Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 172: Twisted, Nine Sons

Time flies by like a fleeting moment.

Jiayou's nineteenth year, April 10th, at dusk.

Xungui's life is so monotonous.

Lu Qian accompanied the three sword fairy neighbors next door and spent the whole day shopping, buying five carts full of odds and ends.

His body was still full of energy, but he was exhausted and had a dull look on his face. He was sitting next to a stinky tofu stall on the street, and he and the original owner of the stall stared at each other in a daze.

The three girls, Qingyou, Qing Ning, and Qing Meng, drove away the stall owner with a piece of horseshoe gold. They did the cooking themselves and were very busy around the oil pan.

Pieces of tofu are tumbling in the oil pan, and the strong fragrance floats far away in the wind.

Qingyou's hands and feet were stiff, and she grabbed a pair of long wooden chopsticks and stabbed the oil pan until it made a clanging sound. Lu Qian was afraid that she would pierce the oil pan and cause a fire.

Li Limin is constantly adding tofu cubes to the oil pan.

Qing Meng happily mixed the hot sauce.

Spicy, spicy, spicy. It must be spicy.

Well, some minced garlic.

Yeah, some coriander.

Oh, I want some chopped green onions too.

Do you want pepper? I definitely want it...

Well, the mutton kebab uncle next door, give me some cumin powder. If you don't want it for free, I will pay for it.

'Dong', a small silver ingot weighing ten taels was thrown by Qing Meng. The big man grilling mutton skewers swallowed his mouth and looked at Lu Qian. When he saw Lu Qian nodded helplessly, he picked it up with a 'haha' smile. He bought the silver ingot and gave all the small jar of cumin powder to Qing Meng.

The three girls were busy and cheerful.

At a noodle stall not far away, several shabbily dressed scholars were secretly glancing at the three girls from the corner of their eyes while loudly discussing recent events in the court.

Mo Luocheng, the Minister of War, is a capable man. The army to suppress the rebellion was divided into thirty-six groups. Outside Anping Prefecture, the scattered rebel forces were killed as soon as they appeared, which shows his ability to strategize.

However, this credit has been divided a lot by the warriors of the General's Mansion. Half of the commanders of the Thirty-sixth Army are from the Le clan... Tsk, it is not a blessing for the country to have relatives who are powerful. .”

This is also a helpless move, a helpless move!

The scholars shouted and looked at the three women again and again, hoping that their 'high opinions' would attract the attention of the three women.

The three girls were so beautiful that although they occupied a stinky tofu stall on the street and fried the stinky tofu themselves, it was very inconsistent with the various 'etiquette' that the 'perfect women' must abide by in the minds of cultural disciples.

But they are so beautiful. Beauty is enough. Whatever they do must be forgiven.

So, they continued to talk.

What is the reason for this so-called helpless move?

You all don't know that the reason why General Leshi was asked to participate in the war by the Minister of Moro is entirely because the Ministry of Revenue is short of money and food, and needs to allocate money and food from the Taifu treasury.

So the general used money and food to block the lifeline of the quelling army, so that he could insert his nephew into the quelling army in order to compete for military glory?

Isn't this the method used by those nobles?

It's really ridiculous. The money and food lifeline of the country should be completely taken over by the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Lu Qian sat aside and grinned.

Will the Ministry of Household Affairs completely replace the Taifu, Shaofu and other yamen, and completely take charge of the economic lifeline of the Dayin Dynasty? If this is the case, Dayin's economy will collapse in less than twenty years.

The trouble in Anping Prefecture has been out for so long, and the palace guard has found out something.

This black account of the Ministry of Accounts... Haha!

Anping Prefecture’s bad debts... Haha!

The cultural and educational ministers in the court were all unclean... even more so, haha!

This Dayin, if we let our relatives run wild, I think Dayin will die! A scholar in green shirt saw the three Qingyou girls busy frying stinky tofu without even looking at them, and finally Unable to bear it, he burst out with shocking words.

This Dayin must die, must perish...I am afraid that only a living saint like Bai Shanchang can lead us and other cultural and educational sages to revive the mountains and rivers and reorganize the country!

Lu Qian was stunned, glanced at the scholar in green shirt, and stood up silently.

If you just want to call Dayin a few times to die, then you can call him whatever you want.

If you just criticize Le Wu, you can criticize him all you want.

You can even scold the Queen Mother, the Emperor, or anyone else in front of Lu Qian.

The only thing is, you shouldn't encourage Bai Changkong, an old thief, in front of him!

The devil deceives the public, the crime is unforgivable! Lu Qian opened the belt around his waist and threw the loose cloak he was wearing to the guards around him, revealing the large purple silver embroidered Kunpeng pattern on his body. Official robe.

The guards around Lu Qian also threw off the large robes covering their bodies, revealing various official robes underneath.

Several scholars were so frightened that they screamed.

An idea flashed in the green-shirted scholar's mind, and he hissed: We, our cultural and educational forefathers, have made an appointment with the founder of our country. We, the scholars, should discuss state affairs and not be punished for our words.

