Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 402 Escape (7)

Yazhou City was destroyed.

Government offices at all levels in the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty were in a state of panic again.

However, the ones that are thrashing the most are those states and counties near Yazhou and Qingzhou, in the northwest territory of Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty. After receiving the news from Xuanfeng City, the prefectures and counties in other directions could not help but let go of their wariness.

To the west of Yazhou is Jiezhou.

Jiezhou is a very interesting state in the state governance of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty.

Compared to Yazhou, Qingzhou, and Yuzhou, this state does not have many rare natural resources, and its products are ordinary. It can only be regarded as a 'well-off' state.

But Jiezhou specializes in a fragrant vine.

After its vines wither, it is used to make paper. Its texture is smooth and clean, and it has its own unique fragrance. It can be immortal for thousands of years, and silverfish are not close. This is the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty, and even the big shots in Canghai Tower are thirsty for knowledge and use it for thousands of years. Xiangjian has the reputation of one piece of paper is ten gold.

Just relying on this specialty paper, Jiezhou naturally became a rich state.

That's the problem.

Precisely because the only business that generates money in Jiezhou is papermaking, this thing is precious and precious, but useless. For those practitioners, it really doesn't have much use. Therefore, there are no very powerful cultivating families here. Compared to Yazhou and other prefectures, there are not many masters in Jiezhou.

When Lu Qian appeared in front of the east gate of Jiezhou, Jiezhou had already launched a city defense formation. A group of local officials, all as frightened as quails, huddled behind the city wall and looked at Lu Qian.

This... hero! The local officials did not say a word. Instead, a fat old man, who was born extremely rich and wore a courtyard uniform with copper coin patterns, grabbed the city wall and shouted towards Lu Qian: I, Jiezhou, don’t have the spiritual crystals, spiritual gold, rare medicinal materials, etc. that heroes need...it’s just warehouse after warehouse of various colored papers, it’s useless for heroes to get them!”

Heroes, why don't you go to Langzhou in the northwest? Langzhou is rich in all kinds of spiritual jades, many of which contain the best and fine products that contain thousands of years of jade liquid and ten thousand years of chalcedony. They are of infinite benefit to cultivators... Even in the past, they were mined The Sky Jade Frost that has been around for a hundred thousand years is a rare elixir that can reshape the foundation and strengthen the soul compared to the power of the void!

Heroes, there's no need to waste your energy in little Jiezhou. There really isn't anything that heroes can use in this state!

The old man took a breath and said loudly to Lu Qian: Why don't we wait for the Jiezhou clan to come up with a share of the expenses and invite the heroes to Langzhou? It also saves the heroes from wasting their time here, right?

The old man lowered his voice: Tell the truth, hero, the masters of this court are rushing to various states to govern... You... Haha!

Behind the city wall, a group of local officials from Jiezhou stared at Lu Qian furtively.

Lu Qian laughed loudly: These officials dare not take responsibility for fear of being accused of 'colluding with gangsters', so they ask you, old man, to come forward? Interesting, interesting... Ha, the masters in the court did not go there Are you coming this way?

The old man laughed dryly: Jiezhou, there is nothing important.

Lu Qian took a deep look at the old man and nodded: That's all, how much money can you give me? Send it out quickly... The old man is right, wasting time here, it is better to go to the next useful state.

After a pause, Lu Qian asked: Do you know where all the masters in your court have gone?

The old man blinked his eyes and looked at the local official hiding behind the city wall. He approached an official and the two murmured a few words in a low voice. The old man raised his head and said dryly: This is a small official. The information I got by myself has nothing to do with the adults in this state, please remember, it has nothing to do with the adults!

After coughing a few times, the old man said loudly: I heard that His Majesty's brother, His Royal Highness King Ying, and the masters from the court have guarded several prefectures in the north and west respectively, and have laid a dragnet!

The old man blinked his eyes and lowered his voice: Hero, you have voted for our Jiezhou, so hurry up... Hey, hey!

Lu Qian smiled, nodded, and hooked his hand towards the old man.

After a while, the east gate of Jiezhou slowly opened, revealing a gap. The old man led two powerful and sturdy men. The men held red copper sticks with a faint light, and followed the old man step by step. , walked out carefully.

The mana fluctuations emitted by the two big men were probably at the level of the Raging Fire Realm.

The red copper sticks in their hands are at the level of ordinary magic weapons.

The pale-faced old man led the two men out of the city gate step by step, carefully walked across the bridge over the moat, and came to Lu Qian. He respectfully handed the tray he was holding to Lu Qian.

Hero, this is the expense that every family in this state collects for the hero.

In this state, most of them are merchants in the paper industry and there are not many practitioners. Therefore, the resources for cultivation are extremely limited. Please don't dislike it, heroes.

On the tray, there was a shining bracelet.

The old man handed the tray to Lu Qian again.

Lu Qian stretched out his hand and was about to grab the bracelet. The two strong men behind the old man silently took a step forward. Their flesh and blood suddenly withered and collapsed, and instantly turned into a terrifying appearance of skin and bones.

