Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 470 Hu Ping

In Jian City, Wuming Xiaoyuan, Mr. Tianshu woke up with a slight twitch.

Bai Ao has a mean and ungrateful character. When someone or something is useful to her, it is good in every possible way. Once it is no longer useful, she discards it and does not treat people as human beings at all. .

Mr. Tianshu calculated the action to pick up Toutuo and his party. He asked Jianmen to take the lead and led a group of sect masters to attack. They got good luck. During that period, Bai Yuan's attitude towards Mr. Tianshu was naturally very respectful. , food, clothing, transportation, etc. are all served properly, and all are top-notch hospitality.

But Mr. Tianshu suffered a secret loss from Lu Qian and went to calculate a number that was impossible to calculate. He was backlashed by Tianji, damaging his foundation and severely damaging his soul. Bai Yuan ignored him as if he were dead.

A very secluded alley and a very simple courtyard. There is a large ginkgo tree in the middle of the courtyard. The tree is full of golden color at the moment. When the wind blows, the fallen leaves are like rain, and the rustle sound is sprinkled on the roof and the ground.

Mr. Tianshu woke up to the sound of falling leaves.

He was lying on a rather shabby wooden bed made of hardwood, covered with a thin quilt made of coarse cloth. There were no furnishings in the room, but in the corner of the room, there was a three-legged brass cauldron weighing about a hundred kilograms. It was filled with inferior spices and had a pungent smell, mixed with the smoky smell of burnt sawdust.

Mr. Tianshu looked gloomily and reached out to touch the bed frame.

Tsk, it is made of ordinary pine wood, not to mention materials such as heaven and earth spiritual wood. It is actually far inferior to materials such as sandalwood and huanghuali that ordinary landlords in the secular world like.

He stretched out his hand and pinched the quilt covering him. The fabric was so rough that Mr. Tianshu seemed to see a big man with a fleshy face. He was messing around on the loom with rough hands and feet to make something so rough. There was even a Just a gauze material?

When Mr. Tianshu's extremely well-maintained fingers touched the sheet, he even felt that he was touching a piece of sandpaper!

Clicking his lips, Mr. Tianshu staggered and struggled to hold up his upper body.

He looked down at his body... Tsk, he spat on the ground in disgust - his upper body was naked, but he wore a pair of trousers on his lower body, but it was obvious that no one had given it to him for seven, eight, nine days. Wipe your body, let alone take a shower.

The body of a cultivator is clean. It stands to reason that even if he does not take a bath for ten or twenty years, there will be no dirt or greasiness.

However, Mr. Tianshu's soul was seriously injured, his own cultivation level plummeted, and his body functions were greatly damaged. Now his body is no different from that of an ordinary mortal. As a result, his body was covered with a thick layer of stains. When he lowered his head and sniffed, a strong smell of Laotan pickled vegetables hit his face.

The world is cold and people's hearts are not ancient. Mr. Tianshu was so angry that his whole body trembled.

He is a casual cultivator with no sect or family backing. His ability to predict heavenly secrets is his biggest backing and strongest trump card. When he was in his prime, wherever he went, weren't groups of masters and celebrities always supporting him, coaxing him, supporting him, and flattering him?

But I was only attacked by Tianji once...

His hands and feet felt cold, and his heart felt cold. Mr. Tianshu murmured in a low voice: It's better to go back, it's better to go back... everything today, tomorrow... tomorrow...

Mr. Tianshu was silent for a while, and then he was so angry that he punched the bed frame hard.

It seems that he can't do anything in the future.

He is only proficient in the art of divination, but he knows nothing about all kinds of magical powers and secrets such as fighting and war. Serious monks who cross a large realm to defeat or even kill their opponents can be called geniuses or monsters. And Mr. Tianshu, he can easily be overthrown by a monk who is two realms shorter than him!

This is very boring.

He stood up shakily and searched around the room, but couldn't find even a single piece of clothing.

Mr. Tianshu was silent for a while, and rubbed his right hand on a dusty stone ring worn on the middle finger of his left hand for a while. The little mana in his body poured into the ring, and a set of clothes and several pill bottles flew out of thin air.

After putting on his clothes, he opened the elixir bottle and swallowed a few elixirs full of wisdom and light. After a while, Mr. Tianshu felt that he had strength in his body, and wisps of soft and clear magic power emerged. With a flick of his fingers, all the stains and strange smells on his body suddenly turned into a foul wind and flew out.

With a 'bang', a 13 or 14-year-old boy with rough hands, thick feet, stupid head, and rough appearance crashed into the room.

The young man's eyes widened in surprise: Yeah? Old man? You're not dead? Hey, this is troublesome. They said you should report to them when you die, and I can get a reward for collecting your body.

Why don't you die?

If I had known better, I would have followed the method of the street dogs and added a handful of arsenic to your medicine when giving you medicine, and you would have screamed!

The young man shook his head and stamped his feet sadly: Oh, if you're not dead, wouldn't I not be able to get the reward?

Mr. Tianshu gritted his teeth.

