Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 218: Conquered or Destroyed

Looking at the Xuanji Sect disciples in the direction of the formation, Lu Qian smiled and nodded to them, then looked in the other three directions.

Cheong Min-soo, who hosted the formation, died.

A formation hub was completely destroyed, and the Xuanji Sect disciples in charge of the hub were poisoned to death.

There is obviously a big problem with the operation of this formation.

In the vast white mist, three whirlpools emerged.

Three small clouds rotated slowly in the white mist, and a group of people in black could be faintly seen, busy making and chanting incantations, very busy.

Viewed from a high altitude, these three cloud vortexes, together with the hub that was destroyed just now, together with the central formation eye, are arranged in order according to the orientation of the five elements.

Lu Qian ran towards the nearest hub.

In the white mist, beside the looming altar, a group of black-clad Xuanji Sect disciples screamed in unison.

Lu Qian poured a sip of Xuanyuan Divine Water into his mouth. The power of his soul and the Immortal Essence returned to the ruins that he had just consumed were rapidly recovering. He shouted loudly, and the shadow of an Arhat standing on a tiger and holding a dragon appeared behind him. Golden light shot out from the palm of his right hand, and a big The Vajra Palm slapped it hard.

There was a loud noise and white mist flew everywhere.

On the altar, several pieces of jade talismans exploded with dazzling flashes of light, and a dozen flags planted beside the altar swayed in the wind, making a dull and loud noise.

Beside the altar, more than a dozen Xuanji Sect disciples, both male and female, were all vomiting blood. Several of them were unsteady and sat on the ground in embarrassment, with mud all over their bodies.

Kneel down, surrender, declare yourself a cultivator, and spare your life. Lu Qian put on his heavy armor, held a spear, and looked down at the altar.

A group of Xuanji Sect disciples screamed, and at the same time they took out all kinds of weird instruments and hit Lu Qian one after another.

These disciples of the Xuanji Sect, their first priority is formation cultivation, and other magical weapons, talismans, etc., should be the means of self-protection they bought with money, and are not their major majors.

I saw some small instruments such as small swords, knives, small arrows, flying rings, etc., rising into the sky with a dim flash, hitting Lu Qian moderately, causing sparks to fly everywhere, but they failed to hit him. There were no traces left on the heavy armor.

Some talismans turned into fireballs and lightning and hit them with great force, but their power was only average.

There were also some restraining instruments such as small ropes and nets, which flew up with fluorescent lights and were tightly tied to Lu Qian's body. But Lu Qian shook his body slightly, and the strength of these was amazing. The winding force was about the size of one or two dragons. The ropes and snares all shattered one after another, and nothing could stop him.

Haha, you are running a grocery store?

Lu Qian waved his hand, and he grabbed those small knives and swords and stuffed them into the Beiming Ring.

With a wave of his right hand, the green spear light roared out from the spear, with a high-pitched wind howl like a dragon's roar, hitting the white mist heavily, and the white mist collapsed, gradually revealing the altar's body.

More than a dozen Xuanji Sect disciples shouted in unison, and they simultaneously activated the flags and flags around them. Large squalls of yellow sand were sprayed out from the white mist, and wrapped around Lu Qian.

Lu Qian snorted coldly, took out the windmill and waved it lightly.

A hurricane breaks out.

A trace of Jiuxiao wind was incorporated into the soul, and Lu Qian's soul and mana were undergoing tremendous transformation. His magic power also contains a hint of the original charm of Jiuxiao Wind, and the strong wind blown by the small windmill also turns into the same pitch-black color as Jiuxiao Wind.

The wind suddenly rises, which is the divine wind from heaven and earth that is said to be able to blow away all tangible and material things.

The strong wind blowing out of the white mist was instantly assimilated and turned into a more powerful and turbulent wind that blew back. The yellow sand was even more useless. It was blown up and turned into wisps of extremely fine energy, which was swallowed up by the wind blown by the small windmill.

A black wind pillar fell from the sky and hit the altar hard.

With a muffled sound, the altar, together with all the objects on the altar, were instantly annihilated by the force of the wind.

More than a dozen Xuanji Sect disciples all vomited blood and collapsed to the ground one by one, without any strength left to resist.

The altar was destroyed, and wisps of strong wind overflowed, cutting into these Xuanji Sect disciples like sharp knives cutting tofu, pulling out deep and thin wounds on their bodies.

The flesh and blood in the wound was directly annihilated by the wind, instead of just being cut open like an ordinary sword wound...

The injuries caused by the annihilation of flesh and blood were a hundred times more painful than those caused by ordinary sword wounds. Each of these Xuanji Sect disciples twitched in pain and fainted with ghostly screams.

It's okay if they faint, so that Lu Qian won't have to take action to imprison them.

With familiarity, he pulled off all the storage rings from their bodies, and plundered all kinds of strange and mana-fluctuating gadgets from their bodies. Lu Qian nodded with satisfaction, along with the flags and flags beside the altar. , were also collected into the Beiming Ring.

Lu Qian was neither a holy mother nor very particular in his behavior. Even the female disciples of the Xuanji Sect, he did not let them go and plundered all kinds of bits and pieces from them.

In the hair buns of several female disciples, he did find several hairpins and hairpins that had a faint light and contained considerable magic power. One female disciple actually had a baby hidden in his hair bun. The jade talisman was about the size of a palm, with faint thunder and aura that made Lu Qian feel the slightest palpitation in his heart.

Who are these people...all the treasures in their bodies are even richer than those of the Great Monk of Release of Evil. Lu Qian muttered in a low voice: Be careful, don't capsize in the gutter!

