Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 118 Anping Prefecture, rebel!

February 15th.

On a good and auspicious day, it is appropriate to break ground, travel far, and launch an expedition.

On the south bank of Jingang River in Baimafang, teams of vehicles and horses are transporting supplies and equipment into the mountains.

During the battle between Shi E and Xueduo Luo, both sides showed their horses and identities. Due to the suppression of the so-called secret agreement of the three religions, both sides took a step back. Lu Qian successfully obtained his family's treasure from Ma Qianli. That land deed, house deed.

Lu Yi acted in a military-like manner and could be said to be vigorous and resolute.

After getting all the land deeds for a forest on the south bank of King Kong River, he immediately spent a lot of money, hired tens of thousands of workers, and purchased a huge amount of construction materials. In just a few days, a lot of materials had been transported to the mountains. .

Today is a good day.

Lu Qian, Lu Wei, Shi evil, Panman and others gathered together. Early in the morning, Shi evil set up the altar and prepared to break ground for the construction.

Lu Qian also met other disciples of Vajra Temple besides Shi Evil.

Relieve difficulties, relieve disasters, relieve disasters, relieve disasters!

Like Shi Evil, these five masters from the previous generation of the Vajra Temple were all tall, skinny, and stern, giving Lu Qian a strong sense of oppression and danger.

In addition to Panman, there were dozens of other princes and princes from Nanman State who also came over secretly.

Like Panman, these princes and princes are disciples of Shi Nan and others.

Lu Qian also just learned that the main gate of the Great Vajra Temple is located in the Million Gods and Demons Mountain in the extreme south of Nanman State, close to the border between Nanman State and the Extreme Southern Wilderness State.

Incense smoke filled the air, and three animals were sacrificed.

Shi evil and other five bald old monks chanted sutras and mantras, danced around the altar and made trouble for ghosts for a while. They held shovels and gently moved a shovelful of soil on the top of the mountain.

The hired workers all around cheered in unison. They carried various tools and struck ruthlessly at several villas near the top of the mountain. Through random smashing and smashing, several originally beautiful villas were turned into ruins, and all kinds of construction waste were transported out like water.

At the same time that the construction of the Haojing outer courtyard of the Great Vajra Temple broke out, eight thousand miles southwest of Haojing, surrounded by mountains, stretched tens of thousands of miles to Anping Prefecture, Changping County, and the county seat Changping City.

The plan for the year lies in spring, and spring plowing is undoubtedly a very important matter for Dayin Dynasty and the wealthy families of Dayin Dynasty.

Early in the morning, Zhuge Lu, the governor of Changping County, had summoned all subordinate officials to gather on a piece of prime farmland outside Changping City.

Drums and horns were blaring, and gongs and drums were noisy. Next to the field ridge, Zhuge Lu set up an altar to worship the God of Agriculture and the God of Grain, and offered three kinds of animal sacrifices, melons, fruits, wine and other sacrificial objects.

After kneeling down and praying, Zhuge Lu took off his official boots, rolled up his trousers, and with more than a dozen personal guards waiting on him, he entered the fertile field in front of him barefoot, which could be as large as a hundred acres. He held a plow in his left hand and a whip in his right hand to drive. He was driving a big, fat bull, plowing two sections of land in a decent manner.

There was thunderous applause in private. Officials from various yamen in the county and city, as well as accompanying yamen servants, guards, village heads, farm heads, etc., all with rosy faces and high spirits, applauded and praised Zhuge Lv for his diligence in farming and mulberry farming, which was quite impressive in ancient times. The virtuous person's demeanor of working hard is a true gentleman of culture and education, and a good minister and general of Dayin.

Around this piece of fertile land, tens of thousands of farmers, naked and disheveled, gathered in a dark crowd.

These farmers, regardless of age or sex, were all lifeless, standing there like wooden stakes, staring blankly at Zhuge Lu pretending to be in the farmland.

When the officials, village heads, and farmers applauded and cheered, no one moved or made a sound among these farmers, just like a group of dead people standing still in place.

The vast Changping County is filled with fertile plains as far as the eye can see, not even a small hill or small soil bag.

Thousands of miles of fertile fields have been opened up into fertile fields, including fine paddy fields, mulberry fields, pastures, fish ponds, etc., totaling hundreds of millions of acres.

Outside Changping City alone, there are no less than 30 million acres of top-quality farmland.

But in the entire Changping County, all the fields are the property of the Zhuge family, and all the farmers are serfs of the Zhuge family!

Zhuge's family in Changping County implemented the Baojia Law and the system of if one person gets into trouble, he will stay with him. All serfs were only allowed to move on their own fields and were strictly prohibited from leaving within three miles of their own fields. Violators would be killed.

When farmers farmed, no matter whether it was a good year or a bad year, the farmers only distributed rations according to a fixed amount, and all other harvests belonged to the Zhuge family.

Not only that.

During their leisure time, farmers built palaces, pavilions, forests and gardens for the Zhuge family to enjoy.

In farmers' families, if their daughter is born with some beauty, she must be sent to the Zhuge family's mansion and allowed to be enjoyed by all the masters and young masters.

Once the elderly farmers lose their labor force and are considered useless people who only waste food, the village head and farmer head will come to the house with thugs and drive these old people into the wilderness, leaving them to fend for themselves.

