Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 236: Massive Attack (3)

When the disciples of the Xuanji Sect, Demon Puppet Sect, and Tianfu Sect all appeared, approaching Wuzhou City from the southern sky, the three Qingyou girls were busy in the north of Wuzhou City.

On that day, the disciples of Tianfu Sect caused a huge flood at night, and hundreds of miles around Wuzhou City became Zeguo.

Around Wuzhou City, many villages and towns were destroyed, and only a handful of villagers managed to escape.

Tens of thousands of surviving villagers were resettled in the north of Wuzhou City.

Adhering to the teachings in the ancestor's handbook, Sword cultivators should be trained in the mortal world to sharpen the sword's heart. The three Qingyou girls have been helping in the north of the city for more than a month. As official envoys, they have helped the surviving villagers rebuild their villages and repair their farmland. Replant crops, etc.

Amidst the low howls of pigs, a group of wild boars let out joy and rushed into the fields next to the newly built village. A few buds had just sprouted. Their sharp tusks were arching randomly in the ground, cutting the fields in the ground. The crops were a mess.

Qing Ning shouted loudly and slapped the sword bag on her waist. A green sword light flew out and circled around the group of wild boars. Dozens of huge pig heads landed on the ground. The cheers of the villagers suddenly came from the distance.

Qing Ning waved triumphantly at the villagers, and above her head came an extremely hard, cold and ruthless man's voice.

As a noble swordsman, he wields a sword to eradicate wild boars for these ants and common people?

Are you worthy of your sword?

Qing Ning was timid, and she suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice coming from above her head. She exclaimed, jumping back dozens of feet, and with one move of her hand, she deflected the flying sword. When he came back, he turned into a circle of sword rainbow to protect his whole body.

After protecting herself properly, Qing Ning raised her head and looked at the speaker.

Just above her head, more than a hundred feet above the ground, nearly a hundred men and women dressed in white, with shaved scalps and cold and cruel temperaments, were floating in the air with a faint sword light, looking down with a trace of disdain and ridicule. With lime.

Are you worthy of your sword?

A tall young man in white looked at Qing Ning coldly, shook his head and said, No, you don't understand what a sword is at all.

You have let down this sword. The young man in white raised his hand towards Qing Ning: So, dedicate it to me. For the sake of your good looks, you can be my sword maid. , if you serve well, I can reward you with a child, and in the future, you will have a good future based on the value of the mother and the child.

Qing Ning's eyes widened, her mouth opened slightly, and she looked at the young man in white like an idiot.

Then, she suddenly raised her voice: Sister, someone is bullying me!

A little further away, Qingyou and Qingmeng's swords were flying towards them.

Above their heads, the big parrot flapped its wings and turned into a stream of red light, which was not even slower than their sword light.

While flying quickly, the big parrot cursed and spit out fragrance: Which bastard whose mother was blown to pieces dares to come to ask for wildfire?

Don't give me face!

Get him!

Go to death!

The men were beaten into eunuchs and the women into flat chests!

No, all the women will be beaten into pieces!

God knows where this guy learned these dirty words. At least Lu Qian had never heard of similar words.

The big parrot's voice was high-pitched and loud, and could be heard clearly from a long distance away.

The expressions of the men and women in white changed slightly. A young girl with a beautiful appearance snorted coldly and pointed her right hand at the big parrot. A sound of chi la was heard as the wind broke, and a light silver sword light flew out from her fingertips. It flew towards the big parrot.

The silver sword light flew more than a hundred feet away, and with a sudden sway, it turned into dozens of agile silver snakes in the air, making a hissing sound and surrounding the big parrot from above, below, left, and right.

Sword light transformed... Qingyou shouted: Master... withdraw!

Qing Ning trembled in fright, and the sword rainbow merged with his body, and a green rainbow that was more than ten feet long rose into the sky, joined Qing You and Qing Meng, and flew towards Wuzhou City in a hurry.

Although the family sword skills are unpredictable, they were born in this world where the spiritual power of heaven and earth collapsed and is just beginning to recover. The cultivation level of the three Qingyou girls has improved very quickly these days because of Lu Qian.

But compared to these men and women in white, their background is still too poor.

With this sword light turning into a silver snake and encircling all sides to kill the enemy, Qingyou felt inferior. The other party's sword skills were at least two levels higher than those of the three sisters.

He is not an opponent, so he can only leave quickly.

There is a saying in the Ancestor's Notes, You can leave green mountains without worrying about having firewood, and it is also said that It is never too late for a swordsman to take revenge. Qingyou has learned the Ancestor's Notes by heart these days, so that he will not commit such reckless and reckless behavior. People desperately make mistakes.

The young man in white just smiled coldly: Escape? Where are you going to escape? The three girls are wonderful, they are all mine.

The young man in white swayed, and with a 'chi' sound, he transformed into a golden light that was no more than three feet long, and quickly chased after the three Qingyou girls.

The sword light of the young man in white is not long, but the light is extremely powerful, extremely bright, and extremely pure, and the speed of the sword light is extremely fast, which is more than three times faster than the sword light escape speed of the three Qingyou girls.

The big parrot on the side saw the silver snakes flying all over the sky, and its feathers stood up in fear. It screamed strangely, opened its mouth suddenly, and sprayed a very thin line of fire, which hit the dozens of snakes that came towards it. Silver snake.

