Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 400 Escape (5)

Dajinshan Temple.

The original site of the temple, which was hundreds of miles in radius, turned into a large pit hundreds of feet deep.

Several rivers, large and small, that were originally used as water sources and water features in the temple, gurgled into the pit. In just over a day, it turned into a vast lake with vast waves.

There are even a large number of fish, shrimps, turtles, crabs and other aquatic animals in the lake, and there are already egrets gliding slowly across the lake with their wings spread.

In this case, all that is left is a row of fishing boats casting nets on the lake and a few fishermen with loud voices singing loudly.

However, now the great lake is surrounded by countless soldiers, and there are several floating peaks floating in the sky. Various forbidden lights are shining on the peaks. Groups of armored elites stand on the side of the mountain, with eyes like eagles. Looking down.

On a grassy field by the lake, there were several huge tents made of exotic animal leather and embroidered with gorgeous patterns using gold and silver threads.

Xuan Taiyi and his party sat expressionlessly in the tent, staring coldly at the official who was kneeling on the ground and loudly reporting back.

The city of Yuzhou was looted, and all the counties, prefectures, counties, yamen and public treasuries in Yuzhou were also ransacked. Even the powerful families in Yuzhou City, the elders who stayed behind in the family headquarters, and a group of master clan members were also kidnapped.

A curtain of light floated around the official. In the curtain of light was the image of the bald man transformed by Lu Qian.

This portrait has also been spread to all directions in the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty. The states and counties of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty have already heard the news and dispatched countless elites to guard the surrounding traffic passes, guarding them to the death, and hunting down the wanted bald man.

Not to mention this guy, he can't escape from the territory of this dynasty. Xuan Taiyi said sadly: Where did the Fahai demon monk go?

The face of Xuan Yanxianchao official who was kneeling on the ground suddenly became extremely stiff.

He didn't dare to raise his head, just knelt on the ground and said dryly: Now, all the states, counties, yamen at all levels, and the guards' eyes and ears scattered around the world have been mobilized... However, there are only a few places that have been blocked. The attacking state army reported back the whereabouts of the bald man who dared to rob the public treasury.

This Fa Hai Demon Monk... he seems to have completely disappeared. No one has seen him.

Xuan Taiyi chuckled: Is it possible that he is flying into the sky? Escaped to the earth? Or maybe he is a half-step celestial realm, or even a master of the celestial realm. He teleported directly through the air and left me, Xuan Yan. The territory of the Immortal Dynasty?”

A bunch of incompetent trash...Cha, increase your strength, and check at all costs... Fahai Monster Monk must be captured alive... This bald man who took advantage of the chaos to rob... Haha, catch him alive too!

I would like to see who it is...or which force dares to be so bold!

Xuan Taiyi's face was dark, dark, dark!

Blacker than the ashes at the bottom of the pot.

This kind of thing... the loss is not big, but the deception is too much!

In front of his father-in-law, Cang Moxuan, and in front of the senior officials of Baoguang Pavilion, the backstage backstage of Yunluo Ancient Kingdom, his old enemy, Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty was unable to protect the 'distinguished guests who came to visit', which was embarrassing enough.

The huge Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty was actually attacked by Yuzhou's prefecture-level city one after another. The prefectures, prefectures, and county towns below were also looted... Hey, I just robbed your Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty with just one person. An important city in the state!

Let’s not even mention the loss of property.

This face was so beaten that it made a 'snap' sound!

At this moment, Xuan Taiyi's mind, like Cang Moxuan, Jin Huang and others, was racking his brains to figure out what the so-called 'Black Sky came to the world' meant by 'Black Sky'.

What is the origin of this bold bald man? How dare he, and how could he, do such a crazy thing?

The curtain of the tent suddenly moved, and a strong wind blew in.

The wind swirled, and in the small whirlwind, a figure emerged.

A middle-aged man wearing black bottoms, with several large swallows embroidered with dark gold silk thread on the sleeves of his robe, with an aura as deep as the abyss and unfathomable, raised his hands and bowed straight to Xuan Taiyi. .

Brother Emperor...ahem!

Xuan Taiyi looked at his biological brother, who was named the 'King of Ying' and was given the important task of being in charge of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty Imperial Guard Secret Service. Xuan Taisu squeezed out a smile on his stiff face: Taisu, what's going on? But you found the whereabouts of the bald man, or maybe you found the demon monk Fahai?

Jin Huang, Jin Lei, Jin Can and other senior executives of Baoguang Pavilion all looked over.

They didn't care whether the bald man who looted Yuzhou lived or died. In short, the loss was the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty's face, right?

But Lu Qian?

If he dares to kill the demon monk in Jinkeng, Baoguang Pavilion will capture him alive, take him back, cut him into pieces, and execute him in the most cruel way. Especially for Jin Can, Lu Yi must be brought back alive, otherwise Jin Keng's mother, the precious daughter of the contemporary photo studio owner, will never let him go!

Xuan Taisu looked a little embarrassed.

He looked at Cang Moxuan and then at Jin Huang.

Cang Moxuan held the teacup in both hands and said calmly: Little Taisu, is there anything else you can hide from me? What happened again?

Xuan Taisu looked at Xuan Taiyi.

Xuan Taiyi nodded towards him.

Xuan Taisu laughed dryly: That's right, it's not a big deal, it's just...

