Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 244: Powerful Party (7)

Jizhou City, in the small lake in the east of the city.

On the island, the Jiqing Sect disciples, who were enjoying themselves in the mansion, suddenly received news from the Magic Calculation Sect.

Luo Xuan was captured alive?

Some Jiqing Sect disciples cheered loudly: Let's go together, let's go together... Hey, let's go and watch that guy's show. Hehe, do you think he is still qualified to be the leader of our team?

One by one, the evil-looking, crazy Jiqing Sect disciples jumped into the sky, stepping on the magic light, and were about to rush towards Wuzhou City. Their total number was only about a thousand, but each of them released nearly twenty clones. At one time, more than 20,000 people were jumping around in the air, and the momentum was quite terrifying.

But just as they jumped up, several painted boats slowly slid over in the direction of Jizhou City.

The boat was hung with red lanterns, and the figures of graceful girls were singing and dancing on the boat. The sweet sound of silk and bamboo could be heard in the distance.

The disciples of Jiqing Sect immediately threw Luo Xuan away from the sky.

They drooled, stared at the boats with wide eyes, and danced with excitement.

Emotions move, sex develops, life burns...

With the beast's instincts flourishing, how could anyone care about Luo Xuan's life or death?

They are all top-notch beauties, but there are just a few of them, so there are not enough points. A tall young man laughed wildly.

There are those who strike first, but there are none who strike last!

Another Jiqing Sect disciple brought a ray of magic light towards the boat. If he wanted to strike first, he would rob a few girls and feast on them first. As a result, he had just pressed the magic light and before he could fly ten feet away, he was hit in the back by a copper hammer from his fellow disciple behind him, causing his armor to shatter. He vomited blood and fell into the lake.

The disciples of Jiqing Sect...are just like this.

The emotions of more than a thousand Jiqing Sect disciples, who were already on the verge of madness, suddenly collapsed completely amid the soft singing of those girls. They laughed wildly, like wild monkeys fighting for mating rights, letting go and slashing in the air.

Waves of magic light filled with extreme emotions swept across the void, and disciples of the Extreme Emotion Sect vomited blood and fell from the sky.

In just one cup of tea, more than a thousand Ji Qing Sect disciples, together with twenty thousand of their clones, were all seriously injured and fell. Like seriously injured toads, they were floating on the lake.

Several painted boats slid past gently, and the stunningly beautiful flower mourning girl in gorgeous clothes slowly walked out of the largest boat.

Her blood-red lips moved slightly, and the mourning girl smiled softly: There are so many strong and powerful husbands...hehe, oh, you didn't even need me to do anything, and you just showed up at my door?

Then, Nunu, you're welcome?

The flower mourning girl laughed loudly. She opened her mouth slightly and took a breath. The eyes of the severely injured disciples of the Jiqing Sect bulged one by one, and large amounts of blood flew out from their pores. They were not allowed any room to resist. All their energy, In an instant, he was sucked clean by the flower mourning girl.

In the painting boat, girls in red came out one after another, and they all laughed: Sister, we want it too, we want it too!

The small boats can only accommodate three to five hundred people at most, but the number of women in red clothes coming out of the boats is increasing. Gradually, at least one hundred thousand red boats are floating on the lake near the boats. Clothes figure.

Ever since that night, the flower mourning girl reincarnated in Bai Lu's body and was frightened away by the golden relics of the Great Vajra Temple, I haven't heard any news from her for so many days.

I don’t know where she found so many women with deep grievances, and transformed them all into terrible evil spirits.

These girls laughed softly and danced softly on the lake.

Their laughter and singing spread with the wind throughout a hundred miles, covering the huge city of Jizhou.

In Jizhou City, nearly 90% of the men looked erratic, with confused eyes and a Zhuge smile: There are beauties, there are beauties...the beauties are calling me.

Either trotting, riding in a car, or riding a horse, more than 90% of the men in Jizhou City, regardless of age, used their own methods to form a mighty team out of the city from the east gate and headed straight for the small lake outside the east gate.

They...just smiled and rushed into the lake step by step, and then were completely submerged by the lake.

The mourning girl's whole body was burning with bloody flames. She smiled and said, Girls, aren't our husbands here?

The bodies of the men disintegrated silently in the lake water, turning into blood mist rising up, and being sucked in by the girls in red.

The body of the flower mourning girl was trembling slightly, and the blood inflammation all over her body was restrained bit by bit, and it was injected into the center of her eyebrows.

All the energy and energy in the whole body were condensed and compressed, turning into a burning field of fire.

A graceful fairy sound sounded, and in the field of fire that was the flower mourning girl, a golden lotus seed emitting colorful colors fell quietly.

The small lake with a radius of hundreds of miles set off a huge wave. The terrifying magic power surged in the flower mourning girl's body. The big wave rose into the sky, and the entire lake was washed away from the lake body and onto the surrounding land.

Yuan Lingtian's... brothers-in-law! Hua Mangnu's body trembled slightly and she chuckled.

You...are finally here!

Lu Qian flew quickly in the air.

He suddenly felt a faint palpitation in his heart and subconsciously glanced in the direction of Jizhou.

