Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 302 The Demons Dance (6)

Thousands of disciples from the Man King Palace, led by Tie Mang, rushed into the Paradise Palace.

With just a snap of a finger, the huge courtyard of the Paradise Palace, which was composed of more than a dozen wealthy mansions, was smashed to pieces at the same time, and a large crater with a diameter of several miles was exploded on the spot.

Thousands of disciples from the Barbarian King's Palace, thousands of monks from the War Demon Palace, and a total of nearly 10,000 powerful physical practitioners, were like ancient monsters, holding various heavy weapons, fiercely clashing with each other.

Head-to-head confrontation, blood against blood.

Roaring sounds, shouts of killing, and mysterious spells erupting like loud noises like volcanic explosions.

The terrifying combat skills tore through the void, shattered the earth, and even tore apart the bodies.

The monks of the War Demon Palace were obviously at a disadvantage.

When the disciples of the Barbarian King Palace made a surprise attack, they were having very close communication with the female disciples of the Paradise Palace. In this state of communication, it was impossible for them to wear armor!

The disciples of the Man King Palace did not give them a chance to put on their armor again.

Even if the monk's armor can be worn on the body with just a thought, the disciples of the Barbarian King's Palace did not give them this chance.

The monks from the War Demon Hall were shirtless and fighting fiercely with the disciples from the Barbarian King Hall.

The sound of 'puff' was endless. Many of the monks from the War Demon Palace were torn apart by the opponent's heavy weapons. Large pieces of hot blood sprayed out and made a 'puff' sound on the ground.

A sharp and unpleasant roar came from the distance.

A hoarse old voice came from afar: What a pity... You guys, be careful when you strike, and try to keep the whole body intact... Tsk, tsk, what a good material!

The one who can say such words at this juncture must be the old monster from the Corpse Demon Cave.

Only they would regard the corpses of monks, especially physical cultivators, as so important. Every torn body of a physical cultivator would cause them inexplicable heartache.

‘Cackle’ chuckles came from all directions.

A series of mysterious clouds and smoke rose up, turning into blood-colored eyes suspended in the air in all directions. These eyes, together with the chain-like clouds, turned into a big net, covering the Paradise Palace.

The crazy bombardment by the monks from the Barbarian King Palace and the War Demon Palace left no trace of the aftermath that could penetrate this huge magic net.

In the air, someone was whispering: The 'Phaseless Yuan Demon Kabuto' of Secret Demon Cliff... Tsk tsk, which old demon took action? These disciples who died in battle are just the tonic for this Demon Kabuto.

Someone was drooling, and the sound of swallowing saliva was like the murmur of countless insects, and the 'whispering sound' sounded in the ears of countless people: Hey, these incoming physical cultivators, as well as the disciples of the War Demon Palace, are full of essence and blood. , very strong, this body of blood...tsk, tsk, delicious!

There were even tens of thousands of disheveled disciples of the Paradise Palace, who rushed out from the collapsed pavilions and pavilions in the form of rays of aura. They were about to escape from the chaotic battlefield, but suddenly found that their residence had been destroyed by countless people. Xiang Yuan Mo Dou, one of the rare spiritual treasures in Secret Demon Cliff, has been sealed.

Lao Mo Tu, what are you doing? Hong Luan, who once appeared in Haojing and was beaten to the point of death by the flower mourning girl, managed to escape, only wrapped in a red ribbon, suddenly appeared from a cloud of pink smoke.

She jumped on her feet and cursed: Let go of a path, otherwise, I will never be done with you!

In the void, the blood-colored eyes transformed by countless infinite magic pockets blinked at the same time, and a cold and ruthless voice came from the void: Sister Hongluan, I am not going to make things difficult for you...these incoming physical cultivators, That's it...hehe, don't let anyone go.

Tu Laomo said coldly: Thank you, Miss Hongluan, take these girls and help the little brats in the War Demon Palace. Hey, hey hey!

With a loud boom, a monk from the War Demon Palace was kicked away by his opponent.

He roared and plunged into Yuan Mo's pocket.

Several blood-colored eyes flashed, and blood-colored smoke came out of the Demon War Temple monk's body. Accompanied by a shrill howl, his body struggled violently and turned into ashes in an instant.

The essence and blood all over the body were instantly drained away by Yuan Mo Kabuto, and his soul was also swallowed by Yuan Mo Kabuto. In the void, there was another bloody eye the size of a palm.

Tie Mang raised his head in shock. He looked at the Yuan Mo Dou that enveloped the surrounding areas, and hissed: Hey, is there an old ghost taking action? Come on, come on, come on, let's fight!

Tie Mang roared, his skin squirmed, and pieces of black dragon scales quickly spurted out from under his skin.

His body squirmed, and in an instant it swelled to a height of three feet. His strength soared, and black demonic energy overflowed from his body. He held a heavy halberd and struck with a casual blow, smashing the bones and tendons of the three War Demon Palace disciples who were besieging him in front of him. It cracked, vomited blood and flew far away.

Tie Mang's right leg hit the ground hard. He stamped his feet continuously and hissed: Ancestor, help me!

A terrible force burst out in Tie Mang's body, and a ball of blood-colored flames rose into the sky from above his head. He roared, and the blood-colored flames turned into a huge fist with a diameter of a hundred feet, and struck the Yuan above his head with a fierce blow. On the magic pocket.

Yuan Mo Kao shook slightly.

Without any sound, the giant bloody fist exploded, and the bloody flames poured down from the sky like a heavy rain.

