Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 313: Lead out and submit a certificate (4)

After sweeping through most of Jizhou, Lu Qian's Fiery Lotus Pond has been tempered one hundred and eight times.

Each time, it expands to a new size.

Each time, it is condensed to a foot or a foot again.

The cells in the body are also constantly dividing, strengthening, deriving and changing with the transformation and strengthening of the Golden Lotus Tao Seed in every tempering process.

The cultivation of magic power is as vast as the sea.

Every trace of mana is as pure as diamond.

If Lu Chen spread all his magic power and released the support of his own magic power on his body, his own weight would probably be heavier than a thousand-foot mountain.

That is to say, strands, wisps, and endless mana filled every cell, driving his perception of the laws of heaven and earth, and the aura of heaven and earth, making his body light and elegant, and his 'normal weight' was about three hundred kilograms. up and down.

The changes in his body are so huge, one can imagine how terrifying his realm, cultivation level, etc. are.

With a sneer, Lu Chen waved his right hand, and the Vajra Dharma image on a Vajra sword suddenly glowed with anger and power, spurting out immeasurable golden light. The Vajra sword brought up a hundred-foot-long rainbow, and in a snap of his fingers, he was in front of the woman with cracks all over her body.

The woman was unable to dodge and was struck through the body.


Like a bubble in a dream, the woman's body exploded into a ball of blurred light powder, fluttering in all directions with the wind.

A pure and powerful energy from the ground was injected into Lu Qian's body. In one breath, Lu Qian digested and fused the energy generated after the woman was annihilated.

The five diamond swords spurted out at the same time, turning into a hundred-foot golden rainbow and flying through the air.

On the west wall of Jizhou City, the flesh and blood of the singing and dancing girls collapsed one after another, turning into white skeletons with wings on their backs, screaming and screaming. The pink skeletons transformed so quickly. Countless skeletons screamed, cried, cursed, and cursed, fluttering their black bone wings, turning into streaks of blood and swooping towards Lu Qian.

Behind Lu Qian, 360,000 great monks formed an formation and chanted the Buddha's name.

Lu Qian also imprinted the magical power of Tianlong Yin of Datianlong Temple into the Golden Lotus Taoism of these great monks. 360,000 people chanted in unison, and suddenly an unparalleled golden dragon rose into the sky, releasing a blur of light from its entire body. He got up and flicked his tail hard on the countless flying skeletons that came towards him.

With a loud noise, millions of flying skeletons exploded to pieces.

The majestic energy swarmed in, and was completely digested by Lu Qian with every breath. At this moment, Lu Qian had reached the perfection of the golden lotus realm, and all body functions exceeded the capabilities of the extremely holy heaven and earth. The ultimate in tolerance.

The strength of his body is terrifying. The energy that used to be enough to make his seven orifices spurt blood is now just a small snack.

He was just waiting quietly.

The image of a three-eyed man in his mind was accumulating power.

Lu Qian will not break through the current state until a critical point that can no longer be suppressed.

The five diamond swords swept through the west wall of Jizhou City in an instant, and then turned into five golden lights and shot straight into the sky, reaching hundreds of miles above the ground in an instant.

Lu Qian spurted out a mighty burst of pure mana, and the five diamond swords instantly expanded to ten miles in length, and then turned into five groups of terrifying golden light, which roared straight down from the sky.

There was a loud noise, the ground shook, and five golden mushroom clouds rose into the sky in Jizhou City. All the houses and pavilions collapsed, and all the evil spirits left behind in Jizhou City were annihilated. Even the pollen released by the scarlet flowers was gone. An intact grain of pollen remains.

The golden flames swept through the entire Jizhou City, and all the evil spirits were purified in an instant.

To the southeast of Jizhou, Hua Mangnu and Moon Mangnu were laughing loudly and flying around the bones and blood eggs. Suddenly, they stopped moving at the same time, their eyes spitting out blood, and they headed northwest towards Jizhou City. Look.

They... are dead. The flower mourning girl roared in a low voice.

Many sisters have died these days... Yue Mangnu giggled, But I didn't expect that so many of our old sisters would also die.

The moon-stricken girl looked up to the sky and hissed, and a green light rose from her body into the sky, turning into a moon wheel of light flowing high in the sky, with a diameter of a hundred miles, and the mountains and rivers on the surface were clearly visible.

Holding such a huge moon wheel, the Moon-Wang Girl turned into a ray of blue light and flew straight towards Jizhou City.

Flower... protect... The voice of the moon-stricken girl spread faintly.

Moon... be careful... The flower mourning girl gently stroked the bone and blood eggs in front of her with her hands, and replied with the same faint voice.

Golden flames soared into the sky in Jizhou City, and the air above the entire city was distorted and changed due to the high temperature.

In the huge Jizhou City, only the four walls are ancient relics and have not been damaged at all.

In fact, due to the violent impact of the Lu Ren Diamond Sword, the four city walls seemed to be awakened by inexplicable stimulation. Gorgeous and huge dragon-shaped patterns on the city walls flashed past, and then, the four city walls began to emit a faint golden light.

Lu Qian looked at the four city walls and nodded slowly.

The heaven and earth spirit of the Holy Heaven is reviving. Sooner or later, these once ancient creations will fully recover and restore their due glory in the ancient times.

It was a great era when everyone was like a dragon and the land was full of gods!

Likewise, it was also an extremely cruel, extremely bloody, and extremely terrifying era.