Regardless of whether they were men or women, they were lightly punched on the back of the head to confirm that they would not be able to wake up in a short time. Lu Qian jumped into the air and ran towards another formation hub.

By doing exactly the same thing, he also broke the other two formation hubs, and Lu Qian finally came to the center of the formation.

Most of the surrounding white mist has dissipated, and the white mist that has not yet dissipated has become extremely thin, revealing the army of Wolf Cavalry and Leopard Cavalry huddled together in the hills and forests below.

There was a low roar, and the white mist began to vibrate violently.

You can vaguely see a burly figure with a faint golden light all over his body, riding a huge wolf king and attacking crazily towards the white mist in the sky.

Lu Yi discovered the changes in the formation in time. Without saying a word, he responded internally and externally, and began to attack the formation with all his strength.

Beside him, 120,000 wolf riders formed a huge formation of lotus and ten thousand-character Buddha seals. The cultivation of 120,000 people was transformed through the formation, and turned into wisps of golden light that were continuously injected into Lu Ye's body.

At this moment, Lu Wei's body swelled to about one foot and five feet, and the golden light was blazing all over his body. Every blow was like opening the sky, causing white mist to surge in the formation, and wind and frost swords kept falling, hitting him hard. , were all shattered to pieces by his protective golden light.

Seeing Lu Ye's formation, Lu Yi whistled, took out a small windmill, and released streams of wind, which blew hard on the formation where Lu Ye was attacking.

The wind blew, the white mist collapsed, and a large hole with a diameter of a hundred feet appeared in the formation. Lu Yi roared, and the wolf king under him looked up to the sky and hissed. The thick fur on his back suddenly exploded, and a pair of bloody wings appeared. Break out of the body.

With a wingspan of more than ten feet, Lu Yi's mount Wolf King roared, flapped its new wings vigorously and flew into the air, quickly arriving at Lu Qian's side.

Lu Yi looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. He smiled at Lu Yi and said, Brother Yi, what do you think of uncle's winged wolf? Along the way, every day, I gave it ten red lotus solid pills, and it actually returned it. He really got some blood from his ancestors!

Lu Qian looked at the mighty Wolf King, who set off two large whirlwinds with a single flapping of his big wings, and couldn't help but raise his thumb: Uncle, what a trick... How about the army?

Lu Yi's face turned dark and he waved his hand: The army is fine. We killed some mounts to feed ourselves and executed some idiots who disobeyed military orders... Hey, is this the formation?

Looking towards the direction of the Formation Eye Altar, Lu Yi gritted his teeth and grinned: It's these little bastards who haven't even grown their hair yet, and they used this inexplicable formation to deceive me for so many days?

Hey, hey, if you hadn't come to the rescue, Brother Gen, if they had kept being trapped like this, I might have been wiped out. That's great, that's great...Which sect are you from? Three Haven’t you heard of the secret covenant of the religion? Don’t you know the agreement that my Buddhist sect made the first move in this time of great strife?”

A group of Xuanji Sect disciples looked at Lu Wei with complicated expressions.

That expression was extremely weird.

A little flustered.

feel a little scared.

But more than anything, there is a faint sense of ridicule from a 'superior' looking down at the 'frog at the bottom of the well'.

Lu Qian coughed slightly: Uncle, I'm afraid they are not people from the Buddhist, Taoist, or Demonic sects we are familiar with... They claim to be disciples of the Xuanji Sect. Have you heard of the Xuanji Sect?

Lu Yi looked at Lu Qian blankly.

There are three sects of Buddhism, three temples and three Zen forests, six sects of Taoism, and six paths of magic. This is where the essence of the world of cultivation lies today.

Other small sects do not have this means to pass on the inheritance to this era from a world where the world has collapsed.

Only a family of casual cultivators like Qinglin Sword Pavilion, relying on some special means or secret treasures like Qinglin Sword, can close their doors tightly and cannot come out, and they may be able to survive to this day.

Lu Yan had never heard of the Xuanji Sect.

Nowadays, among the three sects of the three sects, there is only the Wanhuan Sect of the six sects of the Dao Sect, which is famous for its formations.

Wanhuan Sect, as the name suggests, they are good at all kinds of fantasy formations.

Whether it is the name of the sect or the formation methods that they are good at, they are completely different from the Xuanji Sect in front of them.

Where did you come from? Lu Yi held a bronze Changge and looked coldly at the Xuanji Sect disciples in the eyes of the formation.

A group of Xuanji Sect disciples all sneered and looked at Lu Yi and Lu Qian, but no one said a word.

You have a bit of backbone, but... I have seen too many young people like you who think you are extraordinary. Lu Wei grinned: You have a temperament that I am very familiar with.

You come from a wealthy family and have outstanding talents, so you consider yourself extraordinary. You just think that the world should revolve around you.

You have never suffered, you have never seen life or death. You are all the proud sons of heaven. You think that as long as you take action, nothing will be difficult in the world and everything will be solved!

Lu Yi smiled and shook his head: You are wrong, very wrong!

Haha, Brother Gen, capture them. Do you have any of the palace guards accompanying you? Use the 108 sets of punishments of the palace guards and concoct them carefully.

Well, don't kill these little bitches. Lu Wei bared his teeth and made a face at the female disciples of the Xuanji Sect: They need elders like me to teach them a lesson about the sinister nature of people's hearts. Experience class.”

Lu Qian started to cough dryly.

The female disciples of the Xuanji Sect shivered, and many of them were so frightened by Lu Wei's smile that they sat down on the ground.

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