Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 204 Uncle Dong Qi

It's okay if Luqi doesn't speed up.

As soon as he accelerated, the leopard rider in front let out a whistle, and the horse beneath him hissed. The four hooves suddenly brought up a large afterimage, and gradually the movements of their hooves became invisible to the naked eye.


The speed of the Leopard Cavalry suddenly increased by about four times. The Deer Cavalry had just approached to a distance of tens of feet, and was instantly thrown down by more than a hundred feet by the Leopard Cavalry. Then he watched the distance between the two parties getting wider and wider. getting bigger.

The Luqi generals all hissed in surprise, subconsciously raised their right hands and clenched their fists tightly.

The deer cavalry scouts slowly slowed down their pursuit, then turned in a huge arc and returned towards the main army in the rear.

The leopard rides suddenly, which is weird.

There is no way this speed is what the Leopard Rider should have.

The details of the major legions under Dayin's Fifth Military Mansion have been clearly understood by the princes from all directions over the years.

It is impossible for a Leopard Rider to have such speed - especially since the soldiers on the Leopard Rider were equipped with heavy weapons such as iron armor, heavy halberds, and heavy crossbows. With the physique and strength of the Leopard Rider, it is impossible to bear such weight and run so fast.

There's weirdness, there's big weirdness.

The Luqi scouts returned one after another, and the news was sent to Uncle Dong Qi layer by layer.

In the middle of the huge legion, Uncle Dong Qi was joking with an old man in a green shirt. The thing they were talking about was the two men who got interested and took a few swordsmen from the Haojian Palace to travel on their own a few days ago. Deacon of the outer sect of the Heart Sword Sect.

The two old men of the Heart Sword Sect, who are close to the perfection of the Fire Realm, are the strongest beings that each major sect can send out in today's world.

The realm of fire...

Not to mention the Fire Realm, even those at the peak of the Furnace Realm are still top masters in today's Dayin secular world.

Senior, don't worry. Those two seniors are definitely safe and sound. Maybe it's just that Yaxing is here and they are having a drink at a country wine shop somewhere.

Dongqi Bo Qili smiled brightly.

He's in a good mood.

Although a son died.

But as for Qi Xuan's son, if the news of his death hadn't come, he would have almost forgotten that he had such a son.

He had even forgotten which concubine or maid of his was the mother of Qi Ren, the son whom he had thrown away as a hostage in Haojing?

Originally, Qi Ren was dead, so let's just die.

The Queen Mother uses him as fishing bait or something. Doesn't this mean the Queen Mother appreciates him?

Originally, Qi Li was planning to write to the imperial court and ask for a reward from the imperial court in the name of Qi Ren - his ancestral title was only an uncle, which was far from worthy of the current strength of Uncle Dong Qi in Eastern China. and status.

In the past few years, Qi Li had been preparing to spend a huge sum of money to buy a 'dong' title from the emperor.

It's just that the emperor's heart is too dark.

He sold titles to wealthy businessmen at acceptable prices.

But if they, the princes who originally had ancestral titles, wanted to mention their ancestral titles to the emperor - Yinyuan would use rhetoric such as 'ancestral family law' and increase the price by about a hundred times!

A hundred times the price... Even Qi Li felt a little heartbroken.

Now, Qi Xun died, or died because of some of the Queen Mother's actions. Qi Li was very excited, and prepared to use the death of his son to ask the Queen Mother for a decree to raise his title. All the ceremonial guards such as staffs, axes, umbrellas, and large banners will be provided if they can be matched!

Unexpectedly, when he was about to submit a letter to the court, Haojian Palace came to his door.

Haojian Palace offered to help him seek justice!

Just a Haojian Palace, even if the Zhuge family, one of the Six Saints of Culture and Education, was behind the Haojian Palace, Qi Li would never have thought of hooking up with them.

No matter how many disciples the Haojian Palace disciples have, and no matter how great their potential power is, they are still just a private 'academic organization'.

This is two different things from marching and fighting.

But when the Heart Sword Sect behind the Haojian Palace sent a few outer sect deacons to show off a ten-mile flying sword in front of him and cut off the head of a bull, Qi Li knelt down towards the opponent without saying a word. .

The most the Queen Mother can seal him with is a 'gong'.

But if this plan comes true, Uncle Dong Qi is thinking that he will get the title of 'king' no matter what.

As for the 'Feng Wang', according to the feudal rules of Dayin and the previous dynasties, it was an independent small country. Although Dayin was still regarded as the suzerainty, those rules such as prostitution and tribute were not enough. Very different from now.

Perhaps, the entire Eastern China can become the territory of the Qi family?

The worries of the old man in green shirt, the outer elder of the Heart Sword Sect, were completely unnecessary in Qi Li's opinion.

You are like 'gods', how can anyone in the secular world hurt you?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Qi Li smiled and said: Don't worry, elder, it will be fine. Well, ahead is Wuzhou City, which is a land of plenty, and Dayin is the number one place for fresh fish. Especially the Dajiang white strips inside, steam them a little, and get some Soy sauce, it’s so delicious.”

A few days ago, Wuzhou surrendered to me. Today, we are in Wuzhou City, admiring the river view and tasting fresh fish. There is no greater happiness in the world than this.

Qi Li smiled happily.

The old man in green shirt beside him also nodded slightly and moved his index finger quite a bit.