Lu Qian shook his fist and said with a grin: Of course, you are not guilty because of your words. I beat you because you peeked at the women and behaved inappropriately. Brothers, beat me!

A group of wolf-like and tiger-like generals rushed forward, pinned several scholars to the ground and beat them.

Several scholars wailed: We are the students of the Imperial College, we are the students of the Imperial College...

When the Imperial College students were being beaten, their Shan Chang Bai Changkong was kneeling on the ground respectfully, massaging the calf of the red-faced and white-haired woman.

Godmother... Bai Changkong looked at the woman with a smile on his face.

The woman held a cup of white fungus and bird's nest soup, took a slow sip, and waved gently.

A group of female disciples from the Paradise Palace walked in and carried out the burly man who was lying on the ground, covered in sweat, with a blue complexion and trembling limbs.

I know you want that boy to die. The woman frowned and sighed: However, the news found out these days is that he is involved with the Great Vajra Temple.

The family temple he is building in Baimafang is clearly the outer courtyard of the Great Vajra Temple in Haojing City.

The fact that the Great Vajra Temple can allow this kid to take care of such an important matter shows his status in the Great Vajra Temple.

Bai Changkong kneaded the woman's calf very flatteringly: But, godmother, you are very capable, this is just...

Merely? The woman glanced sideways at Bai Changkong and slapped him hard. Bai Changkong grunted and rolled twice on the ground after being slapped, with blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

He hurriedly rolled up and came to the woman's side again, carefully kneading her.

Godmother... Bai Changkong looked at the woman pitifully.

With just one move, the current leader of our sect will die in an unknown manner. The woman stared at Bai Changkong with cold eyes: I haven't lived enough yet, and I haven't enjoyed enough of the wealth and grace in this world.

I will never take action until I find out the details of Lu Qian. You can't even think of using any of my disciples.

Stretching out her hand, gently pinching Bai Changkong's face and shaking it, the woman said quietly: I am particularly interested in your granddaughter Bai Lu. Have you been able to find out where she is now these days?

Bai Changkong was stunned and shook his head hastily. He said in a low voice: Godmother, it would be really unpleasant for this matter to spread out, and it would be bad for my reputation. Therefore, I can't ask someone to inquire about it in a big way...

The woman rolled her eyes at Bai Changkong: It's really useless... I don't know what my disciple sees in you, so he actually accepts you as an outsider.

Bai Changkong hurriedly smiled and said: Of course the leader took a fancy to me back then, because of my filial piety!

The woman was stunned, and then she laughed sharply: Oh, you made me laugh so hard... Your filial piety... Oh, my precious godson, you are really... Hehe, this Is this your great sage in culture and education? Is this a living saint?

The woman spat on Bai Changkong's face.

But, that's right. In this world, when the spiritual power of heaven and earth has not collapsed, the masters of this world are our three sects. The noble families in this world are just hawks and dogs for the herdsmen of our sects.

You, the cultural and religious people, are just a group of wild dogs that crawled out from the grassroots in the wilderness while we and other sects closed their doors to avoid disaster and the strength of the aristocratic families declined. They are just a group of wild dogs fighting for the rotten flesh of this side of the world.

Look at your virtue!

Bai Changkong stayed with Smiley, not even daring to wipe the spit from his face.

It was getting dark, and a maid came in and lit a candle.

Bai Changkong was still serving his newly adopted godmother attentively.

On the street where the Bai family's house is located, a figure jumped up and down an alley.

The eight-foot-tall man wore blush and rouge, his long hair was tied into two extremely funny upward braids, and he wore a red boy's short shirt that exposed his arms and legs, with a collar around his neck. Wearing a golden longevity lock, holding a rattle, jumping barefoot, and singing children's songs softly.

This man behaved so strangely that many carriages and horses on the street were restrained. The guards beside the carriages and horses drew their weapons and looked at this man warily.

In the past few months, chaos has continued in Haojing City. A few days ago, even the Duke of Lai Kingdom was bloodbathed. Many official residences were slaughtered, and many dignitaries were already frightened.

A guard was yelling: What are you doing? Get away!

The grown man dressed as a boy smiled, jumping and dancing in an exaggerated manner as he walked straight to the Bai family mansion.

A deep man's voice came from a carriage: Follow me, let's go take a look, it's the Bai family again... Is Bai Changkong guilty of being too old? His family is not at peace this year.

If something weird happens again today... move, you must move. You can no longer be neighbors with his family.

The man was jumping in front, singing songs, shaking his rattle, and jumped to the door of Bai's house with dong dong and dong dong.

Behind him, dozens of feet away, many carriages and horses followed.

In front of Bai's house, more than a dozen servants held their heads high, and when they saw the man collapse, they also hurriedly scolded him.

Where did the savages come from? Get out, get out, get out!

The man raised one foot high and bent the other foot slightly. He tilted his body and tilted his head, standing in front of the Bai family door in an extremely strange way.

He stared straight at the servants and suddenly smiled: This is my home, where can I go?

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