Jiayou's Fun

Wedge Xuezheng's Wail

It snows heavily in the country, and the capital is covered with snow.

The eternally famous city of Haojing was the ancient capital of the Eighteen Dynasties. There is no city in the world that is more noble than it, and it is naturally more romantic than it.

Within Haojing City, there are forty-nine man-made canals running vertically and horizontally in the city, dividing the square city of Haojing into more than 2,000 square cities of different sizes.

Haojing Palace City, the current residence of the emperor, is surrounded by four canals in the north of the city.

The four closest ones to the palace are Feng Tiao, Yushun, Cathay, and Min'an. Within these four squares, there are all the famous gates of the courtyard, and the people who live in them are either relatives of the emperor or the founding fathers of the country.

In the northwest corner of Min'anfang, the area closest to the palace city, there is a large mansion surrounded by green pines and cypresses. Even in the cold winter, the ground is white with snow, and the entire mansion covering an area of ​​thousands of acres is still lush green, with red doors, green tiles, and white tiles. The walls and green trees exude an ancient and noble atmosphere.

This is the Duke's Mansion of Lai State, the home of the founder of Dayin Wu Dynasty.

In recent years, the number of children and grandchildren in the Laiguo Gongfu clan has been declining slightly. However, where the foundation of the family that our ancestors risked their lives to lay is placed, even if it is slightly dilapidated, the style of the top wealthy family has not lost at all.

In the northeast corner of Laiguo Duke's mansion, next to the ancestral hall, a square piece of land was circled for the boss.

There are several large and stable tile-roofed houses built here, all with water-polished blue brick floors and snow-white fine paper walls. The ceilings are made of fragrant thin wooden strips, and the natural stripes of the wooden strips are used to spell out A huge image of a carp jumping over a dragon gate.

There are large clear crystal windows on all four walls of the big tile-roofed house. The skylight shines in through the large crystals, and the room does not appear dim at all.

There was a fire dragon burning under the huge room. Even in the middle of winter, the room was still steaming and warm.

Here is the clan culture of the Lai Kingdom.

The Duke of Lai State spends a lot of money on family studies every year and hires some well-known teachers. As long as any direct branch of the Duke of Lai State, or even relatives and friends, all the children after reaching the age of five can Come to the tribe to learn reading.

In a large tile-roofed room, the desks are neatly arranged. Books of all colors are piled on the desks, and the four treasures of the study are placed there.

Behind the desk, sitting on stools, were a group of young people from the Lai Guogong lineage, ranging in age from fourteen to eighteen years old. The classroom is spacious and the space is huge. There are nearly two hundred young people of the right age from Lai Guogong's lineage, all sitting in this classroom.

Lu Qian had long hair tied into a big ponytail. He was wearing a large double-breasted cotton-padded jacket made of blue cloth. He put his hands in the loose sleeves. He was sitting in the corner of the last row of the room, looking through the crystal window at the classroom opposite. There were a few sparrows jumping back and forth on the eaves.

It is already the twelfth lunar month, and the New Year is approaching. The one-year ethnic studies course has come to an end. After today, there will be a month-long winter vacation.

Two days ago, Ethnology organized the end-of-year assessment, and today is the day when the results will be released.

In the first few rows of the classroom, those boys who came from a branch of Laiguo Duke's palace and were somewhat ambitious were looking nervously at the Xuexue Zheng behind the podium in front of them.

In the middle of the classroom, a dozen or so young masters, dressed in silk and satin, with their little ones waiting beside them, were slumped on their seats like a pile of pork, racking their brains to figure out where to go later, which one to look for, What fun pastime to do.

In the last few rows of the classroom, that is, the rows next to Lu Qian, there are some boys who are also from the side clan, but whose families have considerable financial resources and influence, together with a group of relatives, friends and children who come to the clan to study and study. They were making playful faces and communicating with secret codes that only they knew.

Occasionally, you can hear their whispers.

For example, 'little peach red breasts', 'little willow green pink buttocks', 'a certain nanny has a good waist', 'which big teapot raises a big tortoise', etc.

The clan scholar Xuezheng sitting on the podium is Lu Jun, who is nearly forty years old and a close branch of the Lai Kingdom.

Ten years ago, Lu Jun was promoted as a filial and honest person by the Duke of Lai State. He obtained an official status and lived a very dignified life. But the good times did not last long. During his tenure, he suffered a huge deficit in money and food, but he did not know where the money and food from the public treasury went. He did not have the strength to fill the hole. Once the incident happened, he almost lost his head.

Thanks to the relationship with the Duke of Lai, Lu Jun was not convicted, but he lost his official position.

The Duke of Lai Kingdom absolves Lu Jun of his crime, but will not fill the hole for him.

But today, today, he is a weirdo who attaches great importance to money and is very good at managing and amassing money.

Lu Jun is carrying a huge debt of money and food. Unless he makes up for the hole, there will be no hope of recovery for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, Lu Jun had some friendships with several lords who were directly related to the principal in the Lai Kingdom Palace, and he also had some splendid writings, so he reluctantly entered the clan school and took on the responsibility of educating and training his descendants for the Lai Kingdom Palace. The important task of talent.