More than a dozen silver snakes stagnated for a moment, and then the fire suddenly grew, and the fire clung to the sword light and burned fiercely. The body of the girl who killed the big parrot with the sword swayed, her face suddenly turned red, as if she had been burned by a soldering iron, and her whole body became red. It was hot, and sweat spurted out uncontrollably.

This flat-haired beast is weird. What it spits out is not ordinary fire. The girl was not surprised but overjoyed. She shouted: It is mine, no one is allowed to snatch it from me!

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen women in the group of young men and women released their sword light at the same time, turning into various lights and shadows such as flying snakes, bees, sparrows, and swallows, and slashed at the big parrot as fast as lightning.

The big parrot screamed strangely and fluttered, its whole body ignited with a faint fire, and quickly passed by the dozens of silver snake sword lights that had become much slower due to the burning, and chased after the three Qingyou girls in a hurry.

The wind is tight, pull the whistle... What are these little bitches chasing after your uncle?

It's impossible for men and women to have sex without being intimate with each other, uncle and you!

Don't have wishful thinking, I will not give you my innocence!

The big parrot was talking nonsense while risking its life to escape. It was spitting flames from its mouth, sparks were coming from its butt, and its wings were flapping wildly. It actually caught up with the three Qingyou girls little by little.

But the young man in white who wields the sword has actually blocked the three Qingyou girls.

He was suspended in the air, his right hand pointed diagonally at the three women, a three-foot-long golden light in front of his middle finger was dazzling, and it kept making a buzzing sword sound. The terrifying sword intent shocked the three women's pretty faces, and the green sword light that protected their bodies They are all shaking slightly.

Kneel down, offer your flying sword, and then, serve me right here. The young man in white looked at the three Qingyou girls coldly: I am Jian Wuming, the seventh true successor of Amituo Sword Sect. It’s your blessing to be able to like you!”

The big parrot flapped its wings and flew towards him. It hissed: Land!

While shouting, the big parrot dived towards the ground.

The three Qingyou girls didn't care and hurriedly followed the big parrot, pressed the sword light, and reached the ground in an instant.

Jian Wuming sneered, swayed his body, and stood in front of the three women again. He was suspended three inches above the ground, looking at the three women proudly and said coldly: Escape? Where are you running away? No matter whether it is treasures or beauties, nothing I have set my sights on can escape my hands.

Be obedient and obedient. For the sake of your cuteness, I...

Jian Wuming looked at the three girls with great pride.

He was so proud that he didn't even notice that a rabbit covered in dirt and grass clippings sneaked out from the grass behind him. The soft fleshy pads on the soles of its feet allowed it to walk silently, and its feline instinct allowed it to approach Jian Wuming little by little from behind.

Then, three feet away behind Jian Wuming, the rabbit suddenly accelerated, its body turned into a silver light, and jumped between Jian Wuming's legs with a 'swish'.

When the rabbit passed through Jian Wuming's body, its two front paws violently touched his embarrassing vitals. From its thick fleshy palms, silver sharp claws that were three inches long were revealed, and there was also a silver cold claw that was more than a foot long. Lights erupted from its claws.

Jian Wuming's body is protected by an invisible sword.

The claws of the rabbit grabbed his body, and the invisible sword suddenly activated, and a layer of golden cold light protected his whole body.

There was a ding-dong sound, and the golden cold light was pierced by the rabbit's claws. The sharp claws with cold light swept across Jian Wuming's lower body. The carrot was cut into three pieces, and blood spattered, and two The spherical object flew out and was cut into dozens of pieces in the flash of cold light.

The rabbit waved its claws wildly. When it passed through Jian Wuming's legs, it waved at least a hundred claws.

The cold light pierced Jian Wuming's internal organs fiercely. The sharp sword element filled in Jian Wuming's internal organs collided hard with the cold light of the rabbit's claws, constantly making harsh sword vibrations.

A heavy sword element was destroyed, internal organs were torn open everywhere, blood spurted out along the wounds, and a belly of colorful intestines turned into fragments, which flowed all over the floor.

Jian Wuming howled miserably and knelt on the ground with a 'thud' sound. His face turned pale in pain, the corners of his eyes burst open, and blood spurted out in a 'swish'.

He looked in disbelief at the rabbit that rushed out from between his legs, and did not forget to look back at him, hissing: I have the body protection of my sect's Amitabha Immovable Sword Gang... and you actually... …The alien species in the world, the alien species in the world...I, I, I hate...

Jian Wuming opened his mouth and roared. The big parrot rushed over shamelessly and stuffed the huge bird's head into Jian Wuming's mouth, mouth to mouth, aiming at his throat. The tube sprayed a stream of fire.

The big parrot pulled out his head and ran away, spitting bah bah bah as he ran.

From Jian Wuming's mouth, a beam of fire shot up seven or eight feet high. The flames were raging, burning his trachea, esophagus, lungs, and stomach to a crisp in an instant, and a terrible smell of barbecue gushed out far away.

From behind, the disciples of the Amitabha Sword Sect who were chasing after them with their swords exclaimed in unison, and then the sword light filled the sky turned into various flowers, birds, insects and beasts, and fell straight down with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

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