Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 285 Lu Min’s coquettishness (5)

A sword beam that was one foot wide and one hundred feet long fell from the sky and struck the ground heavily.

There was a loud noise, and the earth shook violently. A crack three inches wide and a hundred feet long appeared in the square in front of the palace paved with white jade. The storm caused by the sword gang rolled up countless gravels and hit the ground. A group of young men had their noses bruised and their faces swollen, screaming in agony.

But the screams quickly disappeared.

Lu Min, dressed in gorgeous clothes, slowly walked out of the hall with his sword in hand.

With a lazy smile, he nodded to the many young masters present: You may not know yet, but thanks to His Majesty's appreciation, in addition to being awarded the title of Grand Sima, I am also the head of the Punishment Department of the Xinyin Sect's Mansion.

In other words, if the young ladies of Xinyin make a mistake, I will decide how you should be punished and the extent of the punishment... ten sticks, or a hundred sticks? Tsk, tsk, look at the delicate skin and tender flesh of you gentlemen. Energetic…”

All the young men were dumbfounded.

Da Sima, they are not afraid.

After all, their surname is Le, and Da Sima is just a subordinate.

But the Punishment Department of the Zongren Mansion...this...

This is too much!

Many of the young eunuchs stared with wide eyes, looking in horror at the group of little eunuchs behind Lu Min who were wearing blood-colored robes with Kunpeng patterns, a black hat, a black belt around their waist, and black boots, with gloomy and pale faces.

These little eunuchs were carrying sticks painted in blood.

The young masters all took a breath of air, and each of them showed their respect to Lu Min with low eyebrows.

So, the dinner was held smoothly.

As the host of the dinner, Lu Min held up the wine cup and asked all the Le family members to toast three glasses of wine. Then he announced loudly that because the Grand Sima Mansion was newly established and there was a lack of subordinate officials, he asked all Le family members to recommend themselves.

Lu Min promised that any truly talented children of the Le family would not be buried under his command. As long as they could make contributions, he would serve as the emperor of tomorrow and grant officials and titles to all of them.

The young masters present were a little excited by Lu Min's words.

People are always a little ambitious.

There are thousands of young masters of the Le family present, and they are not elite tribesmen with outstanding talents like Leshui and Leshan, so there is no need to worry about their future. Many of them were not born as eldest sons and were not qualified to inherit the title that their father had just been canonized.

So, it seems that following Lu Mingqian is very promising, right?

After all, it goes without saying that Lu Min's talent and learning ability can be conferred by the emperor as Grand Sima.

So, after a night of fun, Lu Min made an agreement with many young masters that early the next morning, everyone would go to Da Sima's Mansion to formally show off their talents. Lu Min would use them according to his talents and would never bury any of the Le clan members. Kirinzi.

So, early the next morning.

Lu Qian took Le Yi and Le De and drove twenty large carriages into Da Sima's mansion.

Lu Min had just gotten up, had just finished washing up and put on his uniform under the service of several maids, and he hadn't even had time to have breakfast. Hearing that someone came to the door early in the morning, Lu Min also rushed out out of curiosity.

Oh ho ho, it's little brother Le Huo. Lu Min stood on the steps in front of the lobby, with his hands behind his back, looking at Lu Qian, Le Yi, and Le De with a smile. His eyes gently glanced at the two of them. He glanced at the cart, which was so pressed that the beams were bent.

I'm afraid it will be a little inconvenient in terms of expenses for the Grand Sima to take up his new post. Lu Qian took two steps forward and cupped his hands towards Lu Min: You two gentlemen, specially presented some local specialties to the Grand Sima.

A group of guards rushed up, opened the car door, and took out heavy boxes.

When the lid of the box was opened, piles of yellow and white souvenirs were revealed. Boxes of gold ingots and boxes of silver ingots, all of which were exquisitely cast and of the highest quality. Under the rising sun, they were so bright that they could pierce the eyes. human eye.

Lu Min took a deep breath.

He looked at Lu Qian, then at Le Yi and Le De, who were standing aside and yawning. He was silent for a while, and then he laughed hehehe.

He waved his hand enthusiastically, and a group of guards from the Da Sima Mansion stared wide-eyed, with incredible shock on their faces. They accepted these big boxes and moved the heavy boxes to the warehouse of the Da Sima Mansion.

Lu Min enthusiastically invited the three of them to have breakfast together.

Lu Jin was not polite and agreed to Lu Min's invitation on behalf of Le Yi and Le De. The group of people ate and drank around a round table in the hall of the second entrance.

Lu Min has a big appetite, and Lu Yi has an even bigger appetite.

The two of them ate indiscriminately, but the two young masters, Le Yi and Le De, were weak and could barely eat two mouthfuls before burping.

Lu Min glanced sideways at two confused young masters, smiled and nodded to Lu Yi: Brother Lehuo, this Yincheng is now a place where everything is gathered together. You are here...

Lu Qian smiled and swallowed a braised egg: After the disaster in Jizhou, I came here to escape. I have a small fortune, and I hit it off with the two young masters. It coincides with the establishment of Xinyin. It is a good opportunity to make contributions and rise rapidly.

Lu Qian looked at Lu Min and said with a smile: I met Da Sima for the first time yesterday. I felt that Da Sima has extraordinary bearing and extraordinary temperament. He is an extraordinary person from Xianyun Yehe...

