Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 319: Ancient Temple, Abbot

The most holy heaven.

Under the sky mark.

Wanxiang and a group of old monks and nuns were busy in an orderly manner.

All kinds of powerful formations, all kinds of powerful talismans, all kinds of powerful restrictions, secret treasures, etc... Shenzui and the others almost emptied the good things at the bottom of their respective sects' storage boxes, and Wanxiang also provided them. Regardless of quantity or quality, they have several times more resources than Shenzui and the others combined.

By killing Yuan Lingtian's monks, Shenzui and the others can gain the favor of heaven and earth, and their own sect can receive feedback from heaven and earth.

And was it the same monk who killed Yuan Lingtian...

Wanxiang was busy while looking at the sky thoughtfully.

Anyone who deserves disaster in any world is a fatal poison pill to other worlds... I only hope that any one of you can... Haha!

Wan Xiang drooped his eyelids, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Even if Yuan Lingtian is destroyed...the Supreme Order must be completed!

Yuan Lingtian.

In an unknown place, with secluded green mountains and towering beautiful peaks, a strip of white water flew straight past the foot of the mountain with a crisp sound of clatter. At the mountain bay in the distance, amid the apricot blossoms on the mountain, a corner of the cornice lifted up, and a sound was heard. The bronze bell shattered the silence all over the mountain.

Lu Qian stood on the top of the mountain, knelt on one knee, and a mouthful of blood spurted out far away.

Xiegui, it's really unbelievable... I'm scared, my brain is broken, I was led into a trap by Wanxiang, Xiegui, this thing is not even a ghost, can you believe it?

Lu Qian took off his diamond armor, took out the Guixu Treasure Vase, opened his mouth, Gudong, Gudong, and poured dozens of mouthfuls of Xuanyuan Divine Water, as heavy and dense as mercury, into his mouth.

Xuanyuan Shen Shui entered his belly, and huge heat exploded. A burst of vitality emerged out of thin air, and the aura of essence and blood on Lu Qian's body became strong. On his back, a white palm print as small as a baby made a chichi sound, and wisps of cold air spurted out from the palm print. Layers of thin ice quickly wrapped the mountain where he was, and even flowed past the foot of the mountain. A large section of the river was frozen.

One mouthful of Xuanyuan Divine Water entered Lu Qian's belly, and the furnace that had been lit all over Lu Qian's body erupted with fierce fire. A torrent of mana imprinted with the laws of heaven and earth washed through the body over and over again, and finally washed away the white palm prints. .


In the void, Lu Qian grabbed the one hundredth moment before Bai Nu could attack him, and printed the hand seal taught by Wanxiang, forcibly separating him from the three women.

The white girl, blue girl, and green girl fell to another place in Yuan Lingtian.

Lu Qian, who had been stabbed in the back by Bai Nu with her strange magical power, was wrapped in a stream of light, easily penetrating the world barrier of Yuan Lingtian, without any hindrance, and fell straight into Yuan Lingtian. Spiritual sky.

The speed of the Great Teleportation Talisman was so fast that it plummeted to the ground from extremely high in the sky. Lu Qian had no time to see clearly what was below where he fell.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking around, there is an ancient temple in the bay more than ten miles away.

In addition, the surrounding peaks overlapped, and the valleys were filled with clouds and smoke. For a while, it was difficult to see where the cities were, where the villages were, etc.

Patting his clothes, Lu Qian frowned, a golden light shimmered between his brows, and his soul overflowed like running water, gently blending into the small surrounding world with a radius of hundreds of feet.

Hmm! It's really different!

Already a master of the Golden Lotus Realm, Lu Qian's sense of the heaven, earth and universe is infinitely more sensitive and powerful than before, and he feels a bit like the unity of heaven and man.

Compared with Jishengtian, Yuanlingtian's spiritual power of heaven and earth gave Lu Qian a completely different feeling.

The aura of heaven and earth in the Holy Heaven gave Lu Qian the feeling of a towering tree - the trunk exposed to the ground was extremely thick, and the branches were thick and bold, full of overbearing vitality; and the roots hidden underground , it is vast, unfathomable, and infinitely restrained and mysterious.

Lu Qian understood clearly in his heart that this was probably the reason why there were only two supreme sects in the Holy Heaven.

The Dafan Jingshi Sect corresponds to the aura of heaven and earth exposed on the ground in Jishengtian. It is full of power, arrogant, domineering, and extremely powerful... Although the Dafanjingshi Sect has lost its descendants, look at Jisheng Tian now. The nine Buddhist sects in Heaven know that their behavior is in line with the rhythm of heaven and earth in the Holy Heaven.

And hidden deep underground, introverted, profound, as unfathomable as the infinite return to ruins, is the Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect, which corresponds to the 'root system' part of the aura of the extremely holy heaven and earth.

Yuan Lingtian's aura of heaven and earth, compared to the unique beauty of Jishengtian, only divides the mystery of heaven and earth into two parts, the ground and the underground. Yuan Lingtian gave Lu Qian the feeling like a jade tree all over the mountains and plains, each one of which is unique. The disparity is very different, each one is full of vitality, full of endless creation, and performs endless surprises.

That’s why the sects in Yuan Lingtian are blooming and ever-changing. Just looking at the first wave of twelve sects that invaded the Holy Sky as the vanguard, their methods of responding to the enemy are even more unpredictable and changeable than the Holy Holy Sky today. many.

Just take the Curse Gu Sect, their poisons, curses, Gu, etc., are much more complicated than the existing three sects of the Holy Saint Heaven?

Well, that's not right! Lu Qian suddenly woke up: So, from the perspective of the mysterious rhythms of heaven and earth, the all-encompassing and mysterious Senluo Sect is more in line with Yuan Lingtian's way of heaven and earth.

