Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 392: Death in the Golden Pit (2)

When he received the message from Xuan Taiyi, Xuan Qi was practicing.

Because of being granted the title of Princess Tianwu, Xuan Qi, along with a group of good friends and young ladies, had been celebrating wildly for several months. Under the instructions of her mother Cang Jiu'er, she finally calmed down and prepared Increase your strength.

As the most favored ninth princess in the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty, with the largest fiefdom and the most powerful power, Xuan Qi's training is also so dull and boring.

In the huge hall, various furnishings are simple and elegant. In the middle of the hall, which can accommodate a gathering of ten thousand people, is a large pool carved from colorful jade. It is filled with sticky pink juice and exudes a strong fragrance of flowers.

This pink juice is the essence extracted from nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine kinds of spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs. It is the highest quality body-tempering elixir.

As long as it is soaked for nothing, in theory, even a dirty old sow that eats sweet potatoes all over the ground can be transformed into a charming vixen by this essence of flowers.

In particular, soaking in this essence of flowers all year round can make people's skin as white as snow, and the body as flexible and extremely elastic. It can also soak the bone marrow with a strange fragrance of flowers like curing bacon, making the body carry a strange fragrance. They are full of strange attraction to both the same sex and the opposite sex.

This is the secret recipe used by the top ladies in the palace to compete for favor.

Compared with the benefits to the skin, body, and body energy, the benefits of soaking in this essence of hundreds of flowers all year round, slowly improving your cultivation qualifications, and being able to temper a strong body that is comparable to the same level of physical cultivation are nothing. .

Xuan Qi was lying lazily in the huge pool, with a jade-carved tray floating beside him. Inside, there were red red 'Three Turns of Great Return Pills' with alchemy patterns that were the size of thumbs, and they were neatly placed one by one. It became a small mountain.

From time to time, she picked up a pill and slowly stuffed it into her mouth.

Wisps of white steam rose above his head, and Xuan Qi's magic power increased step by step.

This third-turn great return elixir was specially refined by Canghai Tower for the direct descendants of the core. It is extremely gentle and extremely pure. It forced out all the erysipelas at a great cost. Every elixir is worth weighing. Made for the body, there are no requirements on the user, there will be no pressure, and there will be no consequences after taking it.

The same theory holds that even an uncivilized paramecium, as long as it can take this elixir all the year round, can forcibly raise a paramecium spirit that is half a step closer to the heavenly realm!

Soaked in the essence of hundreds of flowers and taking the Third Transformation Great Return Pill, in just half a day, Xuanyi had increased his magical power which would have taken an ordinary monk thirty years of hard work.

And her physical strength also increased by about one-tenth of the dragon's strength in just half a day without any feeling.

Practicing like this is really boring.

Especially the third-turn Great Return Pill... Xuan Qi yawned and said lazily: Remember, go back and tell the alchemists in the building not to always have this vanilla honey flavor... They can Learn from the royal chef, this elixir should be mixed with 3,600 flavors like those desserts made by the royal chef.

Several senior palace maids stood by the pool, looking at each other in silence.

The prescriptions for these three-turn Great Returning Pills are made according to individual needs. Each prescription is carefully refined and takes several years of hard work by several alchemists before it can be carved out bit by bit based on someone's qualifications and talents.

Blending 3,600 flavors?

Haha, even if all the alchemists gathered in Canghai Tower are exhausted, they can’t do it!

At this moment, Xuan Qi wore an exquisite jade bracelet with nine flying phoenixes on his wrist. A ray of light flew up, and a jade ring flew out from the bracelet. Then Xuan Taiyi's roar came.

Xuan Xi was stunned, trembling for a moment, and then suddenly stood up from the pool.

Master Fa Hai attacks Jin Keng? Hey, let's not say whether Master Fa Hai would do this... Hehe, it's a good thing to actually kill Jin Keng. That kid is so sly and irritating that he is quite annoying.

It's just...haha, an alliance between the two sects!

Xuanyi's eyes flickered, and he suddenly sighed faintly: Master Fa Hai, there is no way he can push me to the throne with his own strength... Although I don't care about the throne... But, I should fight for it. Fight, let’s just fight.”

So, those old guys in the building can't really be evil to them.

I can only aggrieve Master Fa Hai. Xuan Qi shrugged his shoulders, with a cold light flashing in his eyes: Go and invite the three Qingyou sisters over, and tell them that I have something to do with them.

A palace maid, whose eyes also flickered, bowed to Xuan Xi and walked out quickly.

About half a cup of tea later, not far from the palace where Xuan Qi practiced, in a side hall, the three Qingyou sisters were sitting cross-legged, absorbing the wisdom of the world and nourishing the Qinglin Sword.

In the Green Scale Sword Pavilion, during the long years when the Holy Spirit of Heaven and Earth collapsed, generations of sword masters spent their own essence, blood and mana to preserve the spirituality of the Three Blue Scale Swords. .

Spirituality still exists, but in an environment where the spiritual power of heaven and earth is shattered, relying on the small cave heaven and paradise left by the ancestors of Qinglin Sword Pavilion, the three Qinglin Swords still cannot maintain their peak condition, and their own sword energy, sword intention, etc. are still in constant decline. passage.

