Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 215 The unknown enemy

The three girls, Lu Qian and Qingyou, were stunned at the same time.

The mountains were full of rocks and tree trunks were rolling around, and then the peaceful people suddenly disappeared, leaving behind a scene of chaotic mountains and forests. They had never seen it before, let alone thought about it.

The three Qingyou girls made a gesture at the same time, and the three sword lights circled rapidly. The light suddenly became brighter and struck hard at the acres of mountain forest.

In the mountain forest, wisps of colorful smoke rise from the gaps between countless stones.

The light and shadow were confusing, and the eyes of the three Qingyou girls were blurred. The position where the sword light fell suddenly had a subtle deviation. They were clearly aiming towards the position where the young men in black appeared just now, but when the sword light actually fell, it was inexplicably deviated by a hundred feet.

On a nearby hilltop, three long sword marks were torn open from the top to the foot of the mountain.

Earth and rocks flew everywhere, and a few unlucky birds were affected in their nests and smashed into pieces by the sword light. Blood, water, and feathers were sprinkled into the sky as the sword light flew up again.

Qingyou's eyes widened, and like her two sisters, she looked at the forest in a daze.

Our five senses have been distorted, this... Qingyou gritted her teeth and stomped her feet. Just as she was about to use the secret technique to try again, Lu Qian held her shoulders down.

Don't be impulsive, let me try!

Lu Qian shouted loudly, and the Gui Xu Immortal Yuan surged in the Tanzhong Point, using the Gui Xu Immortal Yuan to activate the Dragon and Tiger Diamond Body. Lu Qian was already nearly ten feet tall, but now his body was more than a foot taller than the ground.

Hot air surged above his head, and the majestic blood condensed into the phantom of an Arhat straddling a tiger and holding a dragon. Lu Ren shouted and jumped into the air. The Vajra Seal between his eyebrows flashed, his palms were intertwined, and a pale golden ten thousand-character Buddha Seal spurted out dazzlingly. The light blasted hard towards the chaotic forest.

Lu Qian jumped up to a hundred feet in the air, and dropped his palms downwards. He was still dozens of feet away from the ground. With a muffled sound, his palms emitted a golden light. The rich golden light came out of his hands and turned into a three-foot-large object. The two golden palm prints, one behind the other, were like meteorites falling to the ground, and they were slapped down hard.

In the messy mountain forest, faint clouds and smoke rise among the cracks between rocks and tree trunks.

The cloud smoke turned into a cloud cover, facing the two golden palm prints that fell on the head. With a crisp sound of wave, the cloud cover collapsed, and the two palm prints suddenly flashed in the air, just like those of Qingyou and the three girls. Like a sword light, it appeared out of thin air on the top of a hill a hundred feet away.

Lu Qian now has the power of the Nine Dragons in terms of pure physical strength. He activated the Dragon-Tiger Vajra Body with the Guixu Immortal Essence, and blasted out the Dajra Palm, the offensive magical power of the Great Vajra Temple. His palm power soared about three times out of thin air. , this is the power of twenty-seven dragons smashed down.

There was a loud noise, and the hilltop dozens of feet high shook. The top of the mountain ten feet high was smoothed away by Lu Qian's palm. The rocks were evacuated, and large and small rocks flew out. Two or three miles away.

On the hillock, two clear palm prints sunk into the top of the hill more than ten feet deep. Heat was rising in the large pit of the palm prints. The edge of the pit wall was as smooth as a mirror, with a faint trace of red light remaining from the high temperature.

In that messy mountain forest, a woman's clear laughter came: I was shocked, I thought they were such strong enemies, but the relationship is like a group of idiots who don't understand anything.

A man's clear voice sounded from the forest: Junior brothers and sisters, don't be afraid. Our formation is infinitely mysterious. These barbarians who can only run rampant cannot pose any threat to us.

The man continued to laugh and said: In the great formation, those sergeants have reached the end of their rope. As long as they are trapped for a few more days, we will kill more than a million people in one fell swoop... Presumably, other brothers and sisters, no one can be like us. Such a great achievement so quickly.

Lu Qian stepped on the floating clouds and slowly fell back to his original position.

He frowned, looked at the messy mountain forest, and said in a deep voice: Which sect are you disciples? Do you know the secret agreement of the three religions?

Lu Qian knew very well that the Secret Agreement of the Three Religions seemed to have no binding force now.

Sects such as War Demon Palace, Paradise Palace, and Heart Sword Sect have already lost their disciples one after another, and their methods against each other can be described as cruel... Didn't Lu Qian kill so many disciples of the Heart Sword Sect?

However, you may say that the 'Secret Agreement of the Three Religions' is useless. After all, it is a tacit contract signed by the top leaders of the three religions.

No matter how weak the binding force is, it is still very useful as a pretense to test other people's tastes.

In that mountain forest, the mocking laughter of men and women came.

An extremely sweet girl's voice laughed and said: Secret agreement of the three religions? What is it? I've never heard of it... Hehe, this guy is so cunning, he wants to trick us!

Another girl's voice came: Senior brother, senior brother, I don't care, those three girls' swords make me happy when I see them... I want their swords!

The voice of the man who just spoke came out: Haha, don't talk about their swords. Even if you let them be your maids and serve you exclusively, it won't be a problem.

The breeze blew, rocks flew on the mountain, and countless tree trunks rolled along the mountain. The mist rose into the sky. In front of Lu Ren and the others, a mountain with a height of thousands of feet suddenly appeared. The mist cracked, and a winding bluestone path appeared. It was exposed and extended all the way into the depths of the mountain.

