Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 493: Receiving the Treasure Ship (2)

The world-purifying divine thunder, gather all your strength to strike!

Before, billions of divine thunders erupted one after another, just like a group of young monks carrying wooden sticks and smashing them around, with limited damage. After the billions of divine thunders erupted, all the power collapsed and then exploded. It was like Lu Qian used the Vajra Sumeru Mountain as the hub to gather the power of hundreds of millions of Taoist soldiers, with himself as the core, blasting out a blast with all his strength. hit!

The power is unstoppable!

The Xuanlang Treasure Mirror shook violently, and the immeasurable purple energy was swept back. Before it could be recovered by the treasure mirror, it shattered into pieces and turned into wisps of purple floating air scattered in all directions. It was instantly assimilated by the golden light. .

The treasure mirror let out a cry, and countless small cracks appeared on the mirror surface.

Bai Xuanyue vomited a mouthful of blood, stretched out her hand, and quickly took the mirror back into her body to warm it up. For a moment, she was so heartbroken that she almost couldn't shed tears.

This treasured mirror is also one of the Sword Sect’s most important treasures for suppressing the religion. It was also the most powerful treasure that the Supreme Power carried with him back then. In the fight against the invasion of the Supreme Saint Heaven, this treasured mirror played a great role. Many Supreme Saints The evil tricks of the Heavenly Demonic Dao monks were broken by Him.

If such an important weapon was damaged, Bai Xuanyue had already predicted the difficulties he would encounter afterwards.

But at this time, how can I still think about those things that I have and don’t have?

Bai Xuanyue roared loudly, and an extremely brilliant golden light rose into the sky. It was several miles wide and hundreds of miles long. Within the golden light, there were faintly visible mountains, rivers, wind, clouds, waves, sun, moon, stars, the changes of the four seasons and other strange phenomena. As soon as the sword light came out, it caused the void to tremble. Infinite spiritual inspiration and infinite Taoist charm rolled in from all directions and turned into purple gold aura, constantly pouring into this sword light.

The sword light fell heavily and collided with the golden light of the divine thunder that rolled up.

A sword cry resounded throughout the world. Countless people on the ground and within a radius of thousands of miles heard the sword cry. And Bai Xuanyue seemed to be bombarded by thunder, her whole body trembled violently, and several mouthfuls of old blood turned into bloody sword light and spurted out from her mouth, and the sound of swish spurted out far away.

Help me! Bai Xuanyue shouted in a hissing voice towards the Supreme Elders behind him.

Many Jianmen elders looked stiff and used their methods one after another. Some people spit out spiritual swords, some people shoot out a large cold light from their heads, some people stretch out ten fingers, each finger is spitting out thousands of meters of sword light, and some people have sword lights all over their bodies like hairs, constantly rotating around their bodies...

Countless rays of sword light moved downwards in one continuous burst.

Several Supreme Elders, while taking action, did not forget to glare at Bai Xuanyue fiercely - that ray of golden light that penetrated the sky and the earth was the Supreme Life Sword enshrined in the Jianmen Patriarch Hall. Before the Supreme Ascension, the treasure he left to the descendants of the Sword Sect was the natal spiritual sword that he used to kill countless cultivators from the Holy Heaven!

This sword... Bai Xuanyue used it without any sense of ceremony... It seemed a bit disrespectful to the ancestors?

The golden light of divine thunder fills the sky like a raging fire, like a flood, like a collapse of the sky, roaring and sweeping in. As soon as the sword light of the sword sect elders touched the golden light, they all vomited blood and could no longer think about anything else.

One after another, the sword light was suppressing downwards desperately. A supreme elder was sweating like rain, his body was shaking violently, and he shouted in a hissing voice: My sword sect skills are not good at suppressing and confining... This, this, what should I do? Is good?

Bai Xuanyue and others' expressions also changed suddenly.

Sword Gate... The sword cultivator is supreme, and anything can be solved with one sword. Because of this, the people in the Sword Sect have developed the temperament of being supreme in swordsmanship. They look down on any other way of cultivation except the sword.

But the situation in front of me cannot be solved with a sword!

On the other hand, if there are dozens of half-step celestial beings who are proficient in formations and talismans here, they can use the power of the formation to forcibly seal and isolate the golden light rushing below, without having to risk their lives to fight head-on like them. deal with.

Bai Xuanyue vomited a mouthful of blood: What should we do? The inheritance of our ancestors cannot be destroyed by your hands and mine, so fight with all your might!

With a loud roar, thirty-six spiritual swords flew out of Bai Xuanyue's body and turned into a large screen of light covering thousands of miles, pressing firmly on the rushing thunder of the World Purifying Divine Thunder. Seeing this, the other Jianmen elders knew the method Bai Xuanyue said. Their faces twitched one by one, and they gritted their teeth and released their own flying swords. They also turned the flying swords into a large screen of light and fell hard downwards.

The void trembled violently.

Bai Xuanyue and a group of elders from the Sword Sect had reached heavenly cultivation, and their methods were astonishing. They turned the sword light into a barrier to block the crazy power of the world-purifying divine thunder.

The sword light of various colors rotated rapidly like a stone millstone, and the Purifying Divine Thunder released a surge of thunder light. The sword light chopped and strangled the thunder light layer by layer, and forcibly refined it bit by bit!

There is no trick, you can only use your own mana to fight, use your own origin to fight, use your own flying sword to fight little by little - the world-purifying divine thunder burns everything, destroys everything, assimilates everything, Bai Xuanyue Every time the sword light of the elders wore away a layer of lightning, his own flying sword was also slightly depleted, and his mana poured out like a tide!

In just seven or eight breaths, Bai Xuanyue and others felt that their magic power was not enough to replenish.

