Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 145: The Ghost Town of Haojing (4)

A very sharp whistling sound.

Ordinary people with mortal bodies and ears cannot hear this whistle at all.

This sound is also strange. The sound of ordinary people's words can only be carried a few miles away by the wind in the blink of an eye. Moreover, ordinary roars lose their power after being spread for more than a mile, and are gradually annihilated in the huge sounds of heaven and earth.

Bai Lu's long roar could be heard hundreds of miles away at the snap of a finger. It was so dense and powerful that it easily spread throughout most of Hao Capital City.

Wherever the whistling sound passed, countless fish jumped up on the canals in Haojing City, and countless ripples appeared on the river surface.

In the sky of Haojing City, birds seemed to be drunk, shaking their heads and flapping their wings.

In the streets and alleys, those cats and dogs with sensitive senses all had their long hair curled up in the corners and shivered.

In the Imperial City, Concubine Qi and the Green Bird were causing trouble. That night, the cold palaces of the Imperial City, as well as the wells where countless innocent souls were hidden, were all washed by Lu Qian with pure Zen light.

The whistling sound passed through the imperial city. In the huge imperial city, there were only a few places where a faint blood mist rose. When the sun hit the head, this extremely light blood mist completely disappeared.

And as the roar passed through other parts of Haojing City, a shocking incident occurred.

In the pure Zen halls in the backyards of wealthy mansions, women ranging in age from seventy or eighty to seventeen or eighteen years old were found in the Zen halls, who had lost in family fights and were imprisoned in the Zen halls to chant sutras and pray for blessings.

The whistling sound passed by, and a faint blood mist rose from their earrings, hairpins, rings, belts, or sachets, incense burners and other objects placed around them.

These women who were hidden deep in the meditation hall and had accumulated countless grievances in their hearts screamed loudly at the same time. The blood mist rushed towards them, and their bodies immediately turned into large splashes of dripping blood.

Drops of blood, as clear as mercury, unusually heavy, but filled with a cold and sinister aura, were rolling, beating drop by drop, and quickly escaped from the meditation hall, wreaking havoc in the backyard of the mansion's courtyard.

Each of the maids, maids, and servants screamed, and drops of blood invaded their bodies, draining their essence, blood, and soul in an instant.

In just a quarter of an hour, countless nobles, ministers, wealthy businessmen, and back houses of farming and studying families were killed in Haojing City, and more than a million servants and maids were killed by these blood and water?

In Haojing City, among the more than 2,000 squares and tens of thousands of brothels, large swaths of gloomy blood mist sprang out from wells, walls, and wastelands.

In these high-end and low-end brothels, many musical instruments were playing without wind, and the laughter of men and women could be heard from many beds.

In broad daylight, the light in these brothels became dim and eerie, as if the sun was setting and it was almost dusk.

Among the top brothels in Dafang City such as Kunpengfang, Wuyinfang, Fengguangyushun, Guotaiminan, etc., many brothels have their own backyards, buried earth, beautiful lotus ponds, and even deep ancient wells. Thin white bones slowly poked out.

Over the entire Haojing City, the miserable howls of countless turtle masters, nuns, madams, maids, and thugs rang out, blood mist rose, shadows swayed, laughter, cries, curses, pleadings, and shrill curses. , twisted and crazy murmurs continued to sound.

In the government-run Jiaofang Department, the government-run tooth shop, and the government-run weaving bureau in Haojing City, the screams of countless women also rose to the sky.

Blood mist rose and shadows flickered. In these official yamen, countless officials were killed and wounded in an instant. Countless officials who were lucky to escape screamed haunted and ran hysterically, blindly grabbing the road. flee.

In the government-run Jisheng Hall, the cries of many baby girls rose into the sky, and the same blood mist and shadows overflowed. Countless maids and servants danced and jumped out of these Jisheng Halls hysterically, followed closely behind them. Following countless erratic silhouettes of baby girls, they were knocked down by shadows before they could run a few steps, and instantly turned into a mess of flesh and blood.

On the highest roof of the Imperial College Library, Bai Lu sat on the head of the highest roof beast, looking at the magnificent Haojing, beautifully decorated with red flowers and green willows.

It is truly the most wonderful city in the world...chichi, it's so satisfying to be able to destroy it with my own hands!

Sisters, if you want to massacre this world, you can't just make small fuss...Listen to me, although my little sister is a mortal, she has been familiar with classics since she was a child, and she also has some experience in the art of war. .”

You just give me your strength and inheritance, and I will naturally help you fulfill your wish and make this world...hehe, hehe, hehehe!

Kunpengfang, Liudejuli.

Duan Fangyu made an appointment with hundreds of princes, princes and grandsons who were friends with her on weekdays, and gathered in the largest banquet hall in Liudeju.

You all are brothers and I have been close friends for many years. If this opportunity comes to me, if they are not true good friends, I will not let them touch you.

