Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 419: Picking up Toutuo (2)

Lu Qian removed the Dream Bubble Bead and revealed his true identity.

The old monk has already said everything, and there is no point in hiding his figure anymore.

After shaking his burly body and stretching his muscles and bones that had been squeezed a little sorely by the constant movement in the void, Lu Qian made a series of loud joint sounds. He took out a new monk's robe and put it on.

Too lazy to talk to the old monk, he continued to look at the environment here.

The old monk didn't say anything, just looked at Lu Qian with a smile.

The black lotuses in this pool can be said to be the top Buddhist heritage treasure, and its value cannot be estimated... At least wherever Lu Qian glanced, he saw several clusters of black lotuses, and among the words gushing out, there were words There are written records of magical powers such as 'Reincarnation Tribulation Finger' and 'Tianlong Yin'.

Fortunately, there are only three chapters on life, death, and reincarnation in the Tribulation of Reincarnation, and the two most deadly chapters, the Eighteen Hells and the Infinite Purgatory, are missing.

And the magical power of Tianlong Yin is not complete, and it lacks the most important essence of Tianlong Yin's continuous and endless sound, spreading thousands of miles.

This fragment of the Heavenly Dragon's Roar is generally as powerful as the Buddhist lion's roar, turning it into an extremely explosive sonic magical power. But it only kills instantly, and loses the long, mellow, repeated washing purification effect of Tianlong Yin.

However, even so, the value of this pond of spiritual liquid, the spiritual objects in the pond, and the scriptures and magical powers in the black lotus can no longer be measured.

Next to this pond with a radius of thousands of miles, there are towering peaks.

On these mountain peaks, caves of various sizes have been dug, in which there are countless images of Buddha, Bodhisattva, Vajra, Hercules, Arhats, Heavenly Kings, and even Feitian, Yaksha, Rakshasa, and Celestial Dragon.

Each of these sculptures is lifelike, the big ones are more than ten miles high, and the small ones are as small as sesame seeds.

But no matter how big or small, these statues all release a faint light of Buddha at all times, with different colors and endless changes, as if the rainbow in the sky has been rubbed and stuffed into these statues, making people dazzled.

On these statues, every carving mark has its own Taoist charm, filled with various inexplicable Buddhist charms.

Either mighty and majestic, or sacred and supreme, or pure and cool, or peaceful and peaceful...

Around those mountain peaks, there are Buddhist halls and Zen monasteries scattered around, surrounded by green pines and cypresses, even bodhi trees, dragon blood trees, etc. In the Zen courtyard, next to the Zen hall, there is a pagoda standing, and wind chimes are hung under the eaves. The breeze blows, and there are crisp 'ding-ding' sounds everywhere, giving people a sense of cleansing the internal organs and cooling the whole body.

Look at some of the mountains in the distance.

There are countless exotic flowers and plants on its peaks, because the spiritual power of heaven and earth in this cave is particularly rich, and the charm of heaven and earth is particularly vivid. In these peaks, as far as the eye can see, there are extremely rare elixirs and herbs.

From time to time, you can see the transformed Zhi Man and Zhi Horse wandering in the mountains and forests. The transformed Polygonum multiflorum turned into a little old man, fishing by the stream like a human fisherman, but accidentally got hooked. The eel staggered greatly and almost fell into the stream and drowned.

What a wonderful place.

It's just that it's a little less crowded.

As far as Lu Qian could see, in a radius of more than a thousand miles, apart from him and the old monk, there were seven or eight sparse old monks in the monastery under several nearby peaks.

None of these old monks are doing serious things.

There was a corpse lying on the bed.

One of them was dozing off against the wall.

One of them was holding a mallet and smashing a large vat of grapes with a bang, apparently preparing to make wine.

There was an even better one. He stole a big yellow dog from somewhere and was peeling it off with a smile on his face... There was a bonfire next to it, and a dozen dishes and dishes were all stocked with seasonings such as chili noodles.

There are several others, and the things they are doing are even more bizarre.

For example, an old monk was holding a ruler and was facing an ordinary grass carp in the water tank, teaching him how to transform into a five-clawed golden dragon... If the big grass carp moved a little, a ruler would hit its head. superior.

Poor, pitiful, Lu Qian thought, this master must have found a reasonable excuse to beat this poor grass carp to death and throw it into the oil pan to cook, so he would do such a difficult thing. .

How about here?

The old monk floating in front of him asked Lu Qian with a smile.

Wonderful, a supremely blessed land. Lu Qian did not take things lightly and praised this good land outright.

Tsk tsk, monks don’t lie, this cave is indeed good, extremely good.

It's just that the crowds are a little sparse. Lu Qian continued to speak the truth.

There is nothing we can do about it. Not everyone can know the existence of Mahakala, and not everyone can come here casually and have the qualifications to join Mahakala.

The old monk smiled and said: Not to mention, most of the members of Mahakala are walking outside.

Lu Qian said Oh: That's it.

He looked at the old monk: So, just because the young monk comes here, he is qualified to join Mahakala?

The old monk smiled and nodded: Of course.

Lu Qian immediately climbed up the pole: Dare you ask the master's name?

