Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 304 Suppression

Yangcheng, outside the city.

Lu Qian jumped up to a big tree and stood on the top of the tree, looking at the activities in the city.

The sky is filled with red light and fairy sounds are lingering.

At first glance, Yangcheng seems to have become a blessed land of gods, with the fairy spirit floating in the air and the fairy sounds melodious. But the red light and the fairy sound had a faint evil aura, which made Lu Qian feel vaguely familiar.

This is……

Lu Qian frowned.

There was a breeze blowing all around, and a group of young monks wearing fiery red robes and arrogant expressions surrounded Lu Qian from all directions.

What are you doing? Looking at your robes, you should be disciples of the Demon Puppet Sect? Lu Qian stood at the top of the tree, looking at the group of monks wearing familiar robes, smiling and cupping his hands.

A young man walked out slowly and raised his hand towards Lu Qian: Da Situ, I would like to express my gratitude to Duo Jin...

The corners of Lu Qian's mouth twitched.

He had met Xie Fugui, Xie Youqian, Xie Duobao and many other members of the Xie family before... Now, here comes another Xie Duojin. How obsessed are the ancestors of the Xie family with getting rich?

After coughing lightly, Lu Qian said coldly: It turns out to be Brother Xie. May I ask what Brother Xie is doing?

In the distance, deep in the dense forest, Fang Huoxie's voice came from far away: Xie Duojin, what do you want to do? How dare you be disrespectful to Da Situ?


There was a muffled sound of mana colliding from that direction, and several metal boats soared into the air from the dense forest. A large group of silver demon puppets silently jumped from the boats and got entangled with a group of Cursed Gu Cult disciples.

Xie Duojin smiled and bowed his hand to Lu Qian: Da Situ, I don't dare to be disrespectful to Da Situ... That black jade little Ge is of too high a grade, and I will not risk offending many of my comrades by forcing him to do so. Situ asks for it.”

But those two evil bone relics, after thinking about them in the past two days, are the best materials for making puppets. Our Demon Puppet Sect happens to have a top-notch puppet that needs the evil bone relics as the core... If the Great Situ is willing to give up his love , then, the disciples of our Demon Puppet Sect in the Holy Heaven will fully cooperate with Da Situ to completely wipe out Yangcheng.

Following Xie Duojin's words, a low roar came from high in the sky, and large clouds were crushed. A floating castle was three miles long and wide, several times larger than the metal city of the Demon Puppet Sect that Lu Qian had seen before. Falling slowly from the sky.

In Yangcheng, the sound of fighting broke out loudly.

A red light rippled, and the large net filled with blood-colored eyes formed by Yuan Mo Kao enveloped the entire city.

It's against the rules to do this. Lu Qian sighed: Are these two balls called evil bone relics? It's not impossible to pay Taoist Xie in advance, but it's against the rules.

Lu Qian sighed: Do fellow Taoists from other sects have any objections?

Fang Huoxie's sneer came from far away: Xie Duojin, don't be confused. Before entering Yincheng, we all made an appointment to advance and retreat together...

Lu Qian sighed: That's it, that's it.

He took out two evil bone relics and threw them to Xie Duojin. Then he took out some objects with a faint light and threw them into the dense forest.

Fellow Taoists, as the saying goes, the emperor does not need evil soldiers, that's all. I don't know if these gadgets are good or bad... In short, they are all treasures that I, Xin Yin, plan to use to recruit strange people and deeds from the world.

This is what I am responsible for...I will go against the rules and pay these treasures to all the fellow Taoists in advance.

I also ask all fellow Taoists to work together to eradicate this treacherous traitor, General Le Wu, who is colluding with evil spirits for my sake, Xinyin!

Xie Duojin grabbed the two cold evil bone relics. He was stunned at first, and then nodded hurriedly towards Lu Qian with a bright smile.

From the surrounding dense forest, the exclamations of the leading disciples, including Fang Huoxie, could be heard.

They didn't expect that Lu Qian would actually take out so many good things after being forced a little by Xie Duojin.

The shining objects that Lu Qian threw out were all obtained by Lu Qingyang from digging ancient tombs over the years.

In the peach blossom forest southeast of Yangcheng, Lu Qingyang received a great opportunity and received the orthodox inheritance of ancient Talismanism. He and his disciples all turned to Talismanism. Those who obtained it from ancient tombs Many of the things cannot be used!

Moreover, among them, many objects, like the black jade sword, have been stored in the ancient tomb for a long time, and somehow they have developed evil and evil spirits. If they are touched for a long time, people will Unexpectedly, you will be unlucky!

Over the years, Lu Qingyang has led his disciples to dig graves everywhere, and has caused countless weird troubles for these small objects.

This time, when he learned that Lu Qian was actually the next abbot appointed by the Great Vajra Temple, he was very happy and gave Lu Qian a wholesale deal with all these troubles.

Lu Qian is not very interested in these things!

Whether it is the Wulianggui Ruins Body or the Five Vajra Dharma Appearances, the techniques Lu Qian practices now are in conflict with these evil things. What can he do with these things?

It's better to leave it to these Yuan Lingtian monks who are ready to make a move.

