Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 452 Sword City Blood (4)

The white turtle runs very fast.

She is a very face-conscious person, and she is also very petty and stubborn.

When Yinyuan met her eyes, she felt like a bastard eating a weight.

Yinyuan and Lu Yi felt like old friends at first sight. Lu Yi called her sister-in-law affectionately, and Bai Yu regarded Lu Yi as one of his family members.

My little brother was bullied on his own territory?

This was not only a slap in the face of Yinyuan, but also a slap in the face of Bai Yuan, the young master of Jianmen.

As long as she is on Jianmen's territory, who is she, Bai Yuan, afraid of? Who is she afraid of? She even dared to stand in the Patriarch's Hall of Jianmen with a big sword in her hand, shouting at the top of her lungs - 'Who dares to mess with me'?

So, she quickly rushed to the vicinity of Hanlian Tower, and saw a large group of Sword Sect disciples releasing sword light and sweeping towards a burly man holding a small suona. famous.

With eyes wide and bulging, Bai Yu waved his big sword and rushed into the large group of Sword Sect law enforcement disciples with a hiss, waving the sword and slashing indiscriminately.

The sound of Pfft was heard endlessly, and the law enforcement disciples of the Sword Sect were killed by surprise. The sword in Bai Yu's hand spurted out a purple sword light more than ten feet long. Its color was as bright as the glow of neon light, and its power was so great that it could be said to be indestructible.

Wherever the purple sword light passed, a large number of arms, shoulders, calves, and thighs of the Jianmen Sect's law enforcement disciples were cut off by the sword light, and blood spurted out all over the sky. Sweeped by the purple sword rainbow, the fine flying sword, which was forged with precision and warmed by blood essence for many years, was chopped into two pieces.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Sword Sect law enforcement disciples were cut into pieces, and some even received a sword blow between the chest and abdomen, their intestines and stomachs were torn open, and their internal organs gushed out.

Although no one died...

It's not that Bai Yuan restrained himself, but that these Sword Sect disciples felt that the momentum was not good, so they tried their best to dodge, and then they avoided Bai Yuan's indiscriminate killing.

They dodge quickly and avoid being killed.

As for Bai Yu's actions, there was no mercy at all.

Countless monks all around were in an uproar, their eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief - in Sword City, someone actually dared to attack and kill the Jianmen disciples? Oops, this matter has become a big deal!

During the Jian Yuan Festival, those who came to Sword City to participate in the meeting were all prominent figures from the major sects and forces in Yuan Lingtian. They were at least at the level of powerful elders, otherwise you would not even have a chance to enter.

Those who can sit in the position of powerful elders are all examples of the boldness of talented people.

Seeing Bai Yu let go and slashing, the monks onlookers not only did not scatter and dodge, but moved closer and closer. They all watched with interest as Bai Yu slashed and cursed.

The old man Wutong was frightened by the sudden movement of the white turtle and was a little stunned.

It wasn't until hundreds of Jianmen disciples were bathed in blood that Wutongsou pointed out a bright yellow sword light in front of Bai Yuan. He shouted sternly: Young Sect, these disciples are maintaining the commandments of Sword City... Why... why do you... ?”

There was a crisp sound of Chlanglang, and the sword light released by the Wutong old man was cut off by Bai Yu's sword.

Wutongsou's face turned red, his body swayed slightly, and he looked in horror at the big sword in Bai Yu's hand that was radiating with light.

What kind of artifact is this?

Wutongsou is half-step into the realm of heavenly beings. You can imagine how strong the sword light he emits is... Ordinary monks in the void realm, holding an acquired spiritual treasure to stimulate it with all their strength, are probably the same as him. The power of the sword light is almost the same.

Bai Yu could easily cut off his sword light with one strike?

Old man Wutong didn't care about his face being damaged or anything like that. He just stared straight at the purple sword in Bai Yu's hand, racking his brains to figure out whether there was such a purple sword among the swords at the bottom of the sword box. Long sword? Moreover, the power is so incredible?

After thinking for a long time, he went through the many magical weapons of Jianmen in his memory one by one. Wutongsou was convinced that among the magical weapons recorded by Jianmen, this purple sword was not included.

Wutongsou clicked his lips.

Even if you are the daughter of a contemporary headmaster, you can't do this, right?

Hey, hey, what are those old ghosts in the mountain gate doing? How could such a young lady with a violent temper and cruelty to her own disciples be promoted to the position of 'Young Sect'?

From now on, Bai Yuan will be the next headmaster of Jianmen?

Wutongsou shivered in shock, as if he saw Bai Yu drawing his sword in the Patriarch's Hall, and beheading countless elders and deacons.

Young Master! Wutongsou shouted, with a hint of anger in his tone.

Who gave you the courage to offend my people? Bai Yuan slowly waved his long sword and stared at Wutong Old Man with evil eyes: If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, all the people who guard Sword City will Everyone who belongs to the sect, from Mr. Wutong down, please go to the Ten Thousand Years Cold Pond in the back mountain to sober up.

Wutongsou stared at Bai Yu with wide eyes.


I am a dignified elder of the Jianmen Sect who is halfway to the Heavenly Realm. You, a young sect who has not yet grasped real power, want to send me to the back mountain to be tortured in the Ten Thousand Years Cold Pond?

