Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 188 The tide of white clothes

When they entered the courtyard of Tianyang Palace, Lu Qian rushed forward and picked up Li Zi's lost sword.

It is a little more than two feet long and one finger wide. It is silver and translucent like glass. If you look carefully, you can see that there are ripples like water flow in the sword. It is beautiful and spiritual.

The green light in Lu Qian's eyes was flowing, and he saw a ray of spiritual light flowing up and down in the sword, and there was a faint word silver dragon.

When the sword fell into Lu Qian's hand, it jumped violently and restlessly, making a constant buzzing sound from the sword.

Lu Qian said happily: What a sword. Tsk, I've actually been yearning for a swordsman for a long time.

Lu Qian smiled and looked eagerly at the three Qingyou girls who walked into the lobby.

Qing Ning and Qing Meng clapped and laughed together: Okay, if Brother Lu is willing to become a disciple, hehe!

Qingyou glanced at the two sisters and said seriously: Nonsense, how can a true disciple of the inner sect of the Great Vajra Temple be a disciple of our Qinglin Sword Pavilion? However, the method of controlling a sword is nothing special. A rare thing…”

Qingyou smiled leisurely and said: The sword-controlling skills of Qinglin Sword Pavilion cannot be leaked to the outside world. However, my ancestor of Qinglin Sword Pavilion has collected at least three to four hundred secret sword-controlling skills from various sects over the years. There are quite a few of them who are not weaker than my Qinglin Sword Pavilion.

Lu Qian smiled like a flower and saluted Qingyou: Miss Qingyou, it's easy for us to talk, it's easy to talk.

Dressed in white like a snowman and jade, wielding a sword to slay demons in the air.

This was a dream that Lu Qian had had in his previous life.

However, he has become a bit burly in this life. After entering the Dragon-Tiger Vajra Body, Lu Yan's height has almost reached one foot, and his physique has become as burly as a mountain. Even if he puts on a white gown, he does not look like the swordsman he imagined. .

But this silver dragon sword is obviously extraordinary. If you can learn the art of sword control, you can use it for sneak attacks... No, it is also good to use it as a means of self-protection. Who would dislike having too many means?

Qingyou chuckled: You're welcome. However, there are three types of sword-controlling techniques: sword-controlling with gods, sword-controlling with blood, and sword-controlling with Qi. The sword-controlling method with gods is the most advanced method, but it is the easiest to get started. Difficult, cultivation is not easy, and it must be combined with extremely sophisticated methods of refining the gods to achieve success.

Qi sword control is the most common, but it is the easiest to master. Even martial arts mortals, as long as Yuan Gang is successful and has a sword control technique, they can try to control the sword for ten miles and kill people in the air.

Use blood to control the sword. It doesn't have much dexterity, but its explosive power is the most powerful, fierce and fierce, and the short-term lethality is the most terrifying. Well, to be honest, it is most suitable for the true disciples of the Great Vajra Temple like Brother Lu... you guys Is the blood the most vigorous?

Qingyou smiled brightly.

Lu Qian touched his chin. Is there so much detail in the art of wielding a sword?

However, he can understand that people have the spirit, energy and spirit of the Three Treasures, and these spirits, energy and spirit have matching sword-wielding skills. This is a matter of course.

Qinglin Sword Pavilion has always used gods to control swords. Lu Qian looked at Qingyou seriously: Well, can you choose a matching sword technique for each item? Let me see, I fell to the ground Which one is suitable?

The three girls have been so kind and kind, and Lu Yi can't repay them. I'll cover all the fruits and snacks you have in Haojing City. Lu Yi slapped his chest hard and solemnly promised the three girls.

The three women smiled at the same time, their smiles were all the same, and their eyes were as bright as crescent moons.

Lu Qian began to learn the art of sword control.

At the same time, Dayin East Border City.

The city wall is three miles high and has the same specifications as the city wall outside Haojing.

The Eastern Boundary City, which is hundreds of miles in radius, is like a golden lock, locking the only passage from Eastern China to the core hinterland of Dayin.

Standing on the east wall of the East Boundary City and looking out, there is a vast expanse of white water. The wind is blowing, and the waves are several feet high. There are faint scales lurking, and there are all kinds of big fish, turtles, and pythons that are several feet long. Crocodiles, etc. are really countless.

There are thirty-six east gates in the East Boundary City, large and small. Outside the row of gates, there is a bridge that is a hundred miles wide and three thousand miles long. This bridge is the only one in the three thousand miles of water outside. channel.

Every twelve years, the pilgrimage procession of the princes of Eastern China can only enter the core hinterland of Dayin through this bridge and the gate of the Eastern Boundary City.

If any princes have different intentions and want to attack the East Boundary City, it is impossible to capture the East Boundary City with the strength of the current world. The three-mile-high, indestructible city wall makes it impossible for even martial arts masters at the Acupoint level to attack it.

However, in history, the Eastern Boundary City fell many times, but none of them actually fell due to fighting.

Early in the morning, Zhuge Duming led a large group of confidants to the east gate tower of the East Border City, stroking his long beard and looking eastward.

As the guard of the Eastern Boundary City, Zhuge Duming has always decorated himself as a scholar. He only wears scholar's robes, Taoist robes, cloaks, etc. He never wears armor or carries weapons. He always keeps a goose feather fan in his hand.

As a direct descendant of the Zhuge family of the Yasheng family among the Sixty-three Wenjiao Sages and Nineteen Sages, Zhuge Duming's mantra is: Conquer people with virtue!

Dayin has four boundary cities in the southeast, northwest and northwest, which are the four gateways of Haojing.