A long roar rose into the sky, and Bai Xuanyue issued an order to the 36,000 inner sword guards he had brought with him in Sword City: Sword guards, form formations and enter the Earth Lung Furnace, quickly!

Lines of sword light soared into the sky, and the fierce and killing swordsmen of the Sword Gate formed a formation and rushed towards the Earth Lung Furnace without hesitation!

Bai Xuanyue and others used the most helpless and strenuous method to block the upward sweeping momentum of the Divine Thunder of the Purifying World, and barely saved the Earth Lung Furnace... The thunder light erupted by the Divine Thunder of the Purifying World was blocked above, and most of its power was blocked. No, he immediately turned downwards.

The lava sea with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles below instantly vaporized, and countless fire spirits from heaven and earth let out desperate wails and were consumed and devoured in the golden light.

The terrifying power of the Purifying Divine Thunder swept around, hitting the exits of the underground fire veins.

When the Earth Lung Furnace was built, the Supreme Master of the Sword Sect forcibly diverted countless fire veins, moved mountains and reclaimed the sea, and moved them below the Sword Washing Pond. These fire veins range from seven to eight feet in diameter to more than a thousand miles in thickness. They are densely packed like countless blood vessels, connecting this magma sea.

At this moment, the magma sea was destroyed, and the lightning of the Purifying Divine Thunder struck the fire veins. Countless fire veins vibrated together, and waves of terrifying shock waves spread along the fire veins millions of miles away in an instant.

Lu Qian had already raised the flying boat high into the sky.

This flying boat is of excellent quality. Although it is not among the spiritual treasures, it is still a fine product produced by Sword City. Compared with flying boats of the same level, this flying boat named 'Qing Ming' is not very fast, its defense is not very strong, its internal space is not very large, and its furnishings are not very exquisite or gorgeous.

Its only feature is that it flies very high! It is far more than three times higher than the limit height of a flying boat of the same level.

At this moment, Lu Qian was urging Qing Ming to fly to a height of nearly 100,000 miles above the ground.

Standing on the bow of the ship and overlooking the earth, you can see that the huge sword-washing pool is shaking violently. Around the sword-washing pool, the earth is twisted and folded. Mountains are collapsing and shattering. Valleys are emerging one after another. In the huge rift valley Smoke and dust were everywhere, and fire and magma spewed out.

Bai Xuanyue and the others could only protect a small area of ​​the Earth Lung Furnace.

But Lu Qian's world-purifying divine thunder shook the fire veins, and its killing range covered an area of ​​a million miles.

An even more terrifying thing happened - the rock formations below the Xijian Pond tore numerous large and small cracks, and a huge amount of lake water roared down, rushing towards a high-temperature and dense magma lake below.

The power of the thunder light of the Purifying Divine Thunder has been exhausted.

Bai Xuanyue and others, who were struggling to suppress the divine thunder of the world, felt that the pressure coming from under the sword light suddenly loosened. Bai Xuanyue was overjoyed and shouted for her disciples to work harder to completely drive this disaster deep underground.

In the countless fire veins, a large amount of magma swept over the rich spiritual spirit and turned into a sea of ​​​​fire.

The immeasurable water from the Sword Washing Pond sprayed down and immediately collided with the monstrous firepower in the fire veins.

Water and fire clash...

Countless lakes evaporated instantly.

A terrifying force that was a hundred times more powerful than the world-purifying divine thunder a moment ago emerged out of thin air. A ball of white energy exploded into the sky, overwhelming Bai Xuanyue, a group of sword sect elders, and thirty-six thousand sword guards. The sword array laid out.

Countless flying swords shattered and broke, and countless sword guards were shattered into pieces in an instant. Bai Xuanyue and the eighteen Supreme Elders knew that there was nothing they could do. With a sway of their bodies, they rolled up several close disciples around them and turned into sword light and soared into the sky. , breaking through layers of thick rock formations, and fled to the ground in embarrassment.

Lu Qian stood high in the sky and saw the entire Sword Washing Pond suddenly bulging high, and the water disappeared without a trace. Then with an earth-shaking loud noise, the Sword Washing Pond disappeared, and countless surrounding cities, villages and towns disappeared...

Rock blocks of various sizes, ranging from hundreds of feet to hundreds of miles, were rushed into the sky by immeasurable shock waves. The tallest rock blocks were thousands of miles high. The rocks rubbed against the air rapidly, rapidly reddening and softening in the air, turning into blazing fireballs, turning around and whizzing towards the ground.

The sky was pitch black.

The ground is in chaos.

Gangfeng swept across the world.

Flames enveloped the surrounding areas.

In endless confusion and extreme fear, Lu Qian recited the Buddhist mantra and gently touched the void with his right hand.

Circles of faint golden ripples surged, and an invisible portal quietly opened. As Lu Qian continued to recite scriptures, a small wooden boat flashed with a faint light and quietly emerged from the portal.

This wooden boat is no more than three feet long from front to back. There are small eighteen-story golden pagodas at the bow, stern, and in the middle of the boat.

The golden pagoda shone with pure light. Wherever the clear light shone, the heaven and earth were peaceful and the chaos was calm. The area within a hundred miles around Lu Qian suddenly turned into a peaceful and pure land. Even the continuous explosions from below disappeared in an instant.

Wonderful heavenly sounds floated out from this small wooden boat, and a faint fragrance lingered around. Lu Qian looked at this small wooden boat, this was the treasure boat!

It comes from the upper realm and allows Buddhist disciples to fly directly to the pure land of the upper realm.

Lu Chen pondered for a moment, waved his right hand, and cast a large golden light, bringing this small wooden boat into the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

He needs to have a good talk with Jieyin Toutuo.

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