Xuan Taisu pointed at the light curtain floating next to the official kneeling on the ground: The news just came back, this guy just passed by Qingzhou City, he... broke the Qingzhou City's defense formation and destroyed the formation. He robbed the hub, and by the way, he broke into the public treasury of Qingzhou City and wiped out all its details... Well, the headquarters of the thirty-two big families in Qingzhou City were also looted by him.

Xuan Taiyi's mouth opened slightly and he was speechless for a long time.

Xuan Taisu said dryly: The public treasury in Qingzhou City coincides with the day when the prefectures and counties pay taxes to the imperial treasury once every ten years. There is a huge amount of property stored in the public treasury... and the thirty-two big families, they In our headquarters...

Xuan Taiyi took a deep breath: How much is the total loss?

Qingzhou City's public treasury, after all, has to pay taxes to the court once every ten years and transport various precious resources. Therefore, even if the public treasury coincides with the tax payment period once every ten years, and there is a huge amount of wealth stored in the treasury, the amount... the loss should not be too large.

However, the headquarters of the thirty-two wealthy families in Qingzhou are built in Qingzhou City, and part of the family's savings over the years must be stored there.

Xuan Taiyi knew very well that the wealthy families in these places have been here for tens of thousands of years, and all of them belong to the Pixiu family and cannot get in or out. The wealth accumulated by each wealthy family is a terrifying astronomical figures.

According to the habits of these wealthy families, they know the principle of the cunning rabbit's three burrows.

The family's headquarters in Qingzhou City probably stores about 30% of the entire family's wealth savings to cover daily expenses. About 70% of the wealth savings will be stored in the family's secret stronghold.

Even so, thirty-two wealthy families have accumulated 30% of their wealth, and their wealth has accumulated over tens of thousands of years!

Even if it's only 30%, this is still a hundred times more than the total taxes that Qingzhou City has to pay every ten years? Or hundreds of times? Even thousands of times?

Xuan Taiyi clicked his lips subconsciously.

This is a big piece of fat... Why was it allowed to be robbed by this bald man?

It made Xuan Taiyi's heart beat with excitement!

Xuan Taiyi coughed lightly and pointed towards Xuan Taisu: This matter cannot be tolerated... Taisu, you personally lead people to take down this crazy maniac. This person acts with such a high profile, For being so arrogant and lawless, there must be extremely powerful forces behind him!

Xuan Taiyi's eyes suddenly lit up.

He looked at Cang Moxuan: Father-in-law, look, this bald man suddenly appeared at this time, and he plundered so unscrupulously. Is it possible that he is related to the Fa Hai Demon Monk?

Cang Moxuan and Jin Huang's expressions changed slightly.

At the same time, they remembered what happened when they were in the Imperial City of Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty and wanted to use the Void Movement Formation to rush to Yuzhou, but they were disturbed by the sound of a bell.

The sound of the bell was so powerful that it was so terrifying that even with the level of cultivation of Xuan Taiyi and Jin Huang, they were completely disgraced.

It seems that this matter is not simple.

Perhaps they really have some connection. Cang Moxuan glanced at Xuan Taisu: Taisu, please lead someone to chase this bald man... Bald? Monk? Hey... I will let Canghai Tower's eyes and ears everywhere. help you.

Jin Huang on the side also said in a deep voice: King Ying just pursues with all his strength, I, Baoguang Pavilion... cough cough!

Jin Huang waved his hand and said calmly: My Baoguang Pavilion, in the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty, is naturally clean, without any strongholds or hidden objects... but what about the photo studio?

Jin Can stood up and said in a deep voice: I will send a message back and ask the killers and ears in the photo studio to assist King Ying in hunting down this bald man... Maybe they will really be implicated.

Xuan Taiyi and Xuan Taisu looked at Jin Can at the same time.

Haha, so to speak, your photo studio has a lot of strongholds and secrets inside Xuan Yanxian Dynasty!

Xuan Taiyi's eyes flickered and he glanced at Xuan Taisu.

The two brothers have a tacit understanding in their hearts. When this matter comes to an end, they will definitely clean up the photo studio stronghold and secrets that were exposed this time, and they will kill you and bleed them into rivers.

It is true that Canghai Tower and Baoguang Pavilion are in alliance, but Canghai Tower and Photo Studio are not in alliance!

Your photo studio went to the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty’s territory to set up strongholds and secrets... To put it lightly, this is a public security issue; to put it more seriously, this kind of behavior threatens the safety of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty royal family, you want to kill Can the official rebel?

Xuan Taisu personally went out and led the imperial guards of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty to catch up with him, following the clues left by the 'bald thief'.

At the same time, all the prefectures and counties of Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty also received orders from Xuan Taiyi.

Regardless of the distressed losses, cities of all sizes in the prefectures, prefectures and counties have activated their city defense formations one after another. The garrison in the city and the master monks from various families and clans are waiting in full array.

Everyone knows that there is a bold bald thief who has looted many cities. Who will be the next unlucky one?

At this time, Lu Qian was already standing at the south gate of Yazhou City, which was north of Qingzhou City and only 110,000 miles away from Qingzhou City.

The top of the city wall of Yazhou City was filled with elite soldiers.

A slightly black transparent light curtain has enveloped the entire Yazhou City with a radius of three hundred miles.

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