Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 222: Conquered or Destroyed (5)

Lu Qian suddenly whistled.

Lu Ye shouted loudly, and the Wolf King under his seat fell to the ground. The formation was activated, and cold light that was a hundred feet long spurted out from the Changge, slashing hard at the purple energy formation.

Dozens of Canglang Cavalry generals also cooperated with Lu Wei to draw huge power from the formation, and in a flash, they cut down the cold light that was more than ten feet long.

Lu Qian waved the windmill with his left hand, and a stream of wind blew with a terrifying sound, causing the earth to crack. It was like a black city wall moving flatly, and collided with Qing Minyu's formation.

He himself stepped on the water clouds, and stabbed with the spear in his right hand quickly, bringing up countless spear lights more than a hundred feet long and striking in the air.

Under Lu Qian's skin, wind patterns lit up.

His speed is getting faster and faster, and gradually, it is faster than the limit of ordinary people's imagination.

In the blink of an eye, ten shots were fired...

In the blink of an eye, dozens of shots were fired...

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred shots were fired...

When the wind emitted by the small windmill collided with the purple air formation, the frequency of stabbing with Lu Qian's right hand reached thousands of shots at the snap of a finger.

The higher the frequency, the faster the gun light. Lu Qian's own Nine Dragons' power burned Guixu Immortal Yuan. After using the Dragon and Tiger Diamond Body technique to activate it, the power of each gun was blessed to nearly thirty Dragon level.

Coupled with the high speed of his thrusts...

The spear light blasted out by Lu Qian was like a crazy dragon, roaring as it hit the purple energy formation, tearing open large holes as thick as a water tank but as deep as a hundred feet in the vast purple energy.

Qing Minyu turned pale with fright. He hurriedly put away the Purple Qi Lotus Platform and escaped back into the formation. He summoned his fellow disciples noisily and tried his best to activate the formation to deal with the sudden attack from Lu Qian and others.

The three Qingyou girls also took action at the right time, and three cyan rainbows flew in the sky, constantly rushing up to the sky, and then slashed down heavily.

They have no other magical powers, and their whole life's cultivation is based on a blue scale sword.

Only sincerity can lead to purity, so it is the most powerful.

The simple three sword lights, struck from high altitude, were much more terrifying than Lu Qian's spear light.

The purple energy formation was shaking violently. Qing Minyu and others hurriedly printed seals and chanted incantations, spitting out streaks of essence and blood on the altar, flags, and various strange array equipment.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Qing Minyu even yelled: Xie Youqian, you bastard... you still don't help me!

In the metal boat, a harsh sound like the clash of gold and iron laughed: What's the rush? What's the rush? Aren't you dead yet? The tortoise shell of your Xuanji Sect is very thick. I know this!

You won't die for a while... Well, let's discuss it first. I saved you, how much will you give me?

Qing Minyu was so angry that he yelled: At this moment, you are talking about money?

Xie Youqian also cursed: That's nonsense. At this critical moment, you still can't bear to give up money?

The Jingfeng hits the purple air formation. The Jingfeng has the special effect of blowing out all tangible and qualitative things. It is a naturally generated divine wind between heaven and earth. It has unlimited power and has all kinds of unimaginable wonders.

The purple gas formation was blown by the wind, and the purple gas quickly dissipated. The purple gas pouring out of the formation gradually became thinner.

A Xuanji Sect disciple yelled: Senior Brother Qing, the Holy Spirit of Heaven and Earth has collapsed, and the spiritual power of the earth veins cannot support the operation of our formation... We cannot make ends meet, this, this, this...

Qing Minyu cursed angrily: You're stupid, throw in the spirit crystal!

The Xuanji Sect disciples all had distorted faces. They took out fist-sized crystal stones from their storage rings and kept smashing them into a formation disk that was shining with purple light on the Formation Eye Altar.

The purple energy on the array plate rotated like a whirlpool, constantly swallowing these crystal stones. Then the purple energy released by the array became rich again. The sharp wind impacted rapidly, and the purple energy array shook violently, but it no longer looked like it was swaying like before.

Lu Qian and others bombarded them indiscriminately.

Qing Minyu took a breath and sneered: Lu Qian, you guys are just...

Before he finished speaking, Qing Minyu hissed and howled miserably. The green snake, which had shrunk to the size of chopsticks, slipped to his feet at some point, opened its delicate mouth, and bit his ankle.

Qing Minyu lowered his head and saw the green snake escaping quickly. He roared, and a delicate jade ax appeared in his hand, and the ax hit his thigh.

With a 'poof' sound, the entire thigh was chopped off, and Qing Minyu hissed in pain.

From the wounds on his body, red blood spurted out.

The blood that spurted out from the cut off thigh wound was still red when it was cut off, but it turned into dark green in the blink of an eye. Then the entire thigh suddenly turned black, and exploded into a pool of poisonous blood with a 'pop' sound.

Qing Minyu was so painful that he burst into tears. He covered the wound with both hands. He originally wanted to roll on the spot, scream and convulse in pain, but when he saw the black poisonous blood on the ground, he gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, and jumped on one leg towards him. He jumped seven or eight feet to the side, and then he fell to the ground with relief and rolled over with a cry of 'Ouch'.

