Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 507: Chicken Feathers (4)

In the sky above Molong City, a flying boat was suspended.

The two Shengyang Palace elders attacked with all their strength. Although it was only the aftermath, most of Molong City was destroyed. The dilapidated urban area is annoying to look at. How can Bai Yu be willing to live in that dilapidated place full of mourners?

This flying boat is naturally not as spacious and majestic as the forest garden below. It is only three hundred feet long and one hundred feet wide, and its radius is only two or three miles. However, the furnishings are extremely gorgeous, abandoning all combat and defense functions, and only seek luxury, luxury, The ultimate luxury, jewels and treasures everywhere.

In the middle of a hall, the white turtle sat in the middle with a gloomy face, like a crazy tigress, staring straight at the people in the hall.

Just after Bai You came back to her senses, she immediately mobilized the accompanying Sword Sect disciples and set up a very powerful sword array covering thousands of miles, forcing everyone to stop and obediently give her an explanation.

Bai Yu is inherently petty, has an extreme and paranoid temperament, and is naturally mean, ungrateful, and bitter. She and Yinyuan lived in a world of two people, but they were almost blown away by someone's thunder... It's conceivable. I know how she feels now.

The four elders of the Miluo Sect and the Senluo Sect sat aside and ignored the matter.

Only Elder Li's nose was slightly red, and he stared at a certain Shengyang Palace disciple with unkind eyes - I have been a good person all my life, but I just want to do something good, and you actually hit me so hard?

Feeling angry in his heart, Elder Li looked at the two elders of the photo studio whose auras were disordered.

Well, just now these two unlucky guys were struck by fire and thunder like burnt mutton skewers at the barbecue stall, and they were slashed with bloody wounds by the sword light of Tao Yunzi and the two men. Before Bai Yuan came forward, they suppressed them forcefully. After the chaos, Elder Li immediately gave the two men a life-saving and healing elixir.

The two photo studio elders won his favor and did not mention killing Li Xiuming's family. Their murderous intention was as real as the two unlucky ones from Shengyang Palace.

The two Supreme Elders of Shengyang Palace were sitting cross-legged on the ground under the protection of a small sword formation formed by a group of Sword Sect disciples, continuing to use their kung fu to suppress the poison. They took Elder Li's antidote elixir, which was a life-saving elixir refined by Elder Li for himself. It was extremely powerful and could almost perfectly remove tens of thousands of common poisons in Yuan Lingtian.

But the poison used by these half-step celestial realm elders in the photo studio is too cruel, and it should be an ancient recipe left before the war 30,000 years ago. At that time, Yuan Lingtian's level of cultivation was one or two levels higher than today. Elder Li's elixir could only alleviate this poison for a period of time, but it was absolutely impossible to cure it.

Nowadays, the two elders of Shengyang Palace have a mass of normal skin color on their faces and hearts, glowing with the light of the blood of normal healthy people. In addition, the whole body was pitch black, with thick poisonous blood constantly seeping out of the pores.

This is the effect of Elder Li's life-saving elixir. If they had not taken the elixir in time, they would have died of the poison by now.

Bai Yu vigorously slapped the armrest of the throne under him, and shouted sternly: Okay, tell me, what is going on? Ah? The two old people from the photo studio...

Yinyuan patted Bai You's shoulder gently, and Bai You was about to say old immortal, but immediately changed his tone: Two old seniors, what are you doing? The two Supreme Elders of Shengyang Palace, are you? I, Bai Yuan, invited Xiang to help me destroy Xiegui... Why did you attack them? Is it possible that you colluded with Xiegui? Your photo studio, colluded with Xiegui?

White turtles are very good at putting hats on themselves.

However, what she said was actually right.

The two elders of the photo studio sneered, and an elder slowly stepped forward and said in a cold voice: I am Hu Li, this is my ninth brother Hu Liang. Our photo studio's assassination of Shengyang Palace is just a personal grudge, and we have no intention of going against Jianmen. .”

Hu Li cupped his hands towards Bai Yu: It's also the fault of these two old guys for disturbing the Shaozong this time. They were assassinated by my brothers and waited for death honestly, but they didn't. They ignored the safety of the Shaozong and used Such a powerful forbidden magic... they want to drag Shaozong into trouble!

Hu Li's triangular eyes flashed, and he said softly: I even suspect that they have an unexpected secret. They probably want to assassinate the young master, so as to drag Jianmen into trouble!

Bai Yu was stunned. She believed this!

The power of the fire and thunder that the two Shengyang Palace elders had just unleashed was too great, and most of the entire Molong City was destroyed. If it hadn't been for a group of Taoist Elders to suppress it, Bai Yuan's Linyuan would naturally have been completely destroyed.

Bai Yu herself is not afraid. She has countless life-saving spiritual treasures on her body.

But Yinyuan...

Bai Yuan's eyes were dim and full of malice and murderous intent, and he looked at the disciples of Shengyang Palace: Haha, you...

An elder of the Shengyang Palace who was using his energy to suppress the poison said in a deep voice: Young Master, don't listen to their nonsense... The people in the photo studio are greedy and unjust, and their actions have no bottom line. How can you trust their words? There is no enmity between our Shengyang Palace and his photo studio... In fact, over the years, many disciples of our Shengyang Palace have been walking outside and died inexplicably, and they all have a bad relationship with his photo studio!