Wanxiang, the leader of Senluo, described the past world to Lu Qian and others in Yincheng - that is a world that the people of Dayin today cannot imagine!

Today's Dayin... Although it looks messy at first glance, it can be called a group of demons dancing around and the ground is full of smoke.

But compared to the ancient times, Dayin today is really peaceful and gentle and the country is peaceful and the people are safe.

Shaking his head vigorously, Lu Qian withdrew his five diamond swords, led a large group of troops, and continued to sweep towards the east of Jizhou City. At the same time, he shouted loudly: Flower mourning girl, moon mourning girl, since you are unwilling to come out, then don't blame me for cleaning up all your minions!

Following Lu Yi's scolding, Lu Yi waved his right hand forward, and the five diamond swords rotated rapidly, turning into five sharp blade wheels, slashing forward with a clang, clang, clang.

The five diamond swords rushed out for hundreds of miles, annihilating countless evil spirits wherever they passed.

A blue moon appeared out of thin air high in the sky, and the overwhelming yin energy turned into wisps of blue ice crystals and rolled down. In an instant, the land thousands of miles around Jizhou City was frozen.

The air has also become extremely cold and cool, the light has become much more dazzling, the sky and the earth seem to have turned into crystal glass, and the wind blows with a sharp and chilling charm.

The Moon-Wang Girl descended from the sky with an expressionless face, her whole body shrouded in a layer of cyan light.

Haha, Mr. Lu Qian, are you traveling thousands of miles to come here with your life? Yue Mangnu squinted her eyes and giggled: It's a good day today. Seeing Mr. Lu Qian in such high spirits, how about we... …”

Don't talk about these things, let's talk about serious things. Lu Qian hurriedly interrupted the moon-sang girl's words.

The daughter who died this month is now neither human, nor god, nor demon, nor monster, but an inexplicable existence... What she is thinking cannot be judged by the conventional concepts of normal creatures. God knows what she will say What crazy words are coming that make people blush and feel embarrassed?

If there was a lively and lovely girl with flesh and blood, Lu Qian would be happy to joke with her.

But there is an existence like the Moon Mang Girl who can’t even be considered a ghost... Let’s just leave it at that.

Wonderful Heaven...

As soon as Lu Qian said the three words Wan Miao Tian, Yue Mang Nu's face changed in horror, her body became flickering, a surge of resentment rose into the sky, her image of beauty suddenly collapsed and turned into A bloody skeleton was suspended in the air.

The blue moon in the sky suddenly turned into blood.

On the surface of the moon, countless corpses can be seen piled up in random directions. At a glance, there are hundreds of millions of corpses, densely packed and thickly piled up into high mountains.

On the top of the mountain piled with flesh and blood corpses, twisted, strange, and indescribable shadows were twisting, twitching, and swinging wildly, emitting heart-breaking, soul-shattering sounds, full of sorrow and despair. Howl.

These shadows are roughly human-shaped, but stretched to the extreme.

The long ones are several miles long, and the short ones are only about ten feet long.

They twitched and twisted wildly, and the mountain of corpses on the moon set off a huge wave. Countless clothes, belts, shoes, rings, and even musical instruments such as flutes, jade flutes, pipas, and banjos, etc. There are some wind chimes, lanterns, hydrangeas, ribbons, etc. hanging on the building...

The sea of ​​​​blood rolled past, and these objects were all twisted, decayed, and shattered, and then merged with the sea of ​​​​blood.

Wonderful Heaven! The blood skeleton transformed into the Moon Mourning Girl waved her arms and screamed at the top of her lungs: Wonderful Heaven!

Lu Qian looked at Yue Mangnu calmly: Back then, Wan Miao Tian was slaughtered...

The moonless girl was sunken, and her bloody eye holes were staring at Lu Qian.

Lu Qian continued: Those people from Yuan Lingtian are the main culprits for Wanmiaotian's massacre... I, Jishengtian, am just playing the drum and adding insult to injury.

You are the first to bear the brunt of this, and come to me, the Holy Heaven, for revenge?

Shrugging his shoulders, Lu Yan sighed: It's pitiful, it's a pity, it's a pity that my ancestors from Jishengtian, who participated in the massacre of Wanmiaotian, have long been wiped out. They died in the decisive battle with Yuanlingtian without leaving any bones. ”

And those people from Yuan Lingtian who planned the plan to kill Wanmiaotian back then, and their descendants, are they all living well in Yuanlingtian now?

Lu Qian looked at Yue Mangnu with a smile: You are looking for trouble with us. Are you looking for the wrong person?

Lu Qian said word by word: For example, the 'Sad Red Young Master' who was married to your Wanmiaotian back then and caused everything in the end, because he took away Wanmiaotian's power of creation, he became a Taoist. Ascension... the 'Sorrowful Red Villa' he left behind is now one of the top three forces in the 'Sword Sect' lineage that ranks first in Yuanling Tianzhengdao.

The descendants of Young Master Beihong have now multiplied to tens of millions of people... Those with good aptitudes have practiced hard in Jianmen to seek the Tao... But those with poor aptitudes have built seven dynasties in the world of mortals and enjoyed trillions of millions of people. The surname is enshrined!”

Tsk, tsk, you don't go looking for trouble for his descendants, you shout and kill these miserable people in our Holy Heaven... Why bother? Why bother? You guys are not really out of your mind, are you? ?”

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