Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 123 Supervising the Army (2)

Jiuquyuan, the school grounds.

Behind Lu Qian, Shenwu General Yu Diianhu was holding a staff and sitting upright on the blood-hoof Wuzui.

Several large banners were fluttering in the wind, and the tails of various wolves were swaying in the wind, exuding a murderous aura.

A nine-curved green umbrella covers Lu Qian's head diagonally above his head. The umbrella has the royal Kunpeng pattern, which is luxurious and majestic, highlighting the supreme privilege granted by the emperor himself.

Dozens of little eunuchs in purple and red clothes, together with a group of palace supervisors, warriors, and supervisors in various colors of robes, totaling just over ten thousand, were separated left and right in a majestic manner, which further enhanced Lu Qian's guard of honor. Full of evil spirits.

Twenty thousand Yulin troops, together with Lu Qian's three thousand personal guards, also rode on blood-hoofed Wu Zui, and formed an array behind Lu Qian.

Near the Yulin Army, there were 10,000 heavy cavalrymen of the Forbidden Army wearing heavy armor, holding wheeled axes, and their whole bodies were wrapped in thick armor, with only two eyes exposed.

The mounts of these forbidden army heavy cavalry were dragon-horned colts that were slightly larger than the Bloodhoof Wuzui. They were fat and strong, with one or two sharp horns on their foreheads.

The Dragon Horned Horse, like the Blood-hoofed Wuzui of the Yulin Army, is also a unique beast bloodline mount of the Dayin Forbidden Army.

Although the running speed of this kind of mount is not as fast as that of Bloodhoof Wuzui, who can run five or six thousand miles in six hours, it can still be stable at around four thousand miles. The most important thing is that the dragon horned horse is extremely powerful and has extremely long endurance. It can carry heavy cavalry carrying hundreds of kilograms of armor and run steadily at a full speed of four thousand miles a day for more than half a month.

The dull sound of running came from a distance. Two majestic young men wearing black armor, blood-colored cloaks, and holding long swords rushed into the school grounds with a group of wolf riders.

Lu Jun and Lu Yi are Lu Yi's sons. Lu Jun is ten years older than Lu Qian, and Lu Yi is eight years older than Lu Qian.

Both of them have practiced the techniques of the Great Vajra Temple. Like Lu Yi, they both have broad frames and are extremely tall, almost ten feet tall. Sitting on the back of the wolf, they look like two iron towers.

Lu Yi returned to Beijing and held a banquet at the Tianen Palace. Lu Qian, Lu Jun and Lu Yi all met and drank. Under Lu Yi's guidance, Lu Qian established friendship with the two clan brothers.

Brother Qi! Lu Jun and Lu Yi came roaring with three thousand wolf cavalry. The two brothers shouted, and the two wolves stopped in front of Lu Qi. The two brothers raised their right hands and knocked lightly. On his chest, his eyes swept over the ceremonial guard behind Lu Qian with fiery eyes.

The two brothers arrived just in time, let's set off now. Huh? Who are these? Lu Qian saw that among the wolf cavalry brought by Lu Jun and Lu Yi, there were several people wearing silk gowns and looking very tall. A man who is fair and tender, and looks rich and noble.

Oh, they are my three uncles and five cousins. Lu Jun glanced at the trembling men disapprovingly, and said calmly: Father said that supervising the army this time is an easy job. So I conquered them with the ax and ax given by the emperor, and let them serve in the army, and they can also gain wealth.

Lu Jun lowered his voice: Otherwise, these guys won't be able to get married or fight, and the whole family will be rich and powerful... Haha, we can't have our mother crying in the warehouse every year, 'We've been robbed.' stop?

Lu Qian laughed.

In the past few years when Lu Wei was guarding the northern border town, the Tian'en Palace was robbed every year at the end of the year. This had become a joke among the powerful circles in Haojing.

The problem is, there is a general who guards the Tianen Palace, and you lose a thousand and eight hundred taels of gold and silver. Maybe the general is slacking off. This can be explained in the past.

You are robbed every year, and each time tens of thousands of taels of gold and silver, or even hundreds of thousands of copper coins, are stolen. This is outrageous.

Copper coins weigh several kilograms, and there are hundreds of thousands of copper coins. There is such a big pile on the hill. If you ask Lu Qian to steal it, he will not be able to take away so many copper coins with his own strength!

Fu Di Mo. Lu Yi sighed and grinned at Lu Jun and Lu Yi's three uncles and five cousins: I will call them after my two brothers, three uncles, and five cousins. Cousin, you must abide by the rules and be honest in the army, otherwise, I will... chop your heads off!

Thirty-six Shenwu generals looked at these few at the same time.

An 'uncle' who looked to be the oldest in his early fifties howled with a crying voice: We can't fight. What can we do? Brother Ren, you, you, please let us go back. Home, okay?

Lu Jun said with a straight face, shaking his head: How strict are the rules in the army? Your names have been reported to the Ministry of War and the General's Office, and the emperor has also sent the army roster. If you go back, you will be running away from the battle. That is to say Cut off the head.

The tears of several uncles and cousins ​​flowed down line by line.

Lu Qian looked amused, shook his head, saluted towards the depths of Jiuquyuan, and then waved his right fist: Let's start like this. The two brothers are veterans in the army. The scouts, sentries, etc., are made by the two. My brother arranged it.

Lu Jun and Lu Yi agreed in unison, and with a wave of their hands, more than a dozen teams of ten people roared out of the Canglang Cavalry, gradually separated, and rushed out of Jiuqu Garden along the galloping road.

