Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 135: Fighting Demons (3)

It was night and Wang Pu was drunk.

The officials at Anpingguan naturally tried their best to welcome Wang Pu, a powerful figure in the court.

As for Wang Pu, hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers and generals were stationed inside Anping Pass, and there were two million elite soldiers guarding him outside the city.

Inevitably, he lost his caution and drank too much at Jie Feng's banquet.

To be honest, he is also a peace officer who has never fought in a war.

The wind was howling and the fire was soaring into the sky. Seeing the camp dozens of miles outside the city burning red, the garrison post at Anping Gate hurriedly sounded the alarm, blew the whistle, and even set off the warning fireworks. There was a sound, and it rushed up to the sky and exploded with a boom.

The drunk Wang Pu angrily got rid of the limbs of several pretty maids, staggered out of the bedroom, and looked up to the east.

It's audacious and simply lawless.

A layer of black mist arose from the heart and quickly swept through the whole body. The alcohol in the body was instantly wiped out. Wang Pu roared loudly, his body shook like an arrow from a powerful crossbow, and rushed out with a 'whoosh' sound. Hundreds of feet away.

Behind him, several burly generals who followed him into the city during the day followed closely, with the same steps, and the speed was frightening.

Near the small courtyard where Wang Pu was staying, eight hundred heavily armored soldiers wearing black armor, black clothes, and black helmets, holding strange-shaped horse-killing swords, remained silent and followed Wang Pu like a group of ghosts.

The armor on these heavily armored warriors was extremely thick, with the armor plates being more than an inch thick. The breastplates were engraved with patterns of hell, sea of ​​blood, and gods and demons, and their whole bodies carried a suffocating cold evil aura.

They moved quietly, except for the strange-shaped horse-killing sword in their hands, which was four feet long, six feet long, and one foot long overall. Occasionally, it reflected the light of the surrounding lanterns and torches, giving off a cold glow.

Wang Pu rushed out of Anping Pass like a strong wind with 800 pieces of heavy armor.

Zhuge Li and others who also received the warning rushed out of the place where they were staying in panic. Seeing Wang Pu and others passing by like the wind, Zhuge Li couldn't help but exclaimed: How fast is the general? Tsk, this is What kind of cultivation?

With such a level of cultivation, Wang Pu naturally has no time, let alone the mood to reply to Zhuge Li and others.

He jumped out of Anping Pass with a group of heavily armored soldiers, and roared through the air as he stepped on the tents. In just one cup of tea, he rushed from Anping Pass to the Chinese army camp outside the pass where he was being attacked. Near the tent.

More than a dozen tornadoes raged, and wherever they passed, the soldiers and soldiers were swept high into the sky, and people were smashed into pieces while they were still in the wind.

There was a strong wind all around, and the wind was not directed in any direction. It was roaring from all directions, southeast, northwest and northwest.

There's something wrong with this wind! Next to Wang Pu, a heavy-armored general who was over ten feet tall sneered: This is a strong wind created by someone who activated the secret treasure!

Junior brothers, please find them and kill them. Wang Pu gritted his teeth and stamped his feet: Hey, is this the method of the Great Vajra Temple?

The heavy-armored general shook his head: The Great Vajra Temple is very good at fighting, and has the supreme magical power of Vajra to subjugate demons, but I haven't heard that they are good at using wind and setting fire... This should be a secret treasure that was lucky enough to be preserved in the ancient times.

A fierce light flashed in Wang Pu's eyes: I'd like to ask my junior brothers to take their heads back. I'll prepare wine and beauties to celebrate their achievements.

Several heavy-armored generals laughed strangely in unison. They whistled, and a dozen heavy-armored soldiers followed them. Their figures brought up a strong wind and quickly disappeared into the forest.

Wang Pu took a deep breath and suddenly shouted: This commander is here. The armies quickly move closer to me and form a formation centered on the place where I am. The chaos in the area can be destroyed with the back of a hand. The generals and armies Don’t panic!”

Eight hundred heavily armored soldiers lined up beside Wang Pu, forming a long snake formation.

There were mobs waving weapons and rushing towards them. These heavily armored soldiers waved their swords gently without saying a word. The sound of puff could be heard endlessly. The streaks were translucent and light black, almost invisible in the dark night. Yuan Gang flew a hundred feet and chopped each of the mobs into two pieces from head to crotch.

Yuan Gang can fly and cut a hundred feet, which even in the Kaijing realm is far from possible.

Only great masters of the acupuncture realm, who have at least thirty-six acupoints, can have such power.

In the dark night, the rebels who went on a killing spree had long since lost their command. After taking the Red Lotus Solid Pill, although their combat power soared, each one of them was also knocked unconscious by the power of the drug and became fearless of death.

Therefore, they rushed around blindly. Many people heard Wang Pu's roar and instinctively came towards this direction to kill.

The eight hundred heavily armored warriors just waved their swords slightly, and they were killed as many mobs as they came near.

In just half a quarter of an hour, more than eight thousand rioters were killed on the spot.

Flags and flags rolled in the flames, and groups of soldiers and horses from the rebel army whistled loudly and gathered towards Wang Pu. Gradually, military formations were set up with the camp where Wang Pu was located as the core.

The army had a backbone and the terrifying combat power of 800 heavily armored soldiers as its backing. The central camp of the counter-rebellion army, which had suffered heavy losses, gradually began to have rules and regulations, and the scattered soldiers and horses quickly gathered together.

The strong wind swept the fire, but it could not threaten the camp behind Wang Pu in the slightest.

More than a dozen tornadoes were chopped into pieces by these heavily armored men, and the fire heads stirred up by the strong wind were also cut through by their swords. Gradually, the fire burned away everything that could be burned in the overheated camp, and the fire gradually extinguished. .

