Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 174: Twisted, Nine Sons (3)

When the rattle raged and killed more than a hundred people in front of the Bai family mansion, a pink brocade handkerchief with a pair of mandarin ducks embroidered on it flew out from Bai Changkong's body.

The four corners of the brocade handkerchief are decorated with tassels, and there are more than a dozen soybean-sized beads hanging on it, which is extremely gorgeous.

The shock wave released by the rattle struck, and a dozen small beads released soft pink light mist to protect Bai Changkong. Waves of bloody shockwaves hit the pink light mist, making loud and dull noises. Bai Changkong's body shook, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

The noises of countless people came from all around.

There's something wrong with the Bai family again.

Such shouts could be heard endlessly. In the house adjacent to the Bai family, the front and back doors opened simultaneously. Countless young masters, young ladies, and maids, all surrounded by the guardians, escaped on various mounts and various means of transportation, such as avoiding the house. He fled like a plague god.

Bai Changkong's heart was bleeding.

The reputation he had so easily accumulated in the Imperial College was completely destroyed by his own son.

No, it has nothing to do with his own son.

The culprit is my own granddaughter!

No, Bai Lu is just a victim.

The real root cause of all these misfortunes is Lu Yi, Lu Yi, Lu Yi!

Bai Changkong looked in pain at his eldest son, whose body was twisted, his golden rooster was independent, his face was painted extremely evil, and his expression was extremely evil.

Lu Qian! Bai Changkong clenched his fists and roared deeply from deep in his throat, repeating Lu Qian's name again and again... At this moment, Bai Changkong wished that Lu Qian would appear in front of him. He wanted to put Lu Qian in front of him. Lu Qian was torn into pieces bit by bit.

It was so dense that it was almost impossible to hear any intervals, and the sound of hooves sounded in one continuous sound.

A black shadow emerged, and the Dark Cloud Beast rushed towards Lu Qian on its back.

A faint cloud of black smoke surrounds the Black Cloud Beast. This layer of cloud smoke is so wonderful that it perfectly offsets the resistance of the air to the Black Cloud Beast and Lu Qian. This guy was running extremely fast, but there was no sound from the sonic explosion, let alone a strong wind, which had any impact on the surrounding environment.

The Dark Cloud Beast ran very fast, but it stopped whenever it wanted to.

Lu Qian saw Bai Changkong and Bai Lang standing in front of him from a distance, and immediately scolded them.

The Dark Cloud Beast jumped extremely dexterously. With its high speed, it only needed a dozen feet to stop its huge figure. It proudly stuck out its hooves a few times and snorted a few times.

The big parrot Quack smiled and flew from high altitude, and accurately threw down a piece of bird droppings.


The boss had a pool of white stains sprayed all over half of Bai Lang's face. It mixed with the rouge and blush on his face and turned into a mess of color, making his weird face even more ferocious.

Bai Changkong raised his head and glanced at the red shadow passing high in the sky.

He looked at Lu Qian again, and a wisp of blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth.

What on earth do you want to do? Bai Changkong didn't bother to attack Lu Qian, but screamed hoarsely.

Do you want to destroy the Bai family? Bai Changkong clenched his fists and glanced around with sharp eyes, just wanting to find the familiar figure in his memory that he once loved like the pearl in his palm.

‘Ding-ding’, ‘ding-ding’!

At the intersection of the street and in the alley, the clear sound of silver bells came.

Like Bai Lang, Bai Xi, who was wearing scarlet red short-sleeved boy's clothes, barefoot, with two braids upturned, and his face painted as ugly as a ghost, jumped out holding two silver bells.

He chuckled, banged the silver bell all the way, ran past Lu Qian singing and dancing, and went straight to the front of Bai's house.

Master Bai family, may you live a long and prosperous life! Bai Xi grinned, revealing two rows of big white teeth. He knelt down and kowtowed to Bai Changkong, and then stretched out his hands: Congratulations on getting rich, bring me the red envelope!

Bai Changkong was angry and anxious, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He looked at Bai Xi and hissed: Xi'er, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?

In such a situation, in such a situation, Bai Changkong's true nature was exposed. He looked at his two sons and suddenly screamed: My Bai family is loyal to Dayin... My sons Bai Lang and Bai Xi, Sui Ping Chaos The army went on an expedition to Anping Prefecture, but the demons were causing trouble. They, they... they sacrificed their lives for Dayin!

When Lu Qian saw Bai Changkong acting like this and heard his shrill roar, which was like calling a soul, his whole body felt horrified, and goosebumps kept popping up one by one.

There is no shortage of people who eat steamed buns made of human blood.

But eating his own son's human blood steamed buns, and eating them in such a high-sounding and sanctimonious way... Lu Qian had never even heard of it, let alone seen it, in his previous life.

With a 'click' sound, the heavy armor flew out from the Beiming Ring silently. The thick armor parts were like living creatures, dexterously circling around Lu Qian, and were quickly put on.

With a 'ding' sound, the visor was lowered, and Lu Qian's whole body was enclosed in thick armor.

He reached out and grabbed the heavy spear. His fingers, which were also covered by the fully enclosed palm, gently pulled the handle of the gun, making a crisp sound.

The harsh sound of suona came.

From the other end of the street, in a side alley, Bai Qiong, also dressed in children's clothing, rouged and powdered, with upturned braids, danced strangely, holding a copper suona in both hands, blowing the folk music of Dayin Funeral song, skipping along the street to the front door of Bai's house.

