Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 129 Faith

Early in the morning on the second day, Lu Qian's army had breakfast, bathed in the morning light, and headed southwest.

The big parrot soared high in the sky, chirping cheerfully from time to time.

After returning to the camp after a killing last night, Lu Qian cut the remaining Xuanyuan Divine Water and gave it to them.

After a night of hard digestion, the big parrot felt full of energy. With a slight flap of its wings, it could soar up to a thousand feet into the sky. It couldn't help but sing a tune it learned from Lu Qian with a weird sound.

I want to fly...higher! Ouch!

Lu Qian broke camp and left, and Zhuge Li's vanguard army followed closely.

After the two armies left, one after another, several handsome and elegant disciples of Paradise Palace, dressed in war robes and soft armor, dressed as guards, hurriedly arrived outside the camp where Lu Qian camped yesterday.

In the morning breeze and under the morning light, a row of more than a dozen flagpoles stood.

More than a dozen male disciples of Paradise Palace who were roughly intact and whose faces could be recognized were stripped clean, their hands were tied with ropes, and they were hung on a flagpole and swayed in the wind.

Several disciples of Paradise Palace stared dumbly at their fellow disciples who were killed, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

This, this...how dare he?

Someone else hissed: These senior brothers are dead, where are the six junior sisters who acted together? They, they...

They are all elite disciples of the Paradise Palace. They are proficient in all kinds of messy skills. The six female disciples were not hung on the flagpole like their fellow brothers. When they came to find out the news, countless messy things suddenly appeared in their minds. picture.

A moment later, two palm-sized falcons of different bloods rose into the sky, reporting on what happened here, and flew towards Haojing City in a flash.

Several disciples of Paradise Palace suppressed their anger and fear and hurriedly caught up with Zhuge Li's vanguard army.

They didn't know that not long after they left, the two different-blooded falcons had not yet increased their speed to their fastest speed. A group of red shadows jumped down in the air. The big parrot opened its mouth, and two thin flames spurted out. Immediately two The falcon was killed on the spot.

The burnt eagle fell from the sky.

The big parrot followed the falling falcon all the way down, and nimbly tore off the small copper pipe tied to their talons, grabbed a copper pipe with one talon, and jumped into the sky cheering.

The big parrot flew extremely fast and soon caught up with Lu Qian's group.

Lu Qian took the copper tube dropped by the big parrot, took out the note and glanced at it, and laughed Hey: Bai Changkong, is actually Hao Jingxing from the Paradise Palace?

Lu Qian didn't hide it from Lu Jun and Lu Yi, he directly handed over the note.

Lu Jun and Lu Yi read the note and sneered at the same time: Okay, very good. The three religions have clearly made an agreement. Their disciples of Paradise Palace actually dared to ignore the secret agreement of the three religions and attack and kill my disciples of the Great Vajra Temple. .”

Hey, let's file a complaint first and get the truth first.

On the back of the speeding wolf, Lu Jun took out a pen and paper, hurriedly wrote three letters and handed them to Lu Qian.

After Lu Qianlue examined it, he and Lu Jun used the seals one after another.

Subsequently, Lu Jun released three military-trained falcons every quarter of an hour, only one of which carried a letter. He released three waves of falcons in succession, allowing them to fly directly to the capital of Hao.

When we set up camp at night, the reply was sent.

The reply was written by Shi Evil himself. His tone was extremely fierce, saying, The Palace of Paradise is an evil heretic. Their disciples maliciously destroyed the secret agreement of the three religions. This is to provoke a conflict between the two religions. Buddhism will definitely retaliate with all its strength and let Lu Just act boldly'!

Shi Xie's reply contained this meaning both inside and outside the words.

‘Since ancient times, Buddhism has always followed the truth; if Buddhism fails to follow the truth, then Buddhism will use its fists to teach you what the ‘correct truth’ is!”

'Since ancient times, Buddhism has been the incarnation of justice. In the Palace of Paradise, evil demons and heretics, their disciples can be killed freely; if the killing is wrong, then Buddhism will tell the world with their fists that the person who was killed will not be killed. There is a way to die!

‘To sum up, Buddhism will never make mistakes; if Buddhism makes mistakes, it must be your understanding’!

‘So, as long as it is beneficial to Buddhism’s plan, Lu Qian can be unscrupulous and do whatever he wants’!

In the reply, Shi Evil clearly told Lu Qian that he had sent someone to deliver a message to the Buddhist forces in Anping Prefecture. After Lu Qian arrived in Anping Prefecture, an elite Buddhist force would be transferred to Lu Qian for deployment.

Is this the style of Buddhism in this world?

Lu Qian inexplicably remembered that in Baimafang a few days ago, Xue Duoluo was seriously injured in a sneak attack from behind by Shi Wu with his Vajra Tribulation Finger.

A dignified Buddhist monk actually attacked behind his back?

Moreover, the words in the reply to Lu Qian were so fierce and domineering.

I like this kind of behavior. Lu Qian smiled and handed the reply letter to Lu Jun who was walking side by side: This way, I feel very safe.

Anping Prefecture is located southwest of Haojing, eight thousand miles away in a straight line.

The armies under the command of Lu Qian and Zhuge Li were all riding horses of different blood. The slowest ones could travel up to four thousand miles a day.

When an army travels, it is naturally impossible to travel at the most ideal speed. Setting up camp, cooking pots, and all kinds of trivial matters will consume a lot of time.

