Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 258 Big Drama (2)

During the battle of Wuzhou City, Lu Qian was setting up strong winds and pushing water clouds, carrying Yinxiu, Lu Xiu and other 129 people, flying from a height of 10,000 feet, straight to Haojing City.

As for the previous Beiqiu Hou and others, Yinxuan had already cut off the heads of several princes with his own hands, and then asked their subordinates to go back to deliver messages, and let the relatives of several big princes wash their necks and wait for death.

The image of a person with three eyes is dazzling, and Lu Qian's body is covered with shining water and wind patterns.

Controlling water with water patterns and setting up water clouds are just the most common operations. However, this water is light and clear, as if it is nothing. It shuttles through the void. It really feels like water is soft and all-pervasive. It flies so fast without any resistance.

The wind pattern controls the wind, and its wind speed is extremely fast, and it can reach tens of miles in a snap of the fingers. If we speed up again, hundreds of miles will only take a moment between breaths and breaths. Lu Qian took care of Yinxiu and others, not speeding up to the extreme, but it was still jaw-droppingly fast.

Yinxuan was so courageous that he stood on the edge of the water clouds with his hands behind his back, overlooking the mountains and rivers below, and suddenly spoke.

So, the world has regained its spiritual power, and monks have returned to the world. Whether it is martial arts practice or the path to immortality, everyone has hope and a future...

Yinxuan murmured: No wonder, in the past few months, Lu Xiu and many other Qing family members have made breakthroughs in cultivation one after another. Even I have reached the peak of the acupuncture realm.

If we hadn't made a breakthrough in cultivation, how could we have escaped from the surveillance of the Qinglang clan?

Hey Hey.

Yinxiu turned around and looked at Lu Qian: Lu Qian, have you worshiped in the Great Vajra Temple?

Lu Qian nodded and said in a deep voice: Your Majesty, I have indeed worshiped in the Great Vajra Temple...and if I estimate correctly, the Buddhist sect represented by the Great Vajra Temple is now the most holy three heavens, demons, and Taoists. The strongest one in the religion.”

Lu Qian expressed his guess.

The three sects of Jishengtian were all severely damaged by Yuan Lingtian's powerful enemies.

However, Buddhism has a method of enlightenment. Those eminent monks who are dying can instill their whole body cultivation into their disciples and grandchildren before they pass away!

Jishengtian suffered a huge defeat that year, and his way of cultivation was almost cut off.

There are thirteen lineage elders in the Great Vajra Temple... There are three Buddhist sects, three temples, three Zen forests, and the other eight sects of the nine sects. They don't even have a lineage elder?

Calculated in this way, the potential power of Buddhism is quite strong and terrifying.

As for the Taoist sect and the demonic sect?

They may have some tricks to keep the bottom of the box, but it's nothing like cheating like Buddhism. Therefore, Lu Qian judged that among the three religions, Buddhism is now respected. The Maharaja Temple, which has thirteen lineage elders, is one of the best even among Buddhists.

Yinxuan gently touched the long hair on his head.

Lu Qian immediately smiled and said: Your Majesty, the Supreme Holy Heavenly Buddhism is divided into two types: ascetic monks and mortal monks... I am also a mortal monk, but it does not hinder me. Abbot Shenzui promised that I will be the next abbot of the Mahavajra Temple in the future!

When Lu Qian said this, he felt quite strange.

But he had a feeling in his heart that the Great Vajra Temple and Dayin were involved in his cultivation plan. The stronger the Great Vajra Temple and Dayin are, the stronger the blessings they will receive and the faster they will practice.

Two thick thighs, naturally you have to hug them.

Yinxuan, but Dayin was the last emperor, what does his return mean... Lu Qian was inexplicably excited in his heart.

Yinxiu smiled and nodded. He looked at Lu Xiu and then at the loyal ministers on Shuiyun who had suffered with him for twenty years in the territory of the Qinglang clan. He smiled and said: You still remember, sir? , I once said that you will never leave me, and I will share the glory and wealth with you.

Yinzhen twisted his beard and smiled, and said softly: Now it seems that glory and wealth alone are not enough to reward merit... We should share eternal life!

Yin Xiu's eyes were shining brightly. On the water clouds, a group of civil and military officials, including Lu Xiu, and two old eunuchs filled with evil spirits all laughed together. They all laughed forward and back, quite a bit crazy. color.

I originally thought that I would spend my whole life in that barren land surrounded by ice and snow.

Unexpectedly, when the world's inspiration revived, they all made crazy breakthroughs in cultivation. Finally, they saw the opportunity and escaped while protecting Yinxiu.

Originally, they thought that under the crazy pursuit of the Qinglang clan, they would all die by the Baimang River.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiu made an inexplicable breakthrough on the battlefield, cultivated the body of King Kong, killed tens of thousands of green wolf knights with his own power, and protected everyone from crossing the Baimang River safely.

It was originally thought that the princes of Beimingzhou, who had stabbed Yinxi's personal conquest army in the back and wiped out the entire personal conquest army, mobilized their armies to besiege and kill them crazily. Lu Xiu was also entangled by evil masters, and everyone would eventually die in the battle.

Unexpectedly, Lu Qian felt something in his heart, and used his magical power from Haojing to appeal for help. He also severely damaged the army of Beiqiu Hou and other princes, and everyone finally escaped.

Originally, he thought that being able to return to Haojing, Yinxiu could fulfill his promise of prosperity and wealth with them, and live a graceful life, which would be the ultimate perfection of life.

Unexpectedly, Lu Qian actually opened a door to a new world for everyone!


that power!

Live forever!

How can we describe the bliss of life?

Twenty years of hard work were not in vain!

