Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 242: Powerful Party (5)

In the dense forest, Mo Suanzi, the contemporary elder brother of Yuanling Tianmo Suan Sect, squinted his eyes and looked at Lu Qian.

He was holding a folding fan in his right hand and was tapping the palm of his left hand gently.

Although the heaven and earth's spiritual power has collapsed, and the inheritance has withered and declined, it seems that there are still experts... The magician sighed to several young men with gloomy temperaments around him: This Lu Qian should be the one they recommend. It’s coming out, it’s bait.”

Among the several gloomy young men, Jin Scorpio, the true disciple of the Yuanling Heavenly Curse Gu Sect, smiled: Bait? Then, we are the fish they want to catch?

The magician nodded firmly.

Yeah, think about it, in a shallow pond, all kinds of shrimps, crabs, turtles and bastards were enjoying themselves and living happily... Suddenly a group of ferocious dragons broke in, and they were dead for many years. Hatred, he must have evil intentions.

What do you think they will do?

Jin Scorpio rolled his eyes: Intrigue and taking advantage of the chaos, this is the true skill of your magic calculation sect. I only know...killing people, killing people in different ways, and making people die for unknown reasons...

The magician shrugged his shoulders, looked at Lu Qian and chuckled: If I were them, I would naturally launch an extremely powerful existence, at least one that looks extremely powerful, attracting the attention of all outsiders, so that outsiders have no time to look at him. Gu, swallow this sweet bait first with all your heart.

Golden Scorpio looked at the magician impatiently: What exactly do you want to say? Don't pretend to be profound and talk nonsense that I am too lazy to listen to and can't understand.

The magician looked helplessly at Golden Scorpio: Thanks for you, you are still my cousin...that's all, that's all...anyway, I want to swallow this bait and follow the fishing line in the opposite direction to catch the fisherman who thinks he has a plan. Gan people. At the same time, I also want to let these natives know that fish and shrimp bastards are fish and shrimp bastards. If they can't get on the stage, they can only accept their fate!

Jin Scorpio snorted coldly and pointed at Lu Qian: So? Can I take action?

The magician nodded: Let's do it. Let me weigh it. How many methods do they still have in Jishengtian? Well, by the way, I went to send a message to the people of Jiqing Sect. Luo Xuan was arrested. Now, it’s a good opportunity for them to take his place... As long as they can break through Wuzhou City and avenge Luo Xuan, they can take Luo Xuan’s place.”

Jin Scorpio understood: Are you going to trick the Jiqing Sect to death?

The magician shrugged again: It's just a matter of convenience... Although the Supreme Immortal Order asked us to work together and completely occupy the Holy Heaven, it didn't say that no one could die in the process, right?

As long as it's not one of your own family members who die, the more others die, the more the merrier.

Golden Scorpio chuckled. He said hello to a few gloomy young men around him, and took out a huge carapace about six feet in diameter, completely black, with faint traces of blood inside.

A gloomy, evil aura that made people's hair stand on end surged out of this large carapace.

The magician frowned and jumped back a long way.

Jin Scorpio smiled at the magician and said with a sarcastic tone: Cousin, you people from the magician sect are always so cautious. Is it possible that I will still harm you?

Licking the corners of his mouth, Golden Scorpio and several gloomy young men began to recite spells at the same time.

They took out their daggers, cut their fingertips open, and dripped blood from their fingertips into the carapace. As they chanted the spells, the carapace became smoother and brighter, until finally the inside of the carapace was sunken and became as bright as a mirror.

Golden Scorpio formed a seal with his hands and started dancing.

The huge carapace rose into the air, suspended on the treetops, and swayed slightly towards Lu Qian's body.

Lu Qian's figure was imprinted on this carapace.

Jin Scorpio laughed in a low voice: Okay, it's done, let's go... This kid, in the Fire Realm, he won't survive today!

The magic operator whistled softly, his body swayed, and it exploded into a puff of light smoke that disappeared. A thin betting stick fell from the spot and was dyed into a thin wisp of smoke. Fine ash.

Hide your head and shrink your tail. When you meet me, you have to use your body to incarnate. Jin Scorpio couldn't help but shook his head: Do you think the people in their Magic Calculation Sect look like frightened rabbits?

Several sinister young men giggled at the same time. They stretched out their hands to hold on to the huge carapace that was slowly falling. With a harsh squeaking sound, huge scorpions, centipedes, centipedes and other poisonous insects appeared at their feet. He carried them and flew away quickly.

Lu Qian stood in the air, frowning and looking around.

Just now, inexplicably, his heart twitched and he felt a slight chill on his body, as if something bad had happened.

But looking around carefully, there didn't seem to be any abnormal signs.

He frowned and murmured in a low voice: Then Luo Xuan's accomplices are greeting me?

Shaking his head, Lu Qian pressed his head and returned to the state pastoral office in Wuzhou City. He sat quietly in the lobby and watched a group of subordinate officials handling various matters.

Three hundred miles away from Wuzhou City, in a small county town, the county magistrate and a group of subordinate officials, all with black faces, stood upright in the lobby of the county government office like zombies.