With the rise of culture and education, Eastern China, as the origin of culture and education, is also the most deeply rooted base of culture and education. The important officials of culture and education spent countless efforts and set off a bloody storm in the court. Finally, thirty years ago, the Eastern Boundary City was destroyed. Control is in one's own hands.

Zhuge Duming has been in command of Dongjie City for thirty years.

In the past thirty years, the guards and soldiers of the original Forbidden Army system have died, become crippled, disappeared, and retired.

Nowadays, the entire East Border City is covered by the Chengweifu City Defense Army from top to bottom, and the officials in all important positions are all great talents with a background in literature and education. Zhuge Duming can be said to cover the sky with one hand in East Border City.

Early in the morning, on the bridge outside the East Boundary City, hundreds of large and small caravans that had camped on the bridge last night had already set up camp and marched toward the smallest city gates in the east.

Accompanied by the roar of machines and driven by underground water, a dozen small city gates no more than ten feet wide slowly opened. Soldiers surrounded the tax collectors and strode out of the city gates, happily welcoming the first wave of the day. Fat sheep.

Zhuge Duming held his hands on the city wall and looked down.

Looking down from an altitude of three miles, people are like ants and caravans are like snakes. Zhuge Duming looked at the caravans slowly entering the city and smiled scornfully: You are a bunch of people, full of copper odor, vulgar, vulgar! Bah!

Zhuge Duming spat downwards.

Then, he looked up at the sky and said quietly: It's so vulgar. These are the dogs who don't read the saint's books, don't understand the saint's rituals, and spend their whole lives working in the business. Hey, it's only because of these businessmen in Dayin that the world has declined. Moral decay, every generation is worse than the last!”

Waving a goose feather fan, Zhuge Duming said leisurely: The emperor has lost his virtue, the emperor has no principles, and the empress dowager's use of chickens in the morning is even more harmful to the country and the people. The holy emperor should rule under the arch, and just make babies in the deep palace. This is The affairs of the world should be left to us, the people of the world, to manage them...

Conquer people with virtue, govern people with virtue, 'virtue' is the eternal and unchangeable truth in this world.

I, Zhuge Duming, have wasted thirty years, thirty years... With my moral cultivation, Zhuge Duming, if I hadn't been delayed by the Eastern Boundary City, would it be his turn to be the prime minister, Zhu Chong?

On the top of the city wall are Zhuge Duming's confidants, the most loyal henchmen.

Hearing that Zhuge Duming was going crazy again, they all nodded hurriedly, wildly flattering and agreeing with his statement.

Zhuge Duming smiled proudly and said proudly: My ancestors are not as good as me in the cultivation of virtue. If I were in the position of my ancestors, where would it be his turn to be sanctified by the Zhu family? This pattern of saints and five sub-sages , there must be changes.”

All the confidants were full of smiles and hurriedly flattered Zhuge Duming.

Zhuge Duming stood on the city gate tower, looking at the red sun rising in the east, and made another cynical attack.

The Wang family, the Cui family, the Linghu family, etc., a number of well-known cultural and educational families, were sprayed with blood by him.

Zhuge Duming doesn't spare even his own ancestors and wants to criticize them, but imagine what good words he can say when he criticizes these families.

After spraying wildly for a while, Zhuge Duming suddenly frowned.

On the bridge to the east, the sun lifted the fog covering the bridge into the sky, revealing the bridge as smooth as a mirror.

A mighty cavalry was roaring towards the East Boundary City.

This team is huge, and from a distance, you can see a patch of snow.

The faint sound of horse hooves was like thunder, already carried by the wind.

There was a wave of white clothes, and the horse team advanced at an extremely fast speed.

Zhuge Duming narrowed his eyes. With a wave of his hand, a lieutenant stepped hard on the city wall. With a slight sound of machine clatter, several huge city wall bricks slid left and right, and a long wall brick was opened. Nearly ten feet away, a machine with complex structure slowly rose from the city wall.

This is a large telescope with a frame of fine gold, silver, and red copper, and a dozen large and small crystal lenses.

The exquisite structure and exquisitely polished crystal lenses allow the defenders on the city wall to easily see the image on the other side of the bridge three thousand miles away when the weather is good.

Zhuge Duming leaned in front of a small lens the size of a sea bowl, looked at it with wide eyes, and then snorted coldly.

They are from Haojian Palace, so don't be nervous. The leaders of the team are some uncles from my family... Tsk, wouldn't it be good for a few old guys to stay in our house to eat, drink, have fun and tease the little maids? With such a windy appearance, how can you do this? Who’s watching?”

Tsk, this scale is not small. There are at least 300,000 Haojian Palace disciples. Who provoked them?

In the white horse team roaring in like a tide, a dozen fast horses holding flags and flags surpassed the team and rushed towards the main gate in the middle of the east side of the East Boundary City.

From a long distance away, a scolding sound as high as the sound of a sword could be heard from afar.

Haojian Palace is in charge, where is the guard of East Boundary City?

Zhuge Duming looked down and cursed in a low voice: You bastard, where is the guard of the Eastern Boundary City? I am your biological uncle. Do you make such a fuss about me?

Shaking his head, Zhuge Duming waved his hand: Open the city gate and let them in.

A confidant general was stunned and whispered: Sir, the rules of East Boundary City are that any team with more than a thousand people and a certain amount of force must be strictly inspected before...


Zhuge Duming slapped the opponent in the face: Are you blind? The leaders below are all members of my Zhuge family. Are you saying that they will rebel?

No one on the top of the city wall dared to say a word.

The next moment, the huge machine sound of Clang Lang Lang continued to sound, and dozens of large and small gates in the east of the East Boundary City rose at the same time.

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