Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 411 Black Sky (8)

The fruit of the Tao is fulfilled, and the furnace collapses.

Lu Qian felt refreshed and empty all over his body.

But in this refreshing and emptiness, there are three more 'hubs' in his body, which closely connect his body with this world and the universe.

The refreshing and empty body was quickly filled with the power from the endless void and the boundless universe from all directions.

As soon as the 'hub' moves, the great forces of heaven and earth move according to your heart.



Pure power.

The wind made Lu Qian's movements more brisk, agile and unpredictable.

Water makes Lu Qian's form more erratic and ever-changing.

The condensation of the two Dao Fruits gave Lu Qian's physical strength a certain bonus. But the secret of Feng Shui is not in strength. The two Dao Fruits only increased Lu Qian's physical strength by more than a dozen times.

But the power Dao Fruit derived from the three-eyed figure's mount, the Holy Elephant, was like a volcano thrown into Lu Qian's body. Lu Qian only heard his own bones making a noise, and his flesh and blood, internal organs, etc. were tumbling. It was terrifying. The physical strength increases almost endlessly step by step.

He took a long breath and waited until the changes in his body had stabilized. Lu Qian measured it. His physical strength at this moment was probably as strong as three thousand elephants!

Three thousand elephants!

Ordinary masters in the late stage of the Condensing Dao Realm, who use their magical powers to launch spell attacks, are probably at the level of Qian Xiang.

It was because Lu Qian was in the Golden Lotus Opening Realm and used the physical strength of hundreds of elephants, combined with the speed bonus of the Wind Path, that he could cross the great realm and counterattack the Condensing Dao Fruit Realm.

At this moment, Lu Qian's physical strength alone has three thousand elephants!

Unless he has received an extremely superior inheritance, at least one that is close to the level of the 'Fundamental Method of the Taishang Sect', and his own cultivation has reached the peak of the Condensing Dao Fruit, who can withstand Lu Qian's casual attack in the Condensing Dao Fruit? hit?

There are constant changes in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

Among the Taoist monks, those with weaker cultivation bases will not be mentioned. They are just sitting back and enjoying the success.

As for those masters who have reached the Golden Lotus Opening or even the Dao Condensing Realm, their souls have been transformed and their consciousness has been washed white. At the same time, their understanding of the 'Tao' is being assimilated into wisps of golden light, which is continuously injected into Lu. body.

Among them are some monks who have bloomed golden lotuses and condensed the Tao Fruit. They happened to come into contact with the three Taoist charms of 'wind', 'water' and 'power'.

In Lu Qian's mind, three groups of light were condensed from countless Dao patterns. The light group with extremely complex internal structure flashed rapidly. Wisps of golden light continued to blend in, constantly replenishing the three Dao Fruits, and the internal Dao patterns became more and more complex.

Lu Qian only felt that his understanding of the world around him and his influence on the world around him were constantly improving.

The physical strength increased again by a small section.

Under the shroud of the Dream Bubble Bead, Lu Qian's height gradually increased to about one foot and eight feet, and then, under the crazy tempering of the invisible giant force, he gradually returned to about one foot and five feet.

Dense, extremely dense.

Every trace of flesh and blood contains extremely terrifying strength.

There is no trace of magic power in the dense body. If Lu Qian appeared in front of ordinary monks, people would even think that he was a mortal with no cultivation.

But among the three Dao Fruits, the terrifying magic power is as vast as the sea and as pure as fine gold that has been tempered hundreds of millions of times. Once it explodes, it can set off waves of huge waves in the void outside.

The Dao insights of many master Tao soldiers are still being imprinted in the Dao Fruit. Lu Qian has just condensed the Dao Fruit. Because of the 'gifts' of these master Tao soldiers, his realm has quickly risen to the mid-to-late stage level of the Dao Condensation Fruit.

What a pity. Lu Qian smacked his lips and sighed a little unsatisfied.

It is a pity that Shangguan Duan and several other Tao soldiers who have broken through to the Void Realm have condensed their own Tao Fruit and comprehended the Tao Yun from the three gates of wind, water and strength.

The method they practice is quite biased and belongs to the category of evil spirits.

Although their Tao Yun insights were also passed on to Lu Qian, they were all abandoned by Lu Qian. Including the kind of cultivation method that Shangguan Duan understood, which could condense the evil energy on the battlefield and transform into a military killing god, Lu Qian looked down on it and also gave up on it.

A total of eight Taoist monks who broke through the realm and entered the Void Realm... Unfortunately, they did not practice the ways of wind, water, and strength. Otherwise, maybe Lu Qian could take their ride and directly cross a large realm. Unknowable.

The vast white mist rolled, and in the white mist, there were strange ripples.

Lu Qian restrained his breath and looked in the direction of the ripples.

The thick white fog can block ordinary people's sight. To Lu Qian himself, the white fog seems to not exist.

He saw five people wearing extremely coquettish and gorgeous robes, embroidered with various patterns such as ingots, copper coins, gold mountains, silver seas, money trees, etc. They were like five old men who were wealthy people, walking along Yazhou. The main road on the east side of the city is walking slowly step by step.

Judging by the style of their clothes, you can tell that they are from Baoguang Pavilion.

