Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 210 Indestructible

The end of the Qingguang Dam that Senior Brother has built along both sides of the river is still thirty or forty miles away from Wuzhou City.

The flood peak broke out of the control range of Qingguang Dam, and white waves suddenly splashed towards both banks. The huge waves rolled like fireworks exploding. Waves hundreds of feet high broke through the river bank and roared onto the land beside the river.

Flowers, trees, farmland, crops, and several small towns to the west of Wuzhou City were instantly wiped out by the flood.

Uncle Dong Qi surrounded the camp in Wuzhou City. At the head of the camp to the west, countless officers and soldiers noticed the incredibly huge wave rushing in from the west and slammed into their camp.

Such huge waves.

Such a flood.

Many generals who had sufficient cultivation in the Meridian Expansion Realm and the Sutra Opening Realm let out a strange cry, dropped everything in the camp, and fled towards the east with all their strength - at their speed, they could probably be crushed in the flood. Before, escape.

But those soldiers...

Some soldiers desperately threw themselves at the horse pens in the camp, trying to escape on their mounts.

But before they reached the horse pen, the big waves were roaring. The waves accelerated by the spell were no slower than their mounts, the big red deer.

Lu Qian saw helplessly that to the west of Wuzhou City and on both sides of the river, a large area of ​​Dong Qibo's military camp was instantly submerged by the flood.

The turbid waves contained an incredible distance. The moment countless soldiers were hit by the waves, their bodies exploded, and the blood mist dyed a large area of ​​the water red.

The camp was wiped out.

Countless tents, fences, mounts, provisions, and the giant siege equipment being built were all torn to pieces in the big waves.

Lu Qian saw that a huge siege vehicle that had been built more than thirty feet high suddenly hit a metal ball with a diameter of about ten feet in the water. The metal ball, which still shone with a faint fluorescent light at night, flashed brightly and exploded with a 'boom'.

When the metal ball exploded, first the entire sphere turned into a ball of dazzling high-temperature plasma, and then the plasma quickly reacted with the water and everything it hit in a violent reaction that Lu Qian couldn't understand. Everything within range is assimilated into blazing plasma energy.

Then, the plasma exploded.

There was a loud noise and the ground shook violently.

The flood forcefully broke open a large hole about a mile in diameter, and a deep pit of the same size appeared on the ground. The ground, which was one mile in diameter and dozens of feet deep, was instantly annihilated. A chaotic fire rolled around the body, slowly It rushed up to a height of more than ten miles, and then slowly spread to the surroundings, turning into a red mushroom cloud.

I... do it!

Lu Qian cursed.

This mushroom cloud...is simply...

The mushroom cloud itself of the plasma explosion instantly vaporized all materials within a mile radius, and the terrifying shock wave generated by the explosion violently rushed the water in all directions.

In water, pressure transfers extremely quickly, and the pressure will use the power of water to explode with extremely terrifying lethality.

Just like a large porcelain jar filled with water, as long as a small firecracker explodes in the water, the entire porcelain jar will be exploded by the pressure and explode into many pieces.

The water power contained in this great flood was extremely amazing.

The destructive power of this big metal lump is more than a trillion times more powerful than a small firecracker?

The fleeing masters and generals were instantly submerged in the water, and in the water, they exploded into blood mist.

Dong Qibo's camp west of Wuzhou City, with millions of elite troops, was washed away by the flood almost in a blink of an eye.

In the flood, several large metal balls collided with objects in the camp, and seven or eight red mushroom clouds rushed out from the flood, exploding countless water droplets. The fist-sized water droplets were like arrows, whistling. It shot towards the east and landed on the city wall of Wuzhou City, making a loud dong-dong sound.

Lu Qian yelled: Everyone, take down the city wall!

Without hesitation or any time to think, the breeze flowed around Lu Qian, lifting his body up and facing Hong Feng, who was slapping him in front of him.

If this huge wave with a height of several hundred feet hits Wuzhou City, there is a high probability that there will be no problem with the city wall of Wuzhou City itself. But all the buildings in Wuzhou City, all the officials and citizens must have been massacred, and no one survived.

The people of Wuzhou City...

Lu Qianliang was not cold-blooded. He had no special feelings for the people of Wuzhou City.

They were Dayin's people, not Lu Qian's. Lu Qian had no emotional identification with them.

But these 400,000 elites.

Whether it is the Yulin Army or the Leopard Cavalry, since they are now under the command of Lu Qian and are willing to fight and fight with Lu Qian, Lu Qian has also used Red Lotus Solid Pill to train them for so long...

Lu Qian was reluctant to let them die in this inexplicable flood.

In his mind, the spiritual light of the increasingly powerful soul rippled violently, and the three-eyed figure suddenly lit up. Surrounding the three-eyed figure in his mind, the illusory and dim stars lit up one after another.

In an instant, 99% of the spiritual light of the soul was consumed.

In the Tanzhong acupoint, the Guixu Immortal Essence also evaporated instantly. Lu Qian took out the small windmill, and all the Guixu Immortal Essence blasted into the small windmill. The small windmill spun rapidly like a convulsion, with cyan wind patterns. One by one, the windmills lit up, and in an instant the entire windmill turned into a ball of bright blue light.


Lu Qian's seven orifices exploded with blood.

