Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 429 Audacious Act

Under the moonlight, Monk Pinecone looked dull, his body was stiff, and his breath was as withered as an old mountain tree.

He stood quietly under a big tree, silently, and the Buddha power in his body was like a glacier, running extremely slowly but firmly.

Lu Qian clasped his hands behind his back and looked deep into the forest.

The sound of wooden fish tapping became more and more dull, and the low sounds of chanting sutras came and went.

Dozens of girls with scantily clad clothes and voluptuous figures descended from the sky on mats made of flowers and landed lightly in the middle of this area of ​​wooden houses and thatched cottages. They sang and danced and made various charming gestures.

Then, the rich fragrance of flowers overflowed, and the girls used various romantic methods to stir up the minds of the monks in the wooden houses and thatched cottages with their evil skills.

The chanting became louder and louder, and the Buddha's light gradually became brighter.

Rounds of cold moon light poured out from the wooden houses and thatched cottages, illuminating the mountains and forests, melting and dispersing the various fragrance mists that the girls were constantly spraying.

Cold sweat was pouring out on the foreheads of the girls. They gritted their teeth and resolutely cast evil spells, frantically counterattacking the incoming moonlight.

After half an hour of fighting like this, dozens of girls giggled a few times, waved their sleeves, and jumped into the air one after another, shouting relentlessly: I'll let you bastards go free today... …Something ungrateful.”

The stones in the latrine are smelly and hard... I really don't know what to say.

There are beautiful clothes and fine food, good food and good drinks, but you don't know how to enjoy them. Why do you have to live here in a shabby house, wear shabby clothes, and eat chaffy vegetables?

The sound of dong dong wooden fish kept ringing, and the light of the cold moon shone on the mountain forest, dispelling the last trace of the fragrant smell.

Six thousand years. Monk Song Guo whispered to himself: For six thousand years, every night, there will be such a calamity of inner demons... Today's scene is just a tiny one... Every new year, there are thousands The female disciples of Wanhua Sect all performed...

Thousands of years ago, there were still three thousand monks in the back mountain.

A hundred years ago, there were still twelve hundred monks in the back mountain.

But now, there are less than a thousand people from the same sect in the back mountain.

Monk Song Guo smiled bitterly and looked at Lu Yi: They are showing mercy. After all, the Supreme Master of Wanhuamen who promised to be the abbot is still there. Therefore, they will not really wipe out my Hanyue Temple inheritance.

However, seeing each and every fellow disciple being dragged into the abyss of carnal desire by their illusions of demons... Monk Song Guo asked Lu Qian seriously: You said, Buddha...his old man is really famous all over the world. Do you want to help people in need?

Monk Song Guo pointed to the top of his head: This old man, is he really paying attention to us poor Buddhist disciples?

Shaking his head, Monk Song Guo said in a low voice: There is no Buddha above my head, only the evil magic weapon of Wanhua Sect to suppress it.

Lu Qian stretched out his hand and pressed Monk Song Guo's shoulder: If you want to get out of the sea of ​​suffering, you have to save yourself... Buddhist disciples all look to the Buddha to save their lives. What if the Buddha himself also faces a disaster of life and death? Who can say about this matter? Accurate? So, you still have to rely on yourself.

Okay, hurry up and call your fellow disciples... I'll give you a quarter of an hour to clean up what needs to be packed and take away what needs to be taken away... Well, your elders have left relics and so on, don't be cheap. The enchantress from the Ten Thousand Flowers Gate.

Monk Song Guo coughed lightly: They have all used the relics of our elders to make medicine. The relics in the stupa at the back of the mountain are just the tombs of our elders... There is nothing to clean up or take away. .”

Lu Qian's face jumped violently.

What a Wanhuamen... not letting go of the living monks, but also not letting go of the dead monks?

It's a shame they could think of using relics to make elixirs.

Lu Qian somewhat understood the mentality of Jie Yin Toutuo and the senior officials of Mahakala... This monk of Hanyue Temple is completely a pig raised by Wanhua Sect. It is really unacceptable for Buddhist disciples to be reduced to such a situation!

However, what does the monk from Yuan Lingtian have to do with him, a fake monk from the Holy Heaven?

Half a quarter of an hour later, Lu Qian's palms were shimmering with light. Nearly a thousand skinny Hanyue Temple monks, carrying wooden fish on their backs and scrolling scriptures, took turns to bow to Lu Qian with their hands folded. Without any hesitation or doubt, they strode away. Entered the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

The clean forest in the back mountain was suddenly empty of people.

Lu Qian looked at the forest, which had become quiet and quiet, with only a few fireflies flickering. His eyes flashed with divine light, and he subconsciously glanced at this forest.

Then, Lu Qian's eyes suddenly widened.

Just below this mountain forest, nearly three hundred miles away from the ground, a piece of Buddha's light is faintly visible, like stars in the vast sea. Densely packed Buddha seals of various colors overlap and form a vague, thick Buddha's light treasure wheel with a radius of nearly a hundred feet. .

When Lu Qian's eyes came into contact with this piece of Buddha's light, the dense sound of Sanskrit singing suddenly sounded in his mind, like the roar of a huge bell, which shocked Lu Qian's soul with countless ripples.