Duan Fangyu bared her chest, revealing a body as white as jade but with quite muscular muscles.

He held a short knife, and in front of hundreds of guests, he cut open his belly with a knife from top to bottom, revealing his squirming internal organs.

Hundreds of princes, princes, and grandchildren had never seen such a scene before. Countless people screamed, and some even covered their faces and cried bitterly.

Some were so frightened that they urinated and rolled all over the floor.

But in an instant, countless people screamed at the same time, watching in disbelief as Duan Fangyu healed rapidly. In an instant, the wound that was more than a foot long disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace on his belly. .

This, this, this!

Countless people shouted in unison: Oh my god, Brother Duanfang, what are you...

Duanfang Yu looked at the hundreds of princes, princes and grandsons reservedly, and said quietly: I have won immortality, yes, it is the kind of immortality in our myths and monster novels. My cultivation level is not high, and I don't have any magical powers, but You can clearly see this immortal body.

Duan Fangyu made several more cuts on his body, each one aimed at his fatal vitals. The swords were sharp and vicious.

But all the wounds healed in the blink of an eye, without even a drop of blood coming out.

Some people didn't believe it and came forward. Duan Fangyu handed him the short knife directly and let him cut randomly on his body.

No matter how many princes and princes gnashed their teeth and did whatever they wanted to do to him, Duan Fangyu's body still left no scars, and all the dangerous wounds healed in an instant.

Everyone believed it, and everyone stared at Duan Fangyu with bright eyes.

I am destined to be immortal, so I am also thinking about you brothers. Behind me, there is a huge immortal gate, ready to be born.

This time, I have chosen all of you brothers to share this opportunity with me.

Here, there is a bowl of immortal soup. After taking it, you will get an immortal immortal body that is the same as mine. When you enter the immortal sect in the future, we will be brothers in the same class.

We will support each other on our way to eternal life in the future...how wonderful is that?

Duan Fangyu smiled brightly.

There was a trace of strange vibrato in his voice, which inexplicably made the princes, princes and grandsons present firmly believe in his words.

Bowls of milky white soup mixed with traces of black water were served.

One by one, the princes, princes and grandsons hurriedly picked up their bowls and couldn't wait to swallow the Shengxian Soup.

A quarter of an hour later, hundreds of princes, princes, and grandsons all became confused. Their eyes became blurred and dull. Their eyes looking at Duan Fangyu were filled with an inexplicable absolute obedience.

Duan Fangyu looked at these former close friends with satisfaction.

Go, go, go back, hehe, you know, what are you going to do?

Traces of black scales appeared under the skin of hundreds of princes, princes and grandsons, and then disappeared quietly.

They knelt down devoutly towards Duan Fang Yu and listened quietly to Duan Fang Yu's orders.

In Haojing City, countless people screamed in unison in the streets, alleys, canals, and passenger ships.

I saw, from all directions, accompanied by shrill cries, screams, curses, and wild laughter, a fishy cold wind rising from the ground, wrapping around the translucent female figures - all of them The figure of a woman wearing a bright red dress soared into the sky from every city, street and pavilion.

The faces of these women changed rapidly. They were crying, laughing and cursing. They stepped on the flowing wind and were covered in blood mist. They rushed towards Kunpengfang from all directions.

These women fly extremely fast, many times faster than the speed of the Yulin Army's Blood Hoof Wu Zui?

Countless people witnessed them flying through the air, and their flying height was only a dozen feet above the ground. Anyone who was not blind could see these women flying through the air!

In Haojing City, warning signals from the Wuhou who patrolled the streets and the censors who patrolled the streets rang out everywhere. The sharp whistles and high-pitched horns rang out continuously and spread quickly to all directions.

Today's martial arts are declining, and martial arts masters who can fly in the air have long been legendary!

At this moment, the woman in red who can fly in the sky can see more than a thousand at a glance?

In the Imperial College, the sound of books is audible.

March is a good time for spring outings, but this year Bai Changkong is more strict than in previous years. Many of the Imperial College students who were upset and wanted to take leave to go out with their beauties were scolded by Bai Changkong. .

However, in the huge Imperial College, more than 100,000 students could only stay neatly in the Imperial College, following the curriculum, shaking their heads and reciting the classics of saints.

The gates around the Imperial College were locked, and a prison guard armed with a stick was walking around the wall. If any prison students dared to climb over the wall and sneak out to play, they would definitely be tortured.

The cold wind howled over, driving away the warmth of spring.

The soldiers on patrol shivered one by one and subconsciously tightened their tight clothes.

Isn't it because of the cold spring? Oh, this is so sad, huh?

One of the soldiers complained naggingly.

In the cold wind, several beautiful women wearing bright red dresses, holding bamboo flutes and jade flutes, walking enchantingly, and looking at each other with charming looks landed lightly on the ground, and gave out delicate laughter towards these soldiers.

Uncle, come and play!

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