Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 193 The Emperor’s Order

Lu Qian left Zhuge Mingming with dignity.

Zhuge Mingming put on a full set of court clothes and brought a full set of ceremonial guards from the Minister of Rites, and was escorted to the imperial city by Lu Qian.

Of course, Zhuge Mingming's family members in Haojing do not have such preferential treatment.

There was a group of Imperial Army and a group of Yulin Army respectively. Following the orders of the Queen Mother and the Emperor, they surrounded Zhuge Mansion and began to arrest Zhuge Mingming's family members. Even the residences of other Zhuge clan members in Haojing were surrounded by the army, and people were arrested one by one according to the list provided by the palace guard.

Some of Zhuge's properties in Haojing, such as some shops, farms, etc., were also dispatched by the Forbidden Army garrison in each city, and all properties were sealed. Everyone named Zhuge was sent to the secret prison of the palace guard; the shopkeeper, waiters, servants, maids and other servants were all thrown into the dungeon of the general's mansion.

Lu Qian escorted Zhuge Mingming into the imperial city and all the way into Fuyao Palace.

The arrest of Zhuge Mingming took some time, and everyone who should be there in Fuyao Palace arrived.

General Lewu, Prime Minister Zhu Chong, and civil and military ministers of sufficient rank all stood in the Fuyao Hall, looking at their mouths, noses, and hearts, bowing their heads and keeping silent.

Hongluqing Li Zi...

It’s the unlucky Li Zi again.

There were so many civil and military ministers in the hall, but Li Zi was the only one who knelt on the ground in a very embarrassed state, with a guy on his forehead. When Lu Qian escorted Zhuge Mingming into Fuyao Hall, a wisp of blood was flowing down Li Zi's cheek. It's dripping.

Lu Qian looked up and saw Yinyuan on the steps, behind the huge long case, with a gloomy face and twitching eyes.

He even saw that on the long table in front of Yinyuan, all the gold and jade treasures, such as gold seals, jade seals, jade paperweights, antique bronze incense burners and other furnishings, were all missing tonight.

On the huge table, there are some bowls, plates and other things with blue and white patterns.

Lu Qian opened the acupuncture points all over his body, and his eyesight was amazingly good. As soon as he entered the hall, he could clearly see the quality of these blue and white dishes - they were all sold for two or three copper coins in the market. He bought ten at a time, and the boss also paid Will spare one, crudely made goods from folk kilns.

In front of Li Zi, there were pieces of broken porcelain slag scattered on the smooth gold brick floor.

Lu Qian could imagine that Yinyuan roared and Li Zi knelt down to make a move. Yinyuan smashed a blue and white bowl down and hit Li Zi squarely on the forehead.

Poor Li Zi!

Lu Qian rolled his eyes at Li Zi - How come this guy is only half-step into the Fire Realm, so why is he living such a miserable life?

After coughing slightly, Lu Qian stood beside Li Zi and saluted Yinyuan: Your Majesty, I have invited Minister Zhuge here.

Yinyuan, who looked gloomy, raised his eyelids, smiled at Lu Qian, and then waved gently: Lu Qing, stand to the side. Oh, by the way, stand a little further to the side!

Lu Qian hurriedly walked several steps towards Lu Yi and walked into the train of military commanders and nobles.

Yinyuan chuckled a few times, and then hooked his hand towards Zhuge Mingming: Zhuge Shangshu, Zhuge Qing's family, Zhuge Aiqing, you...please take two steps forward, hey, by the way, it was just now The place where Lord Tianyang is standing is right next to Hongluqing, oh, by the way, stand there, don't move, don't move!

Yinyuan directed Zhuge Mingming to stand still, and then stood up suddenly. He picked up a stack of twelve large porcelain sea bowls with blue and white patterns on the table with both hands. He raised his hands high above his head and with a ouch, he lifted the twelve A big porcelain bowl hit Zhuge Mingming hard.

Zhuge was obviously not Li Zi. Even if he was escorted to the imperial city by Lu Qian, he would not be so obedient and beaten.

Seeing a stack of coarse porcelain bowls being smashed down with the sound of wind, Zhuge Mingming quickly took a few steps back. A large stack of coarse porcelain bowls hit the ground heavily, with a 'crash' sound and the broken porcelain was scattered everywhere. A lot of porcelain slag flew into Li Zi's face, and several small cuts were made on his old face.

Li Zi raised his head resentfully and glanced at Yinyuan.

Yinyuan was furious and slapped the note: Okay, old dog Zhuge, you are indeed a traitor, a big traitor... you old dog, you old dog... you... I'll poke your mother's ass!

The majestic emperor cursed in public in the court meeting hall, and the curse was so unpleasant.

The two court officials on the side looked at Yinyuan with twisted faces and rolled their eyes for a long time. They finally came back to their senses and finally realized their responsibilities. They knelt on the ground with a 'gudong' sound and said, My lord, it is a capital crime. .”

Go away! Yinyuan pointed fiercely at the two court officials: Today, I will not talk about manners; today, no one should talk about 'etiquette' or 'manners' to me; today, who will If my mother dares to remonstrate with me so that I can maintain my imperial demeanor, I will kill his whole family!

Behind the pearl curtain, the Queen Mother was sitting there upright, silent and motionless, letting Yinyuan go wild.

Yinyuan was gesticulating, jumping around and yelling curses. Starting from the sub-sage ancestor of the Zhuge family, he greeted and scolded generation after generation, scolding all the ancestors of the Zhuge family.

After finishing scolding Zhuge Mingming's ancestors, Yinyuan began to scold Zhuge Mingming's son, grandson, and great-grandson.