The ancient and timeless Buddhist Zen thought made Lu Qian's whole body feel like an electric shock. He had just seen this piece of Buddha's light through the thick earth, and the aura of the five Vajra Dharma condensed in his mind suddenly increased. He was in In terms of cultivation of Buddhism, he has made a big step forward inexplicably.

Lu Qi was horrified.

There is such a secret underground in Hanyue Temple.

Moonlight Monk did not talk about this incident.

Monk Song Guo did not mention this matter.

Without the slightest nostalgia or hesitation, they settled down and followed Lu Qian. Don't ask about the future, don't ask about the future, don't ask about Lu Qian's background, let alone whether Lu Qian is good or evil.

They seized the slightest opportunity to escape from the clutches of Wanhuamen and followed Lu Qian away without hesitation.

Maybe they don't know what's hidden underground.

Perhaps, they know, but they keep it secret and are unwilling to tell outsiders.

And what about Wanhuamen?

Lu Qian stroked his chin... The Supreme Patriarch of Wanhua Sect, with the help of the old abbot of Hanyue Temple six thousand years ago, stepped into the realm of heaven and became a half-step heaven.

With her cultivation, it is not difficult to discover the secrets hidden underground.

However, the Wanhua Sect is kept secret, and there is such a Buddhist secret hidden under the Hanyue Temple. There is no news about it from the outside world.

Lu Qian looked up at the pink cloud.

Then look down at the obscure Buddha light deep underground.

After hesitating for a moment, he gestured to Ah Hu and others and took them into the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain. Then his body swayed, and a puff of yellow earthy air surged out from the ground. He used Earth Escape and sank straight into the depths of the ground.

The structure of Yuan Lingtian's heaven and earth is extremely stable, and the earth is also extremely thick.

Sneaking hundreds of miles underground, the pressure Lu Qian endured was comparable to the continuous crazy attacks of a master in the Condensing Dao Realm. At such a depth, it is impossible for ordinary monks to dive down. Even with Lu Qian's powerful body now, he felt great pressure and became more and more cautious when descending.

Lu Qian gradually believed that the group of handyman monks at Hanyue Temple really didn't know that there was such a secret underground.

Moonlight Monk is the disciple with the highest level of cultivation among them, and he is only half-step to the Condensation Realm. As for Monk Song Guo, most of them have cultivation levels in the Furnace Realm and the Raging Fire Realm, and only a few have reached the Golden Lotus Realm. It is impossible for them to enter such a deep underground.

Moreover, Hanyue Temple's true Buddhist teachings are also very ordinary in terms of escape techniques. Even the Moonlight Monk can probably sneak into the ground for ten miles, which is considered very good.

The inheritance has been cut off. I guess their teacher didn't tell them what's down here... six thousand years, tsk tsk!

But there is no doubt that the people from Wanhuamen obviously know where this place is.

Lu Qian gradually approached the place where the Buddha's light shone.

In the rock formations around him, pink petals suddenly appeared one by one. These pink petals are clearly made of gold and jade, and are slightly shimmering with light. The light flashes between each other and echoes each other. They are clearly a set of extremely mysterious forbidden treasures.

The Buddha's light is condensed and cannot shrink.

These densely packed pink petals covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles in radius, covering almost the entire Hanyue Temple underground, are constantly emitting wisps of extremely fine pink clouds.

These clouds spread out along the gaps between the soil, and some of the clouds seeped down to the edge of the Buddha's light. The sound of chi chi was like water droplets falling on the red-hot iron plate. The clouds disappeared quickly, and There were also ripples on the Buddha's light.

Lu Qian carefully observed this set of secret treasures of petals for a while.

This treasure should have the function of early warning and reporting. The people of Wanhua Sect just arranged these petals in all directions to prevent anyone from sneaking in-the ones they were guarding against were probably the handyman monks of Hanyue Temple.

These clouds of clouds are just unconscious and natural leakage, which inadvertently conflicts with the Buddha's light ban. It is not intended to dissolve this layer of Buddha's light ban.

Lu Qian walked around, and these pink petals obviously enveloped this ball of Buddha's light from all directions, up, down, left and right.

Looking at those pink petals, Lu Qian hesitated for a moment. The rustic atmosphere around him became thicker and thicker, completely covering his entire body, like a drop of water melting into the sea, slowly sinking downwards.

On the mountain behind Hanyue Temple, on the top of a tall tower, a beautiful woman in gorgeous clothes was drinking and feasting with several handsome monks.

The beautiful woman and the monk were all drunk. Even when the begonia flower mirror about 10 feet in diameter shimmered behind the beautiful woman, they didn't notice anything and just continued to drink and have fun.

Wanhuamen has been operating in Hanyue Temple for so many years, and it has been peaceful for too long.

The nature of the Ten Thousand Flowers Sect also determines that they basically have no enemies... Even the most ferocious and violent old devil would not attack a group of delicate young girls who want everything they want and let you do whatever they want, right?

Therefore, Hanyue Temple has been peaceful for six thousand years.

Where do you need to take too much precaution?

Lu Qian crossed the pink petals and came directly to the thick barrier of Buddha's light.

He pressed his hands on the Buddha's Light Barrier, and activated the five Vajra Dharma Appearances. A strong and hot Buddhist breath surged out, and a vortex suddenly emerged from the Buddha's Light Barrier, swallowing him in one gulp.

The next moment, Lu Qian came to a bronze Buddhist hall that was made entirely of bronze and had a simple and even simple shape.

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