Hehehe! Fang Huoxie suddenly laughed wildly: This is actually...

The laughter stopped abruptly. Fang Huoxie did not say what he had gained. He just led his fellow disciples back and broke away from the contact with the puppets of the Demon Puppet Sect: Great Situ Gaoyi, this love, I, Fang Huoxie, Xie, take it... Let’s see what we do in Yangcheng!

A sharp whistle sounded, and in the direction of Fang Fire Scorpion and his fellow Curse Gu Cult members, a large sheet of blue mist rose up. Along with a subtle buzzing sound, countless green bean-sized and louse-shaped Gu worms fluttered. With its small wings, it rushed towards Yangcheng as fast as a whirlwind.

In the dense forest, many Yuan Lingtian monks roared in joy, and then each used their own methods to attack Yangcheng.

Xie Duojin also bowed his hand to Lu Qian and said with a smile: Great Situ Haoqi, then, we are not the ones to break our promises. In Yangcheng, let's see what we do.

Xie Duojin and his party jumped onto the metal city that dropped from the sky. In the lightning, the metal city crushed towards Yangcheng little by little.

The heavy deck under the metal city slowly opened, and a group of demon puppets shaped like mantises, as well as a large number of human-shaped demon puppets that were more than ten feet tall and covered in silver, fell like raindrops, falling heavily to the ground, and strode straight away. ahead.

Faintly, Lu Qian also heard Xie Duojin's laughter: Those barbarians in the Barbarian Palace deserve to be poor...frightened. They rushed in so recklessly. No benefits were obtained. I don't know how many people were lost.

Lu Qian was still standing at the top of the tree, looking at the groups of Yuan Lingtian monks who were attacking Yangcheng. He remembered some of the explanations between the old monk Shenzui and Lu Qingyang, and couldn't help but shake his head.

The demons are dancing wildly, and it’s a troubled time.

This Dayin is not peaceful.

This world is going to be in chaos.

However... Lu Qian clasped his hands on his chest and murmured in a low voice: Try your best... take care of yourself first, and then, if you can do more, do more! But this Yangcheng cannot be saved!

Lu Qian felt very heavy.

He felt a little pity for the ordinary people in Yangcheng... But he knew very well that he was not the reincarnation of a real Buddha, nor was he a living Buddha... He was just a person who died inexplicably in his previous life, and he wanted more in this life. Just a layman who lives a few years.

Soft footsteps came from the woods behind him.

Dark Cloud Beast roared lowly.

Lu Qian turned around and looked at Lin Zhong.

The magic operator and Taidou Xiong were walking out of the woods. The moonlight passed through the bare branches, and spots of light fell on them.

The magician smiled brightly: Brother Lu? Am I right?

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows: Magic Counter? What are you doing?

Xiong Taidou soared straight into the air and landed gently on another branch. He put his hands behind his back and looked Lu Qian up and down with a smile: Are you Lu Qian?

Taidou Xiong's voice was erratic, and he chuckled softly: Interesting, interesting, it's really interesting.

Dayin, Xinyin, Jishengtian, Yuanlingtian... this is a good show! Xiong Taidou smiled and looked at Lu Qian: Aren't you afraid that you will lose it?

Lu Qian was horrified: You are not Xiong Taidou... I don't understand what you are saying.

Taidou Xiong would never speak in this tone.

Moreover, Lu Qian deeply thought that with Xiong Taidou's IQ, he would not be able to say things like 'a good show' or 'we got it off'.

Taidou Xiong smiled slightly, shook his head and said: Who I am is not important. What is important is that Taidou Xiong's obsession is that after I kill you, this fragment of my soul can completely occupy this body.

That's all, you are just a small character. Killing you will not have much impact on the overall situation.

Beside Xiong Taidou, dozens of white jade fortune-telling sticks flew out with a 'whoosh'. After flying rapidly, these sticks flew into the air one after another and formed a formation according to an extremely mysterious position.

In the sky, wisps of moonlight trembled slightly. In an instant, wisps of moonlight separated and poured into the hanging fortune tellers.

Lu Qian felt stagnant all over, as if he had suddenly lost all contact with the world around him.

Just like a fly sealed in resin, it can no longer breathe, and can no longer feel any breath of the surrounding world.

Okay, little guy, no matter what your plans are, this Xin Yin is a good chess piece. I will finish the game for you. Xiong Taidou put his hands behind his back and looked at Lu Qian confidently: Can you die...

Mr. Xiong! Before Xiong Taidou could finish his words, a soft, delicate, sweet call that penetrated his heart quietly sounded in his ears.

The mourning girl, wearing a bright red wedding dress and a head full of jewels and jade, appeared out of thin air behind Xiong Taidou.

She stroked Xiong Taidou's majestic back muscles with her hands and laughed softly: This Grand Master is well-raised and strong. I think he chews well.

Lu Qian's eyes widened, staring straight at the Hua Mangnu floating behind Xiong Taidou, and suddenly laughed: Hey, is it the Hua Mangnu eldest sister? The red light in Yang City is your trick. ?”

Looking at the mourning girl, Lu Qian felt inexplicably sad for the Yuan Lingtian monks who were attacking Yangcheng.

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