Several gray-haired old military generals laughed wildly, pointed at Lu Yi and said with a smile: Lu Xiu, this is your Qilin son of the Lu family... We are so excited at the sight, how about we get married?

Lu Qian's face was slightly red, and the laughter on the water cloud became more and more wild.

The journey from Beimingzhou to the territory of Beiqiuhou and others, and to Haojing was hundreds of thousands of miles away. Lu Qian spent three days and two nights because of taking care of Yinxiu and others.

After entering the city, Yinxiu and his party did not make a big fanfare, but secretly entered Lu Qian's Tianyang Lord's Mansion. After freshening and changing clothes, a group of people quietly dispersed under the protection of the guards sent by Lu Qian, contacting their relatives and confidants, and colluding with each other. Old relationships from those days.

Especially the two old eunuchs next to Yinxuan, one is Yu Wuyou and the other is Yu Busi. They are the godfathers of Yu Sandou who is now beside the Queen Mother and Yu Changle who is next to Yinyuan. They are all the people in Dayin's court today. The most serious ancestor of all eunuchs.

In the past twenty years, regardless of the imperial city, Jiuquyuan, and the palace guards and many inner court offices, all personnel have been changed beyond recognition. However, there are always old eunuchs and old team members who have remained stubbornly following the unspoken rules of the inner court. .

Yu Wuyou, Yu Busi, and even Lu Qian didn't know where they went or what they did.

Lu Qian only knew that less than three hours after Yinxuan and others returned to Haojing, a group of eunuchs filled with sinister and murderous energy appeared around Yinxuan, like old zombies, which made people feel inexplicably heart-pounding.

Through these eunuchs, Yinxuan continued to pass out orders one after another.

In Haojing City, the solemn atmosphere that was originally filled with the impending rain suddenly became a little strange.

Lu Qian just sat and watched all this.

What could he say?

On a whim, he sensed that his blood relatives were in danger, so he ran and saved his own grandfather from a group of evil monks.

He just saved his own grandfather.

As for Yinxiu who was rescued by the way, there were more than a hundred nobles and important ministers who were loyal to Yinxiu...

Lu Qian could only say, who could have imagined such a thing?

Finally, this day.

It was the ninth day of September in the nineteenth year of Jiayou.

In Haojing City, outside the Sifang City Gate, the main elites of the Four Expeditions Corps under the Fifth Army Mansion were camping outside the city. Flags were fluttering, banners were flying in the sky, and teams of fine horses were galloping back and forth. The dull sound of hoofbeats was like thunder, which shook hundreds of miles.

The east gate of Haojing City was tightly guarded by Lu Qian sent Yu Diaihu and a group of elite soldiers.

However, the north gate, west gate, and south gate of Haojing City are all open. The main elites of the Zhengbei, Zhengxi, and Zhengnan legions outside the city can enter Haojing with just one order. The question is, who If you give this order, who will take it?

In the city of Haojing, the Imperial Guards transferred from several states and counties around Haojing were aggressively stationed in all cities above level 5, and every neighborhood was patrolled by elite local Imperial Guards. Soldiers in helmets and armor were wandering back and forth, making Haojing look murderous. The people closed their doors and did not dare to go out and walk.

In the imperial city, the bells and jade bells roared continuously.

Bloody lights shot up into the sky, and the Imperial City issued the highest-level summons, ordering all the nobles and officials in the city to enter the Imperial City to discuss matters.

The area around the imperial city was densely surrounded by heavily armed elite imperial guards.

With a radius of nearly a hundred miles, the streets and alleys were filled with Imperial Guards. In many streets and alleys, there were even large groups of heavy cavalry standing ready.

Each and every one of these elite elites of the Forbidden Army had blood rising all over their bodies, their eyes were slightly glowing with blood, their faces were twisted, and their expressions were crazy, making them intimidating.

On the long flagpoles, blood-colored flags made of strange materials fluttered in the wind.

As these flags were flying, strange waves swept across the sky. Many civil and military officials who rushed to the imperial city after the order accidentally looked at these flags a few more times, and immediately their hearts rolled, they felt dizzy, and they made a very loud and embarrassing sound. Vomit.

Some old and frail officials even rolled their eyes and fainted on the spot, causing countless people to exclaim.

In the imperial city, the golden bells and jade bells have been ringing, the sound is endless, melodious and sweet.

At the gate of the imperial city, a group of civil and military nobles, courtiers and officials gathered together with solemn expressions. They looked at the densely packed elite of the Forbidden Forces around them, then looked at each other at their colleagues around them, carefully observing the changes in the expressions of the people around them, hoping to figure out some of their intentions and bottom line from the changes in facial expressions.

Zhu Chong and other cultural and educational leaders stood quietly at the gate of the imperial city with sinking faces.

Countless people were looking at them, but no one could analyze even a little bit of useful information from their faces.

Suddenly, the courtiers made a loud noise.

Galloping along the street, a group of arrogant and arrogant young men and women, escorted by a large group of forbidden troops, rode towards them.

The protons of the princes from Sijifang have arrived.

They didn't follow the rules like the courtiers. When they arrived at the gate of the imperial city, they were still talking, laughing and hooting loudly, which made all the courtiers frown.

However, when Zhu Chong saw these protons, he smiled slightly and waved to the leading protons.

Several princes from Eastern China, Northern Mingzhou, Western Youzhou, and Nanmanzhou, whose own power was the most powerful in the state, came to Zhu Chong with smiles and high spirits, and bowed to Zhu Chong with the courtesy of juniors.

Many courtiers' hearts sank slightly.

Is this Zhu Chong's signal that their cultural and educational lineage has reached a tacit understanding with the major princes?

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