Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 307: Appreciation from Leader Senluo

Lu Qian sat cross-legged and adjusted his breathing all night outside Yangcheng.

Last night, he killed countless evil spirits, and his cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds. If we insist on talking about the level of cultivation, he has taken a big step forward since he first entered the realm of planting golden lotus, breaking into the middle level of planting golden lotus.

At this moment, Lu Qian simply sat cross-legged on the ground, giving people the impression that there was a big mountain standing here.

If a Buddhist sees Lu Qian, he will feel that there is a living King Kong, a walking Arhat entrenched here... That aura, that power, that unshakable, immortal charm are already here. A bit of real King Kong power.

Of course, if a monk like Lu Qingyang, who has mastered the Tao of Talismans and is incomparable with the nature of heaven and earth, comes to observe, he will faintly notice that at the core of the Buddhist Vajra Power, Lu Qian has a more transcendent, more subtle, and more powerful force. A profound and indescribable Taoist rhyme.

The only flaw is that Lu Qian's height has grown to one foot, two feet and five inches since his cultivation level broke through a lot last night.

His appearance also became tougher and more powerful. When he narrowed his eyes slightly, an ancient ferocious beast emerged, ready to hunt ferociously.

It would be extremely difficult for ordinary people to stand firm in front of him.

When the sun rose in the east, Lu Qian stood up and moved his body. He just moved his body slightly, and accidentally shook the air, setting off a strong wind in the dense forest, and almost uprooted a dense forest with a radius of a hundred acres.

He cautiously put away his movements. Lu Qian knew well that he had killed so many evil spirits last night and his strength had abnormally increased too much, especially the negative effects caused by the excessive increase in physical strength.

After a few days, after the soul has adapted to the soaring cultivation level, everything will return to normal.

Looking at Yangcheng where the shouts of killing were still loud and strange lights were surging, Lu Qian frowned and pondered for a while, then shook his head: That's all, I originally wanted to be good neighbors and friendly with you, and we don't interfere with each other.

But you actually targeted me!

Especially, I used the Dream Bubble Bead to change my appearance. Even Rufuzi couldn't see through the illusion of the Dream Bubble Bead. How can you actually find me directly?

I can't tell, I have to take the initiative and clean you up.

Lu Qian gritted his teeth.

As for the flower mourning girl, after the battle in Haojing, he actually didn't pay attention to the flower mourning girl and the evil things around her.

What harm could those evil spirits do to him?

For an ordinary monk whose biggest ideal in life is to live a few more years, and whose current life goal is to live to ten thousand years, why should he take the initiative to cause trouble?

But things are different now.

Lu Qian didn't look for trouble, but trouble came to him.

This means... we can only kill him painfully and finish it quickly.

To deal with evil, we still have to rely on Buddhism... In fact, Taoism is not bad, but without that friendship, otherwise Taoism's methods of subduing and eliminating demons would be more varied than Buddhism.

Lu Qian sighed and took out a fist-sized Buddhist bead. With a tap of his finger, the beads vibrated violently with a 'buzz' sound.

Not long after, the voice of the drunken monk came from the beads.

Lu Qian and Shen Zui whispered a few words, and Shen Zui's voice suddenly became louder, and a fierce evil aura came through the beads.

When the call ended, Lu Qian couldn't help but shake his head: Tsk, tsk, Buddhist monk, this murderous one, tsk tsk!

Lu Qian whistled, and the dark cloud beast under the tree let out a high-pitched whistle, and suddenly jumped up to a height of more than ten feet. Lu Qian jumped on the Black Cloud Beast and pointed towards Yangcheng. Large black smoke surged, and the Dark Cloud Beast stepped through the air and ran towards Yangcheng.

Yangcheng was already a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Among the twelve sects of Yuan Lingtian, except for the Blood River Sect and the Magic Calculation Sect, there were no disciples involved. Almost all the first and second batches of the other ten sects who invaded the Holy Sky were dispatched.

Under the control of some deacons and elders, a large group of disciples from the Six Sects of the Extremely Holy Heavenly Demon Dao used their magical powers to fight with the Yuanlingtian monks.

All kinds of magic and secret techniques, magical powers, and even some taboo moves were all performed crazily and unscrupulously.

The neighborhoods in Yangcheng have been turned into big pits.

Several small rivers flowed through Yangcheng, and the blood splashed from the bodies of the people in the city were carried into the Yangjiang River to the north. A section of the river that was hundreds of miles long was completely dyed red with blood.

On the ground, countless metal puppets from the Demon Puppet Sect were fighting with countless zombies from the Corpse Demon Cave.

Whether they are demon puppets or zombies, they are all powerful, thick-skinned, and fearless of death. The mighty demon puppets and zombies collided with each other, and there were dull and loud sounds of broken metal components everywhere, and the zombies were beaten to the point of broken bones and tendons.

There were black smoke and blood clouds everywhere, ghosts and shadows dancing everywhere, shrill ghost howls, wild laughter, and some inexplicable and indescribable weird noises.

Seriously injured, his face was covered with an abnormal pink aura, and his aura was weak as if he might fall to death at any time. Surrounded by several elders of the Mystic Demon Cliff, he gritted his teeth and activated the Phaseless Yuan Demon Pocket. Countless blood-colored eyes were suspended in the void, emitting a torrential rain of blood and scattering it towards the Yuan Lingtian monks.

Among the Yuan Lingtian monks, there were also some disciples with sufficient status who took out extremely powerful magic weapons and fought back from afar.

