Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 458 The Secret Envoy of the Photo Studio

Photo studio emissary?


Lu Qian shook his head, waved his hand, and said coldly: Let them wait.

Mr. Tiger who delivered the message chuckled and ran out. Apparently, a certain secret envoy wanted to take advantage of Mr. Tiger's face. But Lu Qian doesn't care about offending people... He and the photo studio have already had a deep grudge, right?

Before the sword was forged, how could Lu Qian be in the mood to quarrel with them?

After seven days of this, the One Qi Three Yang Sword was completely formed, and an earth-fire furnace surrounded by nine dragons suddenly opened. Purple fire rose, and countless purple gas sparks rose up, entwining three small sun-like sword lights that filled the sky.

Qingyou and the other three girls scolded at the same time, and used their sword skills to strike at the three purple-red flying swords.

The embryos of these three swords were cast in advance with their own essence and blood, and the original three green scale swords were melted into them. They were the ones that the ancestors of the three Qingyou women had warmed for countless years with their own essence, blood and soul. .

Therefore, the three groups of purple-red sword lights showed no resistance. They circled in the air and turned into three majestic purple rainbows that rolled down. They circled and danced around the three women as lightly as swimming fish. After a while, they turned into a hazy glow and merged into it. Three female bodies.

When the spirit sword was born, it naturally brought with it a surge of innate spirituality and Taoism. It was like a great river pouring into the bodies of the three women. It instantly passed through the orifices, poured straight into the mind, and rushed straight into the soul.

When the One-Qi Three-Yang Sword is being warmed and forged in the Earth Lung Furnace, the naturally generated kendo charm is like gurgling spring water, merging with the souls of the three women. For a moment, the three women's bodies were filled with sword light, and their sword intent soared to the sky. They immediately sat cross-legged, using the three spiritual swords as a basis to refine their entire swordsmanship knowledge bit by bit.

The sound of swords rose into the sky, and Lu Qian immediately made a seal, laying out overlapping waves of water around the three women. Each piece of water was as thin as a cicada's wing. If you look carefully, you will see that there are thousands of white waves and whirlpools inside. If you don't hear the sound of the abyss, you can feel the terrifying scene of the roaring waves raging in the sea and sky.

The sound of ‘buzzing’ swords kept ringing.

Every time the sword sounded, a smart sword light spurted out from the bodies of the three Qingyou girls. Every ray of sword light is clear and pure in color, smooth and shiny, without any impurities. As the sword light swirled and danced, sword patterns could be faintly seen. These sword patterns are like sharp swords with different lengths and widths, constantly revealing all kinds of sharp sword intent.

Ten ways...hundred ways...thousand ways...

Gradually, around each of the three Qingyou girls, there were hundreds of thousands of sword lights circling and flying like a school of fish. The sword light was so powerful that the entire huge sword-making workshop was illuminated.

Anyone who looked at the three women would feel their eyes sting, as if they had been struck with a sword in front of their faces, their breath would be astringent, and their internal organs would feel a dull pain.

The swordsmith who was assisting him shouted in shock. This was a sign that the sword intention was manifesting and the sword heart's Dao Fruit was condensed. However, as the sword-making masters of Sword City, they have also witnessed with their own eyes that after the Sword Sect disciples obtained a good sword, they used the sharp edge of the sword to break through the realm bottleneck and condense the Dao Fruit Sword Heart.

However, they have seen those elites of the Sword Sect with titles such as True Inheritance, Core, and Direct Lineage. When they condensed the Sword Heart Dao Fruit, they were surrounded by sword lights that represented the sword's enlightenment. There were as few as three to five hundred regiments and as many as seven. Eight thousand paths... Have they ever seen a monk with such a strong foundation in swordsmanship that he could develop hundreds of thousands of edges?

Lu Qian nodded secretly.

Qinglin Sword Pavilion was one of the few sword cultivating families in the ancient era of the Supreme Saint Heaven, and its ancestral secret book of swordsmanship was obviously extraordinary.

