful palms could be faintly seen grasping the direction. Got Lu Qian.

A pair of blood-colored embroidered shoes quietly appeared behind Lu Qian. A wisp of green smoke spurted out from the embroidered shoes. A figure of a woman in a red skirt quietly emerged from the smoke. On her two pale palms, ten blood-colored nails sprouted. It was as long as a foot, and it stabbed Lu Qian's vitals behind silently.

I'm waiting for you!

Lu Yi roared loudly, and the Demon Subduing Pestle with his left hand did not move. From the palm of his right hand, the Taichu Gui Xu Bottle suddenly jumped out. Lu Yi held the thin neck of the Gui Xu Bottle and used the Gui Xu Bottle as a hammer, and smashed it with the hammer with his backhand. On top of the woman's head emerging from the embroidered shoes.


The Guixu bottle is so heavy.

When Lu Qian just got the Guixu bottle, the unforged bottle crushed the small building and almost crushed Lu Qian.

The weight of the Guixu bottle is at least hundreds of thousands of kilograms.

Lu Qian used all his strength to blast out, and with the blessing of the spiritual light of his soul, the Guixu bottle was as light as nothing in his hand. The force of the blast increased by more than ten times?

In particular, a purple-black fairy light lingered on the Guixu bottle, and a terrifying aura that was vast, majestic, inclusive of all things yet crushed all things exploded.

The female figure howled miserably, and half of her body was smashed into wisps of green smoke.

A large amount of blood spurted out from the two embroidered shoes, and then there was a flash of light and shadow, and the two embroidered shoes let out a shrill cry. They walked around Lu Qian one after another, and bumped into the crazily burning hairpin adsorbed on the Demon-Conquering Pestle. .


Lu Qian's left hand shook slightly, and his embroidered shoe knocked his hairpin from the Demon-Conquering Pestle.

Two embroidered shoes and a hairpin flew high into the sky at the same time and crashed into the dark golden glow of the sky. Lu Qian released pure Zen light and chased after them, but was blocked by the dark golden glow again. The two left the ground. There was a crazy collision more than ten feet in the air, and a low, thunderous sound erupted.

The jade flute moved gently.

Embroidered shoes and hairpins appear beside it at the same time.

The laughter of Chi Chi slowly sounded: What a fierce husband... Hey, this scene seems familiar!

Lu Qian looked at the three sneaky things floating on the roof of the building and said coldly: Who are you?

We... The sound of jade flutes, embroidered shoes or hairpins came out erratically: We are not things... We are really not things! Ha, ha, ha!

The dark golden light disappeared, and then, over the Bai family's mansion, large golden auspicious clouds appeared out of thin air accompanied by the golden red auspicious light, and the graceful fairy sounds came from all directions.

Blood-colored transparent petals fall from the sky, and each petal is extremely beautiful.

In the fairy light of auspicious clouds, a group of heavenly maidens with beautiful appearance and thin clothes quietly emerged holding pipa, jade flute, waist drum and other musical instruments. They sang beautiful songs, twisted their waists, and performed the devil dance in the auspicious clouds and fairy light.

Lu Qian's soul aura shook violently.

He groaned, his vision went dark, and he almost fainted.

The moment these goddesses appeared, waves of evil power swept over him like a tsunami. Crazy and twisted thoughts impacted his soul. The huge impact in an instant almost defeated him.

In the small courtyard, Bai Changkong and others were even more unbearable. As soon as the goddesses appeared, everyone was dazzled at the same time. They stared blankly at the goddesses one by one, and their souls were controlled instantly.

Bai Lang, Bai Xi, Bai Qiong and other nine sons of Bai Changkong, all of them showed dull smiles at the same time. Blood flowed out of the seven orifices, and their bodies shriveled up little by little.

Bai Lu's laughter became more and more hysterical: Haha, haha, die, die, die together, you... treat me like this, you all deserve to die!

The group of goddesses twisted their waists and slowly fell from the sky. They chuckled and approached Lu Qian step by step.

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