Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 276 Leshi proclaims himself emperor (3)

Just like there was no Lezhou in Dayin before.

There is no Qingpingfang in Lezhou City.

When Leshi became rich, there was Lezhou, and then there was Lezhou City. Lewu was a general in Haojing. Several elders of the Le clan who were in charge of the affairs of the fiefdom invited several literati and poets from nowhere. There was Qingping Mountain and Qingping Lake in Lezhou City. ', and then there was Qingpingfang.

The huge private forest garden built by the Le family in Qingpingfang also has a very elegant name - Qingpingle. (Qingpingle (yue): ancient word brand name)

The clear Huai River and the turbid Bian River are on the west bank of the Yangtze River. When the red river arrives, the yellow leaves are in chaos. Frost enters the old garden of the King of Liang.

Where can I carry a pot in Qiuyuan? I stopped to visit the ancient times and hesitated. The legacy of the twin temples still exists, but there should be no proud officials in the lacquer garden.

(Su Shi, Qing Ping Le·Qiu Ci)

Lu Qian was walking on the overly busy streets of Lezhou City, mumbling to himself as he walked.

When walking across a bridge, he looked at the river under the bridge, then at the scenery on both sides, and then looked at Qingping Mountain rising from the ground like a green screen in the distance, and sighed softly.

The words are good, the intention is good, but the situation is inappropriate. Lu Qian touched Dahuang's head dejectedly: The scene in front of me is not the scene in the poem. Tsk! What a pity, what a pity.

Qingpingfang covers a huge area. After all, there is such a large Qingping Leyuan inside.

At the southwest gate of this forest garden, less than three miles away from the majestic Yuefu, which has the atmosphere of an imperial city, there is a street full of Davidia trees.

It is October, and the involucrata trees are full of fruits.

Standing at the door of a large house, absently waving goodbye to the original owner of the house, Lu Qian looked at the row of water-tank-sized Davidia trees along the street, looking forward to the beauty of the dove-shaped flowers blooming on the trees in the coming spring. .

The duck prophet of Chunjiang Plumbing... There are smart people in Lezhou City!

Lu Qian put his hands behind his back and looked at the carriage going away with a smile.

Naturally, this house cannot be compared with his mansion in Haojing City, but it is still a hundred acres in size, with six front and rear entrances, four courtyards on the left and right, and a back garden. It is considered a first-class mansion in Lezhou City.

The owner of this mansion was originally in the grain business. His business spanned Lezhou and the two surrounding states. He was among the top thirty grain merchants in Lezhou City.

But Lewu had just brought his family back to Lezhou City yesterday. The owner of the house immediately hung up the house in Yahang. The whole family packed their bags and prepared to leave Lezhou, saying they were going back to their hometown.

You smart man, you are walking so fast...but if you don't walk faster, you really won't be able to walk!

Lu Qian looked at Ya Xingjing, who was standing next to him with a smile on his face, and casually threw him a large gold ingot: This transaction is a smooth one. However, just a house is too thin.

You have to provide me with all the servants, servants, maids, craftsmen, and the guards who look after the house and courtyard, inside and outside?

Lu Qian touched his chin, thought for a while, and nodded: Well, let's see if there are any good restaurants nearby. If the owner wants to take action, hurry up and get some for me. Seven or eight restaurants are not the best. Ten houses and twenty houses are never too many.”

Lu Qian carelessly patted the shoulder of Yaxing Economics, whose eyes were shining with gold, and said with a smile: Uncle, although my family has suffered a disaster and lost most of my belongings, I still have this extravagant wealth, and I can still hold on to this arrogance. Get up!

Yaxing Economics left in a hurry, taking Lu Qian’s ardent appeal with him.

Before leaving, he made a sure promise to Lu Qian - it was a coincidence that just this morning, in Qingpingfang, there was a very famous Xinhuang Restaurant, which has opened eighteen large restaurants under the same name. The owner of a time-honored restaurant suddenly said he was losing money and wanted to sell off the entire restaurant.

Eighteen Xinhuang buildings are located in the busiest and most prosperous area of ​​Qingpingfang. The shortest one has six floors and the tallest one has eighteen floors. They are packed with guests every day. Even if you make money every day, you can’t describe this place. The speed at which eighteen new buildings can make money.

Yaxing Economics happily told Lu Qian that as long as he had enough financial resources to take down all eighteen Xinhuang Buildings, this life and future generations would be able to enjoy happiness in their beautiful nests.

Lu Qian clasped his hands behind his back and looked at Ya Xingji, who got into the carriage and ran quickly, and shook his head gently.

There are experts in the market.

The rice merchant boss of this house ran away. The big boss of Xinhuang Building also ran away. Hey, they are all powerful people with connections.

Still lying in a brocade nest enjoying the blessings? This Lezhou City might be a slaughterhouse of flesh and blood, a hell of Shura... This city is full of Li people, haha!

Lu Qian's face twitched violently.

He recalled the solemn explanations given by the two old monks Shen Zui and Lang Yue before leaving.

Yuan Lingtian's sect invaded. They didn't come to visit relatives and have a banquet. They came to plunder luck and plunder the entire Jishengtian... This is an endless battle for the road.

In such a struggle for the road, not to mention ordinary ordinary people, even powerful monks with cultivation are like rotten dogs, which may be turned into sacrifices in the world of great struggle at any time.

