Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 309: Heart of Everything

Yangcheng is still fighting fiercely.

Lu Qian has returned to Yincheng, accompanied by Wanxiang.

Shenzui used his magical power to rush over from the North Boundary City - Yinxiu's expeditionary force had already set off. Shenzui and a group of old Buddhist monks were all fighting for Yinxu in the North Boundary City to build up their courage.

Yincheng, Qingping Leyuan, the main hall of Lu Qingyang Qingxiu, where Shenzui, Wanxiang, and Lu Qingyang sit in a tripod.

Lu Qian was on the side, serving a small charcoal stove, slowly boiling water, washing tea, and brewing tea.

I have been observing many people for a long time, and finally I chose this little friend. Wan Xiang pointed towards Lu Qian and said calmly: If I'm not mistaken, he is Ji Shengtian. Once the world revives, the person blessed by the consciousness of heaven and earth will be the one to suffer the disaster... at least, he is one of them!

The drunken old monk fiddled with his Buddhist beads and remained silent.

Lu Qingyang held the tea cup and sipped the tea in small sips, also silent.

Wan Xiang didn't take it seriously. He was also holding a tea cup. A layer of white air slowly rose from the mouth of his tea cup. Under the control of the power of his soul, the white water vapor turned into flying swords, flags, talismans, mountains, rivers, mythical beasts, and birds. , the sea, the mountains and forests...all kinds of visions emerge one after another, and each vision represents a lineage of inheritance that Wanxiang has practiced.

Shenzui was initially indifferent to the vision of water vapor changing at the mouth of the Vientiane Cup.

But when the phantom of a kind-faced Bodhisattva and a mighty and ferocious Vajra appeared in the water vapor, Shenzui's expression suddenly changed: I didn't expect that the inheritance of my Holy Heavenly Buddhism would fall into the hands of your Senluo Sect. .”

Wanxiang smiled: The inheritance of the Great Vajra Temple can temper the body and strengthen defense, and it is a life-saving skill. Therefore, I have been orthodoxly practicing the main skills of the Great Vajra Temple since I was three years old.

Shenzui's face became ugly.

The core inheritance of my sect is just living in Yuan Lingtian, but it is actually used by others as a 'life-saving technique'?

In addition, I have also practiced the core inheritance of the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect. Wan Xiang raised the tea cup in his hand: In the ancient times, there were only two sects in the Holy Heaven, which can be called the 'Tai Shang' sect... Tai Shang Beiming Immortal Sect, Supreme Brahma’s Purifying World Sect.”

Lu Qian's heart moved.

He knew about Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect. Is Taishang Brahma Purifying the World Sect... Buddhism also has Taishang Sect?

Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect is obviously the inheritance of Taoism. Dafanjingshi Sect is the authentic sect of Buddhism. In other words, in the most holy heaven in ancient times, the devil was the most pitiable? Tsk tsk! They don’t have the ‘Tai Shang’ sect in charge!

My Buddha is merciful. Shenzui looked at Wanxiang with deep eyes: Donor, please continue.

Wan Xiang took a leisurely sip of tea: Then, I will continue...Little friend Lu Qian, there is a 99% chance that he will be the one who will be blessed by the consciousness of heaven and earth when the supreme saint heaven and earth revives.

Just like back then, when I, Yuan Lingtian, was almost slaughtered by your Holy Saint Heaven, Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth suddenly struck back, thus creating the 'Tai Shang'.

That's the 'Supreme Supreme'. When he rose, you, the Supreme Holy Heaven, failed to kill him in time. After he completely rose, your Supreme Holy Heaven was backlashed by him, and you almost destroyed the Supreme Holy Heaven with one sword!

Shenzui nodded slowly: I also think that Fa Hai is the one who deserves the disaster. He should have great achievements.

Lu Qingyang coughed lightly: May I ask, who is the person who deserves the disaster?

Although he dug countless ancient tombs and obtained countless good things, Lu Qingyang still had a shallow foundation and was not a monk from a righteous background. He still did not understand many technical terms.

Wan Xiang said calmly: The so-called people who deserve the calamity can only emerge from the calamity when heaven and earth are facing severe calamities, win the favor of heaven and earth, enjoy infinite luck, and achieve supreme achievements. These are the people who deserve the calamity.

Back then, Ji Shengtian almost killed Yuan Lingtian, but someone who was in trouble came out, grew up rapidly, and counterattacked strongly in a desperate situation, almost cutting off Ji Shengtian's cultivation path.

But now, the heaven and earth of the Holy Heaven have revived, just like a seriously ill man who is about to die. He has got a panacea. After taking it, he has cured his fatal illness and is slowly recovering - but in addition to the serious illness, a body has been hollowed out. If a sick man wants to regain his health, he will definitely need a long time to recuperate.

At this time, Yuan Lingtian's monks obtained the Supreme Immortal Order and concentrated all their efforts to counterattack Jishengtian!

It's as if a group of tough gangsters suddenly appeared outside the sick man's courtyard wall. They were carrying wooden sticks and wanted to break into the courtyard, loot the sick man, and kill him completely!

What about the sick man lying dying in bed?

He could only risk everything, spend most of his wealth, hire someone, or some individuals, and let them help him to resist the invasion of the enemy outside the courtyard wall.

As long as he can buy time and wait until the sick man recovers and becomes stronger, he will have enough means to deal with those deadly enemies.