There were even young men from various Zhuge clans who went on outings in the spring and were extremely bored. They formed groups like bandits and bandits, breaking down houses and destroying homes in villages and towns. They committed wanton rape, robbery, murder and arson, and treated farmers as prey!

Just like Zhuge Lv's eldest son, he went on a spring outing one year, destroyed three farms in a row, led his personal guards to kill nearly 10,000 mountain bandits, and returned with a song of victory. After recording his merits, he was awarded the title of General of Fighting Bandits of Changping County, and was recommended by Zhuge Lv. , was promoted to Haojing and entered the Haojing City Defense Army Lieutenant's Mansion. This year I heard that he was already a powerful general commanding an army of 100,000 people!

There are so many kinds of things that are so unbearable that they are countless.

Zhuge Lu summoned tens of thousands of farmers to watch him start the first plow of spring plowing. He and a group of Zhuge officials had fun, but these farmers were filled with despair. Who could laugh?

Zhuge Lu, who was plowing the fields, had a gloomy expression and glanced around.

In the peasant team, the confidants and thugs of the farmers and village leaders suddenly started to scold in a low voice: You bunch of scoundrels, hurry up and applaud, hurry up and cheer for the county governor!

If you shout well, if you shout loudly, there will be one mixed-noodle bun for each person!

Quick, quick, clap quickly, cheer quickly... Whoever dares not to do as we are told will have your legs broken later!

Following the instigation of these people in the crowd, the peasants with disheveled faces and numb expressions began to applaud.

Wow! applause spread, and someone took the lead in shouting slogans praising Zhuge Lu's virtues. Scatteredly, some farmers followed him and shouted.

Zhuge Luzhi smiled proudly.

He turned around, smiled at the officials who were waiting for him to plow the fields, and said, My sword is still there... eh?

Zhuge Lu saw that not far behind him, the gate tower of Changping City suddenly burst into flames.

One after another, the soldiers screamed and fell from the city wall covered in blood. It could be faintly seen that there were many big men in armor holding sharp knives, frantically chasing these soldiers and slashing them.

Flagpoles were erected on the city wall, and then white flags were hung.

In the center of the white flag made of burlap is a red lotus surrounded by red flames.


Fireworks rose into the sky, exploding into clusters of red, lotus-like fire.

A high-pitched roar came from the direction of the city gate tower: The red lotus appears, enjoy peace, the red lotus comes to the world, the world is at peace!

Zhuge Lu and a group of officials turned around at the same time and stared blankly at the city gate tower surrounded by fire and smoke.

'red lotus'?

What red lotus?

They racked their brains and frantically searched their memories, but even the most well-read among them could not remember where they had seen records related to the 'Red Lotus'.

Tens of thousands of farmers gathered around the farmland and were summoned by Zhuge Lu to serve as backgrounds. Their expressions suddenly became extremely strange.

Their numb expressions gradually became more lively, and in their dull eyes like those of a dead person, wisps of crazy flames emerged out of thin air.

'red lotus'!

Someone was shouting in a low voice.

'red lotus'! !

Someone raised their hands.

‘The red lotus comes to the world to subdue demons; the red lotus appears to enjoy peace’! ! !

A group of men who were no more than forty years old but looked as haggard and old as sixty or seventy-year-old men suddenly jumped to their feet with a roar.

Like crazy demons, they hugged the cronies of the villagers and farmers around them, opened their mouths, and bit the big blood vessels on their necks.

Blood spurted out, and the thugs screamed in pain.

The farmers who were summoned roared and raised long and short hoes or other farm tools.

They waved farm tools wildly and plowed down the thugs around them who were dressed in fine cloth, cleanly dressed, and trained to be strong and powerful.

The terrible sound of bones breaking came from all directions, and thousands of thugs were beaten into a pulp in an instant.

The farmers roared and shouted the slogan Red Lotus Appears, Enjoy Peace loudly. Like crazy beasts, they rushed towards Zhuge Lu and other Changping County officials from all directions.

Civil uprising! Zhuge Lu was so frightened that he trembled all over. He shouted hysterically a word that had never appeared in his nightmares!

‘Civil uprising’!

These despicable sons of Anping Prefecture, these despicable sons who are destined to work for the Six Saints, Nineteen Sages and Sixty-three Das of culture and education for the rest of their lives, how can they dare to rebel?

who is it?

who is it?

Who is behind this?

Come out! Zhuge Lu no longer cared to think about the mystery behind this. He grabbed the guards around him tightly, roared hysterically, and ordered them to protect him and rush out.

Tens of thousands of peasants rebelled, but there were also thousands of accompanying soldiers guarding the scene.

It may not be possible to suppress this sudden rebellion, but it should be no problem to protect Zhuge Lu and rush out!

A general wearing armor rushed over with a group of soldiers. He waved his long sword and easily chopped down a dozen of the fastest peasants: Uncle Ninth, rush out with me quickly. These mud legs Son, let’s watch them later!”

Before he finished speaking, a sharp sound broke through the air.

An iron bullet roared through the air with a white trajectory clearly visible to the naked eye, and blasted the general's head into a ball of blood mist with one blow.

Zhuge Lu, where are we going?

February 15th, night.

Hundreds of messenger hawks flew into various buildings in Haojing in a chaotic manner.

‘Anping Prefecture, rebel’!

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