Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 417: Introduction (5)

‘Can’t stop it’!

‘Can’t stop it’! !

‘Can’t stop it’! ! !

As soon as the electric spear fell, Lu Qian felt a sudden impulse, and a sense of life and death crisis came over him. His eyes turned slightly black, and his intuition told him that this blow was completely beyond the limit of his current strength.

He alone cannot stop me.

Ten of them can't stop him.

Hundreds of him joined forces...even the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain was sacrificed with all its strength, and the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain was restored to the third level on the other side, but it was also unable to help him block this fatal disaster.

The terrifying Dao Yun aura filled the air.

On each of the twelve floating mountain peaks, there are more than ten huge auras surging in the late stage of Illuminating the Void, or even the ultimate stage of Illuminating the Void.

The auras of other Condensing Dao Realm on each floating mountain peak definitely exceed three thousand.

And on the backs of the big swallows flying all over the sky, and on the edge of the floating mountain peaks, the aura of the golden lotus blooming and golden lotus realm combined exceeds a million!

There are so many powerful masters who fully demonstrate the national strength of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty.

The powerful auras of more than a million masters merged into one, and merged into the man-made killing weapon of Wan Sheng Mie. It triggered the spiritual power of heaven and earth within a radius of 300,000 miles, and turned into a spear of thunder and calamity that destroyed everything. Come and attack someone!

Lu Qian's scalp was numb, and the countless hair follicles in the pores of his scalp were twitching wildly, almost jumping out from under his own shaved scalp, leaving him with a head full of long, shiny black hair.

On the ground, there were more than ten million elite garrison troops surrounding Yazhou City. They had no idea what the twelve rings suspended in the sky were, nor did they know what the lightning spears that looked too dazzling meant.

They have never heard of the death of all births.

They were even cut off by a layer of formation restrictions, unable to sense the terrifying pressure released by Wan Sheng De.

Under the command of teams of forbidden troops from all directions, they accelerated the operation of the formation, extracted the power of the earth's veins, and increased the power of the formation to the extreme. They turned into copper and iron walls and pressed towards Lu Qian one after another.

Lu Qian felt stiff all over.

A large formation of tens of millions of people, coupled with countless large formations, and the power of earth veins that spread tens of thousands of miles around, this power is also impossible for him to break!

Even if you want to struggle, it is difficult, let alone breaking through the formation and escaping.

He looked at the groups of garrison elites who were rapidly moving around and yelled: You are all cannon fodder, aren't you afraid of death?

He clearly saw that the Forbidden Army soldiers wearing heavy black armor were disappearing from the formation.

They mobilized the power of the formation and moved them directly outside the formation to a safe enough distance.

They are the forbidden army. Most of them come from aristocratic families. Most of their generals are direct descendants of wealthy aristocratic families. They have backers and backers. They are also the confidants of Xuan Taiyi, Xuan Taisu and others.

Therefore, in the attack of Wanshengde, no matter who is sacrificed, these forbidden army members will not be sacrificed.

The ordinary garrison soldiers from all directions continued to gather towards Lu Qian. They operated the formation, and they kept entangled with Lu Qian. The power of the formation almost condensed into Lu Qian's body. , turned into a big mountain and crushed him underneath.

Use an army of tens of millions of people to surround an enemy.

Even Lu Qian couldn't break through this ridiculously tyrannical military formation.

In front of the Chinese army's tent, Jin Huang glanced at Xuan Taiyi and said quietly: This is the destruction of all life and death... such a momentum.

Xuan Taiyi gave a slight salute to Jin Huang: Before, I never thought of using this treasure. I just wanted to be prepared. Now it seems that this demon is too powerful, so it is better to get rid of the trouble once and for all.

After a slight pause, Xuan Taiyi said calmly: Over at the photo studio, I hope that the master of the pavilion can help me smooth my words... Let's just say that the two seniors died together with this monster!

Jin Huang blinked his eyes and sighed: All five of my family's supreme elders are trapped inside, so it's only natural that two of them died in the photo studio... This monster is so fierce, no one can blame him!

Xuan Taiyi smiled.

Cang Moxuan smiled.

Cang Buqi and a group of senior officials from Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty and Canghai Tower all laughed.

From the current point of view, Baoguang Pavilion suffered the most heavy losses, with five supreme elders dead; the Photo Studio lost a pair of old monsters, Yingzhu and Yingmei, and the losses were heavy.

Only the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty, although it lost some frivolous wealth, the real masters did not lose it. Those officials who were lost in the prefectures, counties and cities could be quickly replenished with just a swipe anywhere.

Therefore, Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty has no losses.

This makes people very happy.

As for the ordinary soldiers who were still in formation after the Wan Sheng Destruction blow... Haha, the garrison in ordinary places suffered millions of casualties. Does this count as casualties?

These 'cannon fodder' who are likely to be unable to break through the fierce fire realm in their lifetime are like leeks in the field. If you cut a stubble, it will grow. If the grandfather dies, the father will be on top, and if the biological father dies, the child will be on top, so the children and grandchildren will have no shortage!

The destructive spear of lightning fell rapidly, annihilating the air within a hundred miles of where it passed, and exploded into countless dazzling halos that rapidly spewed out in circles.

The sound of the spear falling can no longer be described as 'loud noise'.