Bai Qiong stood in front of Bai Changkong. After playing a funeral song, he knelt down and kowtowed to Bai Changkong with a smile. Then he stood up and took out a chipped sea bowl from somewhere and handed it to him. In front of Bai Changkong.

Mr. Bai family, the whole family is having a funeral... a grand funeral!

Bai Qiong's voice was sharp and thin, like the wail of a ghost in the middle of the night, drifting in the wind for more than ten miles.

Throughout the neighborhood, in courtyards of various sizes, countless officials and celebrities fled their mansions.

Several wealthy businessmen who had managed to purchase real estate in Yushunfang through their connections even dragged their families and ran away while chattering to Bai Changkong's eighteenth generation ancestors.

All kinds of troubles and evil things are constantly happening in the Bai family house.

The properties in this neighborhood are all going to collapse!

A mansion that was purchased with a lot of money in the past is considered a good thing if it can be sold at a 50% discount in the future.

If the Bai family continues to stay here, I am afraid that it will be difficult to sell the houses in this neighborhood even if they are discounted by 30% or even 10%.

Lu Qian's Yushunfang Survey Department Office is just north of the Bai family's house, across a street. Bai Lang and others were shouting and making a fuss here. Lu Qian's subordinates heard the commotion and rushed over one after another.

Lu Qian hurriedly whistled and waved to his subordinates who were coming.

Retreat, stay stationed, and don't act rashly. You are not allowed to interfere with what is going on here. Lu Qian ordered sternly and drove back the subordinates who had arrived.

‘Bang bang’!

There was a gong sound.

Another son of Bai Changkong, named Bai Lao, was dressed the same as his brothers. He hung a large gong with a diameter of two feet in his left hand and a wooden hammer in his right hand, banging the gong. , also jumped over and rushed over.

Bai Mansion has a funeral, good luck! Bai Lao and his three brothers stood in a row, smiling and rolling their eyes at Bai Changkong: The master of the Bai family is already here, where are the young masters of the three generations of the Bai family?

Inside the gate of the Bai family's mansion, the exclamations of a group of young men from the third generation of the Bai family came.

These young masters of the Bai family, ranging in age from eleven or twelve to early twenties, hid behind a group of servants guarding the courtyard. They looked at the elders who were dressed in strange clothes and spoke and behaved horribly outside the door, crying and shouting. With.

'Uncle', 'uncle', 'father'... the cries of a group of young masters from the Bai family made Bai Changkong feel confused and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

The brocade handkerchief suspended in front of him was shaking violently.

Whether it's the 'dong-dong' sound of the rattle, the 'ding-ding' sound of the silver bell, the 'bang-bang' sound of the gong, or the sharp sound of the suona, they are all attacking Bai Changkong all the time.

Bai Changkong struggled to resist the strange attacks of his four sons by himself.

He was heartbroken by the tragic experience of his sons, and was upset by the cries of a group of useless grandsons. The blissful mana that had just been condensed in his body was restless, and there were strong signs of going crazy.

He resisted the attacks of his four sons and shouted once again: What is this?

I, Bai Changkong, am extremely loyal to Dayin; I have a whole family of Bai family...

‘Bang bang’!

The huge roar completely suppressed Bai Changkong's roar.

His other son, named Bai Li, is also dressed in weird boy clothes. He has a cowhide bag hanging around his neck and a three-foot-diameter cowhide drum on his waist. He is holding drumsticks in both hands and is jumping and beating. He came over beating the big drum.

The sound of this big drum was much louder than the previous four instruments. Circles of shock waves visible to the naked eye swept across. Wherever Bai Li passed, the two-foot-long, three-foot-wide, and two-foot-thick granite stones on the street were shaken. It jumped up and down wildly, and many rocks jumped up to seven or eight feet high, and were blown away by the shock wave like pieces of paper.

The weight of these stones was astonishing. After being blown away by the shock wave, they blasted straight through the courtyard walls on both sides of the street and into the homes of other residents.

Fortunately, the residents living next to Bai Changkong's house had already escaped, otherwise Bai Li's actions would have killed at least thousands of people.

As soon as the drum sounded, Bai Changkong could no longer resist.

The light mist emitted by the brocade handkerchief in front of him shattered, and several small beads exploded into pieces. He groaned, vomited blood, staggered backwards, and retreated into the gate.

Bai Li came to the front door of the Bai family with a big drum on her shoulders. She also kowtowed to the door, then stood up and smiled in a strange and sinister manner: Today, the whole family of the Bai family is having a grand funeral. It's a good day and good luck!

A handsome young man of the Bai family who was fifteen or sixteen years old suddenly took a few steps forward and shouted at Bai Li: Dad!

Bai Li's body swayed, his rolled eyes twitched, and his eyes suddenly returned to clarity.

He stared at his son with wide eyes, a mouthful of black blood spurted out in the distance, and roared: Run... take your mother... run away...

Before she finished her sentence, Bai Li spurted out another mouthful of black blood.

He banged the drum several times, and the young master of the Bai family who had the courage to rush forward was hit by the shock wave. His clothes were blown to pieces, the skin and flesh on his front body were blown to pieces, and his bones were shattered one after another. , the body twisted like a boneless eel, twisting and flying backwards, spurting blood.

Bai Li rolled her eyes again and let out a desperate cry from deep in her throat.

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