Lu Jun, who was quite handsome and delicate, with slightly gray sideburns, didn't bother to care about the noisy boys below.

He did not dare to take care of the direct sons of the Duke's Mansion.

He didn't bother to care about the useless collateral descendants and outsiders.

There are still some ambitious boys sitting in the first few rows, so he doesn't need to care about them.

He let out a lazy breath, picked up the small purple clay teapot and took a sip of old white tea. Lu Jun slowly pulled out a buffalo leather book bag from under the podium and took out a thick stack of examination papers.

“This year’s annual exam, the results are generally similar to previous years.”

You guys, we must remember that our ancestors' wealth was hard-earned and required diligent study, and we must not fall into the prestigious name of the Jingyang Lu family, Lai Guogongfu.

Here, Lu Xun, come up.

Hey, Lu Qian, go to the middle school.

Here, Lu Shen, up and down.

Lu Jun slowly read out the annual examination results of the boys from the clan school. Those boys, whether direct, collateral, or outsiders, came forward one by one and took the exam paper from Lu Jun's hand. They were either smiling, smiling playfully, frowning, or confused. Return to your seat indifferently.

Lu Jun read the names one by one. At the end, he shook the last paper in his hand and changed his face: Lu Qian, come on. Compared with the previous two years, you have made no progress at all. Look at your final result. This is the most important sermon on Taoism, and you answered the question incorrectly, and it’s all nonsense.”

Lu Jun knocked on the podium hard, pointed at the expressionless Lu Yi and scolded: You were like this the year before last, you were like this last year, and you are still like this this year. If you continue like this, you will not be worthy of the monthly subsidy of silver and rice from the clan. Food?

Lu Jun stared at Lu Qian, who stood up slowly, and said sternly: In this world, cultural and educational disciples are the most noble. Studying and doing knowledge is the real bright future. This academic activity, everything else is the foundation, only Taoism is the great road of Qingyun.

No matter how fat you are and how good you are, you won't be able to make good sermons. Scared!

Lu Jun threw the paper in his hand forward lightly and let it fall on the ground.

He pointed at Lu Qian and reprimanded him loudly with an increasingly fierce tone: Year after year, year after year, year after year, there is no progress. It shows that you are a waste seed, a dirty waste that will only embarrass the Jingyang Lu family.

Lu Jun's scolding became more and more intense, and his saliva spat out far away.

Lu Qian coughed lightly and stepped forward slowly.

There was a sudden silence in the classroom.

Whether it was the young master of the palace or those close relatives from afar, everyone raised their heads and looked at Lu Qian, who was nearly nine feet tall, burlier and more energetic than ordinary people.

Lu Qian picked up the paper on the ground, rolled it into a cylinder, and gently tapped his thigh as if holding a stick.

With a smile, he kept nodding to Lu Jun: That's what I'm blaming, sir.

Lu Jun was unmoved by Lu Qian's smile, and his reprimands became more and more bitter, mean, and even a little vicious.

In my opinion, you don't need to study anymore.

If you are reluctant to part with the money and food that you receive every month from the clan school, why don't you just tell the master and go out and do some work to make a living? Wouldn't it be better than wasting your time here?

If you stay in the clan school, you will not only be embarrassed yourself, but even the Lu clan clan will be implicated by you and ridiculed by others!

In such a huge Haojing city, with so many big families, which family school is like you, a fool who has been taking exams for four consecutive years?

Because of you, it's embarrassing for me to go out and drink with my contemporaries.

Fortunately, your grandfather died early, and your father may have died as well. Otherwise, seeing you like this, wouldn't I be pissed off by you to death?

Lu Chen's eyes were as clear as ice, with a smile on his face, he bowed quietly to Lu Jun, turned around and walked back to his seat.

Seeing Lu Qian's appearance, Lu Jun's reprimands continued like a river, and he almost started to curse.

In the clan school, the sons of the direct line of the Lu family, as well as the naughty side branches and relatives, all pointed at Lu Ren and laughed, laughing and joking with Lu Jun to their heart's content.

That night, a group of students from the Laiguo Gongfu School of Ethnic Studies pooled together a sum of money and opened a winery in the largest winery, Hefeng Xiaoyu Building in Anlefang, east of Min'anfang, separated by a canal in the city. At the year-end teacher appreciation banquet, all the gentlemen from the clan school, as well as Xuezheng Lu Jun and several clan middle school supervisors were invited to have a big meal.

Before the banquet was over, just like the previous two years, Lu Qian declined and quietly left the banquet.

After the banquet, Lu Jun and other gentlemen called their friends and ran to Mingyue Pavilion near Hefeng Xiaoyu Anle Building to have a good time.

Late at night, Lu Jun, who was very drunk, left the table, refused the support of the beautiful lady beside him, staggered, and went directly outside to change clothes alone.

Suddenly, a miserable howl rose into the sky, and Lu Jun's cry echoed throughout Mingyue Pavilion.

My legs, my legs, legs, legs...Why is this place so slippery?

Faintly, someone exclaimed: This, this is the third time! Brother Lu, what a bad luck?

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