Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 229 Breakthrough (3)

A huge whale with a pale body and a weird and twisted body dived down from high altitude, opened its mouth and spit out a ball of green phosphorus fire towards Lu Qian.

Lu Qian rose into the air, held a gun in both hands, and struck the giant whale on the head with a heavy blow.

The spleen furnace was ignited, and Lu Qian's physical strength soared.

The heart furnace is ignited, and Lu Qian has the power of two dragons.

The furnace of lungs is ignited, and Lu Qian has the power of three dragons.

The liver furnace is ignited, and Lu Qian has the power of six dragons.

The kidney furnace is ignited, and Lu Qian has the power of nine dragons.

At this moment, the spleen furnace was catalyzed by the Buddha's power in the old monk's body. After being forcibly ignited, the five internal organs furnace was completed, and Lu Qian's physical strength doubled, reaching the level of eighteen dragons in an instant.

In the formation, a steady stream of Buddhist energy rushed in. Lu Qian used the Dragon-Tiger Vajra Body technique to catalyze it. The billowing energy continued to rush into the furnace of the five internal organs, turned into firewood, ignited huge flames, and burned Lu. The entire body was translucent, flames rose from the surface of the body, the heat broke through the air, causing the temperature within a hundred feet to rise linearly.

In my mind, the Dragon-Tiger Vajra Body method deduced from the three-eyed human figure is constantly being perfected.

The melting pot of the five internal organs echoes each other. In the melting pot of the five internal organs, the large and small orifices are swallowing flames. The fires are like bridges, communicating with the five internal organs. Under the stimulation of the technique, the Yuan Power rises and condenses into a golden flaming diamond between his internal organs. print.

The perfect version of the Dragon-Tiger Vajra Body Fire Realm Method reappears in the Holy Heaven today.

In any furnace of the five internal organs, if there is any slight flaw in the speed and sequence of the energy absorbed by any acupoint, it will be impossible for this flaming vajra seal to be formed.

As the flaming Vajra Seal emerged, the blood energy in Lu Qian's internal organs was greatly stimulated, making a high-pitched roar like a dragon's roar and a tiger's roar. The joints all over his body moved wildly, and his figure suddenly became a bit taller and more powerful.

The physical strength soared again, reaching the level of thirty-six dragons.

Thirty-six dragons!

Lu Qian smiled, and when his power broke through, he shot the giant whale on the head.

This giant whale is dozens of feet long, and its weight is only about the level of two or three dragons.

With the power of thirty-six dragons and the blessing of Buddha's power from the lotus formation, the force of Lu Qian's blow was like a thunderbolt, exploding directly on the head of the giant whale. The head of the giant whale exploded into pieces, and countless rotten odors were blown away. The broken pieces of flesh fell, and a series of loud noises emitted from the giant whale's body. Every bone joint was shattered, and the giant whale's body was broken inch by inch, completely exploded into a ball of minced meat.

On the back of the giant whale, dozens of disciples from the Corpse Demon Cave were affected by the huge force of Lu Qian's blow. They didn't even make a sound, and their bodies exploded at the same time.

I... Lu Yi's eyes widened, looking at Lu Qian's terrible blow, and suddenly wanted to curse a few curse words.

There was a strong wind howling around Lu Qian.

The breakthrough of the Dragon-Tiger Vajra Body led to the rapid breakthrough of the fundamental law of the Infinite Return to Ruins Body. In Lu Qian's mind, the spiritual light of the soul vibrated violently. The wind dragon in the hands of the three-eyed man turned into countless blue wind patterns, flowing all over the place in an instant. Lu Qian's whole body.

The wind around Lu Qian became stronger and stronger, and his speed became faster and faster.

After killing a giant whale with one blow, Lu Qian brought up countless afterimages and quickly shuttled among the ranks of the disciples from the Corpse Demon Cave. Wherever the wind passed, the gun light roared loudly, like a giant dragon piercing the waves, causing a bloody storm among the disciples of Corpse Demon Cave.

The spear itself was extremely heavy, and Lu Qian's strength was even more terrifying.

If you rub it, you will die, if you touch it, you will die. If you are accidentally hit by the gun, even the belt, bones, and all the protective objects will be blown to pieces.

Among the disciples from the Corpse Demon Cave who came, the ones with the highest level of cultivation were a few outer sect elders or deacons who had grown golden lotuses in half a step.

Their skills are completely different from the inheritance of the Great Vajra Temple, they are both incomplete versions. Even if he is half-step into the realm of growing golden lotus, his strength is still far from that of Lu Qian at this moment.

Spears pierced the void one after another, and the sky was filled with zombie-like birds and beasts falling continuously.

Lu Wei and dozens of Canglang Cavalry generals also took advantage of the situation to attack. Rays of golden light swept across the void. The 120,000 Canglang Cavalry gathered their strength and blasted hard, sending the corpses of the corpse demon cave disciples flying all over the sky, causing extremely heavy losses.

On the metal city, the Corpse Demon Venerable roared angrily: Thief Bald... you all deserve to die... Chong Er, don't let your disciples and grandsons help!

This should be the voice of the Corpse Demon Lord himself.

It was extremely hoarse and vague, as if there was a mouthful of concentrated sulfuric acid in the throat, completely destroying the throat. The sound was so unpleasant that it could give people nightmares.

No wonder he only controlled two girls to talk!

The disciples of the Heart Sword Sect who had just rushed towards them were still dozens of miles away from the formation of Lu Qian and others. They suddenly pressed the sword light and stopped.

They had a good time watching the disciples of the Great Vajra Temple and the Corpse Demon Cave fighting together, and some people were laughing and pointing, as if it had nothing to do with them and just watched the fun in a friendly manner.