On the case in front of him, there were thick piles of case files, which were all collected by the palace guards and were evidence of the crimes of the descendants of the Zhuge family who were rampant and wanton in Haojing City.

Therefore, Yinyuan's scolding was well-founded and well-organized.

After cursing for a full quarter of an hour, Yinyuan finally took a breath and stretched out his hand towards Yu Changle.

Yu Changle put a tea cup into Yinyuan's hand. Yinyuan glared at Yu Changle fiercely and yelled: Old Yu, you old slave, are you stupid too?

Yu Changle hurriedly took back the tea cup and took a large teapot from the little eunuch behind him.

Yinyuan grabbed the big teapot and drank several sips against the spout of the teapot. Then he suddenly lowered his head and looked at Zhuge who was standing below, his face turning green and white, red and black, and his whole body was trembling. Obviously.

Yinyuan raised the teapot in his hand.

Le Wuyin smiled, put his hands behind his back, walked slowly behind Zhuge Mingming, then stretched out his hand and pressed Zhuge Mingming's shoulders hard.

Zhuge Mingming shouted loudly: General, you are... ridiculous!

Yinyuan laughed: Uncle, you did a great job!

Yu Changle muttered behind Yinyuan: Your Majesty, this teapot is an antique. It's an antique... It's worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Yinyuan threw the teapot back to Yu Changle, chuckled, and reached out to pick up a large blue and white porcelain children's pillow on the table in front of him.

This baby pillow is a solid thing.

Yinyuan gritted his teeth, looked at Zhuge Mingming's head, and hit it hard.

Zhuge Mingming wanted to dodge, but Le Wu grabbed his body tightly. Zhuge Mingming used all his strength to give a violent shock, and a soft, strong, and endless Yuangang burst out in his body, but it was like a tsunami hitting the rocks. Lewu did not move at all. Instead, Zhuge Mingming used too much force and suddenly broke out. gas.

With a muffled sound, the solid blue and white porcelain child pillow exploded into seven or eight pieces on Zhuge Mingming's forehead. Zhuge Mingming's forehead was smashed to pieces, and blood spurted out all of a sudden.

Zhuge Mingming groaned, shook his body violently, and finally stood up straight.

He raised his sleeves and covered the wound on his forehead. He looked at Yinyuan angrily and shouted, word by word: Your Majesty, your Majesty's actions tonight can be called... a tyrant!

I am a tyrant, what can you do to me? Yinyuan was so angry that his fingers became like chicken claws, and his fingers twitched, as if he had chicken claw madness.

Zhuge Mingming, Zhuge Mingming, I originally thought that when that hypocrite Bai Changkong died, the world would stop. That Bai Changkong is the culprit of the ghost fights all over Haojing!

I originally thought that everyone could live in peace, and Dayin would really return to the good days of good weather and peace for the country and the people.

I never expected that there are really traitorous officials in the imperial court!

The people in Anping Prefecture rebelled and shouted the slogan of Qing Junzi. They were not wrong!

On the side of the Qing Dynasty, you want to kill the traitors of the country. There are treacherous officials in the court, there are traitors of the country, and there are some great traitors and evildoers who want to destroy the country of Yin, and make my whole family of Yin family die!

Zhuge Mingming hissed: Your Majesty, veteran...

Yin Yuan waved his hands vigorously and shouted sternly: That's enough, stop playing the trick of your family making multiple bets. Although I am a foolish king, I am not stupid... What do you want to say? That you are against Dayin You are so loyal, can you show your unwavering loyalty to the Queen Mother and to me?

Ah! Yinyuan jumped up and spat far away.

‘Pa’, all the spit was sprayed on Zhuge Mingming’s old face, not a single bit was wasted.

Zhuge Mingming screamed angrily: Prime Minister, how can you allow a foolish king to humiliate me, a veteran of three dynasties, like this?

Zhu Chong coughed lightly, looked up at Zhuge Mingming, and then shook his head gently.

The cultural and educational family has now evolved into a huge interest complex.

Logically speaking, everyone should speak for Zhuge Mingming, whether it is Zhu Chong or the cultural and educational ministers who come from the sixty-third family of the Six Saints and Nineteen Sages in Fuyao Hall.

However, Zhuge's troubles this time... even Zhu Chong and the others couldn't stand it anymore.

Without any news, without any warning, without any ventilation for any of them, the Haojian Palace controlled by the Zhuge family just openly opened the East Boundary City as the vanguard of Dong Qibo, and the army marched straight in, invading the territory of Dayin's confidants?

It was Zhuge who first betrayed the cultural and educational interest groups, not the cultural and educational interest groups who betrayed Zhuge.

Zhu Chong slowly walked out of the train and said softly: Your Majesty is wise. Zhuge Mingming is now still trying to trick your Majesty with clever words. This is an unforgivable crime. I believe that the people of the Zhuge clan in Haojing City and a group of people should be killed. His in-laws, disciples, etc. were all captured, put into prison and tortured.

Looking at the pale-faced Zhuge Mingming, Zhu Chong said in a deep voice: I asked Yu Changle, Supervisor Yu, to personally perform the operation and torture Zhuge Mingming to find out what the Zhuge family's conspiracy is.

After taking a breath, Zhu Chong continued: In addition, I request your Majesty to mobilize elite troops and generals as soon as possible to resist Dong Qi Bo and conquer the Eastern Boundary City... If not, I am afraid that something unbearable will happen...

Yinyuan's eyes flickered for a while, and then he looked towards Lu Qian.

Mr. Tianen, Gong Tianyang, can I trust you? In other words, can Dayin trust you? Can I, the Yin family, trust you?

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