Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 447: Eliminate the root cause of trouble (5)

Where is the face?

Where is the face?


Hehe, hehe, hehe!

Lu Qian poured another large bowl of wine into his mouth and body. Looking at the white turtle who was smiling like an idiot, he said sincerely: A match made in heaven, a perfect match. I am here to wish my eldest brother and sister-in-law good luck and prosperity. Many children, many grandchildren, endless blessings and longevity!”

Throwing the big bowl in his hand to the little maid beside him, Lu Qian grabbed a jar and drank it in big gulps.

He was trembling in his heart just now and almost said the right thing.

If we wish Bai Yu and Yinyuan a hundred-year happy union, Bai Yu would probably have already drawn his sword and struck someone!

Fortunately, Lu Qian was smart and remembered that this is the world of cultivation, not the world of ordinary mortals, so he hurriedly changed the words of congratulations... Regardless of some words, Bai Yuan can understand the meaning, anyway, it sounds festive. no?

Yinyuan laughed ‘hehehe’.

Bai Yu glanced at Yinyuan shyly, then grabbed a wine jar, touched it with Lu Qian, and drank it in a few mouthfuls.

The elder of Jianmen on the side was extremely embarrassed and gently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

What are you doing?

What is this?

Have you called all your ‘eldest brother’ and ‘eldest sister-in-law’?

Can the marriage of Jianmen Young Sect be decided so easily?

The two elders looked at the red-skinned white turtle, and then at Yinyuan who was smiling so big that his big teeth were exposed. They thought for a while, and at the same time took out the secret talisman from their sleeves, and informed the sect of what happened here. Door.

Let the Headmaster and all the Supreme Elders have this headache.

They just need to be two guardians and followers who have been quiet for many years, protecting the white turtle without any harm. As for whether they were hurt emotionally or physically, this was not something they two little elders could decide.

After drinking a few more sips of wine with Bai Yu and Yinyuan, Lu Yi waved his hand, and a diamond sword with all the patterns on its surface disappeared and the blade as clean as a mirror was thrown to the ground with a 'dong' sound.

This waterside pavilion, because the white turtle is coming, the monks of Jianmen have made countless preparations here in advance.

The ground of the waterside pavilion was of course re-paved with extremely precious jade, and the ground was reinforced with dozens of layers of restrictions, which was enough to withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of the masters of the Void Realm.

Even so, when this diamond sword fell to the ground, it still caused the entire waterside pavilion to tremble slightly. The surrounding Sword Sect monks all felt that the ground beneath their feet was shaking slightly.

I use a sword... but the sword on my body gradually cannot keep up with the growth of my cultivation. Lu Qian smiled and said: I heard that Sword City has the best swordsmith in the world. I want to make it. A good sword that is worthy of my current strength and can continue to upgrade itself in the future.

Yinyuan immediately turned to look at Bai Yu: Xiaobai, Brother Lu, I felt like an old friend at first sight, and now I treat him like a real brother!

Bai Yu waved his little hand and smiled brightly: Does this mean anything? Haha, all the manpower and material resources in Jiancheng, at your disposal, Brother Lu, will definitely forge a magic weapon that satisfies you!

Grinning slightly, Bai Yuan said coldly: If they can't even forge a good sword that satisfies Brother Lu, then I will make the decision and cut off all their tribute resources for the next three hundred years. Sword City From top to bottom, everyone is going to dig the veins below the Sword Pond!

Master Huoyuan shivered with excitement. At this moment, he suddenly wanted to pull out his sword and kill this 'Lu Zhishen' who was causing trouble to Sword City with one strike!

But soon, Master Huoyuan puffed up his chest and glanced at the diamond sword lying on the ground.

Out of the pride of being a master swordsmith, Master Huoyuan didn't think that he would be able to forge a sword that satisfied Lu Qian...especially the sword that Lu Qian threw, haha...

With one glance, Master Huoyuan almost sneered.

It's just...bastard stuff.

The material of this sword is excellent, extremely good. Master Huoyuan has such a sharp eye. He can tell at a glance that the material used in this diamond sword is top-notch in Yuanling Tiandu.

But the casting method of this sword...

Master Huoyuan really wanted to be bold enough to spray spit on Lu Qian's face!

What crap?

Unfashionable filth!

The sword-making techniques of his apprentice servants who have just been employed for ten years are much better than the techniques used on this diamond sword!

This, this, this...

Master Huoyuan knew it well. He smiled and nodded vigorously towards Bai Yuan: Don't worry, Young Master, if Jiancheng can't forge a sword that satisfies him for this fellow Daoist Lu... the entire Yuan Dynasty Lingtian, I’m afraid no one can do it.”

Is there anyone who has a higher sword-making skill than Jian Cheng?

Of course!

For example, there are a few immortals who practice in seclusion in Jianmen. They are top sword cultivators and top sword-making masters.

But let them forge swords?

Haha, do you still want to take the position of Sword Sect Headmaster as your biological father, Bai You?

Therefore, Sword City represents Yuan Lingtian's highest sword-making level. Master Huoyuan dares to leave it here.

Okay! Lu Qian stood up, strode to Master Huoyuan, and raised a wine jar: As long as you, Master, can forge a sword that satisfies a certain family, that family will certainly not hesitate to repay you!