Facing a terrifying old enemy with unpredictable strength, even Shen Zui and Lang Yue must plan carefully and prepare carefully. Lu Qian... after all, he is just an intermediate monk who has just planted lotus seeds?

A group of dandy boys in bright clothes and angry horses chased each other and ran through the street laughing. Behind their cavalry, in a row of exquisite carriages, the delicate and sweet laughter of young women kept coming.

Lu Qian clasped his hands behind his back, watching these people fly past in front of him, and shook his head with a smile.

I'll do my best.

Clenching his fists with both hands, Lu Qian said softly: I'll try my best... to let less people die in this city, so that more people can survive. But, I can only do my best.

I am not a holy Buddha, nor am I the legendary savior... I am just an ordinary little monk who has changed his small goal in life from living to be a thousand years old to living to be ten thousand years old.

Since my last life, I have not been a big shot.

There is a solitary creature in the world, just an ant struggling to survive in the mortal world... I can only say that I try my best, but I want to be clear in my heart, that's all!

In Lezhou City, as long as you have enough money, you can do almost anything.

Less than half an hour after Na Ya Xing Ji arrived, a mighty motorcade arrived in front of Lu Qian's door.

A group of craftsmen removed the plaque that originally hung at the door. After banging it, a brand new gilt plaque hung squarely above the door, with the word Le Zhai squarely on it.

Groups of servants, servants, maids, craftsmen, etc. were brought to Lu Qian by the economic flow of Yaxing.

Lu Qian was not picky, so he just took out the money and hired dozens of servants, hundreds of maids and maids, a number of grooms, gardeners, porters, handymen, and a host of cooks, maids, and roughnecks recommended by Yaxing. The mother-in-law, even the housekeeper, accountant, etc., are all well-matched.

Everyone's deed documents and so on were all properly collected by Lu Qian.

The two highly recommended women in the dental industry who are in their thirties are Lu Qian's housekeepers. Two shrewd and capable men in their fifties, they are also the managers of foreign houses that are highly recommended by the economy.

The four internal and external general managers quickly divided their respective scopes of authority and immediately started issuing orders, directing a group of servants, maids, and maids around.

Lu Qian left hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash in the accounting room. When the four general managers saw the money, they immediately straightened their backs and gave orders even more neatly. They directly sent purchasing personnel to various shops in Qingpingfang to select various home furnishings and so on, and began to rearrange this 'Le House'.

Busy from noon to evening, Lu Qian was sitting in the lobby, enjoying the service of two maids rubbing their shoulders and tapping their legs. At the same time, he watched with interest the servants going about like butterflies in flowers.

Suddenly, there was a roar outside the courtyard screen wall, and among the shouts of the concierge, several guards wearing silk shirts surrounded a man in a brocade robe. His face was blue, his eyes were sunken, his steps were shaky, and he was obviously injured by excessive drinking. Yuan Qi, a young man about fourteen or fifteen years old broke in.

The two concierges and several newly hired warriors who were guarding the courtyard were beaten black and blue by the guards around the boy. They rushed in after the boy and opened their hands to try to stop him, but how could they stop him?

Hey, this is clearly the Qian family's house, why did it become the Le house?

The young man walked in with his head held high, just as two maids passed by holding a pair of flower-arranged plum vases. The young man laughed playfully and whistled to the two maids: Girl, will you accompany me to the riverside with the young master later? The autumn air is crisp, and there is a green grassland by the river. On it, the sky and the earth cover the sky, how can we live happily?

The two maids were so frightened that they ran away very fast, and the young man laughed wildly: Look at your virtues...ah, with your looks like a willow tree, will I, Master Lede, like you?

Lu Qian stood up and strode to the entrance of the lobby. He stood on the steps with his hands behind his back and looked at the young man who called himself Le De.

Master, who are you looking for? Coming in uninvited seems a bit excessive?

The young man raised his brows and raised his chin towards Lu Qian: Whose crotch is not locked tightly and exposes you? I am asking for money. I made an appointment a few days ago. Today we go to Jingoufang to have a good time. How many votes do you want to play? He promised to lend me a thousand dollars as capital?

Where are the people? Where are the righteous people with money? How did this money house turn into a happy house?

Lu Qian blinked his eyes and raised his hand towards Lede: I see, haha, I just bought this mansion today. I am Lehuo, a native of Jizhou, and I just arrived in Lezhou City today. It's a coincidence. I thought I was going to buy a house to set up roots, but it just so happened that the Qian boss wanted to sell the house.

Le De was stunned, and started to curse: What? That guy Qian Youyi ran away? Oh, no, their Qian family, the whole Qian family, ran away? What does this mean? What does this mean? Oh, no. ,Why!

Lu Qian smiled and cupped his hands towards Le De: If Mr. Le wants to go to Jingoufang to play, and Master Qian is gone, won't I still have Le Huo?

Lu Qian smiled brightly: My surname is Le, and my family is in Jizhou City. However, Jizhou City was hit by a disaster a few days ago, and the whole city was devastated. I managed to escape with my family property...

I can't write two words of music in one stroke. It's fate to meet Mr. Le today.

I am in Lezhou City, with no relatives or friends to rely on... Looking at Mr. Le's demeanor, you can tell that he comes from a noble family and has an extraordinary family background. In the future, he will have many people to rely on.

Le De was stunned, and then laughed hahaha: That's right, that's right, if you can't write two words of joy in one stroke, we can be considered a family... Hahaha.

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