Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 272 Le Wu escapes from prison (2)

Three chances to survive, yes.

Lu Qian waved to the magician: Then, please sit down and let's talk slowly.

The magic operator smiled, spinning the fortune tellers on his fingers quickly, and walked slowly past Ahu and others.

When passing by Ah Hu, the magic operator's fingers suddenly trembled, and the thin counting stick flew out with a 'swish' sound and stuck into Ah Hu's palm. With a 'pop' sound, the fortune stick broke into more than a dozen sections, but there was not even a trace left on Ahu's palm.

The magic operator's steps froze, and then he walked to the table.

Ah Hu conveniently picked up a chair from his desk and placed it next to Lu Qian. He said angrily to the magician: Looking at you, you look like a dog-headed strategist who is very calculating... I want to test Master Hu's skills. To put it bluntly... why not, Mr. Tiger punch you in the face and let you test your strength?

The demon's face turned red for a while, and he laughed dryly and said: Haha... I'm a disciple of the demon's sect, and I'm a disciple of the demon's sect. How about taking action?

Magic Suanzi smiled at Lu Qian and Yinyuan: What do you think? We monks are like fighting between two countries. Regardless of victory or defeat, it will cost a lot... Therefore, the mantra of our ancestors of the Magic Suan Sect is, Harmony is the most precious thing!”

Talking nonsense, the magician sat on the chair that Ahuti had slipped over.

Yinyuan coughed and looked at the magician a little uncomfortably. Then, he sat back down, put down the folding fan, took out a bunch of scarlet beads from his sleeve and held it in his hand.

The magician smiled at Yinyuan, who had a cowardly look on his face. Then, he glanced at the string of beads, his pupils shrank slightly, like a wild cat encountering a wild dog, and the hairs all over his body suddenly stood up.

Taking the clean tableware handed over by Ahu, Mo Suanzi poured himself a glass of fruit wine.

Lu Qian coughed lightly, snatched the fruit wine from his hand, stuffed a large bowl for him, and filled it with the strong liquor that would catch fire.

The magician sighed, took a sip of strong wine, and said quietly: I have just figured this out.

You did a good job in Wuzhou City before. For those sect disciples who came with me, you captured them alive instead of killing them. This is a good thing... Because they were only captured alive, the blood sacrifice was not completed, and the sect's destiny behind them could not be integrated. The most holy heaven.”

Blood sacrifice? Lu Qian raised his eyebrows. He picked up a sea bowl. Ahu quickly filled the sea bowl with strong liquor. Lu Qian and Mo Suanzi touched the bowls and said with a smile: A manly man, don't drink in small sips. Xiaokou, come on, do it.”

The magician's face twitched violently, he laughed dryly, picked up the sea bowl and drank it all in one gulp, a blush suddenly appeared on his fair face.

Ahu immediately refilled the spirits for Mo Suanzi and Lu Qian.

A blood sacrifice is a blood sacrifice. The magician said quietly: Yuanling Heaven, the Holy Heaven, and the former Wanmiao Heaven. The three realms in this area live and kill each other. There are infinite mysteries between the worlds.

Back then, there was a fierce battle between the three realms, and the Supreme Holy Heaven was the strongest. Countless tyrannical monks invaded Yuanlingtian and almost wiped out the descendants of my Yuanlingtian cultivation world. Countless people and low-level monks became slaves... During that period, it was really miserable. I can’t bear to say it.”

Lu Qian's eyes widened.

Is it because the heaven and earth of the Holy Heaven have collapsed?

How did it become that Jishengtian was suppressing you and Yuanlingtian was beating you up?

Yinyuan was playing with the Buddhist beads and staring at the magic operator - he was very curious about this kind of gossip in the cultivation world... just as curious as the wide-eyed Yu Changle standing next to him.

The strength of Jishengtian is the strongest in the three realms... There is no doubt about it. Especially the Buddhist sect of Jishengtian has a clear structure, rigorous top-down, and extremely powerful organization. With a single order, the disciples move like wind and thunder, and they are very precise. It’s not like a cultivating sect, but like a secular army.”

The magician sighed and shook his head: In short, I, Yuan Lingtian, was beaten very badly, very badly.

However, when there are disasters in the world, there will be people who are worthy of the disasters... I, Yuan Lingtian, also have such a Supreme Being. He comes from a humble background. He was born in a mine of a certain sect of your Buddhism. He should have been doing this all his life. Just a humble mining slave who will be violently killed underground at some point.

However, he happened to get a chance in an underground mine, realized the supreme swordsmanship, fought out of the mine in a bloody battle, and was pursued by countless sects of your Holy Heaven. He fought for three hundred years, and then... The sword broke through the air and killed the heaven and earth spirit machine of your Supreme Holy Heaven. Moreover, in one battle, I killed all the masters of your Supreme Holy Heaven who invaded Yuanling Heaven.

In three hundred years, because of his relationship, our Yuan Lingtian cultivation world has recovered a little bit of vitality. Under the leadership of the supreme leader, we came through the air and counterattacked to invade the Holy Heaven.

That battle was so devastating that many sects in your Holy Heaven were completely wiped out, and how many sects' inheritances were cut off?

It was also in that battle that the three Supreme Immortal Sects of your Supreme Saint Heaven all used the means of suppressing the situation that would only be used when the descendants of the sects were exterminated. They severely damaged the Supreme Immortal with one blow, and even followed the Supreme Supreme Immortal to invade the Supreme Saint. Ninety-nine percent of Heaven’s army of monks were destroyed.”

