Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 462: Young Master of the Photo Studio

Huiyanlin is not big or small, but it has a radius of hundreds of miles. Settled in Huiyan Forest, there are monks who make a legitimate living here, plus those monks who gather from all over and come here for various purposes, the total number of all kinds of people adds up to more than one million.

Lu Qian walked back to Yanlin step by step.

Every once in a while, he released a group of Taoist soldiers holding sharp swords, wearing long hair, wearing Taoist robes and wearing ordinary monk attire.

The wind and water path fruit trembled slightly, emitting a clear light in the mind.

The wind and water rose on the sword-washing pool, and large sheets of water mist rolled out, soaking the huge Huiyan Forest in the light mist.

This water mist smells smart, fresh and natural, without any trace of magic power, let alone the soaring evil power when the evil Taoism is performed, or even all kinds of weird fishy smells, evil spirits, etc. It is just like the water mist naturally generated by the heaven and earth.

Therefore, the night patrol team patrolling back and forth in the wild goose forest did not think there was anything wrong with this.

Living next to a big lake, there is foggy weather all year round, which is normal.

This mist perfectly concealed the figure of the Taoist soldiers released by Lu Qian.

One team after another, each took their position. Gradually, a large nine palace sword formation was formed inside, with a nine-layer Buddhist Vajra Demon Subduing Formation on the outside, and on the outside was the nine-layer Beiming Immortal Sect's trapping and trapping formation.

Overlapping formations surrounded Huiyan Lin.

Lu Qian shook his hands again and threw out the Wutu Sneaking Thunder God Net. The big net flashing with deep yellow divine light shook and dived into the depths of the earth, covering the entire Huiyan Forest from underground.

Afterwards, Lu Qian thought about it, and he sacrificed the Fallen Angel Whip he got from Mrs. Wu Tan. This evil spiritual treasure perfectly blended into the surrounding mist, and flew lightly into the sky. A trace of pink mist was released, slowly wrapping Hui Yanlin from the sky, keeping wind and rain away.

The demon skull that Mrs. Wu Tan had once driven, that is, the goat skeleton with a pale body and a pair of sharp black horns, was also sacrificed by Lu Qian. As soon as this magic secret treasure was taken out, it immediately turned into a dark wind and blended into the water mist silently.

The magic treasure happily swept across the long street back to Yanlin, passing straight through the body of a patrol team.

This group of patrolling monks are all in the Fiery Realm and the Golden Lotus Realm. How can they have the strength to discover a secret treasure of the level of the Demon Skull? They felt a shiver all over their bodies, and a large amount of thick cold sweat oozed out from behind for no reason, making their clothes wet and uncomfortable.

Unknowingly, most of their essence has been taken away by the Demon Skull, but they don't know it.

Lu Qian set up a dragnet around Huiyan Forest. Inside Huiyan Forest, a group of people were still ignorant and did not know. On the fish viewing platform near the water, Hu Tianya and Hu Haijiao were still 'seriously considering' Mi Xi's conditions. Mi Xi sat firmly on the fishing platform, waiting for the two young masters to make the decision she had expected.

Mi Xi was not familiar with the two young masters in front of her.

However, she had heard about the great achievements of these two people countless times from the information channels in the photo studio.

These two... Based on Mi Xi's knowledge, if the photo studio falls into the hands of these two people, then the photo studio will be regarded as black smoke rising from the ancestral grave. It will be regarded as lacking great virtue, and its future will basically be bleak.

These are two complete losers, bastards, and scum. I really don’t know how the contemporary poster, who can be called a wise and powerful man, gave birth to such two human-shaped things?

But precisely because of their bad reputation in the past... Mi Xi's accurate judgment revealed that the revenge of these two people was indescribable, and the absurdity of their actions was shocking. Three Jiuxuan Blood Pills might actually be able to Dig it out of their hands!

Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, and don't let out the slightest bit of anxiety.

Mi Xi calmly raised the wine cup and tasted her favorite wine, 'Plum Blossom Snow' bit by bit.

Bai Xie and Hei Ju also stared directly at the two young masters Hu Tianya and Hu Haijiao... If they really agreed to Mi Xi, this matter would have to be discussed.

They looked at Mi Xi from time to time - if this girl really got three Jiuxuan Blood Pills, they would have to share the benefits. Haha, how can a mere helmsman take advantage of two powerful elders?

In particular, Hei Zhi is responsible for the external reception of the photo studio. It is his duty to assign tasks to various branches. If you want to cause trouble and make Mi Xi and her tribe die in an unknown and dirty way, don't make it too easy!

There was deathly silence on the fish viewing platform.

Suddenly there is the sound of heavy footsteps. The 'dong-dong' footsteps are extremely weird, as if someone is knocking huge wooden nails into your heart, shaking your internal organs and blood. Rolling around, his whole body was paralyzed and it was difficult to move. Even his soul and mana could not be mobilized.

The sound of footsteps clearly belonged to an extremely evil magical power.

The faces of Bai Xie and Hei Xie changed slightly, and they looked at Mi Xi and laughed: The young master has arrived.

Mi Xi's expression changed slightly.

The expressions of Hu Tianya and Hu Haijiao also changed slightly.

Lu Qian, who had already arranged everything and was about to start, raised his eyebrows and laughed: Oh? There is actually a big fish caught? Hu Buwei, the eldest son of the contemporary owner of the photo studio, this is an unexpected surprise!