Jizhou and Wuzhou are close to each other, especially since Jizhou City and Wuzhou City are only a thousand miles apart. Hua Mangnu planted golden lotus. When her magic power improved by leaps and bounds, the qi machine disrupted the heaven and earth, and Lu Qian suddenly had a whim.

In Wuzhou City, Shenzui and a group of old monks also stood up suddenly and subconsciously looked in the direction of Jizhou City.

Outside the small county town, deep in the mountains and forests, the magician's finger trembled, and a fortune stick pricked his finger. Blood spurted out far away, and a ferocious figure was outlined on the white felt under his seat. grimace pattern.

Big disaster? How do you say this? The magician jumped up in shock. He looked in the direction of the county government and said anxiously: That's not right, shit... This, this, this shouldn't be the case. ?”

Shi Ji also jumped up and stamped her feet angrily: You are such a godly person, what do you think this is? We will help you...

The magic operator's body swayed, and with a 'pop' it turned into a wisp of green smoke and dissipated. In the green smoke, a fortune teller fell down, ignited without fire, and turned into a thin wisp of dust that sprinkled on the white felt.

The three young men looked at each other, stood up and left without saying anything.

In the surrounding hills, a large group of Yuan Lingtian monks wearing the same clothes as them appeared one after another, divided into three groups, each found a direction, and left at full speed using magical powers and secret techniques.

Shi Ji was stunned and frowned: A cowardly guy who is afraid of death is actually here again? Hey, have you even left Golden Scorpio behind? Are there any risks? Are there any serious omens?

The small county town was only a few hundred miles away from Wuzhou City. The Dark Cloud Beast was so fast that it brought up a stream of smoke and rushed over the small county town before the speed reached its maximum.

In the county government office in the small county town, hollow drums were beating. A group of government officials carried weapons and rushed out of the county government office at a slow pace. They shouted at the people on the street in front of the county government office and tied them up with iron chains. When there are common people who don't know what they are doing, they will be brought into the county government office.

Lu Qian lowered his head and looked down at these government servants whose faces were full of blackness, whose bodies were completely lifeless, and whose movements were like zombies. With a glance from the corner of his eye, he saw Shi Ji, who was talking to herself in the hills and did not evacuate immediately.

It's a girl, I'm too embarrassed to do anything! Lu Qian coughed lightly.

Qingyou and the three girls were delighted to see Hunter Xin. They raised their swords without saying a word and rushed towards Shi Ji.

The rabbit's long hair exploded all over its body, its eyes flickered, and it stared fiercely at the black lion that Shi Ji had just used as a cushion. Its body swayed, turned into a flash of silver light and escaped, sneaking over silently.

Lu Qian let out a long roar, and five diamond swords appeared. Then he released all control, and let the five diamond swords fall straight from the sky like five beams and pillars.

A group of people in the Golden Scorpion who were chanting spells and making seals in the lobby faintly heard the sound of breaking through the air above their heads.

Before they could figure out what happened, five diamond swords nearly ten feet long smashed through the roof of the lobby, hitting the disciples of the Curse Gu Sect heavily.

More than a dozen disciples were smashed into pulp on the spot. A diamond sword flashed with golden light and hit the floating black skull squarely.

This black skull has soaring evil power and is used to perform curse-killing techniques. Its power is extremely astonishing.

But after all, it is a secret treasure of the curse, and it is not something that can be killed at close range. Its texture is unusually light and brittle. It was smashed into pieces by the diamond sword on the spot. The black and pale evil energy turned into a human face the size of a thumb. He screamed and rushed out of the broken skull, following some strange Qi connection, and quickly rushed towards Jin Scorpio and others.

Oops... I should have listened to my mother... I shouldn't have gotten too close to the Magic Operator. Jin Scorpio's face twisted as he looked at the densely packed thumb-sized faces flying in front of him.

The spiritual treasure backfires... The cursed spiritual treasure backfires.

This is the terrifying backlash that he, who has only half-stepped to plant the golden lotus, cannot resist no matter what... Not to mention him, even the fourth great realm in the world of cultivation, where the golden lotus blossoms and the great master sees the true meaning, cannot stop the spiritual treasure from being annihilated. The backlash of time!

Magic Counter...didn't you mean...

Golden Scorpio wanted to say something, but countless small black and white faces rushed into his body. His body quickly collapsed and shriveled up, and finally turned into a thin piece of human skin, falling to the ground silently.

Hundreds of miles away from the small county town, in a deep mountain, the magic fortune teller sat on a futon, playing with the fortune tellers with a sad face.

How could there be any changes? How could there be such a terrifying evil spirit in a world like the Supreme Holy Heaven where the spiritual power of heaven and earth has collapsed and is still in the recovery period? This, this is clearly some kind of extremely sinister terror... This kind of evil Human beings exist…”

While thinking about it, the magician's expression suddenly changed tragically.

The skin on his heart turned pitch black, and blood spurted out from his seven orifices.

The magic operator gave a strange cry and quickly turned into a ball of smoke and ran away without a trace.

You are a golden Scorpio, when did you secretly plot against me? We are all relatives, and you actually, actually, plotted against me cruelly? Damn it...you deserve to die.

Go away, go away... I can't stay here any longer.

The indigenous monks in the Holy Sky are weird. This Wuzhou is definitely a bait they deliberately released... Hey, whoever is willing to come and break their heads and bleed, let them do it...

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