The disciples from the Corpse Demon Cave released various types of zombies that they had carefully refined, and rushed towards them in a menacing manner.

These zombies are all tempered with the secret method of the Corpse Demon Cave. Their bodies are as strong as diamonds. They can be hardly damaged by ordinary swords, axes, and even fire and thunder. In terms of combat power, they are even much stronger than ordinary fire realm practitioners. .


Buddhist Kung Fu is the nemesis of evil heretics like Corpse Demon Cave.

The golden Buddha's power naturally caused extra damage to the reinforced iron bones of these zombies. Not to mention, Lu Qian's combat power at this moment was already at the monster level. With the blessing of the large formation, it was far superior to these. Above the disciples of Corpse Demon Cave.

In the void, a bit of cold light quickly passed by.

A stream of gun light penetrated the void, tearing apart the bodies of zombies. The golden Buddha power contained in the gun light ignited these zombies, and their stumps and broken arms were burned into wisps before they could reach the ground. ash.

The Corpse Demon Venerable roared again: Chong Er... the old thief Tu Tu is the strongest and has the most sinister tactics. If you and I don't join forces...

The unhurried voice of the Second Sword Master of Chong rang out: I am from a well-known and righteous family, how can I join forces with the evil devil? Old zombie, is your brain really broken? How can you have such naive and childish thoughts?

Shenzui laughed wildly, and then with a loud noise, the Corpse Demon Venerable sprayed black air all over his body and rolled out of the metal city.

He was vomiting blood profusely, and there was a very clear depression in his left ribs. It was obvious that Shen Zui had hit him with a tin stick, and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

The voice of the second sword master of Chong rang out: Old thief Bald, take one strike from me and make sure this thing belongs to you!

Shenzui laughed loudly: How good!

The next moment, an extremely harsh crash sounded, and then a golden hundred-foot long rainbow rushed out from the metal city. Blood dripped from the corner of the mouth of the Chong Second Sword Master, and he flew towards his disciple in an extremely embarrassed manner.

The drunken figure appeared on the gate building of the metal city. He laughed in a low voice: Two fellow Taoists, thank you for your help... This treasure is destined to my Buddhist sect, hehe... Wait a moment, wait for me to collect this treasure. Bao, let’s discuss business again!”

The Corpse Demon Venerable roared loudly, and the attacking Corpse Demon Cave disciples pissed themselves off one by one, controlling the birds, beasts, giant whales and sharks to flee backwards in embarrassment.

Lu Qian chased after them closely, releasing streaks of spear light that penetrated the void, and killed dozens of disciples from the Corpse Demon Cave. He also killed five to six hundred of the birds and beasts they controlled. head.

The Lord Corpse Demon turned into a black smoke and escaped into the queue of disciples in the Corpse Demon Cave. His hands were behind his back expressionlessly, and he stared at Lu Qian with a stern look.

Lu Qian stopped his hand in time and stepped back on the flowing wind.

The Lord Corpse Demon didn't take action against him... It's not that he thought it was degrading to bully the small with the big, but he actually knew that there was the old monk Shen Zui watching from the side, and there was the great formation of the Great Vajra Temple. Blessings, even if it were him, it would be impossible to kill Lu Qian.

Since it's impossible, just don't take action.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for the current sect master of the Demonic Corpse Cave to deal with a little bald thief.

Junior, I will remember you. The Corpse Demon Lord pointed towards Lu Yi. The two girls returned to him at some point and sneered in unison: When you die, I will kill you. Your corpse will be refined into demon corpse relics, hehe!

Lu Qian said nothing.

There is no need to argue with this kind of old devil.

God knows what the other party is capable of and what means he has?

He really angered someone, so Lord Corpse Demon ignored him and gave him a hard beating behind his back. Wasn't he causing trouble for himself?

With Lu Qian's temperament in this life, it would be fine if he could live a peaceful life, so why bother looking for excitement for himself?

His first small goal in life is to live to be a thousand years old.

He is only sixteen years old this year...

Lu Qian would not offend an old demon like Lord Corpse Demon unless he had no choice but to go to death!

In the metal city, waves of low roars sounded, and then countless mantis-shaped puppets, countless goshawk-shaped puppets, and large groups of silver demon puppets that Lu Qian had fought against before, and even the invisible sword that could withstand the Second Sword Master of Chong. The golden puppet that Gang attacked rushed out of the city like a tide.

There are over a hundred golden puppets.

Silver puppets, three thousand in number.

There are countless goshawk-shaped and mantis-shaped demon puppets.

Anyway, there must be something strange in this metal city, because these demon puppets pouring out are enough to fill more than a dozen cities of this size, and their number is at least more than 100,000.

Okay, okay, okay! Shenzui laughed loudly: They are all good materials... They are all related to my Buddhist sect!

Lu Ye also laughed loudly: What the abbot said is exactly the truth... The disciples under my command, armed with weapons, are just ordinary soldiers. It is in need of these good materials to forge some good armor and weapons, so that the disciples can be as powerful as tigers. , can it come in handy.”

Lu Qian's eyes also lit up.

Well, it seems that his private army, as well as the soldiers under his command now, also need to be upgraded in terms of ordnance!

These puppets... are all forged from Yuan Lingtian's spiritual gold. They are all good materials!

In the void, golden light flourished.

The Vajra Sumeru Peak, which shattered Xie Youqian's metal boat with one blow, was thrown out again by the old monk Shenzui.

This time, Vajra Sumeru Peak expanded to the size of a hundred feet and struck the metal city from high altitude. There was a loud noise, and sparks and black smoke were sprayed from all over the metal city, falling heavily from the sky.

The countless puppets that poured out seemed to have been suddenly ripped out of their muscles and bones, and fell neatly to the ground with a 'snap'.

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