Both sides will suffer losses...the general result is this.

But my Yuanling's spiritual power is intact, but your Holy Heaven's spiritual power is intact...

The magician shook his head gently: Back then, the sword of the Supreme Being was finally blocked by the supreme power of your Holy Heaven, leaving the last glimmer of hope for the Holy Heaven.

Today's Holy Heaven, the spiritual power of heaven and earth is being restored, and the whole world is being reborn.

The resurrected spiritual power of heaven and earth will be like an eggshell, wrapping the entire world... Disciples like us with low strength can still take advantage of some small gaps to invade in, but those powerful seniors with terrifying strength seem to be locked up in It’s impossible for the thieves outside the door to come in.”

Lu Qian nodded slowly and forced the magician to have a big bowl with him.

Ahu diligently filled the two of them.

The magician spit out the breath of alcohol and said solemnly: The blood sacrifice is a key... Let the disciples in the sect die in the Holy Heaven. This is a kind of sacrifice to the Holy Heaven. The outstanding disciples of the once hostile world Falling here will speed up the recovery of the Holy Spirit of Heaven and Earth.

And these outstanding disciples are all entangled with the fate of their own sect and family.

After they die, their luck merges into the Holy Heaven, and the sects and families corresponding to them...especially the family elders are like holding a key and opening a portal, allowing them to step into the Holy Heaven.

Lu Qian frowned.

He thought of the children of the big families of the sects he met in Wuzhou City. Listening to their proud self-introductions, they are all heirs of the top families in their own sects, and they also have the status of true disciples in the sects.

You guys have invested a lot of money! Lu Qian looked at the magician with a strange expression.

Isn't that right? Even the current master disciple of the Magic Sect like me, who bears the name of the sect, has been thrown out. The Magician made Lingling shiver: Before setting off, tell us Yes, this is not something I figured out on my own...

Before departure, the elders of each sect said well that from now on, Jishengtian will be our resource place and our slave pen. However, there are so many sects in Yuanlingtian, who occupies more and who occupies less, It all depends on the methods of our respective sects.”

So, we were sent out to make an outpost.

But they didn't tell us that we would be the ones being sacrificed by blood!

The magician murmured: When the first wave of disciples we arrived in Wuzhou City did those things mindlessly, I felt something was wrong... As a result, the first batch of disciples were captured alive by you in Wuzhou City. Many, but their respective sects actually sent down a second batch of disciples, and then they attacked Wuzhou City, resulting in heavy casualties!

The magician shook his head: In the plan the sect told us, there will not be a second batch of disciples in the next ten years.

But how long have we been here? The second batch of disciples have been sent down.

Moreover, it makes no sense. Before I even got involved to add fuel to the flames, they took the initiative to hit Wuzhou City with their heads, causing their brains to splatter... This is obvious.

The magician sighed: Think about it, at this moment, there are powerful people from the sect and family who have invaded the Holy Heaven, right?

I just don't know how many people they have come in and what kind of cultivation they have?

The magician looked at Lu Qian: This news will give me three chances to save my life. Isn't it a loss? If Mr. Weiyang feels that it is not appropriate, I can tell you the basic situation of many sects in Yuan Lingtian that I know. Also give it to Lord Weiyang...

Lu Qian stared at the magician for a long time, then picked up the bowl: Friend magician, you are quite a talent! Hey!

at the same time.

To the west of the imperial city, there is a secret underground prison guarding the palace.

The secret prison of the Palace Guard Prison was not built by Dayin himself. Instead, like the underground space of the Secret History Prison, it was rebuilt using underground buildings left over from the previous dynasty.

The corridors of the secret prison are clean and spacious, and each corridor is large enough to accommodate ten carriages traveling side by side. The cells on both sides of the corridor are each at least ten feet long and wide, and more than five feet high.

And just like the underground space of the Secret History Prison, these corridors, cells, and walls are all made of unknown materials. Through the changing light, you can faintly see that there are large strips on the walls, floors, and ceilings. Magnificent lines, large and small, are looming.

Le Wu was imprisoned in such a cell.

His cultivation was completely sealed, and his strength was no more than that of an ordinary person. He was holding on to the small window on the cell door with both hands, screaming at the top of his lungs.

I am the general, I am the uncle of the country, I am the general, I am the uncle of the country!

I am the emperor's brother-in-law... I am the prince's biological uncle!

You bunch of dogs, let me out... let me out... I want to see the emperor, I want to see the emperor...

These days, Lewu has been subjected to some tricks from the palace guards. He has almost explained the various people he deployed in the court and various places in Dayin, the large and small means of ambushes, and even the secrets of his concubines and lovers outside.

Le Wu was unwilling to fall from the peak of power and never had a chance to stand up again.

He thought... maybe if he meets Yinxiu and cries a few times, there will be no chance of recovery? Anyway, the matter of trapping Yinxiu's personal conquest army that year had nothing to do with him!


A gust of breeze flashed by, and an old man with long hair, eyebrows, and long beard turned the color of blood, his eyes flashed with blood, and his face and lips were pale, appeared quietly behind Le Wu.

Haha, are you willing to become your teacher?

The old man reached out and pressed the back of Le Wu's neck, asking him in a pitiful voice.

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