Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 413: Introduction

The old bear crashes into the mountain, this is a trick that only low-level warriors who go around the world to fight and sell medicine can use it.

It was really vulgar for Lu Qian to use this move against Jin Wanliang.

However, Lu Qian's collision, with vulgar tricks and rough breath, gave Jin Wanliang the feeling of the sky collapsing and the whole sky and the whole world collapsing towards him.

The physical strength is as much as three thousand elephants.

Coupled with the stimulation of mana, the force of this blow reached about Wanxiang.

The pure lethality is as high as Wanxiang's, and the added bonus of the terrifying speed brought by Lu Qian's incarnation as wind.

This blow was truly a fatal attack that could only be issued by a powerful being in the void realm - what was even more frightening was that Lu Qian's blow was struck by the wind.

Jin Wanliang's protective spiritual treasure is a small blue-white triangular three-story tower.

The small tower was shiny and shiny, like top-quality porcelain. The triangular tower body spewed out large clouds of smoke, wrapping his body like a tapestry of sky glow.

When Lu Qian bumped into him, he heard a muffled sound, and pieces of brilliant clouds and smoke were shattered into pieces. Jin Wanliang let out a cry of pain, and involuntarily fell backwards.

The wind was raging, and the small triangular tower was shaking violently. The brilliance on the surface was instantly peeled off layer by layer, and the luster became dim in a snap, just like old porcelain that had been buried in the soil and corroded for tens of thousands of years, completely lost. As bright and eye-catching as it should be.

Jin Wanliang felt a sharp pain in his soul, and the connection between him and the small triangular tower was suddenly weakened by 90%.

A mouthful of old blood spurted out far away, and Jin Wanliang looked at Lu Qian in shock.

Lu Qian lowered his head and looked down at Jin Wanliang, who was several heads shorter than him. He knew it well. If he used his own attack with all his physical strength, coupled with the Wuliang Guixu Body Technique, and poured mana into his whole body, the lethality he would explode would be enough to pose a threat to the power of the void!

But is it just a threat?

Lu Qian grinned at Jin Wanliang, and then he mobilized the magic power of the Taoist monks in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

Eight masters who had just broken through the void, nearly a thousand Dao Condensation Fruits, and tens of thousands of golden lotuses. The others were almost all golden lotus cultivators and elites of the Fiery Realm... Lu Qian, a Taoist monk with a total of over 100 million, had just burned a massive amount of Cultivation resources and average cultivation level have soared to a great level!

A terrifying mana, like the destruction of the world and the collapse of all tangible things into energy, came.

Lu Qian's body suddenly expanded like a balloon. With a click sound, his height suddenly rose to about three feet. His muscles all over his body rose, and every pore on his body began to spray out hot, high-speed, A thin air flow like a high-pressure air knife.

The sound of ‘chichi’ was heard endlessly, and the protective spirit treasures of Jin Wanliang and the four Supreme Elders of Baoguang Pavilion around him shook violently.

Before Lu Qian could make a move, the high-pressure air flow from his body had already cut their body-protecting auras and vibrated violently. The terrible cutting force directly shook their body-protecting spiritual treasures, causing their internal organs to tumble and their souls to suffer severe pain. It was as if a red-hot saw blade was stirring in my mind.

The five Supreme Elders of Baoguang Pavilion all cried out in pain.

If it were the demonic cultivators and evil cultivators among the casual cultivators, under such circumstances, they would have risked everything and resorted to all possible means to suppress the situation.

But the Supreme Elders of Baoguang Pavilion...

To be honest, many of them may have never really competed with anyone in their lives.

Baoguang Pavilion is so rich. Their direct descendants are so rich that they don’t need to fight with others... Generally no one dares to provoke them. If someone dares to provoke them, if resources like gold and silver are thrown at them, they will naturally There are countless worshipers, thugs, killers, and assassins to help them take action.

Therefore, facing Lu Qian, who was spraying wind knives all over his body, like a hedgehog, with a powerful and terrifying aura, Jin Wan and the others subconsciously retreated.

The son of a rich man cannot sit down in the hall.

How can beautiful jade be compared with bricks and mortar?

Keeping the green hills, you don’t have to worry about having no firewood.

Reorganize the troops and mount a comeback.

For a moment, all Jin Wanliang and the others could think of were these kinds of ‘lessons from the sages’!

So, they retreated.

But no matter how fast they retreat, they can't beat Lu Binkuai who has condensed the 'wind' Dao Fruit.

Lu Qian clung to Jin Wanliang, who was retreating sharply. The majestic mana filled his body. Powerful and pure mana poured into the power fruit. A powerful aura rose into the sky. Lu Qian's power With the blessing of the Tao Fruit of 'Strength', it is rapidly superimposed.

Double...three times...five times...

When the power was superimposed to ten times, Lu Qian felt a sharp pain in his bones and muscles. This had reached the extreme that his physical body could bear. If he superimposed the power further, and then used the power of the Tao Fruit to bless him, If so, his body would not be able to withstand this terrifying force and would burst into pieces on the spot.

And Lu Qian himself judged that if he injected all the magic power provided by the Taoist monks in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain into the Tao Fruit of 'Power'... the power he could bless would at least reach the power of his own three thousand elephants. More than 100,000 times!

What a mighty force!

It can truly have the power to destroy heaven and earth.

However, it was definitely not a horror that an ordinary body could withstand, and it was definitely not something that Lu Qian could withstand now!