Lu Min shook his head and waved his hand: We can't talk about it, we can't talk about it, idle clouds and wild cranes, haha... When a man stands in the world, he should carry a three-foot sword to make great achievements... This new construction in Dayin is exactly I am a man who has made great contributions...

Lu Jin interrupted Lu Min: It's the right time to make great achievements and to be granted the title of wife and shadow son!

Lu Min's eyes flashed slightly, and he nodded with a smile: As little brother Le Huo said, if you make contributions, you will be granted a wife. Well, I think that little brother Le Huo's talents and abilities, especially his conduct with others, His ability is truly superb.

Lu Min pointed at Lu Qian: Are you willing to serve in our Grand Sima Mansion?

Before Lu Qian could say anything, Le Yi and Le De had already jumped up and raised their hands to Lu Min with red faces: Da Sima, we are willing!

Lu Min blinked his eyes, laughed hehehe, pointed at Le Yi and Le De and said with a smile: As soon as I saw the two young masters, I knew that they are the best among men. They are extremely talented and have a bright future. Vast, incredible creation...Well, Da Sima's mansion is empty, it's the time to use people.

Lu Min tapped his fingers on the dining table and said quietly: If the two young masters have good friends, brothers or sisters, as long as they are capable, capable, and have soldiers and generals under their command, they can be recommended to the Grand Sima Mansion... I will give priority to hiring!

Lu Jin blinked and looked at Lu Min up and down.

Lu Qian thought that Lu Min was not here to help Leshi, but that he was here to hinder Leshi and deliberately harm Leshi.


Touching his face, he saw that the Dream Bubble Bead had changed his appearance, and even Zen Master Lang Yue didn’t know what Lu Qian looked like now... Lu Qian just didn’t take the initiative to recognize him, so let’s just have fun!

So, at three o'clock in the morning, a group of Le family's young masters slowly arrived at Da Sima's Mansion with their guards, retainers, benefactors, good friends, etc.

Then, they looked dumbfoundedly at Lu Qian, Le Yi, Le De, and the dozen or so Le De who were wearing purple robes and golden armor, holding their heads high and holding their chests high to greet them in front of Da Sima's Mansion. The young master's brother.

Lu Qian coughed lightly, took two steps forward, put his hands on his hips, and looked at the group of young men in front of him.

The last general, ahem, I am happy to have gained the appreciation of Da Sima. He is now the general of the military guard in Da Sima's mansion... He is in charge of conveying military orders, military punishments, military escorts, flags and streamers of honor, etc. in Da Sima's mansion.

Are you self-recommended? Please sign up!

Lu Qian pointed at the group of stunned young masters and said leisurely: As for the other idlers, they are all waiting outside... If you dare to make noise, military law will be merciless, so don't blame the general for being ruthless!

Chinese Army, General Wei!

Xin Yin completely copied Dayin's military positions, while Dayin's military positions were inherited from the previous dynasty.

Among Dayin's military positions, the title of 'General Wei' is a second-grade military position. If he is fighting on an expedition and is placed in the Four Expeditions Legion, he will be the deputy to the commander of the legion and a general with real power.

In Da Sima Mansion, General Wei is also a high-ranking official.

It is extraordinary to add the title of Zhongjun in front of General Wei. This is Da Sima's personal adjutant and the most important staff around Da Sima.

The heads of a group of young men were buzzing. They couldn't figure out why Lu Qian got such an important official?

And Le Yi took a step forward slightly, and raised his hands to the many brothers of the family with a smile: Brothers, haha, I am ashamed, I am ashamed, I didn't expect that Da Sima has a sharp eye for pearls. Brother, I...now I am so dissatisfied. The hussar general of the left army of Da Sima Mansion.

Le De tilted his shoulders, tilted his head, raised his eyes, and waved lazily to all his brothers: Haha, brothers, I... Hee, I'm not ashamed at all. Young Master, I'm so happy... ...General Flying Cavalry of the Right Army of Da Sima Mansion, hehe, all brothers have to step up, there are not many good seats left...If in the future, which brothers are assigned to be under the rule of my right army...hehe!

Le De licked his lips vigorously and stared fiercely at the faces of the cousins ​​in the crowd who had fought for girls with him on the boat.

The Grand Sima Mansion is divided into five armies, and each of the five armies has a second-grade general in charge.

Generally speaking, the Grand Sima is only responsible for the overall direction. The real and specific military affairs are handled by the generals of the five armies... Lede has great authority. If the young master with whom he has an old grudge is assigned to his command, he will be beheaded. , we are all cousins ​​of the same family, and we will not be beheaded if we behead them.

But hitting the military stick every three days, isn't this very reasonable!

The faces of all the young men turned pale.

But there are also a group of young men whose faces are red with excitement. They usually have friendships with Le Yi and Le De, and their friendships are not bad. There are even several young men who are 'comrades' with them!

These young men rushed up excitedly and asked in a low voice how Le Yi and Le De managed to defeat Da Sima so early in the morning.

They all know very well that they are all the same thing. With Leyi and Lede's talents and knowledge, let alone being a hussar general or flying cavalry general, even if they become a hundred-man captain, it will be difficult for them.

Le Yi and Le De hurriedly told the secret of their promotion.

Each of these young men's eyes flickered, and they quickly looked back at the financial sponsors they had recruited these days, then turned and left.

Da Sima takes money and gives it to the official?

Hey, loyal ministers, generals, the capital of the country, they will support Da Sima to the death!

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