The photo studio is different from other sects. The position of the photo studio owner is a bloodline inheritance system from generation to generation, similar to the change of emperors in the human world.

The founder of the photo studio is the ancestor of the Hu family.

Since then, the throne of the photo studio owner has been tightly controlled by the Hu family for generations. The Hu family is the most powerful one in the photo studio.

How powerful is the Hu family?

In the photo studio's elder group, half of the powerful elders are named Hu... and as long as 30% of the Hu elders are transferred, all the elders of the other half of the elder group can be defeated.

This is the strength of the Hu family!

Hu Buwei's status in the photo studio is comparable to that of the Prince of the East Palace in a secular dynasty.

Accompanied by the strange footsteps, a man wearing a black robe with a dim ghost-faced breastplate on his chest, three pale bone arrows on his left shoulder, and three strange-shaped jade knives on his right shoulder, left and right. There were three bronze daggers and three bronze daggers stuck in his weak ribs, and a young man with a black spike stuck in each joint of his spine behind him walked in with heavy steps.

This guy looks like a hedgehog.

As he got closer, he discovered that there was actually a long, thin black needle stuck in the middle of the bun on his head. Like a lightning rod, it was exposed outside the bun for more than half a foot. The long needle followed his steps. It trembled slightly, creating a series of evil ripples.

This young man with rather strange attire is the eldest son of the current owner of the photo studio. Hu Buwei, who was confirmed as the young master many years ago, is also the biological brother of Hu Tianya and Hu Haijiao, who are the same mother.

Hu Buwei is only more than thirty years older than Hu Tianya and Hu Haijiao, but his cultivation level is very different.

Hu Haijiao is incompetent, just a cultivation of golden lotus.

Hu Tianya had a little bit of success, and now he is in the realm of half-step into the void.

And Hu Buwei... this young master of the photo studio who used three Jiuxuan Lixue Pills to create a perfect Dao foundation when he was still in his mother's womb, he had already reached the ultimate level of cultivation in the void ten years ago. .

According to the news that Bai Xie and Hei Zhi heard, Hu Buwei's cultivation is so strong, but he has been able to get a glimpse of the secret of the wonderful realm of heaven and man... But he has been forcibly suppressing his cultivation, tempering his Taoist heart, and polishing it like crazy. foundation...

In the words of a certain elder of the photo studio who is about to die of old age, Hu Buwei is the first peerless figure to break through the realm of heaven and man in the 30,000 years of the photo studio.

If Hu Buwei can achieve the realm of heaven and man... he will be Yuan Lingtian's first realm of heaven and man in 30,000 years!

If that day comes, the reputation and status of the photo studio in the entire Yuan Lingtian will be hard to say... From now on, they will no longer have to assassinate targets secretly, but can openly attack and kill people in the street!

Therefore, White Scorpion and Black Scorpion did not dare to show any signs of neglect when facing Hu Buwei.

Not to mention the difference in status between the two parties, in terms of true cultivation and combat power, they can't compare to the young master of the photo studio!

Hu Buwei, who had a cold face, sunken eyes, and two will-o'-the-wisps flickering faintly in his eyes, exuding a hint of madness, looked at Bai Xie and Hei Zi, and nodded slowly: Two elders, thank you for your hard work.

It's not hard to work for the photo studio. Bai Xie and Hei Zhi hurriedly responded respectfully.

Neng Dehu couldn't thank the young master for his hard work, and Bai Xie and Hei Zhi felt sweet in their hearts... Then, the two of them looked at each other with horror and moved, and subconsciously glanced at each other.

Hu Buwei had just arrived, but he actually caused such great pressure and strange influence in the hearts of the two of them.

They had been in contact with Hu Buwei several times in the main hall of the photo studio before, but nothing so strange had ever happened... This young master, has his cultivation increased again?

To be able to shake the soul of the powerful person in the void realm without leaving any trace, it made the two of them feel inexplicable awe... This method was as terrifying as a god or a demon.

Hu Buwei turned around, glanced at Mi Xi who stood up with a smile on his face, and nodded: Master Mi, it's hard work... Hehe, back to Yanlin, this is my first time here, and Mi This is also the first time we meet the helmsman. She is really beautiful, no wonder she can charm that idiot and make such a great contribution to my photo studio!

Mi Xi smiled brightly.

But in her heart... she tasted Hu Buwei's words. There was something wrong with them. Hey!

Are these words praising her Mi Xi? Or are you being sarcastic?

Cold sweat oozed from Mi Xi's forehead - this young master is more difficult to deal with than his father. Mi Xi once went to the main hall of the photo studio and met the current owner several times, but even if he is the current owner of the photo studio, , and she had never felt so frightened and unsure of how to deal with it.

Indifferent as frost, with a smile that was worse than nothing on his hard-lined cheeks, Hu Buwei walked up to Hu Tianya and Hu Haijiao, who stood up calmly, and gave them a cold smile with bared teeth.

If you didn't crawl out of the same mother's belly... I really want to chop you into dumpling fillings, steam them into vegetable and meat dumplings, and give them to the filthiest beggars on the streets!

Two trashy embryos. I even doubt that my mother stole someone outside to give birth to you two trashy things.

Are you worthy of having the same father as me?

What I said was wrong. You actually stayed in the same mother's belly as me?

My mother's belly is stained by you two useless bastards and scum... It makes me want to burn my own mother completely... It's really too embarrassing. !”

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