The man smiled and said: Do any of our Taoist friends have the courage to enter the battle and compete with us? If you don't dare, just kneel down and kowtow, admit that you are incompetent cowards, and call us 'Uncle' or 'Auntie' ', please let us spare your ant lives?

The three Qingyou girls were so angry that their cheeks bulged.

Qing Ning and Qing Meng even recalled the light of their swords, and they were about to rush in along the blue stone path.

Qingyou hurriedly grabbed her two younger sisters and shouted sternly: What does the ancestor's handwriting say? Don't enter in the woods, don't stay in isolated shops... They are obviously setting a trap, but you are stupid enough to just break in?

Qing Ning and Qing Ning rolled their eyes.

Lu Qian laughed loudly and said: The method of provoking generals is not bad, not bad... but we will not be fooled.

The man sneered and said: What method of provoking generals? This is the most common method of fighting. We set up a formation and invite you to come in and break the formation. Isn't this the most common thing in the world of cultivation?

The extremely sweet girl's voice laughed: Senior brother, I'm afraid they have broken off the inheritance long ago and don't understand the truth at all.

The man's voice also laughed: That's right...a bunch of poor people, hahaha! They deserve our credit!

Another long wind blew from a distance.

Another girl cheered in surprise: Yeah, senior brother, senior brother is here.

The man's voice suddenly became depressed: What is he here for? Aren't you afraid that there is no one to control the formation, and something goes wrong?

The long wind blew, and in the white mist with a radius of two to three hundred miles in front of Lu Chen, a clear cloud road slowly emerged. The cloud road was more than a hundred miles long. At the other end of the cloud road, there was clearly a beautiful and green hill. The top of the mountain An altar was also placed on top, and there were more than a dozen flags and flags depicting strange patterns.

A handsome young man wearing black clothes, with long hair, and a faint pattern of water clouds between his eyebrows, is walking towards this side step by step with his hands behind his back and his feet in the void.

Every time this young man steps on the cloud road, a flower made of clouds slowly blooms under his feet, as beautiful as an immortal.

In the forest ahead, several women's voices rang out: Elder brother is indeed an immortal, and he is worthy of being the seed of immortality of our generation.

Then, the 'senior brother' who just spoke and the voices of three or five other men all 'hummed' at the same time.

That senior brother seemed to be walking slowly, but he was actually very fast.

At a distance of more than a hundred miles, he just took dozens of steps and came straight to the front.

He stood in the air above the messy mountain forest, looking at the three girls Lu Qian and Qingyou with a smile. He just glanced at Lu Qian casually and didn't take it to heart.

His eyes flickered to the faces of Qingyou and the other three girls, and he suddenly showed an extremely stunning smile.

Three girls, I see that your bones are pure and beautiful, like fairy dew pearls. You are the highest quality immortal aptitudes... However, you have been delayed.

I am Qing Minxiu, a descendant of the Baiyang Qing family, the current generation true disciple of the Xuanji Sect. I am short of a few personal maids. If you are willing to give in, I will definitely not treat you badly. When I obtain the true fruit of immortality, I will definitely give you a future.

In the forest, the mutterings of several girls could be heard faintly.

Qing Minxiu looked at the three Qingyou girls confidently: The three girls may not know that the Baiyangqing clan is known as the head of the three inherited clans of the Xuanji Sect. Four of the ten heads of the past generations are from Baiyang. Yangqing, the current head of the family, is my direct great-grandfather.

Lu Qian coughed: This is Senior Brother Qing... Which sect is your Xuanji Sect, Buddhism, Taoism, or Demonism? We haven't heard of it, it seems.

Qing Minxiu was stunned, looked at Lu Qian seriously, then put her hands on her hands and laughed.

I actually forgot about this.

Qing Minxiu's eyes became very strange. He looked at Lu Yi up and down, and then at the three Qingyou girls. He shook his head slightly and said: You don't know about the Xuanji Sect... How do you know? But , that’s fine... Three girls, you don’t have to think too much, just follow me.”

Haha, I'm afraid you are not qualified to be my personal maid, but you can still be a rough-and-tumble maid in addition to my personal maid.

Qingyou's temper is still very good.

Qing Ning and Qing Meng are also naive and a bit impatient, but they also have pretty good tempers.

Even so, after listening to Qing Minxiu's words, the three women were so angry that their eyes turned red and their faces turned blue. Three sword lights suddenly rose into the sky, and the light was several times more powerful than usual. In an instant, Qing Minxiu arrived. around.

Qing Minxiu smiled slightly, moved his hand, and a bronze tortoise shell about ten feet in diameter appeared in front of him out of thin air.

The tortoise shell is born with magnificent and complex lines, like a vast and boundless landscape pattern.

Wisps of clouds and smoke erupted from the tortoise shell, turning into a landscape of mountains and rivers covering several miles. As soon as the three green rainbows approached the clouds and smoke, their size suddenly shrank, and they flew into the confusing landscape bit by bit. , the connection between the three Qingyou girls and the three sword lights suddenly became extremely weak.

Put your sword away! Qingyou shouted hurriedly with her heart palpitating.

The three women bit the tip of their tongues at the same time, and a stream of essence and blood spurted out, turning into a vast mist of blood. Like lightning, they were instantly submerged in three dim rays of light, and gradually merged into the sword light in the clouds and smoke of the mountains, rivers, and land.

The three sword rainbows glowed brighter again, struggling little by little to get back out of the clouds.

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