Jin Scorpio and a group of Curse Gu Cult disciples set up an altar directly in the lobby and offered the huge carapace on the altar. A group of people carried various flags, flags, tokens and other weird magical objects, singing and dancing around the altar. , worshiping from time to time.

After dancing for a while, there was a circle of green light surging around the edge of the carapace. Jin Scorpio and a group of juniors stopped. Jin Scorpio walked to the carapace and used a small dagger to pick out a little of the green light on the edge of the carapace. It stabbed the figure of Lu Yi in the carapace.

While moving, Jin Scorpio sighed with emotion: I don't know how many years it will take for this extremely holy heaven to regain its strength... Such a small poisonous spell, when activated, actually consumed 70% of my mana.

If it were in Yuan Lingtian, I would have no trouble casting such a small poison spell...but here.

Shaking his head, Jin Scorpio sneered: It can be seen that there is no one in this extremely holy heaven, and this Lu Yi is dead!

Bait? Ugh!

I'll catch them all in one fell swoop. The whole Wuzhou City is a matter of poisonous curse!

Following Jin Scorpio's movements, Lu Qian, who was sitting in the lobby of Wuzhou Chengzhou Mufu, suddenly frowned.

His heart palpitated again, and then bursts of extremely weird, extremely fishy sour and bitter taste came out of his mouth. An extremely cruel evil poison emerged out of thin air in his throat. The dark green poisonous gas lingered and eroded rapidly. his body.

Lu Qian frowned slightly.

The poisonous gas was so terrifying that it actually burned his throat and made him sting.

However, with the initiation and blessing from the old monks such as Shenzui, his body was able to practice the five major Vajra Dharma bodies, and even the newly launched enhanced version of the Wulianggui Ruins body was almost complete.

His body is unparalleledly powerful, and it also possesses the unique miraculous effects of Buddhist Dharma Body in destroying demons and killing evil spirits.

The evil poison was certainly terrifying, but Lu Qian just circulated the blood around his throat slightly, and his entire throat turned into a golden, blazing alley of fire, easily refining the evil poison completely.

With a 'gudong' sound, Lu Qian did not dare to spit out the remaining green smoke after refining the evil poison out of his body - many officials in this hall are just ordinary martial arts Peiyuan realm practitioners, and they are ordinary ordinary people. Even if they are like this If they come into contact with the remaining smoke, they may become seriously ill.

Very simply, Lu Qian swallowed the remaining smoke into his belly, then stood up and walked to the quiet room in the backyard.

Just then, a great monk ran over and said to Lu Qian: Fahai, the abbot asked you to go over. The abbot said that someone seems to have put an evil curse on you... Is there anything weird about you?

Lu Qian said in a deep voice: A poison appeared inexplicably just now, but it has been refined by me. Well, does the abbot know where the evil curse came from?

In the small county town, in the lobby of the county government office, Jin Scorpio watched in astonishment as the green light on the edge of the carapace suddenly flashed, and then completely darkened.

The poisonous curse has been resolved. Jin Scorpio frowned and said: It's just a fire realm... How can it be so easy to resolve the poison of my hundred insects? There are experts around this kid. It seems that the magician is right. , is he really a thrown bait?”

Well, let's be more direct.

Jin Scorpio sneered, swallowed a few pills to restore his magic power, and led a group of junior disciples to sing and dance around the altar, chanting a scalp-numbing spell.

Gradually, wisps of blue Yin Fire flames emerged from the edge of this huge carapace, and then the flames grew rapidly, and the entire carapace quickly burned into a ball of blue flames.

Lu Qian had just walked to the door of Shenzui's quiet room. His body suddenly swayed, and he felt a little dizzy in his head, and there were countless howling ghosts and wolves in his ears. A ray of yin fire emerged from the soles of his feet and spiraled up his body, instantly igniting him into a blue burning man.

Lu Qian's body was not harmed, but his clothes, shoes and socks were instantly burned into a wisp of smoke.

What the hell is this? Lu Qian shouted in shame and anger. A golden cloud of smoke rose above his head. A Vajra standing astride a tiger and holding a dragon was about three feet tall, as solid as a human being. , lifelike, emerging directly from the clouds and smoke.

This is the Vajra Dharma form cultivated by the Dragon-Tiger Vajra Body that was originally inherited from the Great Vajra Temple. Lu Qian directly manifested it outside. He heard bursts of dragons roaring and tigers roaring, and a large lotus Vajra pattern appeared on his body, and a wave of The mighty, fierce and masculine pressure was born out of thin air.

The blue Yin Fire made a crackling sound, and the golden glow of Lu Qian's body surged, wearing away the blue Yin Fire surrounding his body bit by bit.

At the county government office in the small county town, the bodies of Jin Scorpio and others shook at the same time, and blood spurted out from the corners of their mouths.

Such a strong counterattack? Ha, someone is really helping him resist our curse. Golden Scorpio shouted happily: Hey, since you took action, then you are dead!

Golden Scorpio smiled proudly and respectfully took out a strange skull with a single horn and a white bone arrow in its mouth.

Ancestor, please stand up!

The skull slowly rises.

Jin Scorpio and the other juniors knelt down at the same time, bit the tip of their tongues, and sprayed streams of blood towards the suspended skull.

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