This is what happens to people who deserve to be robbed!

Ying Jie, Ying Jie, is the help that the consciousness of heaven and earth selects to protect itself at the critical moment of life and death.

Just like the ‘Supreme Supreme’ from Yuan Lingtian back then!

Lu Qingyang nodded slowly and said softly: I see, it's quite interesting. Is this consciousness of heaven and earth really so wonderful?

The world is unfathomable. Wan Xiang smiled gently: Master, if you are interested, I can send you some secret documents about the 'people who are subject to calamity' from the Senluo Sect for your reference.

Of course, the reason why I met you two today through little friend Lu Qian is because I have other plans. Wan Xiang smiled calmly and glanced at the old monk Shenzui.

I guess, facing Yuan Lingtian's preliminary test, Abbot Shenzui, your reaction is a bit interesting.

Wan Xiang leisurely said: One of you, using Xin Yin as a tool, wants to borrow the sword to kill people, borrow the power of Yuan Lingtian to kill the devil, and make advance preparations for the future prosperity of your Buddhism.

Wan Xiang nodded with a smile: Yes, if there was someone like Lu Qian who was worthy of the disaster under my sect, I would also have such ambitions... Why not unify the Holy Heaven?

Shen Zui smiled and said nothing.

Two of you, you are also waiting for the spiritual power of heaven and earth to recover... Because only when the spiritual power of heaven and earth continues to recover, can you exert greater power. In my opinion, the means that Abbot Shenzui can use now are just in case?

Today's Jishengtian, compared to Abbot Shenzui, the pond is still too small and the water is too shallow.

You want to use the Six Demonic Sects to attract Yuan Lingtian's attention openly, and let the Six Demonic Sects fight in a small way to buy you time.

Shen Zui fiddled with the beads in his hand and interrupted Wan Xiang: So, what exactly does the leader want to do when he comes to us?

Wan Xiang laughed Hey, he squinted his eyes, put down the tea cup, and made a strange fingerprint on his chest with both hands, and an invisible wave sealed the entire hall.

A deal!

Wan Xiang looked at Shen Zui, Lu Yi, and Lu Qingyang one by one very seriously: A deal!

Shen Zui, Lu Qian, and Lu Qingyang looked at everything quietly.

Wan Xiang said softly: This time, many sects in Yuan Lingtian, under the orders of the Supreme Immortal, counterattacked the Holy Heaven. In the process, the sect that established the most meritorious deeds and captured the most luck in Yuan Lingtian was the Supreme Immortal. Gao, thus attaining enlightenment and ascending to heaven!

Wan Xiang said calmly: The people behind me don't want this to happen.

Shenzui opened his eyes wide and looked at everything in horror: The leader is saying...

Wan Xiang said leisurely: Just as the abbot thought, the people behind me don't want this counterattack against Jishengtian to succeed... and they don't want to see the monks from Yuanlingtian holding the money distributed this time. The Supreme Immortal Certificate ascends to enlightenment.

With a strange light shining in his eyes, Wan Xiang whispered: What do you think, abbot?

Shenzui's eyes revealed a strange light, and the speed of moving the beads in his hands suddenly doubled.

He frowned, squinted his eyes, and didn't know what he was thinking. Then he sighed softly: The sect's classics were lost too much back then...it's scary. However, I can roughly guess that the leader... ...Haha, so to speak, our purposes are different, but our goals are the same.

Shenzui said briskly: What I want is that Buddhism can unify the Holy Heaven and survive safely from the attack of Yuanling Heaven.

Wan Xiang quickly answered: What I think is, as long as Yuan Lingtian's counterattack against Jishengtian fails this time... As for how many other sects will be killed or injured in the process... I don't care!

Drunk and silent.

After a long, long time, Shenzui stretched out a finger and pointed at Wanxiang gently: But, how can we trust the leader?

Wan Xiang let out a gentle breath.

He smiled and took out a palm-sized piece of jade with flowing luster, as if it was made of countless streams of light, and gently handed it to Lu Qian.

This kind of thing, of course, requires a certificate of submission.

Wan Xiang looked at Shenzui very solemnly: You and I are sworn enemies... Of course, in your sect's inheritance, it is said so.

However, there are some other statements recorded in the secret book of our Senluo Sect. Of course, only the past leaders of our Senluo Sect are qualified to know... You, the Great Vajra Temple, are obviously not qualified to know these things. Yes, in the Holy Heaven, only the contemporary heads of the two supreme sects were qualified to touch it.

Because of the asymmetry of information, it is difficult for us to gain mutual trust.

But I will pay a sufficient certificate of nomination... and you will also give a sufficient guarantee.

You and I restrain each other and hold each other hostage.

Wanxiang looked at Shenzui with a smile: In this way, we can gain mutual trust, and... we can advance and retreat together, and share adversities together!

Lu Qian took the jade in his hand and played with it up and down. He felt that the jade was light and fluffy, but it contained an extremely mysterious power. With his current realm and cultivation level, he could not figure out the properties of this power at all. And where are the limits of strength and weakness.

He looked up at Wanxiang, who was smiling at Lu Qian: That's why I say that I admire little friend Lu Qian very much... He is a key figure for us to work together and share weal and woe!

Shen Zui was silent for a long time, and then slowly asked Wan Xiang: Does your certificate of nomination have this weight?

Wan Xiang took a deep breath: Yes!

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