Wutongsou is an old antique who has been able to achieve half-step to the realm of heaven and human. He has lived for almost 10,000 years. He has countless disciples. In the Sword Sect, many powerful deacons are his disciples. In Sword City, he also had a group of close disciples who helped him with all aspects of affairs.

Any Supreme Elder who is halfway to the realm of Heaven and Human can be called a mountaintop.

At this moment, Wutongsou, the mountain master, was actually 'humiliated by the young sect in public'... All the close disciples of Wutongsou's sect shouted angrily at the same time, and fierce sword intent shot up into the sky, and more than a hundred sword cultivators from the Illuminating Void Realm took a step forward at the same time. , a hundred-foot long rainbow flashed with cold light, locking on the white turtle at the same time!

In the distant restaurant, someone suddenly applauded.

Then, the person who applauded was probably covered by someone's mouth, and he made two 'wuwu' sounds and disappeared.

There was an uproar everywhere, and more monks rose into the air, staring here with bright eyes. Some monks even took out some treasures such as precious mirrors, orbs, and colored glazes. They were clearly some 'photographic secret treasures'. It was obvious that they wanted to record today's internal strife in the Jianmen Sect and then spread it to the world.


Good to hear and see.

The young sect of Jianmen and the Supreme Elder of Jianmen fought against each other, killing all the disciples until their limbs were broken, and blood flowed into rivers... Many monks even thought of names for this scene.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu's heart became more and more angry.

She was so angry that her whole body trembled, the sword in her hand trembled, and her curses resounded through the sky: Sure enough, the ancients were right, if you are too old to die, you are a thief... Mr. Wutong, you old thief, do you want to rebel?

Looking at your sinister look, I know you are rebellious and deserve to have your home confiscated, your clan exterminated, and the nine clans razed to the ground!

And you, you people who don't know whether to live or die... Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am? You dare to point your sword light at me... You want to die with Old Man Wutong, I will help you!

Wutongsou was so angry that his face turned pale.

His disciples were all trembling with anger!

How pitiful.

Wutongsou is the Supreme Elder of Jianmen who is in the half-step Heavenly Realm... With a cultivation level of half-step Heavenly Realm, even if he leaves Jianmen and encloses a piece of territory in Yuanlingtian, he can build a cave and open a dojo. , be called the ancestor of the clan, and be free and happy from now on!

Wu Gengong, the evil cultivator who is known as a giant of demons and whom no one dares to provoke in Yuan Lingtian, is only half a step into the realm of heavenly beings!

As for Wutongsou's disciples, the one who has been with him for the longest time has been thousands of years, and the one who has been practicing with him for the shortest time has been hundreds of years... They are all powerful in the Illuminating Void Realm!

These hundreds of disciples, placed in other sects in Yuan Lingtian, would at least occupy the position of a powerful elder.

Even if they leave the Sword Sect, with their cultivation and skills, they will be popular and drink hot food wherever they go. If they were to find a secular immortal dynasty, they would definitely be national master-level figures, with no glory, wealth, or power in the court. , that’s all within easy reach.

You, Bai Yu, said in front of so many outside monks that you wanted to kill the whole family of Mr. Wutong?

This, this, this...

Wutongsou's eyes were red, and the sword intent all over his body had turned into a sharp cold light that was as real as a substance, like a blazing flame, spreading around in circles.

The sound of swords could be heard incessantly, and there seemed to be countless invisible sharp swords around Mr. Wutong. They split the buildings below into pieces and tore deep sword marks on the ground that were several miles long.

White Turtle! Wutongsou gritted his teeth and hissed: You are too arrogant. Today I will teach you what it means to respect teachers and respect morality!

From behind, Lu Qian and Yinyuan had already rushed over.

Lu Qian shouted sternly: You should respect your teacher and be reasonable, right? Young Master Baiyun is as gentle as jade, has the demeanor of a gentleman, is magnanimous and modest, and has the appearance of a hero. How can he be an overbearing, overbearing and unreasonable person?

This flattery was so well shot that Bai Yu's little face suddenly trembled, and he squinted at Wutongsou and smiled coldly.

Lu Qian flew over with his feet on the water clouds and shouted sternly: The cause and effect of the matter have not yet been clarified. What is the reason for this old man to rely on his old age and sell himself out?

Ahu on the side roared just right: Master, the two skinny black monkeys over there want to rob the three ladies. If we stop them, they will kill them... I used the suona given by the master and gave it to them. They were very cruel, but this old man came out and tried to make excuses!

Ah Hu shouted loudly: Those two skinny black monkeys seem to be some of their big customers in Sword City. They say they order a lot of flying swords from them every year... so this old guy just ignores them and says... There is no reason for us to take away the suona given to me by the young master and arrest us!

The three Qingyou girls teased for a moment and recovered from the attack from the second young master of the photo studio.

Qingyou stepped into the sky with his feet on the streamer, nodded towards Lu Qian, and his cold and sweet voice spread in all directions: This old guy named Wutongsou is not a serious old man... He is biased and looks at you. Our Suona...he and the old man in black are obviously old acquaintances, and they want to put all the charges on us.

Lu Qian sneered and looked at Wutongsou fiercely.

Bai Yu suddenly became energetic. She shouted sharply: Ha, you are the one who broke the rules? Old guy...Senior Wutong, how dare you do such a thing?

Two elders, capture the Wutong Old Man for me!

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