Even, Lu Qian had an intuition that no matter how powerful he would be in training his body in the future, his body would not be able to withstand the blessing of one hundred thousand times his strongest strength... That was only a theoretically perfect state, but his body would definitely not be able to withstand it. It is possible to withstand such purely theoretical forces.

However, ten times the blessing is enough!

Ten times the blessing, physical strength plus mana, it is a hundred thousand things!

Lu Qian endured the severe pain from everywhere in his body, raised his right hand high, and punched down with all his strength.

There was a loud bang, and Jin Wanliang's body-protecting spirit treasure and the small triangular tower were blasted away by a punch. The small triangular tower shining faintly was like a meteor flying upside down. It flew out of Yazhou City with a 'chi' sound, shot straight up into the very high sky, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The body-protecting spirit treasure was blown away, and Jin Wanliang had no time to sacrifice other life-saving things. He subconsciously shouted spare my life, and Lu Qian's fist had already landed firmly on him.


Not even a ray of blood could be seen, Jin Wanliang's body and soul were directly beaten into a wisp of smoke by this punch.

With a faint smell of burnt hair, this wisp of green smoke was like an arrow. With the blessing of distance, it flew straight out of the city along the main road to the east of Yazhou City.

Between heaven and earth, a cry of 'spare my life' spread far and wide.

A wisp of green smoke slowly dispersed.

This is the last trace left by Jin Wanliang in the world!

Oh...no, Jin Wanliang was instantly annihilated. Where he just stood, there were eight shining rings, a shining bracelet, and a colorful and old-looking pendant.

Eleven storage secret treasures were suspended in the air, flashing and flashing, as if they were ogling Lu Qian!

Lu Qian's eyes widened!

Carrying eleven secret storage treasures with you?

The Supreme Elder of Baoguang Pavilion is so wealthy, it’s simply terrifying!

He grabbed the eleven storage secret treasures in his hands, randomly picked a storage ring and glanced inside, Lu Qian's heart started beating violently.

Put it this way.

Lu Qian's Beiming Ring, as the inherited secret treasure of Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect, with Lu Qian's hard work and blessing over the years, it can absorb the inspirations of heaven and earth and the charm of heaven and earth on its own. When it comes to Queen Yuanling, it will be better. The precious resources were given to Him to be devoured. Now the space in Beiming Ring that can be used to hide objects is only a circular space with a diameter of three miles.

As for the storage ring that Lu Qian randomly selected and left behind, the storage space inside was ten miles in diameter.

And it’s filled with cultivation resources!

Its specific value is hard to say, as there is really no time to count it.

But judging from Lu Qian's experience in looting the public treasury of several state cities, the cultivation resources in this ring are probably comparable to the total amount captured in a hundred state cities.

After looting several state cities, Lu Qian realized that a huge amount of wealth and resources had been accumulated in the public treasury during the ten-year tax payment period of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty states.

The Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty had a vast territory, with the territory of a state spanning hundreds of thousands of miles, and the tax revenue in ten years was extremely huge.

But after all, that is just the tax of a state for ten years, not a hundred years, nor a thousand years.

As for Jin Wanliang, the supreme elder of Baoguang Pavilion, how many channels do they control, how many resources do they control, and how many filial sons and grandsons do they pay all kinds of filial piety to him all day long?

In particular, to be able to sit on the throne of the Supreme Elder of Baoguang Pavilion, one must have a cultivation level that is extremely powerful in the Illuminating Void Realm, and one must have extremely rich qualifications, and must be at least 10,000 years old.

With the help of Baoguang Pavilion's channels, scraping thousands of years of land, the resources stored in a ring are more than a hundred times that of a state city's public treasury. This is obviously a matter of course and natural.

How much territory does Baoguang Pavilion control?

Just say that Canghai Tower, which is equally powerful as it, ruled the three major immortal dynasties. The territory of Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty was divided into thousands of prefectures...not to mention that Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty also had nearly a hundred vassal dynasties. Those dynasties Below, there are a dozen or dozens of small vassal kingdoms.

So, you are really rich!

Lu Qian chuckled lightly, his eyes emitting black and blue light, staring straight at the four elders of Baoguang Pavilion who were so frightened that their faces were pale.

The bodies of the four Supreme Elders of Baoguang Pavilion shivered at the same time. One of them, a fair-skinned and plump elder, hissed: Master, what happened before was just a misunderstanding... We are willing to...

Lu Qian touched his chin and said in a low voice: Then, the taste of this matter has changed... You came here to arrest me, but now, it has become... well, in that case, Why don’t we all just be honest?”

Hand over all the treasures you have, quickly!

Lu Qian scolded.

At the same time, he used his backhand to blast out with all his strength, and with a huge hand seal, two photo studio worshipers who were sneaking up from behind and wanted to sneak attack on his vitals were shot away.

The two photo studio worshipers were beaten to the point where their bones were broken and their tendons were broken. They vomited blood and were blasted out of Yazhou City with a palm.

As a killer, getting beaten is an extremely important life-saving skill.

The two photo studio priests vomited blood, flew out of the city without saying a word, got up and left.

They were going to go back, and in the worship group of the photo studio, they would severely accuse his mother of cheating him - this little crazy woman, who did she provoke?

Being able to kill Jin Wanliang with one punch... Not even a photo studio would be willing to provoke such an enemy easily!

In Yazhou City, the four elders of Baoguang Pavilion reluctantly took out all the stored secret treasures, and even more cautiously removed their own defensive treasures, and gently presented them to Lu Qian.

The next moment, their vision went dark, and each one of them was punched on the back of the head by Lu Yan until they fainted, and then they were thrown into the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain to suppress them.

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