The old monk squinted his eyes, and the clear black and white eyes once again turned into pure black... It was deeper and more subtle than the most extreme black that Lu Qian had ever seen or imagined, and it made people feel more relaxed. Deep down, I feel an inexplicable... attraction!

The old monk's eyes seemed to be telling Lu Qian subtly at all times - 'All things will eventually perish, and I will be the end of your silence'.

If the mind is a little weaker and the self-control is a little less, ordinary cultivators may not turn to him like moths to a flame when they see the old monk's eyes, and then... worship him with all his life. All your souls, all your everything, believe in him, worship him, and eventually turn everything you have into flames, burn them out and merge with him!

Lu Qian shivered with excitement.

My Buddha... is compassionate! Lu Qian chanted the Buddha's name, and a Vajra Dharma image rose up above his head. A magnificent, majestic, blazing, and fierce brilliant Buddha power washed over his whole body, extinguishing that weird feeling of being willing to sacrifice himself. Peel and wash little by little.

Old monk Jie Yin. The old monk smiled with satisfaction: The brothers and sisters in Mahakala all call the old monk Jie Yin Toutuo.

Making a follow-me gesture towards Lu Qian, the old monk clasped his hands behind his back, turned around and took small steps, slowly walking towards the hill in the distance where a giant Buddha statue with a height of more than ten miles was located.

The hill is about twenty miles high. Above the grotto of the giant Buddha statue, there are hundreds of grottoes of various sizes. Inside are various statues of various sizes, ranging from two or three miles to three to five feet in height.

And on the top of the mountain, there was a small thatched cottage.

It is said to be a thatched cottage, but it is actually just dozens of green bamboo poles propped on the ground, with a layer of bamboo strips braided on top of the poles, and some thatch and the like spread on top.

It's just a ceiling cover, with no walls.

The ground was also covered with a thin layer of thatch, and a few thatched futons were thrown haphazardly on the ground.

Next to the futon, there is a bamboo table with the Four Treasures of the Study on it, and some Buddhist scriptures and other objects are also stacked on it.

The most eye-catching thing is that next to the four treasures of the study, there is a wooden fish, a jade chime, a small tripod, and a small bell. At first glance, these four treasures have a dull luster and are densely covered with mottled traces of time.

However, when I looked carefully with my Dharma Eye, I discovered that these four treasures all contained divine light, and all the mottled traces on the surface were full of Taoist rhymes and patterns that were so dense that they condensed into substance. Every trace contained a suffocating power. Terrible pressure.

Seeing Jie Yin Toutuo leading him step by step towards the thatched cottage, Lu Qian couldn't help but grin.

The aura of these four powerful treasures is even a bit stronger than that of the current Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain. They are clearly powerful spiritual treasures from the other shore realm, containing great power.

The old monk was walking outside, but he didn't carry such a valuable treasure with him.

Is it because he is too confident in his own cultivation...or is he carrying a more powerful treasure, are these four treasures just sitting here idle?

Jieyin Tutuo didn't look back, but he seemed to have seen Lu Qian's grin.

He smiled and said: Those four treasures, do you like them?

Lu Qian said straightforwardly: Yes, I like it very much.

Jie Yin Toutuo smiled and said without looking back: If you like it, I'll give it to you... Well, pick one for yourself!

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, Really?

Jieyin Toutuo smiled and nodded: It's true.

Lu Qian continued to ask: Won't you return?

Jie Yin Toutuo kept nodding his head: Monks don't lie about things outside of themselves...

Lu Qian laughed, and immediately took a step forward to the thatched cottage on the top of the hill. He looked at the four treasures on the table and grabbed the one. The color was like bronze, with countless mottled marks on the surface. A small tripod with four legs.

This small tripod has a strange shape, four legs, no ears, and its whole body is densely covered with Taotie patterns.

All three sides of this small cauldron are the same, except for one side in the middle. Among the continuous gluttonous patterns, there is an inexplicable and heart-stopping big mouth embossed in relief.

There are no other facial features, just a big mouth.

The big mouth made a smile, but in the gap between the lips, a line of blood loomed, giving people an inexplicable bottomless feeling.

Because of the blood, the big smile was filled with a certain evil feeling.

Inexplicably, Lu Qian fell in love with this small tripod.

The other three treasures have pure and peaceful breaths, which are the ways of Buddhist treasures.

Only this small cauldron is filled with evil spirits, and it is a path of killing... But Lu Qian now has more than enough defense, and his offensive power is slightly lacking in comparison.

Especially the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain also focuses more on defense.

He needs an attack treasure.

Although I don't understand the beauty of this small cauldron, such a fierce aura is exactly what Lu Qian needs.

Have you fallen in love with Him? That's your fate. The old monk appeared silently behind Lu Qian: This cauldron is called 'Blood Taotie'. It is a fierce thing that swallows everything and turns into gluttonous blood. Light swallows nothing, corrodes nothing, is extremely ferocious, and extremely powerful in killing.

Lu Qian gently grabbed the bloody glutton and said with a smile: It's him, I won't change...

An extremely ferocious roar came from the depths of the small cauldron, as if an unparalleled beast was awakening.

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