After imagining the three-eyed human figure, Lu Qian had extraordinary and strange control over the power of 'wind' and 'water' between heaven and earth.

Burning almost all the spiritual light of his soul, Lu Qian wanted to forcefully control the huge wave coming from the front, rushing towards the wall of Wuzhou City.

The wind dragon and water dragon in the hands of the three-eyed man were beating crazily, especially the water dragon's volume suddenly expanded dozens of times, turning into a giant dragon wrapping around the three-eyed man, constantly making earth-shattering dragon roars.

In front of Lu Qian, ten miles away, a huge flood hit the west wall of Wuzhou City. The waves, which were three to four hundred feet high, seemed to have been cut with a knife. More than two hundred feet were cut off neatly, leaving only more than a hundred feet. The big waves continued to roll and rushed over in a mighty manner.

The waves are more than two hundred feet long, and God knows how much water power is contained in them.

Lu Qian's blood surged from his orifices, his soul was in severe pain, and his internal organs suffered huge backlash...

Wuliang Guixu Body Technique was running on its own, and Lu Qian's internal organs were split into cracks at the same time. While blood seeped out, huge vitality exploded, and the cracks were healed, and after the damage was healed, the internal organs were even better than before. powerful!

The small windmill made a strange and shrill whistling sound.

Along the city wall of Wuzhou City, the air swirled violently. In the next moment, thousands of black tornadoes that were more than ten feet thick and nearly a thousand feet high roared and formed out of thin air, heading towards the Great Flood Peak to the west like a mad dog. .

Wind and water collided violently.

There was a loud roar, and huge wind pillars lined up in a row, like a black dam, blocking the roaring flood less than three miles away from the city.

Above Lu Qian's head, a big parrot flew quickly past the street, cursing.

Lu Qian's shoulders sank, and the rabbit roared haha, jumped out of nowhere, and landed on him.

The dull sound of footsteps sounded, and the diameter of the carapace was nearly one foot. The snapping turtle, which became larger and more ferocious, rushed to the top of the city. It lay on the city wall, and its huge head poked out of the city wall, facing outside the city. Big Mouth Raid.

In the void, five colors slowly emerged.

The power of the five uncles merged together at this moment, activating the power of the five elements in Wuzhou City, and finally all merged into the body of the snapping turtle.

The snapping turtle spurted a white stream of cold air from its mouth.

As soon as the cold air left its mouth, it suddenly turned into a blizzard tornado more than ten feet thick. As the snapping turtle's head shook left and right, it plunged into the water ahead.

The sound of 'clicking' was endless, and the water quickly froze, and then the ice layer became thicker and thicker, spreading rapidly to the left and right.

The tornado whipped up the cold air and turned it into an ice tornado, causing the flood water to freeze faster and faster, and the ice layer became thicker and stronger.

Soon, a giant ice shield several feet thick was stuck outside the west wall of Wuzhou City, roughly blocking the entire city wall behind.

In the flood, huge metal balls rushed over along the flood and hit the ice shield hard.

The three girls of Qingyou have already turned into light and rushed to the top of the city.

Seeing those metal balls, although they didn't know what they were, due to the intuition of sword cultivators, they didn't say a word and directly drew their swords. Three sword lights rushed out like dragons, and with the sound of chichi, they instantly penetrated He caught hundreds of large metal balls washed up in the water.

Be careful! Lu Qian yelled.

There were still a dozen large metal balls hitting the ice shield under the water.

Loud noises continued, mushroom clouds slowly rushed into the sky, the ice shield and tornado were blown into pieces in more than a dozen places, the huge ice shield cracked more than a dozen large gaps several miles wide, and the water level had dropped to 70 to 80 feet. The flood peak rushed towards Wuzhou City in a mighty manner.

The city wall of Wuzhou City is only sixty-four feet high.

The peak of the flood was seventy or eighty feet high, enough to overwhelm the city wall and rush into the city.

Wuzhou City is about to face a disaster.

And Lu Qian and his party have exhausted all magical means...

Oh no!

Lu Qian let out a strange cry, and the Guixu treasure bottle rushed out of the Beiming Ring. The mouth of the bottle was facing downwards, and he sucked hard.

The flood peak rushed towards the city wall.

The height of the flood peak is constantly decreasing.

The Guixu Aquarius is just a trace of black water as thick as a finger drawn from the water surface, but the height of the flood peak is like a deflated balloon, constantly falling, falling, falling.

In the vase of Guixu, the sound of 'ding-ding' can be heard endlessly.

Drops of Xuanyuan Divine Water condensed rapidly, at least hundreds of them condensed in an instant!

This great flood contained extremely miraculous power. The Guixu Treasure Vase was shaking slightly, obviously quite satisfied with this gluttonous feast.

The height of the flood peak dropped rapidly to about fifty feet in the direction facing the city wall of Wuzhou City.

The huge waves hit the city wall hard.

The city wall didn't even move.

The waves exploded into pieces on the city wall, and the waves shot up more than a hundred feet high. Dozens of large metal balls hit the city wall and exploded with a bang.

The plasma rose and the fire shot into the sky.

The city wall of Wuzhou City remained motionless, and the explosion of the metal ball also failed to leave any trace on the city wall.

Behind the flood peak, on the boat, a group of young men and women stared dumbly at the mushroom clouds rising outside Wuzhou City.

This wall...

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