In all directions, red lotus flags were swaying rapidly, and the mobs running around gasped and quickly gathered towards the flags.

On both the east and west sides, there are large camps of the counter-rebellion army that stretch for dozens of miles, with countless soldiers arrayed in formation.

And near the main camp of the Chinese army of the quelling the rebellion, there was actually a confrontation between the Chinese army of the quelling the rebellion and the rebels.

Amidst deep gasps, more than a hundred disciples of the Great Vajra Temple wearing heavy armor walked out of the crowd. They looked at the heavy armored soldiers arrayed around Wang Pu, and a burly man asked suspiciously: Where did you come from? ?”

The strength of these heavily armored soldiers is terrifying, and their methods are strange. There is a high probability that they cannot be the combat power cultivated by the city defense army themselves.

The heavily armored soldiers did not say a word, but Wang Pu sneered: I am an official and you are a thief. I am here to quell the chaos, so you should just kill me at your neck... What qualifications do you have to ask questions here?

All around, there were soldiers who had just been burned or wounded, and civilians moaning and crying. Camps with a radius of dozens of miles were burned to a white ground. Several huge granaries were still blazing with fire, and the air was filled with the aroma of burnt rice. .

In this situation, the first thought in Wang Pu's mind was that he could pay a handsome sum of money to the higher authorities!

In the First World War, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were lost, several sets of armor and weapons were lost, and millions of stones of military rations were burned... 'Tsk'!

When the disciples of the Great Vajra Temple heard what Wang Pu said, they no longer asked any more questions.

They all raised their right hands and waved their weapons.

The rioters who participated in the night attack shouted the slogan The Red Lotus Appears in unison. Hundreds of groups of rioters carried the altar table and carried out the wooden sculpture of the Red Lotus Goddess.

The mobs worshiped the wooden sculptures and chanted hymns in praise of the Red Lotus Goddess.

Hundreds of wooden sculptures emitted a faint red light at the same time, shining on these rioters.

Anyone who was illuminated by the red light felt that their strength increased greatly, and the fatigue just now was swept away. Their bodies were filled with endless energy, and their abundant energy and blood made them want to fight again.

The disciples of the Great Vajra Temple were not hesitant. They waved their right hands forward, and the mob group rushed towards Wang Pu's army like a tide.

If you do something big, do something big.

In the mob brigade, hundreds of heavily armored disciples of the Great Vajra Temple roared out, waving heavy Zen staffs, maces, vajra pestles and other heavy weapons, and collided with the eight hundred heavily armored soldiers.

Boom, boom, boom, the terrifying sound of air explosions was heard endlessly. The weapons of the disciples of the Great Vajra Temple collided with the weapons of these heavy armored soldiers, and white air waves swept across dozens of feet in a radius. Both the officers and soldiers who were calming down the chaos and the civilians were all blasted by the energy. He was so rushed that he vomited blood and flew away.

The rebels were supported by the Red Lotus Solid Pill. They vomited blood and flew out. Gritting their teeth, they stood up in the red light emitted by the wooden sculptures, staggered and continued to charge.

The officers and soldiers who were thrown away screamed in agony. Some had their internal organs shattered, and some had their limbs damaged. They fell to the ground and howled for their lives. They no longer had the strength to stand up.

The troops on both sides were horrified and hurriedly avoided these terrifying masters who were obsessed with magic.

The two sides fought for two or three moves, and they didn't know who made the move first. Then they heard a cry of I am compassionate, and a golden Vajra palm print shot up into the sky, colliding with a dark and deep demonic shadow.


The two figures were thrown back hundreds of feet, their armors shattered, and they couldn't help but vomit blood.

Those heavily armored men laughed strangely in unison: Hehehehe, thief bald!

The disciples of the Great Vajra Temple also sneered in unison: Hehehehe, you devil bastard.

The eyes of both sides turned red at the same time. One after another, the Vajra palm prints kept lighting up, and they collided with the black demonic shadow coming from the opponent. Thousands of people let go and started fighting wildly. In an instant, a depression was created in the camp with a radius of ten miles. A three-foot pit.

On the top of the hill, Lu Qian, Lu Jun and Lu Yi looked at the fierce battle in the distance and couldn't help but suck in the cold air.

Two brothers, what is the background of each other?

Lu Qian was shocked.

Li Qianzhong, the deacon of the outer gate of the War Demon Palace, is here... Hehe, were you the one who caused the wind just now? More than a dozen heavily armored figures jumped out of the dark mountain forest, and rushed to Lu Qian and the others in a few seconds. before.

A black-armored general who was over ten feet tall strode forward. He raised his thick cheeks, revealing a domineering and ferocious face. He stretched out his right hand carelessly towards Lu Qian: Junior, take that little Bring the windmill over and let me appreciate it!

Lu Qian looked at the big man who called himself Li Qianzhong and said with a smile: War Demon Palace? 'Demon'? Are you disciples of the 'Demon Way'?

Little windmill...here, get it!

Lu Qian smiled and handed the small windmill in front of Li Qianzhong.

The next moment, Lu Qian mobilized the spiritual light of his soul with all his strength, and the Guixu Immortal Yuan in Tanzhong Point suddenly lit up and was consumed rapidly. The small windmill rotated rapidly like a madman.

There was a loud crack sound.

Countless wind patterns on the surface of the small windmill lit up, and a blue wind shadow the size of a water tank sprayed out from the small windmill. Then, tens of thousands of palm-sized pieces, bright and empty, were like wind knives made of crystal, like a storm, covering the head and face. It hit Li Qianzhong and a dozen heavily armored soldiers.

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