Master Huoyuan raised the big bowl and touched it with Lu Qian's wine jar.

He looked at Bai Yu and racked his brains to come up with a sentence: This is for Shaozong's sake, otherwise, not everyone is qualified to ask me to make a sword... Not everyone can Let the masters of Sword City join forces to forge swords!

The white turtle smiled extremely brightly, clucking happily, as happy as a little hen that had just laid an egg.

She looked at Yinyuan proudly and raised her eyebrows at him.

Lu Qian drank a jar of fine wine in one gulp. Then, he returned to the table and cupped his hands towards Bai Yu: Besides forging swords, there is one more thing I want to solve when I come here.

Bai Yu waved his hand and said calmly: Just say it.

Lu Qian scratched his forehead hard and said with a dry smile: It's just a small thing, a little private hobby of a certain family... It was really a pleasure to meet Brother Yin and Sister-in-law today, so don't bother me with this little thing. Is everyone happy?

Yinyuan looked at Lu Qian.

I have known Lu Qian for so many years. When I saw Lu Qian's expression, I knew that he was holding something back.

Yinyuan coughed lightly and said calmly: It doesn't matter, just drinking is not much fun... What is your little hobby? Tell us about it and let us listen. Maybe we can solve it for you?

After a slight pause, Yinyuan looked at Bai Yu with a smile: With your sister-in-law here, there are things that Yuan Lingtian cannot solve... maybe there are, but certainly not many.

Lu Qian blinked his eyes and nodded.

Is that so... Well, it's actually not a big deal. Lu Qian said loudly: Although a certain family is a rough man, he also likes to ponder some magic tricks on weekdays. Ahem, there are a few old guys who treat me badly. It is said that this way of magic is a thoroughfare leading directly to the secrets of heaven, and the magic is mastered...

Mr. Tianshu on the side couldn't help it anymore.

He interrupted Lu Qian's nonsense.

Just kidding?

Magic number?

That's what secular mortals play with.

As for divination, this is a profound knowledge that can only be touched by practitioners.

Do you compare worldly numeracy issues with cultivators' divination? What else is said about the way of numerology that leads directly to the secrets of heaven?

Ah, Mr. Tianshu has never touched the worldly methods of divination since he was a child.

It can be seen that this Lu Zhishen was deceived and became lame.

As a master-level figure in the field of divination, Mr. Tianshu spoke up: Friend Lu, I am afraid that you have some misunderstanding about divination... The way of magic and divination is an inferior knowledge, and divination is the highest level of the road. Mysteries can be used to spy on the will of heaven, simulate the secrets of heaven, predict the fate of all things in the world, and deduce the birth and death of the universe... Hey, hey...

Mr. Tianshu talked with his head held high, blowing the way of divination into the clouds, and then reduced the worldly way of divination to the mud.

In short, he firmly believes that there is nothing that cannot be calculated by divination.

As for the method of magic, its only purpose is to let mortals in the secular world calculate how many bricks are needed to build a city wall.

Lu Qian looked at Mr. Tianshu intently: What you said is a problem for a certain family, but not for you?

Mr. Tianshu smiled and saluted Bai Yu: My Taoist name is Tianshu, so I am so confident... Whatever you want to ask, fellow Taoist Lu, just ask, and I will definitely be able to answer.

Lu Qian laughed hehehe, you are Mr. Tianshu, very good!

He immediately reached out and dipped his hand in the wine, drew a straight line on the table, and then drew a circle using this straight line as its diameter. After burping, Lu Qian vaguely asked Mr. Tianshu a question, asking Mr. Tianshu to calculate the last digit of the circle's pi.

Lu Qian squinted his eyes and looked at Mr. Tianshu with full of malice: Although a certain family is a rough man with this value, it has been calculated to a thousand digits after the round number, and it will be difficult to continue.

Mr. Tianshu's name, although he is a rough man in a certain family, has been heard about for a long time, and it is very popular... Everyone says that there is nothing in the world that Mr. Tianshu doesn't know.

So, Mr. Thank you, please just calculate the last digit of this value for me!

Mr. Tianshu smiled, nodded, looked at Bai Yu again, and said with a smile: Young Master, today I am going to help Taoist Lu solve one or two puzzles... Such a small path, if you think about it... it is really easy.

The white turtle also smiled happily.

Mr. Tianshu works hard for himself.

If Mr. Tianshu can solve the problem that troubles Lu Qian in three times, five times and five times two, he will naturally appear to have face, skill and ability, and he will be able to show off more in front of Yin Yuan.

Therefore, Bai Yu said with a smile: Sir, just do the math. If it succeeds, Bai Yu will definitely not treat you badly!

The white turtle smiled brightly.

She didn't doubt that Mr. Tianshu could solve this problem. With just magic and divination, the answer could be obtained almost directly from the underworld, so what's the difficulty?

Mr. Tianshu thinks so too.

He immediately took out a piece of white jade tortoise shell, a black stone carving knife, and a ball of green sacrificial fire, set up a small altar, and began to perform the exercises in a serious manner.

He doesn't need any magic formula or any magic calculation method. He plans to use the method of divination to get the last digit of pi directly from the underworld and from the void avenue!

For a great master of divination, isn't this kind of thing too simple?

With this kind of magic, as long as the number exists, he will definitely be able to figure it out!

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