He did some calculations with his fingers. Although he couldn't calculate anything too magical or lofty at the moment, he could at least calculate the date and time. Then he felt sick in his heart. He had been sleeping for so many days, and it was such a naughty child taking care of him?

Mr. Tianshu was so angry that smoke was coming out of his nostrils.

In the past, he had a mysophobia. Wherever he went, the people who served him were little girls with soft bodies, pretty faces, and sweet voices... If such a naughty boy dared to touch His daily utensils are basically going to be beaten to death!

Hehe, hehe... I will never do fortune-telling for Jianmen again in this life. Mr. Tianshu said angrily: It's too much to bully others, it's too much to bully others!

With a flick of his sleeve, Mr. Tianshu waved silently, and touched his face with his left hand. His appearance suddenly changed, turning into a man with dark skin, full of wrinkles, and a goatee on his chin. old man.

The young man screamed in horror and ran out, rolling and crawling.

Damn it, damn it, this old winter melon lady can change her face!

Mr. Tianshu snorted coldly, flicked his sleeve, and blasted out a burst of magic power. The young man's body suddenly stiffened, and then exploded into blood mist with a 'bang'.

I don't know why! Mr. Tianshu said with a gloomy face, strode out of the room, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked in all directions. His roots were damaged, his soul was severely damaged, and many clever methods could no longer be used. However, the most basic Qi-gaining technique had almost become his instinct, and he could still use it.

One glance made Mr. Tianshu shiver.

In his eyes, the entire Sword City was shrouded in a layer of rich blood, and the source of that blood was in the east of the Sword Washing Pond - that direction had almost turned into a sea of ​​blood, red and purple. Purple turns black.

There is a serious calamity!

But I won't tell you! Thinking of what he saw and heard when he woke up, Mr. Tianshu looked at this simple and shabby courtyard again, stamped his feet, hurriedly opened the courtyard door, and went straight to the void leading to the outside world from Sword City. Move the array.

The Sword City stretches for hundreds of miles, and every year, every month, and every day, monks from all directions come to seek swords like a swarm of locusts, overwhelming the sky. Therefore, the Void Moving Formation in Jiancheng is busy with business, and the daily flow of people is huge. Sword City has deployed a total of thousands of large and small void moving formations inside and outside the city, which can barely meet the needs of customers.

In the Void Moving Array, there is naturally a strange spatial fluctuation spreading outward at all times.

This kind of spatial fluctuation, in the eyes of a divination master like Mr. Tianshu, is like a lighthouse in the dark night, extremely vivid. He went straight to the void moving formation closest to him, and regardless of which direction the moving formation led to, he left Sword City first.

A few days ago, he looked at Bai Yu's face, and he saw a lot of things, but he didn't dare to say anything because he was afraid of the power of Jianmen.

This white turtle... In Mr. Tianshu's opinion, he is just a short-lived ghost who deserves to die young. He is unlucky in life. He suppresses his father, his mother and his relatives. Anyone who has anything to do with her will be tortured to death. The best mourning star born and raised!

However, a big shot with a very important and noble destiny, indescribably noble, used unnatural means to forcefully change her destiny and suppress her destiny, so that she could grow up peacefully and even be able to live in Jianmen. Calling for the wind and rain, doing whatever you want.

The strength, destiny, energy, etc. of such great people... Mr. Tianshu dare not predict!

But he has seen through Bai Yu's character. She is a top-notch evil woman. If you get too close to her, you will either be protected by the strange power of destiny in her body and follow her to do whatever you want, or you will He will die a miserable death.

Poor Mr. Tianshu, the unlucky guy who was not protected by the power of destiny and became extremely miserable!

Leave quickly...and don't have anything to do with Jianmen from now on. If you get even a little closer to this ghost woman, I will die without a burial place! Mr. Tianshu grumbled.

He hurriedly walked through the streets and alleys, and arrived at the gate of a large courtyard covering an area of ​​more than 100 acres, with busy traffic and surging people. Waves of strange light kept pouring out from the yard, and powerful spatial fluctuations kept coming.

Mr. Tianshu hurriedly walked into the courtyard, found the Jiancheng deacon in charge of this void moving formation, casually paid a sum of spiritual crystals, and casually reported a place to go.

The void moving array in front of him suddenly lit up, and a large number of figures emerged from the strange light.

Tall and short, long and short, fat and thin, black and white, handsome and ugly, all kinds of men and women poured out of the void transfer formation. Mr. Tianshu glanced at these people, his body suddenly stiffened, and his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhead.

These are all a group of... damn, fierce gods who can kill a thousand swords!

In the crowd, a young man with a pale complexion, slender eyebrows, triangular eyes, and a loose, shapeless walk suddenly looked towards Mr. Tianshu: Yeah? What do you think I am doing? Such an ugly old man, what are you looking at? What am I doing? Huh? You are attracted to my beauty, young master, and want to do evil to me, young master?

Mr. Tianshu said nothing, turned around and ran away.

The young man suddenly flew forward, grabbed a serrated nine-ring machete in his right hand, and slashed Mr. Tianshu in two with a 'puff'.

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