In terms of numbers, there is no doubt that the disciples of the Six Demonic Sects have the absolute advantage.

But in terms of cultivation level, the monks who were invaded by Yuan Lingtian were on average at the late stage of the Fierce Fire Realm, or even at the Perfect Fire Realm, and even had the strength to grow a golden lotus in half a step.

Moreover, the magical weapons they use are on average two or three levels higher than those of the disciples of the Six Demonic Sects!

It is true that the heaven and earth spiritual machine of Jishengtian has collapsed. There are only a few good things that each sect can preserve. It is completely inferior to the complete inheritance of monks like Yuan Lingtian. Every invading monk has a complete set. Yes, a high-level treasure with both offense and defense.

In fact, even some of the deacons from the Six Demonic Sects cannot use as many secret treasures as an ordinary Yuan Lingtian monk!

As for elders like Tu Laomo, some of the spiritual treasures they have at the bottom of the box are much stronger than the secret treasures used by the monks of Yuan Lingtian.

In short, after the various factors such as the number of people, cultivation level, secret treasures, etc. were balanced, the two sides actually fought evenly in Yangcheng.

After a while, there will be a miserable howl, which is that a disciple of an unknown sect has died.

Since the monks from the Six Demonic Sects belong to the Demonic Path, it goes without saying that their attacks are ruthless.

Most of the monks who were invaded by Yuan Lingtian were from evil heretics, and sects such as the Cursed Gu Sect were even more sinister and ruthless in their attacks.

Therefore, both sides were bleeding each other quickly, and at the same time they themselves were losing blood rapidly.

What is even more unsettling is that the pavilion built by the flower mourning girl on the original ruins of the Paradise Palace is still standing. Weird fairy sounds and songs float from the pavilion, and strange female figures appear and appear on the battlefield from time to time.

They attacked the monks on both sides indiscriminately, and were also attacked wildly by the monks on both sides.

In this chaotic battle, Yangcheng was completely reduced to ashes. There were only four city walls. They were ancient creations from who knows how many years ago. They were of extraordinary quality and extremely strong. No matter how many spells and magical powers fell on the city walls, they could only be beaten. There was a loud noise like a landslide, but not a single crack appeared on the city wall.

Lu Qian rode the Black Cloud Beast and jumped straight to the east gate of Yangcheng.

He looked at the city and saw that apart from the small building where Hua Mangnu was, there was not even a complete building in the city.

There are erratic figures everywhere, flashing lights everywhere, shouts of death, screams, howls, and curses. There was the smell of blood everywhere, and the smell of burnt bodies after being ignited by thunder and fire. From some places, there were the shrill sounds of dogs barking and roosters screaming...

There was also the scream of a cat that was so frightened that its hair exploded all over its body...

The huge city of Yang was transformed into a sea of ​​blood and hell, and the situation was extremely miserable.

Lu Qian looked coldly at the tragic situation in Yang City. He was silent for a long time. He put away his diamond gun, jumped off the Black Cloud Beast, swung his diamond bow, and took out a huge alloy box. He opened the lid and found that it was made of extremely hard alloy. , a heavy-duty arrow that has been tempered over time.

On these arrows, there are diamond talismans smelted by magic, which are filled with incense ashes offered to Buddhas in the Great Vajra Temple, and secret methods are used to perfectly integrate the incense ashes and arrows.

The black metal arrows, with the incense ash shining with a faint golden light, outline beautiful patterns on the arrows.

Such a large box contains a full 10,000 arrows.

Lu Qian drew the arrow and fired the bow. Then, his arm turned into a hazy afterimage, and with a terrible hula la sound in the sky, a rain of arrows spurted out. The arrows cut through the air, stirring up the high temperature. , emitting dazzling flames, as if a gorgeous flower suddenly bloomed in front of Lu Qian!

Lu Qian's archery skills were wild and cruel, and he was extremely unreasonable and unreasonable.

The Vajra Bow, which weighed an elephant, exploded with terrifying power after being infused with Lu Qian's mana.

In Yangcheng, strange red shadows were erratic, circling and flying around, waiting for an opportunity to kill at any time. They were suddenly hit by arrows, and accompanied by screams and screams, the red shadows exploded one after another, leaving nothing in their place. There are traces of sandalwood fragrance, and there is also a faint, warm and bright golden light lingering.

Red embroidered shoes, red sachets, red lanterns... and red handkerchiefs, red hijabs, red pillows...

All kinds of strange things used by women in the boudoir were blown to pieces by the arrows.

More dense arrows fell towards the brightly lit small building, shooting out countless dense holes in the small building.

The shrill screams of the flower mourning girl and the moon mourning girl resounded through the sky, and along with the harsh curses, the exquisite pavilion suddenly disappeared, and all the erratic red shadows in the entire Yang City also disappeared in an instant.

At the same time as these red shadows disappeared, beneath the collapsed houses and houses in Yangcheng, shrill cries of women rose into the sky, and hazy female figures appeared out of thin air. They spun around and then disappeared with the red shadows. Without a trace.

There was an overwhelming heat all over Lu Qian's body, especially the right arm that was pulling the bow, which was gushing with red light, as if it was burning.

He slowly put down the longbow and placed three large empty boxes beside him.

In a short period of time, he shot 30,000 specially-made arrows and killed countless weirdos.

In the void, waves of pure and majestic power rolled over and poured into his body.

The cultivation base that has not yet been stabilized is once again somersaulting upwards.

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