Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 415: Introduction (3)

When Lu Qian stepped out of Yazhou City, the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain was undergoing tremendous changes.

The storage ring from Jin Wanliang has accumulated a huge amount of rare resources, many of which have properties that meet the needs of Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain. At this moment, these resources are constantly melting and are being swallowed by Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain in one go. .

As the treasure of the Great Vajra Temple, the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain is a treasure made from the embryo of an innate spiritual treasure and the acquired means of Buddhism.

Not to mention how much effort the ancestors of the Great Vajra Temple spent on this golden hill, and how many secret Buddhist treasures such as the relics of eminent monks were incorporated into it.

It is said that in the long years when the heaven and earth of the Supreme Holy Heaven collapsed, the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain could still maintain its extremely strong power and a ray of spirituality. The reason also shows how powerful the innate attributes of this spiritual treasure are.

In the Holy Heaven, Buddhism divides all treasures into two realms and twenty-eight levels.

The first realm is the sea of ​​suffering.

The so-called sea of ​​suffering means that this treasure is like a small boat in the sea of ​​suffering, which can be carried around to protect the practitioner while struggling to survive in the boundless sea of ​​suffering.

This is a very appropriate division.

The more powerful the secret treasure is, the bigger and sturdier the boat will be, which will naturally make it easier and safer for cultivators to cross the sea of ​​suffering.

The Sea of ​​Bitter Realm has eighteen layers, and there are eighteen layers of hell in it. The Sea of ​​Bitterness is just like hell. Only a powerful enough secret treasure can break through the hell and survive the sea of ​​suffering...

Among the eighteen levels of secret treasures in the sea of ​​suffering, the first level is the weakest. Roughly speaking, it is the most basic flying sword, flying knife, etc. that is blended with a little rare metal and engraved with some forbidden formations, so that it can fly into the air and kill people with a hundred feet.

As for the secret treasure of the eighteenth level of the Sea of ​​Bitterness, the Blue Scale Sword at its peak probably belongs to this level.

Thousands of miles away, he wields a sword to slay demons; a sword strikes out, splitting mountains and splitting seas.

The 18th-level secret treasure of the Sea of ​​Bitterness Realm can already be called a 'magic weapon', and even has various supernatural powers, such as the 'danger warning' and 'automatic protection of the master' of the Blue Scale Sword.

The second realm is the other shore.

The secret treasures of the Other Shore Realm are also called ‘spiritual treasures of heaven and earth’ outside Buddhism.

The implication of the Secret Treasure of the Other Shore Realm is that as long as one of the Secret Treasures of the Other Shore Realm is carried with you, it will definitely protect the cultivator and ensure that the cultivator can cross the sea of ​​suffering, reach the other shore, and reach the transcendent state of perfect joy and freedom.

To put it in layman's terms - as long as any cultivator has a spiritual treasure from the Other Side Realm with him, he will be able to easily transcend realms such as cultivating energy, melting pot, fierce fire, planting golden lotus, blooming golden lotus, condensing Tao Fruit, illuminating the void, etc., and smoothly Successfully ascending to the realm of heaven and humans, I saw a glimmer of hope of ascending to immortality and attaining the true fruition.

The realm of the other shore is divided into ten levels, corresponding to the realm of the so-called Ten Grounds Bodhisattvas in Buddhism.

One earth and one sky.

There is a deeper meaning in this.

This represents the power of the Lingbao, the completeness and power of the laws of heaven and earth and the Taoist rhyme of heaven and earth contained in the Lingbao.

A spiritual treasure of the Ten Heavens, in the eyes of the great Buddhist masters, is like a Bodhisattva of the Ten Grounds, that is, a Bodhisattva in the Mahayana realm, who carries him with him at all times with supreme wisdom and infinite power, and protects the path. Guidance on the way forward can ensure that you can achieve the state of heaven and human beings safely and smoothly!

Any spiritual treasure from the Other Side Realm can theoretically enable a cultivator to achieve the Heavenly Realm.

It's just that there are differences in difficulty and time-consuming.

The former Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain was a spiritual treasure from the Nine Heavens on the other side. It was placed in the Holy Heaven of ancient times. It was also ranked among the top thirty treasures among the most important Buddhist weapons.

However, in the long years when the spiritual power of heaven and earth collapsed, despite the care and maintenance of the eminent monks of the Great Vajra Temple at all costs, the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain also continued to lose levels, declining all the way from the ninth level of the other side to barely maintaining the first level. level.

Lu Qian threw out all the cultivation resources from the dozens of secret treasures he had just obtained, and piled them on the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, allowing him to absorb them at will.

The piles of rare resources are constantly being integrated into the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain. The entire mountain is shaking violently. Almost every time Lu Ren takes a step forward, the aura of the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain becomes stronger, and its origin is restored, and its power is restored. Just be stronger.

When Lu Qian walked out of the east gate of Yazhou City, the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain had returned to the level of the second heaven on the other side.

When Lu Qian spoke to Yingzhu and Yingmei, the small Vajra Sumeru Mountain, whose devouring power had increased tenfold, had already devoured most of the rare resources carried by the five Baoguang Pavilion elders including Jin Wanliang.

The aura suddenly surged, and in Lu Qian's mind, thousands of golden clouds spewed out, and countless lotus-shaped Buddha seals spewed out from the entire body of the Small Vajra Sumeru Mountain. A looming Vajra Dharma appeared on the top of the mountain. This treasure had returned to the third heaven on the other side.

Sitting cross-legged on the Small Vajra Sumeru Mountain, countless Taoist monks chanted the Buddha's name at the same time.