Haha, no wonder Wanxiang wants to cause trouble... According to my perception, Senluo Sect should be the authentic sect of Yuan Lingtian, but now it is actually included in the ranks of evil heretics? It's me, I want to rebel too , stabbed in the back!

Tsk tsk After a few words of praise, Lu Qian put away all the eye-catching objects on his body, took out a set of robes that fit Yuan Lingtian's style of clothing and put them on, jumped off the mountain peak, followed a narrow path by the river, and headed straight ahead. Go to the mountain bay.

While jumping and walking, Lu Qian also felt that it was Yuan Lingtian who was at his peak state and was still expanding.

The gravity of this world is about twice that of the Holy Heaven.

This difference in gravity is nothing more than that. For a cultivator, the difference in gravity between two times is negligible.

But the aura of heaven and earth that permeates the void of this world is at least ten thousand times that of the Holy Sky.

Suddenly descending on Yuan Lingtian, he breathed for a while, and then radiated the power of his soul. Sensing the aura of this world, Lu Qian felt his mind become dizzy, with a faint feeling of being 'drunk with oxygen'.

Fortunately, he is physically strong and extremely adaptable.

After carefully restraining his spirit and blocking his ability to sense the outside world, the dizzy feeling dissipated a lot.

But just after walking a few steps along the trail, a red light suddenly appeared on a cliff hundreds of feet high. Lu Qian stared at me and was speechless.

It was clearly a piece of Fire Lingzhi that had been heated for three to five hundred years, with a total size of seven to eight hundred pieces. The palm-sized Fire Lingzhi grew on the cliff in such an extremely barbaric, unscrupulous and unobstructed manner.

A crooked wooden sign was inserted on the edge of the cliff, with the words Qingyun Temple written on it.

Three to five hundred years of fire Ganoderma lucidum was considered a treasure in the Holy Heaven before the heaven and earth were revived. In Dayin's palace, only a few pieces were collected. It was a life-saving treasure at the bottom of the box.

But in Yuanlingtian, where Yuanlingtian was at its peak, seven or eight hundred pieces of Fire Ganoderma, which had been heated for three to five hundred years, were scattered and wild in this cliff.

The monk from the 'Qingyun Temple' actually didn't put anyone on duty here, so he just put a wooden sign to mark that this piece of Fire Ganoderma belongs to its owner!

Even if you... just put a dog here!

Lu Qian's eyes widened and he looked at the piece of Fire Ganoderma again and again, and finally resisted the urge to plunder it all.

People are too lazy to send people to guard things. Why is he, Lu Qian, the Weiyang Lord of Dayin, the Great Situ of Xinyin, and the next abbot of the Supreme Holy Heaven Dajingang Temple? He can't go to Yuanling Heaven to pick up rags. Bar?

Lu Qian pursed his lips, and a golden light emerged from his eyebrows.

Your mother...ah! The big parrot screamed strangely, fluttering its wings and flying into the sky.

Then, it soon fell into the same fate as Lu Yi, who was oxygen-drunk. His head tilted, his wings flopped around, and he fell down from the air in a state of embarrassment.

Lu Qian grabbed its two paws, lifted it upside down, and put it on his shoulders.

The green snake flew out on a piece of cloud light, looked around for a while, and then rushed into Lu Qian's sleeve, constantly hissing and spitting out the letter.

The rabbit screamed and rushed out, running around in excitement, and then secretly sprinkled a little pungent liquid under the rocks, in the grass, and next to the roots of the trees.

Dahuang did his best. After being released by Lu Qian, he looked around with his eyes and followed Lu Qian closely.

Finally, there was a loud bang.

The snapping turtle, which had grown to the size of a horse-drawn carriage, landed heavily on the ground.

This guy stretched out his big head and looked around, took a deep, deep breath, and then his whole body was filled with water, and he compressed his body to a foot square.

Lu Qian looked at the snapping turtle happily.

These five uncles have been taking Xuanyuan Divine Water of increasingly higher quality these days, and their bloodlines have become stronger and purer. The snapping turtles already have the magical power to shrink their bodies, and the abilities of the other four uncles are getting stronger and stronger.

The rabbit trotted forward along the path.

Lu Qian followed behind Tu Xi.

Dahuang followed Lu Qian.

A snapping turtle lies on Rhubarb's back.

The big parrot was lying on Lu Qian's shoulder, its long tail had dropped to near Lu Qian's knees. It shook its neck and screamed something feebly.

The group just walked forward along the trail, following the winding foot of the mountain, and walked for dozens of miles until they arrived at the mountain bay that Lu Qian had seen before.

Lu Qian had seen Shanwan before, and it was only a dozen miles away in a straight line.

But walking along the mountain, the journey turned into dozens of miles. During these dozens of miles, Lu Qian had the idea of ​​picking up rags several times. In fact, the various medicines he saw along the way, The quality is really a bit too good.

The river water merges here to form a pool of ten thousand acres. There is a small island in the pool, which is covered with apricot flowers.

In the crimson apricot blossom forest, an eighteen-story pagoda stands majestically.

There is a wooden bridge connecting the island and the shore.

In the apricot blossom forest on the shore, a square ancient temple, several miles long and wide, lies quietly here.

In front of the ancient temple, on several acres of flat land, carriages were lined up neatly, and horses were tied to the stone piles in front of the door.

In the sky above the ancient temple, incense smoke lingers in all directions, and the aroma is fragrant.

Obviously, this Qingyun Temple is very popular.

Therefore, the Zhike monk at the door is also fat and fat, as cute as a yeast bun.

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