Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 292 Father and Son (3)

The attack came very quickly.

Even Lu Qian didn't expect that besides the old man of the Blood God, there would be monks from Yuan Lingtian beside Le Shi.

But Lu Min's reaction exceeded Lu Yi's expectations.

A palm-sized piece, crystal clear, made of some kind of white jade filled with the aura of heaven and earth, engraved with extremely complex and exquisite wind, cloud and thunder patterns, exuding powerful fluctuations of spiritual talismans, suddenly spurted out from Lu Min's chest.

As soon as this talisman came out, countless lightning bolts appeared out of thin air around Lu Min, and gathered on several blood shadows and two black airs.

Along with the shrill roar, several blood shadows were blasted to pieces, leaving only a few sparse blood shadows that fled backwards in embarrassment, finally escaping the thunderous fire, and regrouped and formed at the entrance of the imperial city.

They were several young men with red hair, flashing red eyes, and pale skin and lips.

Obviously, this is a young monk from the Blood River Sect.

And those two pieces of black energy charged forward resolutely amid the thunder.

The black energy condensed into two burly young men, nearly one foot tall, wearing heavy black armor and holding heavy halberds.

The lightning struck the two young men, causing their armor to burst into flames. However, the two of them moved forward firmly despite the lightning. Even though the thunder roared down, their bodies only trembled slightly, but they could not stop their steps.

Looking at the attire of these two young men, Lu Qian thought of the Manwang Palace, one of the most evil demon sects in Yuan Lingtian, in the information given to him by the magician.

This is a sect that focuses on family bloodline inheritance.

Refining the bloodline, strengthening the body, and once the body is strong enough, he will slaughter the world, nourish his own bloodline with the blood essence of hundreds of millions of people, constantly stimulate the bloodline to trace back to its origin, and then have an incomparably powerful body and incomparably tyrannical combat power.

It is said that the Barbarian King Palace was originally a sect that was both good and evil. Although its actions were unreasonable, it could not be considered completely evil.

However, during the shocking battle with the Supreme Holy Heaven, the secret recipe inheritance of the Barbarian King Palace that nourished its own bloodline and continuously traced back to its origins was destroyed by the Supreme Holy Heaven monks. After the war, the Barbarian King Palace embarked on the evil path of killing all living beings and strengthening itself. Later, his behavior became more and more crazy, and he was completely classified into the ranks of evil heretics.

Regardless of whether it is evil or not, the body of the Barbarian King Palace is extremely powerful and the fighting power is extremely terrifying. Moreover, although the method they use to temper the body is evil, the tempered body is extremely powerful and pure, and can withstand all kinds of thunder, fire, and even Various specialized methods of destroying demons and killing evil spirits have extremely powerful resistance.

The thunder released by Lu Min's spiritual talisman easily severely injured several Blood River Sect disciples, but there was nothing he could do against these two Barbarian King Hall monks!

Lu Min exclaimed: What a hard body!

He swung his long sword and slashed the bodies of the two Barbarian King Palace monks with a slash.

There was a loud click, and Lu Min's Baizhang Sword Gang smashed against the two monks. Lu Min's body shook, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Behind Lu Min, dozens of Lu Qingyang's disciples remained silent while sacrificing all kinds of strange and bizarre utensils.

There are more than a dozen talismans, seven or eight flying knives, five or six flying swords, and two or three flags.

The most exciting thing is that they also used strange instruments such as big seals, ancient bells, guqins, drums, etc., and the waves emitted by each one were quite powerful.

Lu Qing glanced at these various instruments and found that the words and sigils on many of the instruments came from at least seven or eight different dynasties before the seal. Did you get a lot of good things from it?

If Lu Qian had not obtained the orthodox inheritance of the Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect, the Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect has always stood at the pinnacle of the Holy Heaven, sitting high in the clouds, overlooking the changes in the world of many gods and immortal dynasties. He also couldn't recognize the characters, symbols, etc. that had been popular in so many countries and dynasties.

Good guy, really good guy!

Lu Qian sighed.

Various weapons fell on the two Barbarian King Palace monks, but all attacks were in vain.

Lu Min and the others' cultivation level is the Fiery Realm.

And these two Barbarian King Palace monks are clearly at the peak of the Fire Realm, and are already halfway to the level of growing golden lotuses.

And just like the situation of martial arts monks in the secular world, in martial arts, the combat effectiveness of horizontal training monks is generally a little stronger than that of martial arts cultivators of the same level. In the world of cultivation, if the sects that specialize in physical training are not of a very poor standard, such as the Barbarian King Palace, when they face monks of the same level...

Unless you encounter the kind of extreme sword cultivator who can defeat all spells with one sword, physical cultivators will always have an advantage in terms of combat power.

The unfortunate thing is that Lu Min and his group can be regarded as 'talisman cultivators'.

Lu Qian could feel at a close distance that Lu Min and the others were following the path of 'talisman cultivation' in which a magic talisman moves the world and a talisman pen frightens ghosts and gods. The charm of their aura that naturally matches the heaven and earth is too strong.

And Fu Xiu...the later it gets, the more powerful it becomes.

In realms such as the Furnace Realm and the Fierce Realm... Lu Min and the others really had no good solution when facing these two monks from the Barbarian King's Hall.

Lu Min's expression changed slightly.

