Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 270 What is this (2)

The great monk who delivered the message left.

Xiong Taidou smashed all the furnishings in the tent to pieces. Several outer disciples of the Great Vajra Temple who had followed him to Anping Prefecture to start a rebellion were also slapped and sent flying out by him.

what is this?

what is this?

What on earth is this?

Xiong Taidou was so angry that he vomited blood.

The breath was chaotic, and the messy energy and blood rushed back to several extraordinary meridians and eight meridians, and even broke dozens of acupoints. The internal organs were all violently surged with blood, and were severely injured due to the rush.

Taidou Xiong gasped and finally sat down on the ground.

With his eyes wide open, Xiong Taidou looked blankly at the neatly organized camp outside through the gap in the tent where a big hole had been broken by his punch.

He has been fond of martial arts since he was a child. The martial arts passed down from his family at the Xiong Family Martial Arts School had been practiced to the extreme when he was seventeen years old, reaching a point of no return.

So he traveled all over the world looking for masters.

During his travels around the world, he heard many legends about sacred immortals and demons, so his idea of ​​​​searching for martial arts masters became a search for immortals to achieve immortality.

His hard work paid off. At the age of 40, he finally met the deacon of the outer gate of the Great Vajra Temple who was out walking in the mountains. Maybe it was eye contact, maybe it was because of Xiong Taidou's talent, but in short, he entered the outer gate of the Great Vajra Temple.

The secret skills of the outer sect of the Great Vajra Monastery are far superior to the secular martial arts.

Xiong Taidou was immersed in the inscrutable Buddhist secrets and practiced hard in the mountains for more than twenty years.

Finally one day, his master told him that the sect would make big moves in the secular world. Xiong Taidou, as the leader among the outer sect disciples, was selected to cooperate with Lu Wei, another inner sect elite disciple, in the big sect. Yin put on a good show.

Xiong Taidou started a rebellion, and Lu Yi put it down.

There are thieves on one side and soldiers on the other. The thieves and soldiers echo each other. The thieves gradually occupy larger territories, while the soldiers have more power!

Whether it's the territory occupied by thieves or the soldiers' increasing status and increasing power, it's all luck.

In the Holy Heaven, where the spiritual power of heaven and earth has revived, luck is the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and is the foundation of the sect. The more luck you earn, the greater the benefit it will be to the sect.

Xiong Taidou happily agreed to leave the mountains and return to the mortal world with a group of friends from the outer sect.

He ran away from home at the age of seventeen or eighteen and returned as an old man.

The elders of the Xiong clan who were once familiar with them have all died long ago. Several of his brothers are also dead and disabled. The only bloodline left is that of Xiong Dingtian.

Xiong Dingtian died because of Lu Qian. Xiong Taidou boasted that it was only natural for him to cause trouble for Lu Qian!

But, who would have thought!

The Buddhist plan completely deviated from the original plan because of Lu Qian, a freak and anomaly.

The arrangements here in Anping Prefecture did not have much effect at all - Lu Qian used his incredible luck to become the emperor's favorite at such an incredible speed, and his official promotion speed was simply inhuman.

Because Lu Qian, the Great Vajra Temple, and even the entire Buddhist sect, directly reached the sky in one step, and occupied an absolutely dominant position in the Dayin Dynasty when the heaven and earth were revived.

In fact, there is no need to continue the turmoil in Anping Prefecture.

It's just that Xiong Taidou was very stubborn, extremely stubborn, and he firmly led the rebels to fight and fight with Moruochen's city defense army.

The senior officials of the Great Vajra Temple all set their sights on the turbulent place of Haojing. Anping Prefecture was too insignificant for their lofty gods and first-class figures. Therefore, no one stopped Xiong Taidou's fight in time.

Until today.

Because of his origin, Morachu absconded with a group of confidants.

Over the years, the honorable nobles who followed Yinzhen in the far north of Fuzhou sent a group of young tribesmen to Anpingzhou to pick peaches.

As long as the rebellion in Anping Prefecture is suppressed, these young noble nephews will be able to accumulate military merit, be promoted and make a fortune!

And what about Taidou Xiong?

The original plan was completely overturned.

There is no longer a need for him to set off a beacon that fills the sky, or to bring chaos to the world.

Because of an official document issued by Lu Qian in the name of Taichang Temple Minister, Buddhist strongholds can be spread all over the world in a majestic manner, and the Buddhist faith can become the great Yin Zhengshuo.

All the credit belongs to Lu Qian.

The eyes of the senior Buddhist sect will only be focused on him.

And what about him, Taidou Xiong?

So many years of hard training.

So many years of hard work in the mountains.

So many years of hard work.

After so many years of devotion to the sect...

Damn it, I won't even give you one Red Lotus Dane Dan, not even one, just give me one! Xiong Taidou was so jealous that his internal organs were burning with jealousy, and he spurted out another mouthful of blood.

Even just one?

Xiong Taidou is old. He practices the outer sect of the Great Vajra Temple. With his talent and qualifications, he is extremely lucky to be able to reach the peak of the furnace realm.

However, as long as there is a red lotus crossing Edan, he can break through the fire realm!

As long as he can ignite a furnace, he can break through the realm of fire... His lifespan, his lifespan...