The military information was sent up at this time. Qi Li's eyes widened when he heard the information from his generals: Scouts from the Eastern March Army appeared around Wuzhou City? How is Wuzhou City?

Qi Li's face was red and burning.

I just said that I would like to invite the senior officials of the Heart Sword Sect to enjoy the scenery and eat fish in Wuzhou City. The result is great. Wuzhou City is likely to be taken back by the imperial court. This matter is so embarrassing!

Qi Li cursed the incompetent Zhuge Suiming in his heart, and then pointed at the general who sent the message and cursed gloomily.

Are you thinking that Uncle Ben is old and dim?

Can the Leopard Cavalry run faster than the Deer Cavalry that activates the secret technique?

It's nonsense, it's simply ridiculous. Who was the leader of that scout team just now? Pull him down and chop him!

Qi Li was so angry that his nose twisted.

Are you kidding me?

Once the Deer Cavalry activates its secret technique, its speed surges three times. Can the Leopard Cavalry outpace the fast Deer Cavalry?

Qi Li concluded that the leader of the scout team must have been afraid of fighting in the face of danger and deliberately made up excuses. It was better to kill this kind of trash as soon as possible and drag down his own army after he was born.

The general who sent the message coughed dryly: The leader of the scout team is the Seventy-Third Young Master.

Qi Li was stunned.

The seventy-third young master is, of course, his seventy-third son.

Unlike Qi Xun, a good-for-nothing son who was thrown away to Haojing, his seventy-third son is handsome and handsome, quite like Qi Li. He also has excellent qualifications and is also listed in the Haojian Palace. For the 'elite' choice.

In particular, the son's mother's clan is one of the largest mining merchants in Uncle Dong Qi's territory, and they provide Uncle Dong Qi with huge amounts of money, food, ordnance and weapons every year.

This is a precious son, not the same as an unlucky kid like Qi Ren.

Old Seventy-Three, why didn't he come to see me by himself? Well, since he said so, he ordered all the troops to be careful.

Qi Li frowned: It can be seen that there is something weird. Don't be fooled and let the imperial army take advantage.

All the generals around him agreed one after another, but many generals believed that the Seventy-Third Young Master had made it up randomly - they had been fighting with Dongqi Bo's neighbors all year round, and they were all masters of battle formations.

Can they not know what is going on with the Leopard Cavalry of the Fifth Army's Eastern Expedition Corps?

A Leopard Rider cannot be so fast!

Here, Qi Li had just given an order. In front, several fast horses rushed towards the army in a slightly embarrassed manner, heading straight towards the direction of the Chinese army.

Uncle, uncle...in front, in front...

One of the messenger soldiers looked pale and looked at Qi Li tremblingly, not daring to speak.

What's in front of you? Are there monsters and ghosts? Look at you guys... Qi Li picked up his riding whip and whipped the pale-skinned messenger.

Less than half an hour later, Qi Li rode his horse and stood in front of the row of wooden signs on the galloping road.

Qi Li's face was dark, and he was holding the horse whip tightly, staring at the wonderful greetings on the sign with teeth and claws, piercing his heart and lungs.

The culmination of the collective wisdom of an army of 400,000, thousands of ruffians, and street shrews.

One can imagine what was written on these hundreds of wooden signs.

Qi Li's face was dark and his eyes were red.

Suddenly he broke the riding crop in his hand and threw it heavily on the ground: Good calligraphy, good calligraphy, I have seen this word... Haha, Tianyang Gong Lu Qian created the original gold stele style, good calligraphy, brilliant and majestic , majestic and majestic, tsk, even a non-reader like me can see it...refreshing and happy!

Qi Li smiled and looked at the surrounding generals who were timid and did not dare to look at him, and laughed and said: Tian Yanggong is such a talented person, but I am missing a leader of the chamberlain who is good at writing and writing!

Look at what's written here. Duke Tianyang is in Wuzhou City, waiting for you!

Qi Li smiled and said: Come on, encircle Wuzhou City. I want to get close to Duke Tianyang. Maybe as soon as we see each other, he will kill himself and become the leader of the chamberlain for me. ?”

All the generals under Uncle Dong Qi understood.

Qi Li is going to castrate Lu Qian and make Lu Qian his chamberlain!

Tsk tsk!

A long sound of horns sounded, and the banners and military flags rotated left and right. On the road, Dong Qibo's main army meandered away from the main road, and like a flood, it surrounded Wuzhou City.

An hour later, Wuzhou City was surrounded from all sides, and the murderous drums sounded like thunder. The people in Wuzhou City were so frightened that they trembled and closed their doors tightly, afraid to go out.

Lu Qian fell back to the top of the sentry tower and waved his hand: The city is under siege, and it's not just a siege of three and one missing. There is no way for us to survive. This is to catch us all.

The armies are preparing for war. Let us see the quality of Dong Qibo's army.

Lu Qian smiled, jumped off the sentry tower, walked along the city wall to the east gate tower, lay down on the wall crenels, and looked out of the city.

Dong Qibo's Chinese army camp was stationed ten miles outside the east city gate.

While Lu Qian was looking out of the city, Uncle Dong Qi was also riding a deer king nearly ten feet tall, looking towards the city gate tower.

The two of them immediately met each other's eyes even though they were ten miles apart.

Inexplicably, Uncle Dong Qi gave a soft drink, and the Deer King trotted towards the east city gate.

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