A group of Xuanji Sect disciples were all stunned.

Their response was also too slow.

The green snake had turned into a stream of green light and scurried around among them.

After soaking in the Guixu vase for two days, Cui Snake didn't know how much Xuanyuan Divine Water he swallowed. Although all the previous injuries were healed, its bloodline was rapidly purified and elevated under the nourishment of Xuanyuan Divine Water. .

At this moment, it was moving rapidly through the crowd, accompanied by a small cloud of smoke. Its speed was only slightly slower than the sword light of the three Qingyou girls by 20 to 30%.

With a body the size of chopsticks and a speed of 70% to 80% of the sword light of the three Qingyou girls, Cui Snake became extremely terrifying.

Before many Xuanji Sect disciples could see the green snake clearly, their bodies suddenly felt stinging pain. The green snake's body shrunk and its fangs became as delicate and cute as embroidery needles. When they pierced their flesh, it was like a mosquito bite. Almost unconscious.

Cui She also carefully controlled her venom. The venom injected into these Xuanji Sect disciples had been compressed and re-compressed to the maximum extent. In terms of pure weight, the dose of venom was very small.


Although the green snake has improved its bloodline and is as smart as a seven or eight-year-old child, it still cannot accurately control its current strength.

Especially when flying, he had to beware of attacks from Xuanji Sect disciples, and he had to attack them, bite their flesh and flesh, and inject venom.

Some Xuanji Sect disciples were injected with just the right dose of venom. Their skin and flesh became covered with a layer of green energy, and they fell limply to the ground. The flesh and blood in their bodies were eroded by the poisonous energy, making them unable to use any strength anymore.

But for some unlucky ones, the venom injected by the Green Snake was just a little bit too much, and the green energy on their bodies quickly turned green. They were so poisoned that they fainted immediately. The blood vessels in their bodies were blocked, their muscles melted, and their muscles and bones were destroyed. The poison erodes it, and it becomes like rotten wood, and all the functions of the body are rapidly collapsing.

What was even more unlucky was that they released some small knives and swords to attack the green snake. The green snake was scared and anxious, so as not to inject a little more venom into their bodies.

In particular, when flying, the green snake doesn't care about where to place its mouth, and sometimes it inevitably bites the opponent's large blood vessels, and the venom flows faster.

There were more than twenty Xuanji Sect disciples. Their bodies suddenly turned dark green, then turned black all over, and quickly turned into a pool of poisonous blood.

Qing Minyu watched his fellow disciples fall to the ground one after another, and screamed at the top of his lungs: I'll give you money, give you money... Xie Youqian, you bastard, I'll give you money... Help, help!

In the metal boat, Xie Youqian laughed loudly: Even if I am a bastard, if I am a bastard who has been matured for ten thousand years, it will be valuable. Well, by the way, how much money are you giving me for this life-saving money? ?”

Qing Minyu didn't care about bargaining, he cursed angrily: Take everything we have, take everything, okay? Is that enough? Also, my eldest brother Qing Minxiu's storage ring was stolen by Lu Qian He took away my eldest brother’s net worth, you know... and gave it all to you!

Xie Youqian's voice changed: What? Your eldest brother's net worth? Is your eldest brother Qing Minxiu with you? His storage ring... Was your eldest brother killed by these natives of the Holy Heaven?

Xie Youqian hissed: My darling, I'm going to get rich... You're all doomed, you're all doomed... You old guys from the Baiyangqing clan, you won't be able to do anything until you are ripped off!

The outer armor of the metal boat lit up with wind-whirlpool runes.

The boat began to accelerate slowly and hit Lu Qian.

Xie Youqian laughed loudly: Aboriginal, who is Lu Qian? Kneel down, kowtow, beg for mercy, and give all your wealth. If you have enough money, I can leave you a way to live.

Hey, your Holy Heaven and your fate are all doomed.

Either you are conquered by us and you become slaves...or we will completely destroy you!

Tsk, you three little ladies who are sword cultivators. Seeing that you are so tender and moist, why don't you come with me? I thank you for your money, and you are the true successor of Yuanling Tianmo Puppet Sect. As the name suggests, I have no other benefits, but that I am rich!

As long as you follow me, I guarantee that you will enjoy the hot food and drink spicy food...

In the purple energy formation, the disciples of the Xuanji Sect who controlled the formation were seriously injured, and no one was able to replenish the spiritual crystals in the formation plate.

The purple energy array trembled violently, and Lu Qian once again activated a gust of wind to sweep over it. Lu Yi and others tried their best to attack, but there was a loud noise, the array disk exploded, and the entire purple energy array collapsed. .

The green snake turned into a stream of light and instantly scurried back into Lu Qian's sleeves. A small head poked out from his sleeves, spitting out the snake letter proudly.

It helped Lu Qian break through the purple energy formation almost by itself, and it was roaring now.

In the air, the big parrot turned into a red shadow and flew past, and you could faintly hear screams like 'lucky shit'.

On the metal boat, the metal puppets, which were about six feet tall and shaped like mantises, suddenly jumped up and turned into streaks of wind and flew towards Lu Qian and Lu Yi.

Xie Youqian shouted sternly: Be conquered by us, or destroyed by us... Ah, three little beauties, this is not for you... Hehe!

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