Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 352: Draw a path (3)

Mu Huan and Mu Yao were bickering, and Lu Qian was already laughing.

Two, two, please listen to what this poor monk has to say.

Mu Yao's face became more and more gloomy.

Mu Huan looked at the Coiling Dragon Stick in Lu Qian's hand. The fire clouds under his feet were shaking wildly. Along with the faint sound of thunder, twelve human-head-sized fire thunders with flashes of electric light inside had condensed and formed around him.

Monk, what do you have to say? Give back the spiritual treasure of my Mu clan!

Following Mu Huan's scolding, twelve fire thunders circled rapidly, turning into a ring of fire and covering Lu Qian from a distance.

This is the secret technique of the Mu clan, which collects the poisonous fire essence of underground magma and blends it with one's own energy, blood and soul to create the 'Taihuo Poison Thunder'. With Mu Huan's half-step Golden Lotus Opening realm, a thunderbolt explodes, and the impact of the explosion alone can easily destroy all living things within a ten-mile diameter area.

The magma poisonous fire essence in it can attack all kinds of spiritual objects, and is extremely lethal to flying swords, magic weapons, and even various protective spells.

If a trace of poisonous fire accidentally invades the body, the poisonous power will be like a tarsal maggot, lingering on the person until the bone marrow is exhausted and the soul is shattered.

Lu Qian looked at the fire thunder above his head and waved the dragon stick with a smile: It's so powerful, but do you dare to bring down this fire thunder?

Lu Qian's current cultivation level is extremely high and his strength is extremely strong. Especially since he has been visualizing the three-eyed human figure all the year round, his spiritual consciousness is so powerful that it can be said to be frightening.

He easily judged the power of these thunder and fire.

This is the north gate of Yanchao Imperial City. Once these twelve thunder fires explode at the same time, everything within a hundred miles will be reduced to rubble - even if Mu Huan was lent a thousand dog galls, he would not dare to play such a trick here. .

Therefore, Lu Qian calmly opened his arms and put on a posture of letting himself be slaughtered: This, hey, if you have the guts, your thunder and fire will come down... If the poor monk avoids it even a little bit, he is not a human being. !”

Mu Huan was stunned.

Lu Qian's behavior is the same as the tiger men from Baihutang used to fight with people in the streets.

Mu Huan and the others usually deal with various dignitaries, literati and elegant people, but have they ever seen such a market trick?

Twelve fire thunders trembled in the air, and Mu Huan's face suddenly turned red, feeling extremely embarrassed.

He really didn't dare to let go of this fire thunder.

But his treasure is in Lu Qian's hands.

Lu Qian also spoke.

There are so many colleagues watching... I have already said harsh words, right... If Guo just stopped like this, it seemed a bit embarrassing for the Mu clan.

Neither Jiang Wei nor Song Yuan said anything.

They even stepped on the fire cloud and floated back a few steps, exposing their wooden huan in a particularly conspicuous manner.

All around, far and near, countless people of Hellfire City stared blankly at this side. Countless pedestrians, carriages and horses stopped, their whole bodies frozen in place.

Twelve fire thunders the size of human heads slowly circled, releasing suffocating and terrifying heat fluctuations.

The people did not dare to move, for fear of alarming Mu Huan and causing him to miss a little bit. When the fire thunder fell, tens of thousands of people at the north gate and hundreds of thousands of people in the surrounding neighborhoods would all be turned into powder.

‘Dong, dong dong’!

The high-pitched roar of the golden bell came from the imperial city.

Fire clouds rolled, dragons roared, and a fire dragon with a not very pure blood pulled a chariot and flew towards this side quickly, surrounded by many guards.

The Skyfire Platform is the highest point in the entire Hellfire City. Huo Yu stood on the Skyfire Platform and saw the movement at the north entrance. Seeing Mu Huan going crazy and at a loss, Huo Yu made a quick decision and took the guards to the scene in person.

Lu Qian comes from the north.

In line with the current turmoil in Northern Xinjiang, Huo Yu had a vague intuition that Lu Qian might be related to what happened in Northern Xinjiang.

Mu Qing, calm down and listen, what does this master want to say? Huo Yu sat on the chariot and laughed loudly from a distance: This master is very resourceful. I don't know why he is here. Advice?

Three tyrannical souls and spiritual consciousness had scanned Lu Qian's body over and over again.

The soul power of the Golden Lotus Kai realm was unable to find out the details of Lu Qian. The three clan ancestors invited out by Huo Yu have used secret techniques to inform Huo Yu that Lu Qian's cultivation is unfathomable, the worst, the worst, and the cultivation in the middle and late stages of Golden Lotus.

Therefore, Huo Yu behaved very politely, even a little enthusiastic.

After all, in dynasties like the Yan Dynasty and the Yun Dynasty, the masters of the Golden Lotus Realm were enough to become the foundation of a country. There may or may not be great power in the Condensing Path Realm further up... But even if it does exist, it is an absolutely secret trump card.

The presence of Lu Qian was enough for Huo Yu, the Emperor Yanchao who had not yet abdicated, to be polite and cautious.

Lu Qian stuffed the Panlong Stick into Beiming Ring.

Mu Huan and Mu Yao's eyes suddenly turned red, almost spitting out blood.

Huo Yu coughed lightly and glanced at Mu Huan.

Mu Huan gritted his teeth, and the twelve fire thunders slowly disappeared, turning into wisps of black and red firelight and quickly returned to his body.

Huo Yu smiled, stood up from the chariot, and cupped his hands towards Lu Qian: Dare you ask the master's name?

Lu Qian nodded and saluted Huo Yu with his hands together: The poor monk Fahai came from the northern border... This trip is for the people of Li Dynasty and to eliminate disasters for Yan Dynasty!