In front of these five old monsters from Baoguang Pavilion, two figures were looming. If it weren't for the fact that they passed through the white mist and caused ripples of white mist, Lu Qian would not be able to detect it, and they were moving towards this direction quickly. Skimming.

The existence of those two figures was almost zero, and their movements were even more erratic, like ghosts. When Lu Qian had just sensed that they had broken into the city, they had already rushed through most of the main road and were almost approaching. The mansion of the state lord.

In Lu Qian's mind, the 'Water' Dao Fruit flickered slightly and released a large area of ​​faint blue divine light.

Beside the two strange figures, the white mist suddenly turned into rolling white waves, and then the waves solidified. With a click sound, a group of solid ice with a radius of several miles appeared. The huge ice cube began to disintegrate the moment it appeared. Twisted and deformed, it turned into countless palm-sized ice scimitars and squeezed towards the two figures.

Under the control of the 'Water' Dao Fruit, these ice blades were shining brightly. Each ice blade was more than a hundred times thinner than a cicada's wing, and it was extremely sharp.

Moreover, on the edge of each ice blade, there are fine runes that appear to be natural.

With the blessing of these runes, the temperature of the ice blade is extremely cold and cold, and it is a hundred times harder than ordinary steel!

With the blessing of the 'power of Tao Yun', even the flying swords and flying knives used by ordinary monks are not as hard and sharp as these ice knives.

The two strange figures were obviously frightened.

They didn't expect that as soon as they entered the city and before they saw the real master, someone would discover their whereabouts and launch an attack.

This is the first time in the career of two studio killers!

The countless ice blades appeared too abruptly, too densely packed, and too lethal.

The two photo studio killers are good at hiding, sneaking in, and using all their strength to strike with all their strength and then escape instantly.

In addition, they are far inferior to the old monsters at the same level as them in terms of mana cultivation, physical strength, and various magical powers and secrets they are good at.

Killers... don't need complicated skills. They just need to master a killing craft, refine it to the extreme, and refine it into their own instinct!

And their instincts definitely do not include the current bad situation.

Countless ice knives covered them, and the two of them had no mental preparation at all. The densely packed ice knives cut their bodies fiercely, and the thin, tight-fitting monster leather clothes on their bodies were riddled with holes.

Fortunately, I have these two tight-fitting monster leather jackets.

The biggest effect of the two leather coats is to hide the breath and traces, and it can also help the two killers break through the void and speed up their escape.

Their defensive power is extremely difficult for ordinary monks in the Condensing Dao Realm to break through!

But Lu Qian is not an ordinary Condensing Dao Realm.

The lethality of these ice blades faintly exceeds the limit that a monk in the Condensing Dao Realm should have. The leather jackets on the two men made a harsh tearing sound, and were cut to pieces by the ice blades.

In other words, these two monster leather clothes barely gave the two killers a very short response time.

A killer... In addition to his ability to kill, he also cannot let go of his ability to escape.

The two old monsters screamed in unison, the screams were like dying beasts, their looming bodies suddenly elongated into extremely long shadows, spurting out a dark red blood, like ghosts, grazing countless ice blades. The sharp edge passed through the gaps in countless ice blades strangely.

Amidst the splattering of large sporadic blood spots, the two old monsters miraculously passed through the fire of countless ice knives, and in an instant they were in front of the five leisurely Baoguang Pavilion old monsters.

The two of them revealed their figures at the same time and landed in front of the five people, startling the five old monsters from Baoguang Pavilion.

Yingzhu, Yingmei, are you two brothers? The old man who led the team at Baoguang Pavilion widened his eyes and took three steps back in perfect agreement with his companions, widening the distance between him and the two killers.

Why are you so embarrassed? The old man who led the team, a secluded cultivator in Baoguang Pavilion, the supreme elder who existed as a means of keeping things under control, and Jin Wanliang, who was an early-stage cultivator in the void, glanced at the two men who were covered with thin knife wounds. The killer, whose blood had condensed into ice crystals on the wound, asked them a little surprised, a little funny, and a little gloating.

It's an idea... it hurts my hands. The tall and thin Yingzhu snorted coldly: You and I join forces, otherwise, I'm afraid we will suffer a loss!

Beings like killers attach great importance to practical results and just want to be able to complete the task. Other aspects of face are sometimes not important at all... Therefore, although I haven't seen clearly who the opponent is, what he looks like, and what level of cultivation he has reached, but This did not prevent Yingzhu from exaggerating Lu Qian's strength, and directly requested to join forces with the five supreme elders of Baoguang Pavilion.

Jin Wanliang was stunned and nodded.

Because of Jin Can's marriage to the photo studio, Baoguang Pavilion's relationship with the photo studio has become closer over the years.

Yingzhu and Yingmei are no strangers to them.

Although the two old killers were only at the early stage of Void, their killing methods were extremely terrifying. Jin Wanliang asked himself that if he tried his best, there was a 70% chance that he would be killed by Yingzhu.

The two old killers were in such a mess, so it was only natural for them to join forces!

Therefore, the five old monsters from Baoguang Pavilion each sacrificed a protective secret treasure to protect themselves without leakage. They also held a few killing secret treasures in their hands, and then walked over step by step and cautiously.

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