Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 482 Killing Tianjun (2)

On the floating island, Bai Xuanyue and Hu Tianjun had a friendly and enthusiastic negotiation about what happened during the day with such 'extreme sincerity'.

In the end, after a useless, overt and covert exchange of blows, the two reached a friendly and tacit understanding.

First of all, the two of them made it clear that Jianmen and Photo Studio were still friendly sects as always. It is impossible for Jianmen to attack and kill the eldest young master of the photo studio, and the photo studio will definitely not take any revenge against Jianmen.

The three young masters of the photo studio were attacked in Huiyan Forest. It was definitely an accident. Bai Xuanyue and Hu Tianjun unanimously agreed on this. As for who the murderer is, the two families will work together to investigate seriously.

Secondly, the conflict between Bai Yu and Hu Ping during the day... the children were not sensible and caused a little trouble. Bai Yu was a little more ruthless here, but Hu Ping was also causing trouble for himself. If he didn't get on the white turtle's boat and arrogantly do whatever he wanted to do to the white turtle, wouldn't what happened next happen?

Therefore, in this matter, both parties have a fifty-fifty hand. After returning home, they will conscientiously restrain their ignorant little children, and the matter will be over.

Once again, Jianmen paid Hu Tianjun a Supreme Immortal Certificate in advance, and Hu Tianjun would organize elite soldiers and generals from the photo studio to rush to the Holy Heaven as a supervisor.

Yinyuan's judgment was correct.

For people like Bai Xuanyue and Hu Tianjun, the conflict during the day is nothing at all. In fact, there is no grudge between Hu Ping and Bai You. It's just that they are both surly bastards, which is why they inexplicably cause so many things.

When the two adults actually met, the little conflict was smoothed over in a snap. What if Hu Ping was cut? If you drink a good pill to regenerate a severed limb, any parts can be regenerated. It is nothing more than a little psychological shadow. What kind of thing is this?

Even if a close elder of Hu Tianjun died in the photo studio, he was still an elder with a foreign surname, not a direct descendant of his Hu family.

What else could Hu Tianjun say if he had obtained a Supreme Immortal Certificate in advance?

What else can the elders of the photo studio say?

Maybe, after seeing that Supreme Immortal Certificate, the old immortals in the photo studio will jump out with great interest, throw their heads and blood and run to the Holy Heaven to work!

It’s done, this matter is over, and there won’t be any trouble between the two families. The only thing that deserves the attention of the two families is the idea of ​​returning to Yanlin - millions of sword cultivators formed a sword formation and washed away Huiyanlin, haha!

That place is the largest hidden base of the photo studio on Jianmen territory.

Both families will use their strength to investigate thoroughly.

Hu Tianjun and the others would definitely be wondering in their hearts whether their hidden base was exposed.

For Bai Xuanyue and others, since this matter was not done by one of his own family, it is too serious... Millions of sword cultivators invaded under the nose of Jiancheng and did such a big thing just to kill three people. Is he a 'bastard' from the photo studio?

Bai Xuanyue and Hu Tianjun smiled and raised their wine cups to toast each other and drink.

Both of them had slightly red faces and necks, and looked like they were drunk and emotionally overwhelmed. They looked back enthusiastically on the prosperous and prosperous years of the past, and enthusiastically discussed some major events and disturbances in the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world that both of them had participated in.

In the corner of the room, behind the curtain, the sound of silk and bamboo could be heard.

A female disciple of the Sword Sect, dressed in ragged clothes, walked up carrying a shining big sword and presented a beautiful sword dance performance to everyone.

The atmosphere at the banquet gradually became warm.

Bai He, Mo Yun, Wu Tongsou, and several elders from the photo studio began to toast each other.

Hu Buwei started to get closer to the white turtle, but he got a bump in the nose - the white turtle was only focused on cutting and marinating the large intestine section by section, so how could he be in the mood to pay attention to him?

After being slightly embarrassed, Hu Buwei joined the ranks of the elders and began to build relationships and get close to each other to accumulate contacts for himself.

Brothers Hu Tianya and Hu Haijiao avoided Hu Ping, who had a distorted face. The two brothers stood shoulder to shoulder, drooling, looking at the female disciples of the sword dance, their eyes never straying away from their strong and graceful figures. body.

Suddenly, Hu Tianjun sighed: It's just that I really didn't expect that after so many years, such a handsome man would appear in Jianmen... What is the name of the young man who fought with me during the day? But what is the name of my brother? The man our niece is looking for?

Bai Xuanyue frowned slightly and was about to speak when Hu Tianjun decisively stopped him: It's really terrifying. In front of my little brother, I broke through the realm of illuminating the void. As soon as the Dao Fruit condensed, it illuminated nine thousand miles. !”

Hu Tianjun put down the wine cup, grabbed a chopstick, and gently tapped the wine cup in front of him, making a crisp sound. He sighed with emotion: A hero emerges from a young age. It's terrifying to think about it. As soon as I stepped into the Lighting Void Realm, the light shone for nine thousand miles. This is simply... the posture of a heavenly being... or even... the posture of a supreme being!

Bai Xuanyue licked her lips.

During the day, he arrived by chance. He arrived at the scene just as Lu Qian released the Tao Fruit and stepped into the Lighting Void Realm. He hid aside and quietly watched the whole process of the head-on confrontation between Lu Qian and Hu Tianjun.