There was nothing unusual about Yuan Demon Kabuto, and he still had countless blood-colored eyes blinking, overlooking the disciples of the War Demon Palace, the Barbarian King Palace, and the Paradise Palace that were enveloped.

Hong Luan was so angry that he was trembling all over.

She hissed: Lao Mo Tu, you have the guts... you, you... there will always be someone to settle accounts with you!

She turned around and scolded several times loudly. Tens of thousands of disciples of the Paradise Palace gathered together. In an instant, all kinds of strange fairy sounds and sounds of nature sounded together. Pink mist spurted out, with a strange and fragrant fragrance. Countless illusions appeared one after another, and a fierce battle was about to begin. The disciples of the War Demon Palace and the Barbarian King Palace were shrouded inside.

The disciples of the Paradise Palace are not very good in head-to-head confrontation, but the methods of various evil spirits and heretics are endless.

They collectively used their secret magical powers, and when they saw the monks in the Barbarian King's Hall, their movements slowed down, and their eyes became a little blurry... Then, their faces quickly turned red, and they breathed faintly with an animalistic aura.

The monks of the War Demon Palace took advantage of this opportunity and quickly regained some of their disadvantage.

Nearly a hundred monks from the Barbarian King's Palace were beheaded, and then their bodies quickly turned into ashes. Apparently, Yuan Mo Kabuto had plundered everything.

On Yuan Mo's pocket, there were nearly a hundred more bloody eyes blinking.

Tie Mang, who looked a little pale, gritted his teeth and stamped his feet fiercely.

He hesitated and took out a purple iron egg the size of a human head and shaped like a chicken. Weighing the iron egg in his hand, Tie Mang roared and threw the iron egg fiercely.

The iron egg was thrown in the direction of the team of disciples of Paradise Palace who were singing and dancing.

There was a loud noise and the iron egg exploded.

Countless purple thunder splashed, and then the plasma fire exploded, and a short mushroom cloud rushed up. The terrifying destructive power violently shook and tore the Yuan Demon's pocket. Countless blood-colored eyes suddenly burst out with extremely strong light, and were struck by iron. The piece of Yuanmo pocket affected by the egg wave immediately opened numerous large and small cracks.

Hong Luan vomited blood and rushed out of the cloud of lightning and fire with most of his body mutilated.

Behind her, only seven or eight disciples of Paradise Palace escaped.

Tens of thousands of other disciples, all beauties as delicate as flowers and jade, were all blown up into ashes by that iron egg.

When Tie Mang threw the iron egg, the monks in the Man King Palace almost uniformly fell to the ground with their heads in their hands. The monks of the War Demon Palace who fought with them were stunned for a moment, then they were overjoyed and wanted to harvest their lives with their weapons in hand.

Clouds of lightning and fire swept across, and the terrifying impact rolled up the War Demon Temple monks one by one. The high temperature, electric current, and energy flow full of destructive aura crazily eroded these shirtless War Demon Temple monks.

Some of the monks from the War Demon Palace who were weaker in cultivation had their muscles atrophied, their internal organs collapsed, and they vomited blood and died suddenly.

Those monks from the War Demon Palace who were strong enough were also injured all over their bodies by the blast. Many of them were so shocked that they vomited blood. After falling to the ground, they were rolled and crawling all over the ground by the shock wave.

Hehehehe! Tie Mang laughed wildly with pride: Behead someone and take it back. I'm going to decide on that little black jade weapon!

Tie Mang was so excited that he roared: Quickly, chop off people's heads, chop off more, and take them back!

Fang Huoxie, you bunch of eggless bitches, look at what your uncle Tie Mang is like...

Yuan Mo Dou shook violently, and countless blood-colored eyes flashed with terrifying blood. They suddenly glanced at Tie Mang at the same time.

Countless bloody rays of light were like sharp knives, shooting from all directions and hitting Tie Mang intensively.

Tie Mang's body stiffened, and he lowered his head sluggishly, looking at the body that was instantly riddled with holes. His body swayed, and he saw that the majestic body quickly withered and shrank.

He murmured: My... acquired... spirit...


Tie Mang also exploded into a ball of ash.

Yuan Mo Dou's countless blood-colored eyes flickered, and thin bloody light fell densely all over the sky. Silently, the disciples of the Man King Palace who were enveloped by Yuan Mo Dou fell down one by one, and their bodies were instantly exploded into fly ash.

An extremely violent roar came from a distance: Old Demon Tu, why didn't you take action earlier? You had to wait until so many of my disciples were killed and injured... Sister Hongluan, how about we join forces and give Old Demon Tu a hard blow? ?”

One arm and two legs had been blown away without a trace. Hong Luan was vomiting blood and curled up on the ground. He stared blankly at the place where tens of thousands of female disciples disappeared, his heart aching and bleeding!

Laomo Tu, I'm not done with you! Hong Luan screamed at the top of her lungs...

The inspiration of heaven and earth revived, and the Paradise Palace sent out its disciples on a large scale for the first time. Unexpectedly, just a few days after the good days, the entire army was wiped out in Yangcheng.

This matter has been reported back to the mountain gate... Hong Luan, the person leading the team, is afraid that...

Tu Lao Mo's cold voice came from far away: You blame me? Your own disciples are useless, blame me? How expensive is it to activate this Yuan Mo pocket? You don't have a spiritual treasure with you, you don't understand... Scared, what should I explain to you poor people?

From all directions, low murmurs continued to sound.

Many high-level officials of the Six Demonic Sects used various means to exchange opinions and express their opinions.

Some people are lamenting the death of tens of thousands of female disciples in the Paradise Palace.

However, some people gloated and laughed softly: These sluts have finally received their retribution...hehehe...

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