Hu Li rolled his eyes and sneered: Yeah, let me make this clear. Our photo studio will never do loss-making business. If no one gives us money, we will not kill people... If you Shengyang Palace has The disciple was killed by my studio. Someone must have paid a big price... Your Shengyang Palace ranks so high in Yuanlingtian, and we are targeting your legitimate son. Our internal price is more than twenty-five times that of monks of the same level. !”

For no reason, who would give our photo studio money to kill your Shengyang Palace disciples?

Either, it's your disciples of Shengyang Palace who have done evil and offended others, and the master of suffering has no way to deal with your disciples, so he spent a lot of money to hire us to bring justice; or, it's a mess of shameful things inside your Shengyang Palace. , there are people in your Shengyang Palace who pay to kill people... This, haha!

Hu Li cupped his hands towards Bai Yuan and said in a deep voice: Young Master Mingjian, my photo studio is actually the most disciplined, disciplined, moral and humane... If you give me money, you can do anything. If you don't have money, just kneel down. Please beg me, we are too lazy to take action.”

The attack on Shengyang Palace this time was really due to personal grudges. We confiscated a copper plate... We just want to kill all the dogs in Shengyang Palace!

Bai Yu glanced at the two elders of Shengyang Palace with dark faces, and nodded slightly: You didn't take any money? Your photo studio didn't take the money, but you actually came to kill a powerful person who was half a step into the heavenly realm. It can be seen that you are Reasonable!

In the hall, the elders and disciples of Miluo Sect, Senluo Sect, and Jianmen all nodded.

Bai Yu's words may sound stupid, but they really make sense - the reputation of the photo studio is there, and he will do anything for money. If you don't have money, you are his own son and he won't even bother to talk to you... The more you act like this, you will be stinky. Despite the notorious reputation, what they said became more and more convincing!

Even if they didn't take any money, they would risk their lives to assassinate a half-step celestial master from a super sect like Shengyang Palace... Obviously, this is a real blood feud, otherwise the photo studio would never do such a loss-making business!

The two Shengyang Palace elders noticed the subtle changes in the atmosphere in the hall, and they were so angry that another mouthful of poisonous blood came out of their mouths.

An elder of Shengyang Palace said sternly: How did our Shengyang Palace offend your photo studio? You actually attacked the mountain gate of my Shengyang Palace, and even...how did you break through the mountain guard formation of my Shengyang Palace?

Now, the two elders have come to their senses.

I received a warning from the mountain gate before. The sect was attacked, and the outermost and most powerful defensive formation of the mountain guard formation was breached... The situation was urgent. The sect disciple who sent the message did not make it clear, and even the person who took action was It is not clear who the enemy is.

There’s no need to ask or think about it now, it’s these guys from the photo studio!

The two elders of Milo Sect smiled and said nothing.

The two elders of Senluo Sect looked at everyone curiously.

The four elders of Jianmen were suddenly startled - yes, if the photo studio is talking about sneak attack and assassination, this is a top expert. But attacking the mountain gate of a super sect ranked among the top five in Yuanlingtian... this, attacking the enemy head-on, is not what the photo studio is good at.

The mountain-protecting formation of Shengyang Palace may be a little weaker than the mountain-protecting formations of Jianmen and Miluo Sect, but it is definitely not much weaker. Such a super sect can turn its own mountain-protecting formation into an iron wall even if it only has resources!

How did the photo studio break through the Shengyang Palace's protective formation?

Hu Li sneered and said proudly: Our photo studio has its own means to defeat your Shengyang Palace mountain guarding formation. Do you really think that besides attacking from behind, our photo studio doesn't have many tricks to press the bottom of the box?

As for why we attacked your Shengyang Palace...are you still pretending to be ignorant? Hu Li suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs: You colluded with the remnants of the Buddhist sect to attack and kill the former owner of my photo studio in Alderwood City, and robbed my photo studio of several This is a treasure to suppress the teachings and a tool of inheritance. If you Shengyang Palace has done such a great job, don’t blame us for being ruthless!

The two Shengyang Palace elders were confused.

The previous generation owner of the studio, Hu Tianjun? Is his death related to Shengyang Palace?

Nonsense, you photo studio... The two elders roared angrily, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

Hu Li sneered. He took out a crystal ball and tapped it gently. The light and shadow swayed. What happened outside the gate of Shengyang Palace before emerged from the light and shadow little by little.

Among them was Mi Xin's admission that he had colluded with others to attack and kill Hu Tianjun.

In the light and shadow, everyone could see clearly that Mi Xin was swinging around crazily while holding the imperial flag - Okay, ironclad proof, no need to say more, this imperial flag is the inherited treasure of the photo studio. The number one spiritual treasure that suppresses luck, even if the photo studio is framed and framed, there is absolutely no way it will be handed over to outsiders!

Mi Xin can hold the imperial flag... He must be related to the real murderer, there is no doubt about it!

The two elders of Shengyang Palace were stunned.

Bai Yu frowned and looked at Yinyuan.

Yinyuan patted Bai Yuan's shoulder gently and said calmly: Since it is a personal grudge, Xiaobai, it is not easy for us to interfere... Tsk, the hatred of killing my father is irreconcilable, and there is even the possibility of cutting off the photo studio. Luck, the suspicion of taking away the inheritance of the photo studio... these things, with such deep hatred, let them solve it on their own, right?

Bai Yuan nodded and waved his hand calmly: Brother Yin is right, our Jianmen will not interfere in this matter. You can go outside and fight to the death. Hey, why did you Shengyang Palace provoke the photo studio when you have nothing to do? Really? , almost got me involved!

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