Hu Tianjun continued: I don't know which Jianmen family trained this talent? Haha, I'm just curious, how can he use a gun instead of a sword? Such a talent...

After laughing a few times, Hu Tianjun raised the wine cup: Thank you for the hospitality, brother. It's getting late, so I'll... take my leave. After taking advantage of my brother, I will naturally have to work hard to do things.

Bai Xuanyue also raised the wine cup. He gently clinked the glasses with Hu Tianjun, and suddenly burst out with a bright smile: Then I wish Tianjun a safe journey... Well, the losses back to Yanlin were heavy, and Mi Xi is afraid that She was also frightened, why not take her back and let her rest for a while?

Hu Tianjun's face suddenly stiffened.

Bai Xuanyue's smile became even brighter.

Hu Tianjun slowly raised his wine glass, drank the wine in one gulp, and nodded with a smile: In that case, that's all, Mi Xi is indeed from my photo studio. I didn't expect that my brother already knew about it. It's really... I also saw my niece next to me during the day. There is an extremely handsome and majestic young man, but I don’t know who he is?”

Hu Tianjun said slowly: The world is in turmoil and people's hearts are sinister. With my niece's identity, be careful of someone plotting something evil... Haha! Brother, have you found out their origins?

Not to mention the young man named Yin Yuan. When he met his niece, he was being chased by bandits and was in a state of despair... His strength was low and he could not do much harm. But this Lu Zhishen, is that so? How can such a cultivation base be cultivated by a small family?

Hu Tianjun easily figured out the origins of Yinyuan and Lu Qian... He even knew the scene when Yinyuan and Bai Yi met!

The intelligence capabilities of the photo studio...

Putting down the wine cup, Hu Tianjun flicked his sleeves and cupped his hands towards Bai Xuanyue: Farewell! Conquer the Holy Heaven, brother, just watch my performance in the photo studio.

Bai Xuanyue stood up with a smile and cupped her hands towards Hu Tianjun: Have a good trip... Well, you must be careful. If that guy can arrange a sword array to wash back to Yanlin, is he not a grudge against the photo studio? You must be careful!

Hu Tianjun pursed his lips and smiled, waving to his group. The group of people simultaneously turned into wisps of black shadow and quickly disappeared.

Bai Xuanyue's smile suddenly collapsed, and a cold light swept over his body. The desks, dishes, wine vessels, chopsticks, soup spoons, etc. used by Hu Tianjun and others were simultaneously shattered into pieces by the sword's light.

Dirty! Bai Xuanyue shook her sleeves and stamped her feet in disgust: The food and wine just now might as well have been fed to dogs!

Hu Tianjun said goodbye, which made Bai Xuanyue feel disgusted.

Bai You and Yinyuan hooked up, and it was obvious that Yinyuan and Bai You were not in the same family.

Next to Bai Yuan, there is Lu Zhishen inexplicably, and the strength and foundation shown by Lu Zhishen can only be cultivated by the top sect of Yuan Lingtian with all their efforts.

Bai Yuan had so many monsters and monsters around him, so he asked Bai Xuanyue, a father, if he was worried?

Bai Xuanyue was so angry that she even turned over the table.

You picked on Bai Yu, but Bai Xuanyue clearly pointed out Hui Yanlin's activities - the dignified headmaster of Jianmen, do you really not know that Hui Yanlin is a backbone of your photo studio? However, the Hui Yanlin led by Mi Xi did not do any harm to Jianmen. Instead, they have been working diligently to mine ore for Jiancheng and contribute to the prosperity of Jianmen's local economy. Bai Xuanyue is too lazy to pay attention to it.

If you, Hu Tianjun, want to disgust Bai Xuanyue, Bai Xuanyue will simply disgust you, Hu Tianjun.

Come on, let’s hurt each other!

You are all old foxes. If you are unkind, I will be unjust!

What a big deal!

Wait, step back. Bai Xuanyue smashed the utensils used by Hu Tianjun and others, and waved her sleeves towards Wutongsou and other members of the sword sect.

Including the female sword dance disciples and the musicians all retreated.

Bai Yu, who had been chopping large intestines all night, waited until everyone had left, threw away the dagger, covered his nose, stood up slowly, stared at Bai Xuanyue and sneered: That Supreme Immortal Certificate , it’s just to feed the dog... Hey, if you give it to Hu Tianjun, you might as well give it to my brother Nalu!

Bai Xuanyue coughed lightly, and with a wave of his hand, a flash of sword light sealed off the entire floor. He looked at Bai Yuan solemnly, and asked seriously: But, that Yin Yuan, and this Lu Zhishen...

Bai Yuan sneered: Yin Yuan, I like him... What about Lu Zhishen? Since he and Yin Yuan hit it off, he is my brother. Do you think it's bad?

Bai Xuanyue smiled awkwardly and changed the subject: I'm afraid that the Wanhuamen case can't be investigated anymore. Mr. Tianshu was killed by Hu Ping. I don't know if he did it intentionally or just happened to do it? Hey, let's take care of those first. The evil spirits have been dealt with. Their scale is rapidly expanding, and if they can be cleaned up, it will definitely be a huge achievement!

Bai Yu waved his hands impatiently and complained loudly: I know, I know... what about external strength and internal strength? You old guys know how to do some mysterious things!

I don't care. If you want me to do something, first give Yin Yuan the identity of an elder of Jianmen.

My brother Nalu, you can't treat him badly. You have to take this matter seriously!

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