‘Northern Xinjiang’!

Huo Yu, all the ministers, and even the old eunuchs and guards around him were all shocked.

That's true.

Huo Yu smiled and said: I dare to ask Master Fahai, my country is peaceful and the people are safe, the weather is smooth, the country is prosperous, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, what harm can happen?

Lu Qian sighed, and he silently used the secret Buddhist power of the three sects, three temples, and three Zen forests. A round of golden light lit up behind his head, making his Dharma look solemn, and the golden light flowing all over his body, just like a true Buddha coming to the world.

There was also a faint scent of sandalwood wafting in the wind, traveling hundreds of miles in an instant, causing the people around to exclaim.

Pieces of white lotus are faintly visible in the void, falling from the sky like goose feathers and heavy snow.

This is a small means of Buddhist preaching. It is of little use to Huo Yu and others... But to ordinary people who have no cultivation, this is close to a 'miracle'. Lu Qian heard it, far and near. , at least tens of thousands of people began to chant the Buddha's name, muttering Buddha bless you and the like in a low voice.

Lu Qian smiled and raised his voice: In the Yan Dynasty, the country was ruined and the family was destroyed, and blood flowed into the river.

With this voice, Lu Qian used the magical power of Tianlong Yin of the Great Tianlong Temple. The high-pitched and clear voice spread throughout Hellfire City, and even spread hundreds of miles away with the wind, reaching countless villages and towns and countless people far and near. I heard Lu Qian's loud shout.

For a moment, the people who heard Lu Qian's shout were all in an uproar. Even the defenders of Hellfire City and even the officials of various government offices were all horrified and moved.

Huo Yu and others all changed their expressions, and Mu Huan even yelled: Monk, how dare you speak nonsense? I, Yan Chao... Haha!

Mu Huan's eyes moved and he shouted sternly at the generals of the imperial guards who were gathered around Huo Yu's chariot: If you don't take down this monster monk quickly, what are you waiting for?

More than a dozen imperial guard generals were surrounded by flames, and they all looked at Huo Yu at the same time.

Huo Yu gently waved his hand to stop the actions of the imperial guards generals. He glanced at Mu Huan a little unhappily - before he, the emperor, even opened his mouth, how dare you, a minister, overstep his authority?

Mu Huan's neck shrank slightly and he took two steps back.

Huo Yu drooped his eyelids and asked Lu Qian in an unhurried voice: Master Fahai is joking. Why did I, Yan Chao, suffer such a tragedy?

At the same time, Huo Yu flicked his left hand. The old eunuchs around him were old men who had served him for many years. When Huo Yu raised his butt, they knew whether Huo Yu was about to fart or do something.

Several old eunuchs hurriedly whispered orders, and large groups of guards poured out of the imperial city and began to disperse the people at the north gate of the imperial city and drive them far away.

Not only the people on the street, but also the people in the houses close to the entrance of the imperial city quickly evacuated amidst the scoldings of the guards.

Lu Qian ignored these small gestures. He looked at Huo Yu with a smile: This must be the Emperor of Yan Dynasty, His Majesty Huo Yu... You should know whether there is any disaster in Yan Dynasty. These days, Yan Dynasty's northern Xinjiang is What is the situation? Your Majesty should have received the news, right?

Lu Qian broke the conversation.

Huo Yu was too lazy to make excuses.

He said coldly: So, the master is from the Hyun Dynasty?

Lu Qian nodded with a smile: Fahai, the Imperial Master of the Xu Dynasty, has met His Majesty Huo Yu... For the welfare of the Yan Dynasty and the people of the dozens of vassal countries of the Yan Dynasty, I am brave enough to ask Your Majesty to surrender to the Xu Dynasty next time. the will of.

Huo Yu opened his mouth slightly, subconsciously raised his orchid finger, and pointed at Lu Qian in shock.

Song Yuan, Jiang Wei, Mu Huan and other ministers all stared at Lu Qian with their mouths agape. Some ministers even dug their ears hard, fearing that they had heard something wrong.

What's more, on the bodies of several generals of the imperial guards, circles of flames were continuously sweeping from the tops of their heads to the soles of their feet.

This is a secret art in the military, specifically designed to combat all kinds of enchantment techniques.

These generals felt that they might not have been plotted by Lu Qian's ecstasy, otherwise how could they hear such incredible words?

Let Emperor Huo Yu of the Yan Dynasty issue an order to surrender to the Hui Dynasty?

Are you kidding me?

How many years have Yan Chao and Hyun Chao been bitter rivals?

We all have a blood feud!

Although the Hyun Dynasty had bad luck this time, somehow they invaded Northern Xinjiang and captured more than a hundred cities. However, Yan Chao was still young and his family had a solid foundation.

The Yun Dynasty only occupied more than a hundred cities in the northern border, but the northern border of the Yan Dynasty covered a million miles of territory and had more than a hundred thousand large and small cities?

A mere hundred cities, what do they count? What kind of?

Is this demon monk out of his mind and crazy? Mu Huan laughed hehehe: Return to the Yuan Dynasty? Your Majesty, please kill this demon monk and crush his bones into ashes!

Mu Huan saluted Huo Yu.

Huo Yu took a deep breath, put away his orchid fingers, and took a deep look at Lu Qian: I would like to ask three ancestors to take action and capture this demon monk... torture him severely to see what happens in Northern Xinjiang. Something went wrong.”

Lu Qian smiled and shook his head: Since you refuse to submit, then, you monsters, just watch the wrath of my thunder, Lord Buddha!

Lu Chen laughed, and five colors of light flew out of his sleeves.

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