The greater blessing of the three Qingyou girls was that they obtained the entire swordsmanship inheritance of the Supreme Saint Heavenly Buddhist Sect in the Foyin Hall.

Tsk, there are only two supreme sects in Jishengtian, and Buddhism is half of the cultivation world of Jishengtian. Their inheritance of swordsmanship is exquisite, broad, subtle and profound. When the three women condensed the Dao Fruit, he was not able to do anything like this. Not surprisingly.

Three more days later, the sword light around Qingyou and the three girls had been polished and smooth, without the smell of fireworks, and all the sharp edges were restrained. A cold light flickered between their eyebrows, and the flickering sword lights around them continued to surge into their bodies. Back, the auras on their bodies gradually became introverted, and a strong suction force surged out of their bodies.

Lu Qian was well prepared, and immediately took out bottles of the ultimate elixir and secret medicine, crushed the elixir bottle directly, and used his own magic power to catalyze it, turning it into a puff of starry mist that enveloped the three women. The majestic medicinal power was absorbed by the three women and quickly transformed into the purest mana, which was incorporated bit by bit into the taking shape of the Kenshin Dao Fruit.

With countless resources copied from Wanhua Sect, Lu Qian used them without hesitation.

Bottles of top-quality elixirs helped the three women quickly break through the long mana accumulation stage after condensing the Dao Fruit, and directly raised their mana cultivation to the current extreme level.

He catalyzed a few more bottles of Wanhuamen's secret medicine that only the Supreme Elders were qualified to use. He took advantage of the opportunity for the three women to condense the Tao Fruit, infuse the aura of heaven and earth into their bodies, and purify their blood essence. He took advantage of the new vitality in their bodies. When they grow lively, their body essence has been greatly improved.

As flesh and blood creatures, how is the life source of a small field mouse comparable to the life source of a giant elephant?

Taking advantage of the opportunity of condensing the Tao Fruit and transforming the physical body, Lu Qian used secret medicine to help the three women, making their original power rapidly become stronger and stronger, becoming like dragons and elephants. Although they do not have a terrifying body like Lu Qian, the pure physical strength of the three women is also as powerful as ten elephants, far exceeding ordinary monks of the same level.

The physical body has a strong origin, and naturally feeds back the soul, making the soul stronger and stronger. The benefits don't stop there. There are other side benefits such as sharp six senses, quick action, natural premonition of crisis, etc. There are countless side benefits.

The breaths of the three women gradually stabilized.

A ball of purple-red light in their hearts is bright, bright and lively, like the rising sun, full of infinite vitality. The three women's whole bodies were enveloped in this warm light, and their souls and bodies were receiving endless benefits.

The One Qi Three Yang Sword comes with an innate Shaoyang Qi. The three women refined this spiritual sword. This innate Shaoyang Qi began to temper their bodies and souls bit by bit, transforming their bones and transforming into the ultimate form. The rare 'innate Shaoyang Dao body'.

This kind of transformation is more powerful and mysterious than what Lu Qian had previously achieved by infusing his body with secret medicine.

Lu Qian only benefited the three women's physical bodies from a quantity perspective, just like transforming a mouse into a giant elephant.

Once you achieve the Innate Shaoyang Dao Body, the benefits will be like turning a giant elephant running on the ground into a holy elephant that can fly to the nine heavens and carry the earth on its back. It is a complete breakthrough in the realm.

Seeing the three women's bodies glowing red, and wisps of warm purple clouds slowly rising from their heads, gradually condensing into a piece of Qingyun the size of an acre, Lu Qian couldn't help stroking his hands and sighing - Elder Luo said to his son, But he really took it seriously. This Qi Sanyang Sword was indeed a miraculous thing created by nature. Fortunately, he secretly mobilized the resources of the Earth Lung Furnace to forcibly produce these three spiritual swords.