'I, I, I, I, I...'

‘Buddha, Buddha, Buddha, Buddha, Buddha…’

‘Kindness, kindness, kindness, kindness, kindness…’

'Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad...'

The speed of Lu Qiandu, the Taoist monk, suddenly increased a hundred times. The bodies of the four Baoguang Pavilion elders who had just been thrown in were shaken, and their eyes suddenly turned into pure gold.

Their last bit of self-consciousness that was frantically resisting was instantly shattered by the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, and countless Buddhist imprints were integrated into their bodies and souls like raindrops. Soon, their consciousness merged with the 'unified consciousness' of all the Taoist monks that permeated the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

The secret techniques of Baoguang Pavilion they practiced were also rapidly transformed and refined.

Purify, compress, condense, and finally turn into the pure, heavy, hot, and domineering Buddhist Vajra power like molten gold.

The bones of Lu Qian's whole body roared gently, and the addition of four powerful Taoist soldiers of the Light Void Realm enhanced his foundation a lot.

He looked at Yingzhu and Yingmei and said coldly: Are you sent by Jinkeng's mother? Just in time, we have some things that we must explain clearly... I want to seek justice for Junior Brother Fahai. .”

Lu Qian still didn’t know what kind of person Kamana was.

But since Kamana took the initiative to cause trouble for him, Lu Qian didn't mind, and despite his appearance, he took away the bigger trouble and the darker blame.

Lu Qian shouted sternly: Are your photo studios so great? Why did you use such despicable methods to frame Junior Brother Fa Hai, and then you actually dared to send a kid with a bad mouth to visit and insult my Buddhist disciples with such stupid things?

Yingzhu and Yingmei stared at 'Jimana' angrily.

At this moment, they wanted to catch the old lady from Jinkeng and cut her into pieces piece by piece.

If it weren’t for the fact that Jinkeng’s mother is the daughter of the current owner of the photo studio, and the current owner of the photo studio, in the past tens of thousands of years, has the most amazing talents, the highest talent, the strongest cultivation, and the sharpest skills, the overall strength of the photo studio The words of the unparalleled hero who has improved nearly twice, made achievements far beyond those of previous posters, and made a group of old monsters in the photo studio full of praise...

Gee, you have complaints about my photo studio? Yingzhu went straight to the website!

Is it possible that your photo studio is so great that the sufferer you bullied doesn't even have a place to reason? Lu Qian raised his voice.

The aura of Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain is still rising step by step.

But obviously, Jin Wanliang and the others carry only so much resources that are helpful for the recovery of Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain. His ability to recover to the third heaven on the other side is the current limit.

If you want to restore him to his former heyday, or even go further... It is most likely not enough for Lu Qian to loot the treasury of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty... He has to attack the headquarters warehouse of Canghai Tower or Baoguang Pavilion. .

However, enough is enough.

Under the blessing of the magic power of the over 100 million Taoist monks, the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain erupted with bright golden light. Under Lu Qian's skin, the rich golden light filled his body, providing him with extremely strong defense and blessing with extremely strong strength.

Yingmei's cold and disdainful voice came: In my studio, I'm never unreasonable.

Are you kidding? The photo studio is a killer organization, a place where people get paid to do things... Make sense? They don’t have this habit!

Lu Qian nodded slowly: In that case, let's see where we can go! Where can two old dogs escape?

The wind was swirling all over the ground, and Lu Yi's figure disappeared in the black wind. He took one step forward, and a large black wind rushed to the military formation set up by the army outside the city. The wind was raging, and pieces of thick honeycomb-shaped light The shield suddenly shattered layer by layer.

In an instant, Lu Qian broke through more than a hundred layers of light shields and rushed straight in front of Yingzhu and Yingmei.

Yingzhu and Yingmei shouted in unison, their faces twisted and as hideous as ghosts.

They suddenly realized that Lu Qian was so powerful that they were blown away from the city by smashing several bones with his slap!

Yingzhu roared at Xuan Taiyi: Xuan family children, release the formation quickly... Do you want to borrow a knife to kill someone?

Xuan Taiyi looked at Cang Buqi.

Cang Buqi coughed lightly and waved his hands slowly: You two brothers will block this junior first... In this big formation, even if you want to let two people out, it will take a while to move the formation!

Yingzhu and Yingmei were so angry that their eyes turned black and they didn't even have the strength to curse.

It is true that it takes time to move the formation...

But now, Lu Qian is attacking directly, and they have no time to delay.

Being in the formation, there are overlapping formation restrictions in all directions.

Tens of millions of elite troops were used to set up the formation, and there were countless heavy-duty formation devices as the hub of the formation, connecting mana, activating the earth's veins, and even activating the power of the void to bless the formation.

Unless one is a powerful person in the half-step heaven-human realm, who can easily break through such a large formation with tens of millions of people?

At least Yingzhu and Yingmei, who are only good at assassination and not good at attacking enemies... can't do it!

Pieces of light shields shattered and exploded, and terrifying air waves overflowed. Lu Qian had already rushed in front of the two old killers. He brought a sharp black air with his right index finger and pointed at the two of them fiercely.

The samsara tribulation finger of the Great Vajra Temple is divided into five major styles: life, death, purgatory, endless, and six paths. Among them, the purgatory style has eighteen killing moves. Each move can make the enemy feel as if they are in the corresponding hell, and enjoy endless enjoyment. pain.

Lu Qian's finger was exactly the 'Ice Hell Finger'.

As soon as he pointed it out, there was a lot of void in the surrounding area, which turned into a world of ice crystals.

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