The loud noise and the loud noise made by the spear were so terrifying that no one within thousands of miles could hear any sound, and everyone's five senses and six consciousnesses were completely covered by the loud noise.

Everyone is in a pure dead void with no sound, no light, and no movement.

The soldiers continued to operate the formation.

The masters continue to stimulate the destruction of all beings.

Lu Qian continued to use all his magical powers, trying to break through the formation and escape.

The diamond calamity finger is useless.

Great vajra power, useless.

A thought of escaping is useless.

Shuiyue Zen light is useless.

All the magical powers of the Great Brahma Purifying World Sect are useless.

All the secret techniques of Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect are useless.

Wan Sheng Mie defeated Lu Yi alone, forming an absolute crushing power level. It's like an ant who is proficient in the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon and the Nine Yin Manual. No matter how strong it is in cultivation, it is still just an ant.

But the enemy is a real giant dragon flying in the nine heavens, spraying down a stream of flames with all its concentration.

I have exhausted my mind and strength. I can't stop it, I just can't stop it!

Lu Qian breathed out gently.

At this moment, time stretched infinitely, so long that with every snap of his fingers, he seemed to have lived his whole life again.

In this life, it doesn’t count.

In a previous life...


Lu Qian's eyes flashed, and he murmured in a low voice: I just want to live longer. Basically, I am indifferent to the world, right? However, I lived a miserable life in my last life; in this life, I want to die. heroic!

When this lightning spear falls down with one blow, God knows how many people will die for him?

Lu Qian sighed lightly, what a pity.

Green smoke emerged from the ground, and the ground began to melt. The walls of Yazhou City behind him cracked with countless large and small cracks, and the roofs of the houses and pavilions were directly annihilated into green smoke.

On the ground, the soldiers arrayed finally realized that something was wrong.

The thunder spear was clearly aimed at Lu Qian, but when the spear fell, Lu Qian had not been harmed. However, the garrison soldiers whose cultivation was a thousand or ten thousand times weaker than Lu Qian were in large pieces. It burned, melted, and instantly turned into black ashes floating away.

The thunder spear was still more than a hundred miles away from the ground, and the terrifying aftermath it emitted began to kill a large number of soldiers arrayed on the ground.

With Lu Qian as the center of the circle, circle after circle, from the inside to the outside, large areas of the soldiers were turned into ashes.

However, with the formation operating on its own, soldiers from all directions were still pushing forward the formation and mobilizing the power of the formation to trap Lu Qian.

Under the inertia of the formation's movement, the soldiers around Lu Qian were annihilated by the lightning spears, and more soldiers on the outside could not help but follow the direction of the formation's movement, continuously carrying the power of the formation towards him. Crowd over.

Lu Qian raised his head, his eyes flashing with dazzling light.

He had already thought of the last resort. He wanted to take the initiative to communicate with the three-eyed figure and rely on this foreign object of unknown origin to solve the trouble at hand.

Hope it can be solved?

However, when he looked up, Lu Qian was surprised to find that the lightning spear was slowing down.

The lightning spear that could hit him with a snap of his fingers was now at least 70% slower. In other words, it would take about two fingertips for the thunder spear to land on Lu Qian's head.

This...isn't right!

At the entrance of the Chinese army's tent, Xuan Taiyi squinted his eyes and stared at the direction where the thunder spear fell.

He remembered again the sound of the bells that had messed up the giant void transfer formation in his imperial city.

Behind the ‘bald man Jinmana’, or behind ‘Fa Hai’, there are even more terrifying characters.

Therefore, the great killing weapon of Wan Sheng De was not prepared for the 'bald man' today... but for the more powerful person who existed behind the scenes.

Even the five supreme elders who appeared here in Canghai Tower are all face-saving.

The real leader here today is the ancestor of the emperor who reigned 27,000 years ago in the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty... That ancestor has been cultivating in Canghai Tower for nearly 30,000 years, and most of his body has been squeezed into the heavenly being. the threshold of the environment.

In today's Yuanlingtian, the Half-Step Heavenly Realm is the top strategic deterrent.

There is that ancestor sitting in charge...

There is this great weapon of destruction of life and death...

It's okay if the enemy doesn't come. Once he appears, he will either be killed by the ancestor, or severely injured by Wan Sheng Mie, and then killed by the ancestor again!

By the way, five Supreme Elders died in Baoguang Pavilion, and two photo studios were damaged...


Therefore, the lightning spear that hit Lu Qian's head slowed down slightly.

Will the owner of that bell appear today, here, at this time?

Seeing the thunder and lightning spears falling bit by bit, Lu Qian's eyes flashed with wonder - Hee, is there a conspiracy?

The next moment, the void around Lu Qian distorted, and the familiar spinning feeling came over again - it was as if, some time ago, when he was flying through the mountains, he was inexplicably thrown into the lobby of the Yazhou City Lord's Mansion. Exactly the same.

Then, just when the thunder spear was about to fall on Lu Qian's head, Lu Qian disappeared out of thin air.

The lightning spear hit the ground heavily, and a mushroom cloud composed purely of electric light slowly rose, and then quickly spread in all directions.

Wherever the lightning mushroom cloud passed, everything was annihilated.

In the void, a vague sneer came: I caught you...where are you going?

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