It can be seen that this is another trouble. However, with Sister-in-law Bai Yu taking care of it, we are not afraid of a mere elder... It's just that we have to be more careful when walking outside.

Lu Qian was making calculations. In that compartment, the earth-fire melting furnace also entangled with nine dragons roared. Lu Qian's three magic weapons have also been invested with all rare materials. All the materials have been harmonized with the Taoist rhyme that comes with the Lingbao embryo. Below, the two perfectly merge into one, resulting in infinite wonder.

Three truly 'heavy' tools were formed, and the stable pestles remained motionless amid the purple fire and thunder flames.

Several sword-making masters on the side scolded at the same time, making seals with their hands, and wanted to lift the three heavy weapons from the furnace. However, they shook their bodies and vomited a mouthful of blood at the same time. They were unable to shake the three heavy weapons. Every inch of the device.

So heavy... Han Xu stuck out his tongue.

Darling, if a serious monk gets on top of such heavy armor, gun, and sword, he will be crushed to death. How can he wear armor, hold a gun, and carry a sword on his back to fight in a fight?

Lu Qian laughed and walked to the furnace, looked at the three heavy weapons carefully, and then waved: Baby, come here!

Before casting the materials, Lu Qian also used his own essence and blood to refine the three heavy weapons. Although they had not been refined yet, there was a faint connection between the three heavy weapons and him.

As soon as he waved his hand, the Nine Dragon Zijia let out a loud roar and exploded into nine balls of bright light that swirled around Lu Qian.

In the strong light, the looming shadows of the Nine Dragonborn Sons could be seen. Pulao, Suanni, Yasui and other Nine Dragonborn Sons roared loudly, tossing and turning for half a cup of tea, and pounced on Lu Qian at the same time.

Han Xun, Huo Yuan and other sword masters simultaneously stared at Lu Qian with wide eyes.

This armor alone weighs one thousand two hundred elephants. This Jiulongzi armor is born with an extremely powerful formation. If the power derived from the formation is included, the weight of this upper body may not be as huge as thousands of elephants. ?

Ordinary monks would be crushed to death...

However, Lu Qian's body was upright. Despite the nine groups of bright light spreading on his body, there was a clang roar, and a set of heavy armor that could only be described as ferocious and mighty was put on Lu Qian. The fully enclosed armor, but Not even a trace of skin was exposed.

Lu Qian instantly felt the formation of the natural sea-covering and mountain-building formation in this set of heavy armor.

He just breathed out a little, and he felt an extremely powerful wave that was about to spread in all directions, crushing everything along the way - the nine sons of dragons, none of these nine sons of dragons was good. They have bad tempers, and several of them are known for their murderous nature.

This suit of armor is not so much that its defense is extremely powerful, but its lethality is even far greater than its defense.

Be honest with me! Lu Qian punched the relief of the beast face hanging on his chest, and then grabbed the flying bear gun and Beiming sword.

Holding the sword in his left hand, he waved the sword lightly.

The heavy sword weighing 1,200 elephants, just swinging it casually, caused the strong wind to shake the entire sword-making workshop. All the defense restrictions were activated. The terrifying wind force impacted the various brilliance emerging from all directions, causing a direct shock. There was a huge tremor, and the entire workshop was almost lifted into the sky by the strong wind caused by Lu Qian's casual sword dance.

Holding the Flying Bear Spear tightly in his right hand, Lu Qian just stabbed forward casually.

Where there was a strange noise, a gun beam shot out of the air. Its speed was so fast that even Lu Qian himself did not see the trajectory of the gun beam clearly. A big hole had been opened in a corner of the workshop, where One hundred and eight layers of defensive restrictions were penetrated by a single shot.

This is the highest level sword-making workshop in the Sword City. Its defensive formation is strong enough to withstand repeated attacks by the powerful monks of the Light Void Realm. It is impossible to break through it without spending several days of hard work!

Such a large formation was actually shot open by a single shot!

Lu Qian laughed happily: Okay, now you can go see the secret emissary of the photo studio!

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