They dropped their sticks and thrust their hands forward.

Their fingers grew rapidly with a 'click' sound, and in an instant the shortest little finger became three feet long, like twenty sharp daggers, piercing Lu Qian's chest.

When the two big men took action, their skinny fingers instantly turned black, and a pungent fishy smell hit their faces.

Lu Qian was slightly startled and was about to fight back.

The chubby old man suddenly raised his head, and his two eyes suddenly burst into a green light.

An evil force spurted out from the old man's eyes, directly attacking Lu Qian's mind and soul.

While the old man was driving the evil spell, he opened his mouth, and silently, an extremely dim light that was almost invisible to the naked eye suddenly spurted out. It was half a foot long, thinner than an ox hair, extremely sharp, and transparent. The black needle suddenly spurted out from his mouth without making any sound, and was in front of Lu Qian in an instant.

The two big men attracted Lu Qian's attention, but it was actually the old man who made the move.

Such evil and ruthless methods are definitely not for those who practice the right way.

Lu Qian's body swayed, and the two men's fingers stabbed into his chest fiercely, and the extremely thin black needle also hit his body.

On the city wall, a group of Jiezhou officials jumped up at the same time, applauding and laughing.

Photo Studio Killer, he lives up to his reputation. He is really ruthless and can kill you with one strike!

Ding ding ding made a series of dense sounds. The two men's fingers hit Lu Qian's chest. Their nails suddenly shattered and their fingers also shattered.

And the thin needle bounced back and stabbed into the old man's nose silently.

The old man's reaction was extremely funny. The moment the fine needle pierced his flesh, he danced and screamed. While twitching and foaming at the mouth, he took out a small medicine bottle, his fingers trembling violently. With great difficulty, he took out a pill sealed with white wax from the medicine bottle and put it into his mouth tremblingly.

However, the poison on the fine needle was too strong, and as soon as the pill reached his mouth, the flesh and blood on the old man's fat body began to turn into pus and blood. Before the pill even touched the old man's lips, he had already turned into a dark skeleton, shaking slightly. With a 'click' sound, the skeleton collapsed, and the broken bone fragments fell to the ground, and soon melted into a puddle. Poisonous water.

Above the city gate of Jiezhou, a local official exclaimed: Didn't you say, capture them alive? How to start...

Lu Qian raised his head and took a deep look at the local officials on the city gate tower.

Everyone, this is not a big deal... You agreed to give me the money and let me get on my way quickly... Haha, is this the way to give away love?

Caught alive? Haha, haha!

Lu Qian looked at the bubbling poisonous water on the ground, shook his head, and walked away.

The two skinny men roared and slammed into Lu Qian with all their strength. Lu Qian shot out with his backhand, and the two bodies shattered.

This method is so secretive and vicious that the poison is so poisonous that it is too late for him to take the antidote. It should be the method of a photo studio killer.

Catch him alive?

This should be the meaning of the senior executives of Canghai Tower and Baoguang Pavilion.

But the killer in the photo studio was so ruthless, so it must have been the old woman from Jinkeng who had spoken, right?

Women are always prone to extreme emotions.

Her precious son was dead, and she was not allowed to hysterically demand that the murderer be cut into pieces?

Although Lu Qian committed the crime in the image of the bald man, and everyone in the world knows that the murderer of Jinkeng was the demon monk Fahai... But you have to allow a neurotic woman to vent her anger on others.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense for the killers in the photo studio to be so ruthless.

Lu Qian ignored the people in Jiezhou and left.

On the wall of Jiezhou City, a group of local officials were cheering for joy, but a group of powerful figures in black clothes had already filed out of the woods outside the city, turning into wisps of afterimages and chasing after Lu Yi.

Wuna, would you like to come with us?

What is your relationship with Fahai Demon Monk? Please explain it clearly immediately.

Don't make the mistake of yourself... If you fall into our hands, you still have a chance to survive... You have also seen that someone wants you without a burial place.

A group of men in black shouted loudly. They were extremely fast and in an instant they caught up with Lu Qian who was walking slowly and surrounded him.

A man in black took out a jade plaque and waved it towards Lu Qian.

The jade plaque is engraved with wind and cloud patterns, with a huge swallow in the middle. Obviously, they were officially sent by the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty.

First, they used the killers from the photo studio to make a sneak attack. After failing to do anything to Lu Qian, they immediately let the capable men lying in ambush outside the city hunt him down... This was a tacit cooperation, so there was nothing wrong with it!

Lu Qian laughed haha: Now you want to let me catch you without any control. You just attacked so cruelly, didn't you think that you can't catch him alive?

The expression of the man in black holding the jade sign became a little embarrassed.

That's not what the people at the photo studio said when they made the arrest plan... They said that the fine needles were tempered with a strong anesthetic, but they didn't say that what was tempered was something that could kill people.

Shaking his head, the man in black shouted softly: Come on, catch them alive!

A group of men in black raised their hands at the same time, and ropes as thick as a thumb flew out with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, wrapping around Lu Qian like living creatures.

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