Even if it's a dog...you have to feed it, right? Xiong Taidou gritted his teeth, panted heavily, and looked at the sky with red eyes: This is unfair, this is unfair!

Wisps of black energy emerged from the ground of the big tent, and strands of black energy lingered in the tent. Soon, it turned into a huge barrier, sealing the entire tent.

Before this abnormal situation, Xiong Taidou would have jumped up and shouted loudly.

But at this moment, his mind went blank, and he felt like he was dying... He felt that his whole life was a failure, he didn't want to live anymore, he wanted to die!

There is no hope in his cultivation, all his efforts are in vain, and he is still unable to seek justice for his descendants!

So, what does this weird black energy mean, just an abnormality?

You are not afraid of death anymore, are you afraid of this?

Yuan Lingtian, the contemporary magician of the Magical Accounting Sect, quietly emerged from the black air. He put his left hand behind his back and played with a counting stick briskly with the five fingers of his right hand, dancing the thin counting sticks like windmills. Just as slippery.

Hey, fair? Are you talking about fairness? The magician sneered loudly: You are talking about fairness to a Buddhist thief, are you crazy?

I can tell you frankly, those bald people in Buddhism talk about compassion and appear sanctimonious, but in fact they are the most utilitarian.

When you are useful to them, you are the Buddha in their hearts.

When you are of no use to them, you are just an ant in their eyes.

When you become an ant in their hearts, the most they can say is - sweeping the floor may hurt the life of the ants, so I should be gentle when I step down. This is a great mercy.

And you, you must also be grateful, thank them for saying - thank you, master, for not blinding me and not trampling me to pieces. I am so grateful that I can repay the master's kindness by smashing myself to pieces and ruining my fortune!

Every word of the magician's words hit the heart of Taidou Xiong at this moment.

Xiong Taidou's gray eyes gradually gained a glimmer of light. He cheered up and looked at the magician seriously: Brother, judging from your approach, it's not a good one... You don't know how to deal with the motorcycles in Anpingguan. Just like Luo Chen, he is also a member of the devil's path. Are you here to instigate rebellion against me?

The magic operator walked up to Xiong Taidou with a smile, turned his palm, took out a chair, and sat down on it smoothly.

That's right, I'm here to instigate you.

The magician smiled and looked at Xiong Taidou: Originally, my plan was to cooperate with the Weiyang Lord Lu Qian you just cursed to severely deceive fellow Taoists who come from the same place as me, and let our sect take over If you have the opportunity, let me make a great contribution.

With a wry smile, the magician gently shook his head: However, after I observed carefully in Haojing these days and carefully collected information from all directions, I found that cooperating with Lu Qian was a bit like trying to steal the skin of a tiger. It means...that boy is a bit evil, I was afraid that I would be struck by his sword that day, and I would have no place to reason with him.

I discovered an even more terrifying fact.

The fortune teller in the magic fortune teller's hand spun faster, and even made a harsh 'whooshing' sound through the air. Inside the fortune teller, traces of strange black light lingered, gradually condensing into several strange runes.

Terror? Xiong Taidou sneered: There is nothing important in this world except death. If you are not afraid of death, what are you afraid of?

The magician looked at Taidou Xiong and said quietly: What I call great terror is some high-ranking figures who, for an opportunity, disregard the laws of nature and human relations, wipe out their flesh and blood family ties, and throw their own blood into death sacrifices.

Haha, lest they die quickly enough, I will do some tricks on them before leaving.

The magician said softly: I find it strange that the group of fellow Taoists traveling with me, who are usually as smart as ghosts, suddenly became so arrogant and wanton when they came to your territory. It even... seems like you have no brains?

Xiong Taidou's face became even more ugly.

The magician's words poked the wound in his heart again.

He felt that he was like one of those unlucky ones mentioned by the magician, who was casually abandoned by his elders.

What do you want to say? Xiong Taidou looked at the magician curiously.

You know Wuzhou City, right? The magician said softly: It was in Wuzhou City that Lu Qian defeated Dong Qibo's army and made great contributions... There are a group of fellow Taoists who come from the same place as me. A few days ago, they They jointly attacked Wuzhou City, and then they all fell into the formation, 70% died and 30% were captured alive.

The magician shook his head slightly: They shouldn't be so stupid...but they just did such stupid things.

So, I remembered some inexplicable words my master said to me before leaving.

The magician drooped his eyelids and said softly: Perhaps this is also part of my master's plan? But no matter what, I want to be grateful to him for not having a similar secret hand on me. I am still sane and clear now. I’m here to discuss various future plans with you.”

Of course, it's also possible that my master has already done something secretly, but I'm ignorant and don't know?

Smiling self-deprecatingly, the magician shook his head and said: But no matter what, I need an ally, an ally who can buy me a glimmer of life at some juncture.

Xiong Taidou pointed to the blood on his chest and said coldly: Ally? How can an ally like me help you?

The magician smiled slightly and said softly: You are a little weaker, but what if I can use my technique of diverting heavenly secrets to directly transmit the cultivation base of some eminent monks to you?

It's similar to your Buddhist enlightenment, but more mysterious and subtle... The magician looked at Xiong Taidou with a smile: It's worth a try? Isn't it? You will definitely not trust me, but at least I am a person who allows you to ask Lu It’s a chance to settle scores, isn’t it?”

Xiong Taidou stared straight at the magic operator.

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