Then the 10,000 Yulin Army Qingqi followed, followed closely by the 3,000 Yulin Army commanded by Lu Qian, the 10,000 Palace Guards, and the 3,000 Canglang Cavalry as the central army. Behind the central army was a group of the Forbidden Army. Thousands of heavy cavalry, followed by ten thousand light cavalry of the Yulin Army, and finally thousands of leading soldiers and logistics soldiers transferred from the Yulin Army.

The large group of people roared along the galloping road. The sound of horse hooves was earth-shattering. Wherever they passed, the people on the streets looked sideways and pointed at the large group of people.

The sky was getting dark, and in Haojing City, on both sides of the road where the army was going, there were pillars of light and smoke rising along the way, marking the route that Lu Qian and his team were about to travel.

This is also a warning to the common people in Haojing to get out of the way quickly.

Otherwise, if you are trampled to death by the galloping army, your death will be in vain, and you will also be prosecuted by the military for the felony of obstructing the march.

The speed of the cavalry gradually increased, and gradually reached the top speed of the dragon horn colt. The team stabilized at this speed, and rushed towards the west while whistling all the way.

With the sound of hoofbeats, the team of supervisors commanded by Lu Qian flew straight past the galloping road in front of the Kunpengfang Military Department Yamen.

Inside the gate of the Ministry of War Yamen, Zhu Chong and others frowned as they looked at the team speeding past.

The emperor actually sent a supervisory army! Someone said angrily: This is a distrust of our ministers.

Stop talking nonsense, the supervisory troops cannot enter Anping Prefecture. Someone said coldly: We must send people outside Anping Prefecture to stop them.

They can't enter Anping Prefecture. Someone smiled bitterly: But our vanguard army has not set off yet, and he, a supervisor, actually ran to the front? If he turned around halfway and saw the number of our vanguard army...

Morachu coughed dryly: It's hard to fight an ambush of half a million people. With this kid in the way, our vanguard army must at least dispatch more than 200,000 people. Otherwise, the number of people will be too different. I can’t explain it.”

Zhu Song, who was standing next to Zhu Chong, looked at the retreating team with a faint look, and said calmly: Lu Qian, this puppy, is just here to cause trouble for us. Well, if the scale of the rebellion was larger and a duke was killed in the battle, It’s excusable, right?”

Zhu Chong looked at his brothers. Thinking that Zhu Song's only son had disappeared so inexplicably, Zhu Chong sighed and patted Zhu Song on the shoulder: Who can say accurately about things in this world? Even the emperor is in the army. There was an accident, right?”

At night, the supervisory army brigade under Lu Qian's command had galloped westwards for more than a thousand miles along the galloping road.

In the Partridge Fang in Bupinfang City, the brigade relied on the Forbidden Army garrison camp here, set up camp, and began to dig stoves for cooking.

In the General's Mansion, a messenger eagle has already delivered the order in advance.

The garrison at Partridge Square opened the granary and allowed Lu Qian to use the grain and grass.

Lu Qian even ordered people to purchase a large number of live pigs, live sheep, and a large number of chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry from the households in Partridge Fang. The accompanying gang leaders and logistics soldiers happily started killing pigs and sheep. Stew the meat in a big pot until the meat is fragrant.

Because the army is still in Haojing City, close to the Forbidden Army garrison camp, there is almost no risk here.

Therefore, Lu Qian went out of his way to let each soldier receive half a kilogram of old wine to dispel the cold air blown into his body by the cold wind while running wildly.

For a time, the soldiers cheered in unison, drinking and eating meat, and were very happy.

While they were eating and drinking, the thunderous sound of hooves approached quickly, and the vanguard of the rebellion army commanded by Zhuge Li had already caught up.

Lu Jun and Lu Yi, who were sitting by the campfire eating and drinking, raised their heads at the same time and glanced in the direction of the vanguard army.

This city defense army is looking good. Lu Jun praised: The mobilization order was issued early in the morning. The army will be on its way in the evening and can catch up with us at this point. This city defense army does not seem to be completely Empty airs!

Lu Yi took a hard bite and bit a sheep's hoof bone into pieces.

He sneered: Whether it's empty airs or not, we'll have to wait until we go into battle... Do you think, if we attack with 10,000 heavy cavalry now, can they withstand it?

Naughty! Lu Jun pointed at Lu Yi and said with a smile: They are all in light armor and cannot stop the heavy cavalry. However, the strength of the troops is too disparity. The number they reported, the vanguard legion, has 500,000 people. !”

Tsk! After saying 'five hundred thousand', Lu Jun and Lu Yi laughed at the same time. Several Canglangqi generals sitting next to them also laughed very happily.

Lu Qian dropped the bones in his hand and asked with a smile: Why are you laughing so happily?

Lu Jun shook his head and said: When we were in the Northern Boundary City, several nearby cities had both forbidden troops and city defense troops stationed at the same time.

The Forbidden Army is doing its duty. The number of soldiers is exactly the same as what is on the military register. The general is very strict in running the army. But those generals sent by the Ministry of War, the city defense troops under their command...the military register is full of heads. Yes, but in the camp, those who are more conscientious are missing 30% of the soldiers, and those who are more courageous are missing 60% of the soldiers in the camp!

Lu Jin looked at Lu Jun dumbfounded: Eating 60% of your salary? How many years has it been since the city defense officer's mansion was built? Is it a hundred years old?

Lu Jun and Lu Yi spread their hands at the same time, shaking their heads and laughing strangely.

While he was smiling, a fierce quarrel came from outside the gate of the Forbidden Army garrison in Partridge Fang.

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