The two monks from the Barbarian King's Palace endured all kinds of attacks and walked up to him step by step. They slowly raised their heavy halberds and bared their teeth at him, grinning fiercely, and were about to strike down the halberd.

At this critical moment, Lu Qian, who was standing next to Lu Min, actually had the time to ask him: So... it was because of the death of his wife that year that Da Sima became aware of the impermanence of life, so he followed his master around the world. , striving to find the way to eternal life!

This topic was something Lu Min himself said when Lu Min and Lu Qian were drinking in the Chinese army's tent in the new army camp.

Lu Min glanced at Lu Yi in astonishment: Le Huo, what are you talking about at this time? Leave quickly... these two...

The heavy halberd struck down.

On Lu Min's chest, a three-foot-six-inch-long, six-inch-wide spiritual talisman made of an unknown metal spurted out with golden light, and then quickly released streaks of rays of light to protect Lu Min's body.

Lu Min reached out, trying to grab Lu Qian's shoulders and throw him backwards.

These days, Lu Min always carries Lu Yi with him in everything he does - this is a very inexplicable thing.

Because after all, what Lu Min wanted to do was to launch a rebellion in Xinyin, and he should not let Lu Qian, an 'outsider', get involved.

But very inexplicably, on the day when the recruitment list was unveiled outside the imperial city, Lu Min had a great liking for this bearded 'strange young man' at the first sight.

It was an inexplicable good feeling that came from instinct and heart.

Fu Xiu's soul perception is still extremely strong and sharp. This good impression makes Lu Min very close to Lu Yi these days.

At this moment, facing the monks from the Barbarian King Hall, Lu Min was not worried about himself, but he was afraid that this young man with no cultivation would be harmed by these two ferocious alien monks.

Lu Yi smiled hehe and shook his shoulders to avoid Lu Min's inevitable grab.

He raised the gun with a white wax pole and red tassel in his hand, which weighed only a little over ten kilograms, and stabbed it out with an understatement: Where is Da Sima? As a general of Da Sima's army, I naturally have to kill the enemy with Da Sima.

Lu Min was so angry that his mouth twisted.

These days, what Lu Qian showed to him was that of a young man who had fled from Jizhou and came to Yincheng. He came from a wealthy family and had a lot of gold and silver jewelry, but except for his 'financial resources', he was ordinary in all other aspects. .

Bastard boy, do you understand...this is...this...

Lu Qian stabbed out the spear in his hand.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering tearing sound, the ordinary red-tasseled spear suddenly exploded. Thousands of cold rays were wrapped in the swaying light and shadow of the red tassel. The spear light tore through the void, as if giant dragons were furious, using The tip of the head desperately hits the void...

The cold light pierced the bodies of the two Barbarian King Hall monks.

The armors worn by the two monks are all fine armors made of rare metals by the powerful monks of the Barbarian Palace. It is difficult for ordinary monks who have just planted the Golden Lotus Tao Seed to break through the defense of heavy armor.

Not to mention, the red tassel gun in Lu Qian's hand is just an ordinary, very normal one. In Dayin, it can only be used as a prop for street performers to attract guests, and it is not even qualified to be a military product. A small flower gun!

It's just such a little flower gun.

Even the gun head, which is more than a foot long, is forged from ordinary black iron, using the skills of an ordinary small blacksmith on the street.

A cold light suddenly appeared, and the two monks from the Barbarian King's Hall let out horrified howls.

They instinctively felt the breath of death.

But they had no time to dodge.

Countless rays of cold light bombarded their bodies, causing their armor to disintegrate, shatter, and annihilate piece by piece. A terrifying, arrogant and unreasonable force that was far more terrifying than the so-called top of a mountain came.

The armor all over their bodies was instantly shattered, and then, their bodies were shattered.

After thousands of times of hard work, each of them had harvested the essence and blood of at least a million people, and the strong body brought by the refined and strong family bloodline was shattered into pieces in the shadow of the gun in the sky, and even the soul was beaten to pieces.

A stream of spear light with a terrifying roar penetrated the figures of the two monks from the Barbarian King's Palace who disappeared rapidly, like giant dragons, rushing towards the gate of the imperial city.

Several Blood River Sect disciples who were still panting for breath let out horrified roars, which were then drowned out by countless spear rays.

The gate of the imperial city collapsed.

The square behind the gate collapsed.

The first and second-largest halls behind the square collapsed.

A series of extremely deep ditches stretched from in front of Lu Qian to the north wall of the imperial city.

From the south city gate to the north city wall, a straight crack appeared along the way, which was ten feet wide and one hundred feet deep.

Lu Qian turned around and bared his teeth at Lu Min with a smile: What did you say?

Lu Min was stunned, and several jade and gold talismans of different sizes quietly appeared around him.

He looked at Lu Qian seriously and said in a deep voice: I dare to ask, who is your brother, why is he hiding in Xinyin, and what is your intention? My wife is the first to focus on the fate of Xinyin. of!

Lu Qian pondered for a moment, then wiped his face with his hand, canceling the disguise effect of the Dream Bubble Bead.

I, 'Wenzong' of Dayin, was conferred the title of Lord of Weiyang, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Minister of Taichang Temple, Imperial Academy Superintendent, and Superintendent of Imperial College. I am the Lu family of Jingyang. I am also Lu Qian.

Lu Qian touched his nose and said dryly: If I'm not mistaken, I should still be your son!

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