Even so, on the morning of February 23, the 19th year of Jiayou's reign, Lu Qian's army successfully arrived in front of Anping Pass.

The vast Anping Prefecture has thousands of miles of fertile wilderness in its hinterland, an endless plain area.

It is surrounded by mountains, and there are only four channels, three mountains and one water, leading to the outside world.

Anpingguan is a road passage in the northeast corner of Anping. This is a valley that stretches for 600 miles. Anpingguan is at the outermost end of the valley.

The ten-mile-wide valley road is tightly sealed by two ten-foot-high city walls at the front and rear. This is the 'Anping Pass', the only pass into Anping Prefecture from the direction of Haojing.

What needs to be explained is that there was no ‘Anping Pass’ on the original territory of Dayin.

After the cultural and educational family divided and controlled the entire Anping Prefecture, Anping Prefecture allocated money and food, spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and spent more than a year building the 'Anping Pass', which completely locked up Anping Prefecture. The passage leading to Haojing.

During the peace season, only 30,000 to 50,000 local city defense troops were stationed in Anping Pass.

But at Anping Pass today, flags are fluttering on the city walls and there are densely packed leather-armored soldiers. The number of troops emerging from the city wall alone was no less than 30,000.

Zhuge Li's vanguard army was ahead of Lu Qian, and the mighty team blocked the valley road leading to Anping Pass.

Lu Qian rode on the top of a hill more than a hundred feet high by the side of the road, looking at Anping Pass, which had opened the city gate and was letting Zhuge Li's vanguard army pass through, more than a dozen miles away.

Tsk, I'm used to seeing the imperial city wall of Haojing, and I've seen the outer city wall of Haojing. Now looking at this level, I feel inexplicably... so exquisite. I feel like I can smash the city wall with one punch. Wang Wang At the checkpoint, Lu Qian expressed his true feelings.

After all, it is a creation of 'human power'. Lu Jun obviously knew a lot of things. He shook the reins and said with a smile: And Haojing City and the Sifang Boundary City were all made by...'inhumans'.

Lu Qian nodded, and then pointed in the direction of Anping Pass: However, Anping Pass has only one city gate, which is only ten feet wide. How long will it take for Zhuge Li's army to enter the city?

Lu Yi sneered and said: It shows that they have ulterior motives. In the huge Anping Prefecture, there is such a small opening in the direction leading to Haojing? Isn't this treating the countless people of Anping Prefecture as pigs?

Lu Jun said coldly: Aren't they just kept in captivity like animals? If they hadn't been too unscrupulous in Anping Prefecture, this time...

In front of so many generals, Lu Jun could not finish his words.

Lu Qian knew what he wanted to say.

If it weren't for the cultural and educational families who caused so much misfortune to the hundreds of millions of people in Anping Prefecture, how could Xiong Taidou and the others have set off such a loud, fast and violent rebellion in Anping Prefecture?

In his heart, Lu Qian lamented the death-seeking behavior of the gentlemen in literature and education, and at the same time, he was also thinking about how he should act this time.

In front of Anping Pass, the valley forms a large trumpet mouth.

From the narrowest point of ten miles wide, the valley extends to the northeast, and the terrain gradually opens up. Where Lu Qian and others are now, the valley is more than twenty miles wide, with hills with gentle slopes and lush vegetation on both sides. For more than ten miles on the north and south sides, there are towering mountains.

The gate of Anpingguan was narrow, and the army entered the city extremely slowly. Zhuge Li's vanguard army stretched for twenty or thirty miles, and Lu Qian's team also stretched out along the road for seven or eight miles.

Lu Qian's men were all elites from the Palace Guards, Forbidden Army, Yulin Army and Canglang Cavalry. Since the team could not advance, the large group of people dismounted to rest, but a large number of ranger sentries were released all around.

And Zhuge Li's vanguard army?

Since its establishment, the cultural and educational city defense army system has never had any actual combat experience from top to bottom, except for wars of words in the court, dividing military power from the general's palace, and snatching food, salary and supplies.

The team could not move, so Zhuge Li's generals ordered the soldiers to dismount and rest.

Because the army is still outside the 'Anping Pass'.

These generals determined that the rebellion was within the 'Anping Pass'.

There is an 'Anping Pass' between them and the rebellious people.

So, it's safe here.

Regardless of the generals or soldiers, Zhuge Li's vanguard army relaxed their vigilance.

In fact, many soldiers simply relaxed their armor, put down their weapons, and lay lazily on the ground to rest.

What's even worse is that after many generals of the Pioneer Corps gave the order for the soldiers to dismount and rest, they left their troops and rode towards Anping Pass.

The checkpoint is small and it will take a whole day to enter with a large army?

With this time, they were too lazy to squat outside the checkpoint, eat and sleep in the open like the big soldiers.

The food and drinks in ‘Anpingguan’ are delicious, don’t you enjoy eating and drinking?

Seeing the brightly armored generals and their guards riding toward Anping Pass, Lu Qian frowned. Just as he was about to order his soldiers to form a camp, a high-pitched banging sound suddenly sounded from both sides of the valley.

The sound of bangs was as dense as rain. On the north side of the mountain road, in a large hillock, at least tens of thousands of people in simple clothes roared and rushed out like crazy beasts.

Dozens of burly men wearing armor held flagpoles and waved flags, rushing to the front of the team.

The white flag has a red lotus with blood-colored flames in the center.

The common people waved simple swords, guns and clubs, and shouted slogans crazily: The red lotus appears, enjoy peace!

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