When they arrived at Yuanlingtian, the three blue-scaled swords were like three hungry whales plunging back into the ocean full of krill, eating happily every day.

It has been less than a year since he came to Yuan Lingtian. The power of the three-mouthed green scale sword is at least ten times more powerful than when he was in Jishengtian. Especially his own spirituality is even more agile and active. Generations of young people have become more powerful. The master of the scale sword used his own essence and blood to raise it, and the powerful spirituality left in the blue scale sword was constantly being stimulated.

The palace maid led a dozen Black Yan Guards and quickly arrived at the entrance of the side hall where the three Qingyou girls lived.

Commander Qingyou, Your Highness the Princess has something to discuss with your sisters. It's about the formation of the Black Swallow Guard, which belongs to the three commanders. The palace maid opened her eyes to tell lies and made up an excuse casually.

The three girls Xuan Qi and Qing You met for the first time before, and they hit it off immediately and had a very happy chat.

Xuan Qi warmly invited the three Qingyou girls to become members of his Black Swallow Guard, and promised to create a new elite guard under the control of the three Qingyou girls.

According to the military system of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty, one elite guard is thirty thousand accomplished monks. This power is not unimportant. In particular, the Black Yan Guards are Xuanzang's personal guards. Compared with the ordinary army, they are much more special and have much greater power.

The three Qingyou girls are quite romantic in their chivalry and righteousness, and there are similar records in their ancestors' handbooks about entering the court as officials. So after discussing with Lu Qian for a while, the three women followed Xuan Xi.

As a 'spy' who has infiltrated Yuan Lingtian, it seems to be a good thing to take the high-level route and gain greater power.

Hearing the shouts of the palace maid, the three Qingyou girls slowly drew back their strength, slowly absorbing the wisps of sword essence, and the three green scale swords made a whooshing sound through the air, like three agile fish, gently surrounding them. Spin lightly.

Qingyou pressed lightly with her right hand and sucked, and the door of the side hall opened automatically without any wind.

The three sisters stood up and walked slowly towards the entrance of the palace. Qingyou even smiled and said: Princess has a trick, please...

Qingyou was about to say some kind words to the palace maid, when suddenly, three green scale swords floating around her made a clang sound at the same time, sending a warning to the three Qingyou girls.

The Divine Sword Psychic has an extremely keen sense of all the slightest malice.

The palace maid heard Xuanyi's soliloquy and knew that if Xuanyi recruited the three girls, there must be trouble and even danger waiting for them. Therefore, the palace maid, who has lived in the palace for a long time and has seen countless dark things in the palace, has arranged countless crimes and miserable endings for the three girls Qingyou.

When there is something in mind, a trace of malice will naturally sprout.

The three Qingyou girls could not feel this kind of malice, but the three Qinglin Swords, as spiritual swords that had participated in the last war between the Supreme Holy Heaven and Yuan Lingtian, had a long history of climate, and they were simply 'spiritual' existences.

As soon as this trace of malice emerged, the three green scale swords immediately sensed it clearly and quickly issued a warning to the three women.

The sword light rose up, and wisps of extremely sharp sword energy were directed at the palace maid and the dozen or so Black Swallow Guards she brought with her.

This palace maid is usually arrogant and arrogant.

In front of Xuan Qi, she was a servant leader who was harmless to humans and animals and as docile as a cat. But in front of those palace maids and eunuchs, she was an 'old godly woman' who could decide life or death with a single word. She was usually extremely harsh and strict, making people fearful.

Seeing the three green-scaled swords locked straightly on her, the palace maid's face changed slightly, and she subconsciously shouted: Get it! These three little girls who don't know the so-called, really thought they were hugging His Highness's feet. Can you fly up a branch and become a phoenix?

More than a dozen Black Swallow Guards roared in unison, and the swords on their waists all flew out, turning into dozens of sword beams that were several feet long and tattooed directly on the three Qingyou girls.

The three women reacted very quickly. They stepped back at the same time. A few of them flashed into the bedroom, grabbed their sword pouches that they always carried with them, and smashed the back window of the bedroom with one palm, turning into three green rainbows and shooting high into the sky.

Fortunately, Xuan Yi did not order the blockade of this palace. She also did not expect that the Green Scale Sword would be so spiritual, and that her palace maid would be so impatient that she would directly mess up the matter.

Three green rainbows shot straight into the sky. Qingyou said coldly: There are records in the ancestors' handwritten notes. Generally speaking, we have been framed for this kind of thing. Someone wants to deal with us... We can't hold on, go to a safe place to protect ourselves first. , and then make careful plans.”

In Yuanlingtian, the safe place the three women could find was undoubtedly the Dajinshan Temple.

The three green rainbows circled in a circle, drawing a huge arc, and went straight in the direction of the Dajinshan Temple.

Behind them, in the large palace, a low alarm bell rang, and a large group of large black swallows rose into the sky, carrying groups of black swallow guards and chasing them closely.

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